Funny and Very Personal Posts People Shared

There are a lot of positive things about social media.

Staying in touch with old friends. Keeping tabs on that ex who ruined your life. And, another big one is that people like to GET REAL on there and open up about how they’re feeling about things.

And we’re here for it!

These 13 folks opened up and spilled their guts about a bunch of different stuff. Let’s take a look!

1. Hey, I’m proud of you!

And it only took you six days!

2. You are not alone, my friend.

We’ve all been there at one point or another.

3. I think we might be soulmates.

Let’s give it a shot, okay?

4. No use in sending that kid to college.

What’s the point, right?

5. Too much alone time can be bad, FYI.

Just gotta keep an eye on it.

6. Imagine actually getting things done?!?!

Well, to each their own.

7. Yeah it is!

Porch life is where it’s at!

8. Seriously, hotels need to do lunch instead.

Bring on the burgers!

9. Times are tough…

I think we all wish we would’ve started saving earlier.

10. You can’t help yourself.

It is what it is.

11. Ice T knows what’s up.

Is the man ever wrong about anything?

12. Let’s not go there.

It’ll only get ugly…

13. I think this guy might be on to something.

Any other words of wisdom, sir?

Okay, now we want to hear from all the readers out there!

Tell us some deep and personal…if you’re up for it.

Talk to us in the comments!

Thanks fam!

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Funny Posts From Folks Who Don’t Mind Getting Personal

Peple use social media for a bunch of different reasons.

Some like to keep in touch with friends and relatives all over the world, some like to keep up with current events and news, and then there’s a segment of the population that just wants to get some stuff off their chest.

It’s a sounding board of sorts, so it makes perfect sense to me!

And these people had some funny things to get off their chests.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. I’m with you on this one.

What did the horses ever do to anyone?

2. You never forgot, did you?

At least you have your priorities straight. Good for you!

3. I think this might describe me as well.

There’s just no getting around it.

4. It’s never too late!

Just look at these examples.

5. The pressure is on now.

You better not mess this one up.

6. Well, here’s a hot take.

I never thought of it that way…

7. Think about it!

I think you might be right about this, sir.

8. It took you a while to get there.

But now, here you are!

9. I wanna hear all about this!

This is what the ultimate petty revenge looks like, people.

10. I think I can make this work.

Hey, why not just go for it?!?!

11. Sometimes, it’s all you can manage to say.

Just let it go…

12. You better believe it!

I’m a big fan.

Do you have any confessions you’d like to make?

If so, spill your guts in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you! Get it!

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12 Times When People Had Really Bad Restaurant Etiquette

If you’ve ever worked in the service industry, you know the drill: you’re gonna have your fair share of horrible customers who are rude, crude, and ignorant.

And you just gotta deal with them because you know that when one walks out the door, another one isn’t too far behind.

But still…these people really suck.

And we’re about to see some really bad examples of what I’m talking about.

Let’s see what these jerks are up to now…

1. Ma’am, you need to go back and check your math.

Just trust us on this one.

Math is hard. from insanepeoplefacebook

2. This one is pretty bad.

What a total jerk!

I can’t believe people can be this stupid. Found this on Twitter and thought it would fit here. from facepalm

3. I’d ban these people from my restaurant forever.

This is so bad.

Left on my co-workers table from trashy

4. And here we have another total a**hole.

What is wrong with people?

Latina waitress received racist note instead of tip from iamatotalpieceofshit

5. Maybe you just need to stay home?

I think that would be the best idea for everyone.

This was posted in as restaurant facebook group from trashy

6. Well, isn’t that adorable?

Why can’t parents control their children? At least a little bit?

A group of kids filled it up and the parents shouted at customers attempting to complain from trashy

7. No underage drinking, sorry.

Also, that’s YOUR problem, young people.

My friend waited on two underage kids who tried to order drinks. Stiffing servers has always made someone a bad person, but during a pandemic when benefits have run out and restaurant employees are struggling more than they already did? Despicable. from trashy

8. Entitled is one way to put it.

I think that’s a polite way of describing these folks. Just stay home!

Decades of "the customer is always right" has created the most entitled idiots in human history. from facepalm

9. Makin’ a mess and not even caring.

The rudeness is strong with these folks.

My aunt and her friend took me to dinner. These 10 lovely people sat next to us, and didn’t even leave a tip! from iamatotalpieceofshit

10. You should be tipping me!

Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.

