A special vending machine was created to see whether crows are smart enough to use it. They are.
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A special vending machine was created to see whether crows are smart enough to use it. They are.
The post A special vending machine was… appeared first on Crazy Facts.
A special vending machine was created to see whether crows are smart enough to use it. They are.
The post A special vending machine was… appeared first on Crazy Facts.
UPS was founded in 1907 by 19 yr. olds James Casey and Claude Ryan, using two bicycles, a phone, a tiny office in a saloon, and a borrowed $100. United Parcel Service has become a multi-billion dollar corporation.
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Do you sometimes feel like maybe you’re not living a very adventurous life?
I mean, I’ve done plenty of interesting things in my time and have had the pleasure of creating things and even making money having a lot of fun with my hobbies.
But then I read stories like these, about making new discoveries about your own sexuality in the midst of fiery affairs and I think “Wow, am I boring?”
But also…I don’t want the baggage?
I think I’ll just read some accounts from these anonymous posters.
How does one start a conversation like that?
Source: Whisper
People don’t stop being bisexual once they get married.
Sexual orientation and commitment aren’t the same thing?
Source: Whisper
With a twist to the typical story.
Source: Whisper
What do you do when your heart is split in two?
Source: Whisper
Are you sure he doesn’t suspect a thing?
Source: Whisper
To be fair, that’s the only way you can book a conference room.
Source: Whisper
And what will they think when they find out?
Source: Whisper
Well, cheating will do that.
Source: Whisper
The pressure to stay in the closet is still very real.
Source: Whisper
Then what?
Source: Whisper
Wild, wild stuff.
Have you had an experience like this?
Tell us about it in the comments.
The post Women Dating Men Open Up About Their Unexpected Affairs with Women appeared first on UberFacts.
With all the lies we’re constantly surrounded by, it’s kind of frustrating that we can’t glean SOME kind of good out of them.
But what if we could…
Every time someone lies to you, $100 gets deposited to your bank account. What is the fastest way for you to get rich? from AskReddit
How might the denizens of Reddit capitalize on such a universe? Let’s find out.
Contract myself out as a foolproof lie detector.
– GMaimneds
Ask my mum and dad individually about how their divorce went down
– maayooo6381
Gather all your relatives and ask “I am beautiful, right?”.
Easy cash
– [user deleted]
Give you email address and phone number out at every available opportunity and let the scams roll in
– acrobaticalpaca6464
I’m a veterinarian.
They’re not giving the pills to the dog like I told you to, the check is not in the mail, you’re not cutting out his treats, and you’re not exercising them enough.
Seriously, I’d make a fortune.
– Algaean
Attend one political rally after the other.
And if votes are not in season, go shopping for used cars or looking for houses.
– Treczoks
I can say “1+1=3” in .72 seconds (yes, I did time myself). If I make a full minute of that, that’s 83 (.33) lies per minute. At x10 speed that’s 830 lies per minute. If I play this track over itself such that they never line up perfectly, then I can get a lie to start at each of the smallest increments the editing software can handle. So if it can handle .01 at the smallest, then you get 83×72 (5976) recordings in one track. Played at x10 speed, lol, you get 59,760 lies per minute for $5,976,000 per minute.
If you take that track and auto tune it to every possible frequency that can be assigned by the software you use (let’s pretend it’s 1000) then you can be lied to at every frequency in every split second at x10 speed. For 59,760,000 lies per minute. This makes a whopping 5,976,000,000 per minute. Suck a dick, Bezos.
Will this sound like garbage? Ya, totally. But if I quietly dub this over whatever songs are in my music playlists then I can listen to music while I get lied to. Hell, the music might even have some lies in it. Cardi can’t have a WAP 24/7, right? According to Ben that’s not healthy.
– Arkmer
Talk about your suspicions of Santa’s validity, in a large crowd, while holding a 5y on your lap.
– [user deleted]
Beg on a busy street.
“I’m hungry, do you have some change?”
– ozdkyt
Make a website where someone has to check a box stating they’ve read and agree to the terms and conditions
– grungerat_
Go to an MLM convention.
Those hun bots will get you rich quicker than they claim LuLaRoe will!
– cmonyy
Ask them everyone how old they are.
They could say 26, but in reality they are actually 26 years, 3 months, 12 days, 8 hours, 2 minutes and 22 seconds.
– Ooodles-of-nooodles
giving 10$ to every person that lies to you.
– NotAFatAlien
I mean, I work at a tech company and we get lies all the time.
I’m pretty sure half of the people could just go to work and make an easy thousand dollars
– billionai1
Just go around saying “Hi, how are you?”
– peon2
Of course, the definition of “lie” might challenge some of these. Does it have to be something simply untrue, or something the speaker KNOWS to be untrue? Does anything involving an opinion count or does it have to be objective?
