We’ve all heard the horror stories about how some women turn into complete and utter monsters when it comes time to get married. Something about the “one single best day ever!” mindset, or the idea that it’s “YOUR DAY” and it has to be perfect, or maybe that you’re spending so much money, turns women into the kind of people who want to control, say, someone’s tattoos.
But here’s the thing with Am I The A**hole posts…sometimes the answer isn’t as clear cut as you might think, so hear her out!
When you start reading, you’re all set to be on the sister-in-law’s side. I mean, the bride knew you had tattoos, she picked a spaghetti-strapped dress, not your problem, right? YTA (You’re the A**hole), lady!
This will make you 180 so fast you’ll leave your eyes behind like in a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
— sorrel (@Sorrelish) February 2, 2020
But then you get to the part where the tattoos are racist and neo-Nazi. So. Okay. NTA (Not the A**hole, right?!)
NTA even if OP had asked her to remove the tattoos with a cheese grater then revoked the invitation anyway.
— Smells Like Quarantine Spirit
(@SylvanRat) February 2, 2020
“She’s not really a Nazi, she just looks and acts like one!”
I was so ready to be on the SIL side but NOPE
— Leighton Jae Williams (@book_grl13) February 3, 2020
This wedding needs to be aborted, and oh look, I’m not alone in this opinion!
The fiancé; “On the one hand the tattoos don’t look good but on the other you’re kind of being a bridezilla for objecting to displays of white supremacist imagery at our wedding, so there are good people on both sides.”
That seems worth reconsidering marrying him over.— Rob is remaining indoors (@PencilBloke) February 2, 2020
Also, people are all kinds of nope about her claim that she’s “not a Nazi,” and “just proud to be white.”
Call off the wedding right now and reconsider marring your man.
According to ADL, 88 in 1488 means ‘Heil Hitler’. You need to go that far to feel proud of being white?— BenSunderland (@blue7blur) February 3, 2020
Because nope.
Tldr: marrying a Nazi.
— Dr Benjamin Janaway (@drjanaway) February 2, 2020
So much nope.
“wow asking her to cover her tattoos your are the assh—ABORT ABORT NOT THE ASSHOLE NOT THE ASSHOLE DO NOT MARRY INTO THIS FAMILY”
— Brianna Shrum (@BriannaShrum) February 3, 2020
Twitter and I hope this woman has reconsidered her marriage into a family of Nazis.
Title and first paragraph: YTA
Second paragraph: NTA
Third paragraph: CANCEL THE WEDDING
— Cliff Jerrison (@pervocracy) February 3, 2020
Do you agree? Disagree? Think she should run screaming or not judge a man for his family?
Sound off in the comments! We love to hear your thoughts!
The post A Bride Wants to Know If She’s Wrong for Asking Sister-In-Law to Cover Tattoos at the Wedding appeared first on UberFacts.