Seen on a Facebook post on how people should tip their servers 20% from JustBootThings

11. Jacka** overload with these customers.

People like this shouldn’t be allowed outside of the house.

The “tip” my friend got. from trashy

12. Dirty diaper? Really?

Some people will never learn.

My cousin just posted this on Facebook. She is a waitress at Outback and this was left behind. from trashy

Ugh…sometimes, people are really the worst.

Do you have any of your own restaurant horror stories?

If so, tell us about them in the comments. Thanks in advance!

The post 12 Times When People Had Really Bad Restaurant Etiquette appeared first on UberFacts.

Wormholes Could Exist in the Real World…and They Could Be Safe for Human Beings

With the way scientific research is going, it seems like life in our beloved science fiction stories could end up being a reality one day – even if that one day remains so far off that we’ll probably never get to see it ourselves.

One thing that has fascinated humans for years, whether they’re super smart at science or not –  are wormholes. In fiction, they’re required to allow characters to get quickly from one place to another, even if those two places are separated by many, many light years.

Image Credit: iStock

The idea that we might be able to use them for the same purpose in the real world, though?

That’s kind of blowing my mind.

Two new studies, published in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review D, have done what physicists like Albert Einstein and Kip Thorne could not – prove the physical existence of wormholes.

Not only that, they propose that they could be safe enough for humans to travel through.

One of the biggest issues theoretical physicists have had with explaining wormholes is the concern that their “necks” – the narrowest spot in these portals – would collapse under the weight of its own gravity. The first new paper, though, led by a researcher from the University of Madrid, has proposed a real, workable solution to this issue.

Even though these papers deal with the possibilities of microscopic wormholes, we can extrapolate theories based on the way they suggest tweaking the mass and charge of fermions – the fundamental building blocks of matter – into talking about wormholes large enough for a human being.

Image Credit: iStock

The second paper, written by researchers from the Institute for Advanced Study in New Jersey and Princeton University, takes on that challenge, working with the theoretical existence of wormholes that are large enough for people to squeeze through out there in spacetime.
They have devised on that forms in five-dimensional spacetime, and that would look like intermediate-mass black holes to the untrained observer, they say in the paper.

Inside a wormhole like this, they posit you would experience around 20g of acceleration – uncomfortable, sure, but survivable. Still, if there were, say, errant particles floating around, the paper acknowledges there could be trouble.

“If particles that fall into the wormhole scatter and lose energy then they would accumulate inside, contributing some positive energy that would eventually make the wormhole collapse back into a black hole.”

Which would probably be bad.

In addition to that trouble, space is really stinking cold (and that’s ignoring the trouble of actually creating the wormhole in the first place.

Image Credit: iStock

We’re still working on figuring that out.

If we (and by we I mean they) can figure out these little problems though, a trip across the galaxy would only take around a second (or less). That said, anyone waiting in regular time for you to come back will definitely be dead by the time you do.

So make sure you pack absolutely everything and everyone you love when you leave.

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People Talk About Advice They Received That Is Surprisingly Useful

What do you think is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

I’m talking about something that has stayed with you throughout the years and that you still go back to for guidance?

We all have those special words of wisdom and these 12 Twitter users were nice enough to share the advice that has stuck with them.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Let someone else decide.

This is good.

2. Take care of #1.

Always a good idea.

3. Words of wisdom.

We should all do this.

4. You probably won’t get it back.

It’s the truth!

5. A big sign.

Keep an eye out for this.

6. Don’t escalate.

It’s usually not worth it.

7. Amen to this one!

I wish everyone listened to this advice…

8. Take care of yourself.

Ask as many questions as you need to.

9. Sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth shut.

Zip it once in a while!

10. Thanks, Granny.

It’s a good idea from time to time.

11. Be careful out there.

Defense is the best offense.

12. A real gem!

Be compassionate!

How about you?

What’s some of the best advice you ever got?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know. Thanks!

The post People Talk About Advice They Received That Is Surprisingly Useful appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Some Surprisingly Useful Advice You’ve Received? Check Out These Answers.

It’s always important to listen to the advice that people dish out to you, because never know when certain words of wisdom will pop up again later down the line and make perfect sense.

So keep your ears open, my friends!

Folks shared the surprisingly useful advice that they’ve received in their lives.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Don’t even think about it.

It’s not worth your time!

2. Sleep on it.

Always a good idea.

3. Forgive and forget.

Liberate yourself!

4. I love this.

Your grandad was right on the money.

5. Amen to this one!

Keep it to yourself.

6. Don’t be that person.

Never a good idea.

