15 Things About America That Other People Around the World Think Are Really Weird

We feel like we live in such an interconnected world and walls and barriers have been broken down across cultures, but we still have a lot of differences with our fellow humans around the world.

Bottom line: a lot of people think some of the things we Americans do are downright weird. And they’re not shy about letting us know, apparently.

1. Rockmelon? What?

2. That’s weird

3. You better believe it

4. We’re…okay

5. For now…

6. Don’t mess with our Cheetos

7. Uncomfortable

8. Pregaming!

9. The only way to go!

10. Some do

11. Confusion

12. Uh oh

13. USA! USA! USA!

14. Oh, it’s true!

15. Have you tried it, friend?

Okay, maybe we are kind of weird…

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