While there are many instances in which photoshopping can be used for nefarious purposes, these 20 are not that.
Instead, people are using their mad skills to make the rest of us laugh. If you ask me, that’s a noble cause.
20. I can’t stop staring at this.
19. We can all relate, big guy.
18. Are we sure this is photoshopped?
17. Most of these are funny, but this is actually a work of art.
16. This has kilt me ded.
PsBattle: Golden retriever who played in freshly mowed lawn from photoshopbattles
15. Fishing buddies.
PsBattle: Man holding fish while bear stands behind him from photoshopbattles
14. Oh the humanity!
PsBattle: This tree that was struck by lightning from photoshopbattles
13. Sometimes the obvious choice is still the best one.
PsBattle: Dog in shoes leading the way from photoshopbattles
12. Let’s be honest, he’d probably fit in better up there.
PsBattle: This "Captain Canada" Cosplay. from photoshopbattles
11. The original image itself is pretty priceless.
PsBattle: this cute retriever’s face perfectly centered behind a decorative cast iron fence from photoshopbattles
10. We see what we see.
PsBattle: These micro-mushrooms on a leaf from photoshopbattles
9. I would have done him as one of the YMCA dancers, but this is still good.
PsBattle: A hawk staring at the camera from photoshopbattles
8. One expression, two very different contexts.
7. So many options, but this is a good one.
6. All in a day’s work, my friends.
PsBattle: Porcupine walking on its hind legs from photoshopbattles
5. This duckling did all the work, let’s be honest.
4. This is perfection, don’t @ me.
PsBattle: This Mount Fuji, Japan – Pink Valley! from photoshopbattles
3. I expect to see this made very soon.
2.Welp, someone isn’t getting knighted.
PsBattle: This security guard eagerly chasing a streaking swimsuit model from photoshopbattles
1. Dogs just chilling should be its own internet niche.
Are you in love with these? There are more on this subreddit, so check them out!
Could you throw your hat in the ring? Show us why in the comments!
The post 20 Epic Photoshop Battles and Their Winners appeared first on UberFacts.