7. Dad is a smart guy.

Words of wisdom!

8. Some good advice right here.

Listen up!

9. Go easy on yourself.

And give yourself a break!

10. Goodbye and good luck.

Don’t waste your time.

11. Get started today!

Better late than never!

Have you ever received any surprisingly useful advice?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What’s Some Surprisingly Useful Advice You’ve Received? Check Out These Answers. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Surprisingly Useful Advice Folks Gave Them

You never know when a little piece of wisdom is gonna hit you upside the head and stick in your brain.

That’s why you gotta pay attention, folks!

Because something that you might have dismissed as pure drivel at one point might resurface and catch you by surprise because of how accurate it turned out to be.

So listen to all advice out there, okay?

These people sure did!

1. You gotta focus.

And think about the kids!

2. Don’t let anything get you down.

Just roll with it!

3. We all make sacrifices.

It’s how you keep moving forward.

4. Can’t please everyone.

Good advice, Dad.

5. Let ’em think what they want.

None of your concern.

6. You can only go up.

And you’ll be happier!

7. Three good points.

Think about these for yourself.

8. It’s story time!

This is good.

9. You’ll never work a day in your life…

Do what you love!

10. Good idea.

It’ll pay off!

11. You can’t do everything for everyone.

Trust us on this one!

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about some of the best advice you’ve ever received.

We’d love to hear from you! Thanks!

The post People Share the Surprisingly Useful Advice Folks Gave Them appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Refusing To Feed Her Sister’s Eating Disorder

Living with family members who have mental health issues can be extremely challenging. We want the best for the people we love, but sometimes it can be hard to know what that is – and when different family members have different takes on how best to help, things can get complicated fast.

In this poor woman’s case, she’s living in her childhood home with her sister, who has a significant eating disorder that’s affecting everyone in her life.

OP has managed the situation by keeping a small fridge and snacks in her locked bedroom and eating meals at work or with her boyfriend. Their parents bring her sister (and sometimes her) meals, and those are all gone within minutes.

I love my sister, but she eats everything in sight the moment she finds it. I have a lock on my door and have gotten a small fridge. I keep fruit and water in there, some snacks, and then I will go to my boyfriend’s to eat. My sister is unemployed at the moment and my parents bring her meals (about 1200 calories per meal) and she will scarf it down. If they leave something for me, she eats that as well.

She’s tried talking to her sister, begging her to get help, keeping groceries in the fridge, etc, and nothing has worked. Her sister is caught in a binge/purge cycle that never ends, and all their parents do is enable her.

She once got so hungry she ate parmesan cheese from a shake bottle. As much as I love my sister, she has eaten about $400 in groceries this month alone. I tried so hard to refill it, talk it out with her, and she just binges, purges, binges more. She couldn’t even be measured on my scale, which goes up to 450 pounds.

OP says she’s done buying food for her sister, who obviously has a problem.

Their parents are going out of town, and everyone is wondering what the sister is going to eat after she inevitably eats everything her parents leave in the first couple of days.

I told her that I was done feeding her. She can talk to our parents and figure it out. I was done. I have the lock-in in my bedroom, which has always been there, and I eat with my boyfriend. I eat at work. But there is nothing but bottled water in the fridge for her right now.

My parents are going out of town next week and have agreed to buy her food for the week. I told them that if she eats it all, she is going to be hungry the rest of the days.

OP is the only one pushing for treatment, and is about at the end of her rope. She’s going to kill herself without help, and OP is ready to move out and in with her boyfriend to remove herself from having to watch it all go down.

I have been very clear with them that she needs to go to some kind of therapy/clinic. There has to be something to be done for someone with her issues. But she ignores it. It is at the point where she cannot get into my Corolla to drive anywhere because she is too big.

The house we live in is my childhood home and I lived there with Ashley because she is my sister. But now it’s to the point where my boyfriend has said to just move in with him. Which would mean my parents would have to watch her because her health is so bad she can’t do a lot of things without help.

I didn’t sign up to be her saviour.


She’s wondering if she’s wrong to walk out, or to stop feeding her sister in the first place, so let’s see what sort of advice Reddit has, hmm?

I really don’t think there’s any arguing against this point.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s sad, but you can’t help people who aren’t willing to help themselves.

Image Credit: Reddit

Everyone needs to be on board, otherwise nothing is going to change.

Image Credit: Reddit

Therapy sounds like the obvious answer, and I really hope for this family’s sake that the sister makes her way there, and soon.

Image Credit: Reddit

Maybe the parents should stay out of town a bit longer.

Image Credit: Reddit

I feel for the sisters here, and want to smack the parents up the head. I hope the story has a happy ending, but it’s not looking like it right now.

What do you think OP should do? Is it her responsibility? Let’s hash it out in the comments!

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13 People Shared Their Hilariously Awkward Photos From Growing Up

We all have painful, awkward, and embarrassing photos from our younger years.

And don’t try to say that you don’t! Because if you do, we’ll already know you’re lying!

But at least yours haven’t been put on social media for the whole world to see. These folks aren’t so lucky…

Take a look at some hilariously uncomfortable photos from yesteryear and try not to laugh too hard

1. This is just not fair on any level.

You can tell by their faces how they feel about this situation…

My brother got to have a cool military costume for Halloween. I was stuck as Donald Duck. Early 90s. from blunderyears

2. I think you were doing a great job!

And I have so many questions…

I don’t even know what happened in 6th Grade from blunderyears

3. Elvis NEVER left the building.

I’m impressed that you made that suit yourself. Bravo!

Late 70’s. No idea what I was thinking. Made the suit myself. from blunderyears

4. I bet you didn’t get picked on at all.

Am I right about that?

My childhood was destined to be a rough one… from blunderyears

5. The Spice Girls, reimagined.

You nailed it! Kind of…

Just saw another post here featuring a Spice Girls poster in the background. Reminded me of when we thought we totally nailed our Halloween group costume back in ’98. from blunderyears

6. Go ahead and show them off!

Really, Mom? You thought that was a good idea?

My mom insisted I show off my braces. I think she was hoping for better results. from blunderyears

7. Flowbee for the win!

That thing needs to make a comeback.

1995, age 10. I loved that dress and turtleneck combo and wore it everywhere. My mom cut my hair with a Flowbee at home. from blunderyears

8. You look like Inspector Gadget to me.

And that’s not an insult!

I had embraced my nerdy outcast status and went to school like this, sadly the trench coat was soon banned after ’99 from blunderyears

9. What look were you trying to go for?

Robin Hood? LARPer?

1993 Senior pic, I wore those boots to HS the entire year. Iowa Winter and all. from blunderyears

10. This is the most ’90s thing I’ve ever seen.

And I salute you, my friend!

My first day of school, 1992. from 90s

11. I’m glad I missed out on the JNCO jeans phase.

It really didn’t age well at all.

My mom just wanted a nice picture in Paris from blunderyears

12. Mullets are never a bad idea.

On second thought…

My dad always thought this haircut looked incredible on me. My mom thought the shirt was incredible. Looking back at 2nd grade me is incredible. I’m a female. from blunderyears

13. Wow. This is something else.

You are so brave for sharing this…

I was really into American Girl Dolls and begged my mom to let me do a cover shoot at the store from blunderyears

Now it’s your time to shine!

In the comments, share some funny pics with us from your childhood.

We promise we won’t laugh at you too much!

The post 13 People Shared Their Hilariously Awkward Photos From Growing Up appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Bar Signs That Might Lure You Inside for a Few Drinks

Coming up with something funny to say on a sign outside a bar is tough.

The ultimate goal is to get customers to walk inside and wet their whistles and you know these places have a lot of competition, so their zingers better be good.

I was just in Chicago last week and let me tell you, the people writing the sidewalk signs there were ON POINT.

Here are some good bar signs that we think you’ll get a kick out of. Take a look.

1. Now that is COLD.

Be careful, you don’t want to get frostbite!

2. Oh great, there’s LSD in one of the bottles!

Well, at least it will be an adventure!

3. They’re not wrong about this one.

It might even be the solution you’ve been looking for…

4. You’re right, adulting is hard.

No doubt about that!

5. I like this little motto!

Never heard that one before!

6. Can I please live here?

No, you have to go home once in a while. Sorry…

7. The Bieber rage out there is real.

Don’t mess with these people!

8. I see what you did there!

Totally inappropriate…and hilarious!

9. Avoid real life at all costs!

It’s just not worth it!

10. The only 3 Bs you’ll ever need.

But how do you rank them…?

11. Vino is life for some…

Are you one of them?

12. Let us all take a moment to remember 2020…

Now get out there and have some fun!

Have you seen any funny bar signs on the street lately that made you want to stop in and have a cold one?

Share some pics with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Funny Bar Signs That Might Lure You Inside for a Few Drinks appeared first on UberFacts.