There are many things to consider.
Keep the conversation going in the comments.
The post Weird Ways to Turn Lies into Money appeared first on UberFacts.
If you look up early uses of the word “bisexual,” they’re not quite what you think. It’s mostly references to the reproductive methods of plants, which isn’t nearly as interesting to most of us as the modern connotation, and the questions many of us have about it. Questions like this:
Bisexual people who have dated both genders, what are some notable differences you’ve learned about dating both women and men? from AskReddit
So, what’s the deal? The bisexual folks of Reddit tell all. (Most posters went out of their way to clarify that these are their own subjective opinions based on personal experiences and shouldn’t be read as generalizations for everybody in the world.)
Both genders are bad at communicating, but in completely different ways.
Men are more likely to not tell you information that would be important to you simply because they don’t deem it important. They gave you the important information. If you can’t understand it, then you’re either trying to complicate the issue or you’re not listening to them.
Women are more likely to not tell you information important to them because they see it as obvious. If they have to tell you the issue, then you’re not paying attention to them and the issue at hand or you’re not as invested in the relationship as they are.
– Twilcario
Bisexual lady here.
Men have a tendency to assume that you’re looking for a more ‘serious’ relationship than they are, even if you explicitly say otherwise. And are suckers for cuddles.
Women like kissing more.
– astudyinbowie
So, what I can say is that after having four boyfriends, my ability to identify and avoid dangerous men was vastly improved, and my ability to identify and avoid dangerous women was . . . apparently not particularly improved at all.
I was very attuned to red flags involving sexism and completely unprepared for the fact that a woman who majored in Women’s Studies could perfectly well destroy years or decades of my life with no sexism necessary at all.
– queerbychoice
One thing I noticed back when I was dating was that women have a lot more baggage when it comes to physical intimacy. Women go through alot, they have tons of pressures put on them, many have had negative sexual experiences. It’s, well, just more complicated.
The guys I dated were frankly much more direct and more simplistic about it. I’m not saying either of these descriptions apply to all women or men, but that was my experience. With guys it was like ‘hey, wanna make out?’ and just sort of that simple.
– haroldtitus425
When dating a man, he is very ok with me being bisexual. When dating a woman, it constantly comes up that I’m “actually straight” or “just going to leave [her] for a guy.” It is really annoying to have someone try to completely invalidate your feelings for them because of your dating history.
Yes, I’ve dated more men…I didn’t realize until I had been dating for several years that dating women was a viable option.
– Mr_ImMyOwnGrandpa
Bi woman here.
There’s a tendency between queer women to avoid being very forward. I’m my own personal experience it’s because I know what it’s like to be pursued relentlessly (typically by men) and don’t want to become that person myself. Other women want to avoid the “predatory lesbian” stereotype that’s been fed to us through media.
Men are more forward but I don’t think they can pick up on the way that I’m feeling as easily as women can. My last girlfriend could tell something was wrong even if I put up (what I thought was) a very good front.
Women tend to have softer skin and lips.
Men kiss deeply and aggressively.
I like both
– thechelator
Bi woman. The biggest one was trust/biphobia and the way the two interrelate.
While dating a woman, having close male friends has always been off the table. It seems to really threaten/make uncomfortable my girlfriend and tends to turn into a never-ending “But are you SURE you don’t have feelings for him? you’re REALLY not attracted to him?” So many lesbians genuinely hate bi women and think they’re always going to cheat or leave for a guy.
Conversely, men don’t give a d**n if I have close female friends while dating them, but are far more likely to fetishize the knowledge that I’ve had past female partners. Which is obviously really uncomfortable if done in any sort of excess.
– FinalTourist
i find men to be more romantic and more interested in monogamy. women are easier to talk to and easier to argue with and then be able to walk back from the argument sooner.
men are more forward, at least initially. two girls could have a crush on each other for ten years and never work up the nerve to mention it.
men usually want to hammer out plans towards the end of a date (for the next date) but women are usually more go with the flow lets see what happens.
oh and girls are much, much better at handling rejection and boundaries. actually, just one “much”; i’ve had incidents here and there that were pretty awful from girls, but much more often, men are really bad at rejections on like, any level.
– Far_Ad_8813
As a bisexual woman I find it’s easier to date het men, bi-men, and bi women. Lesbians are much more difficult to date. Not because of who they are personality wise, but it’s hard to find a lesbian who will date a bisexual woman period.
I have no idea what the stigma is but it’s there. It seems like some lesbians are certain you’ll leave them for a man or cheat on them. I’ve never cheated on anybody. Ever.
Also, they sometimes are just all around uncomfortable you find men attractive. There’s definitely bi-erasure in the LGBTQ community. I’ve had fantastic dates or discussions with lesbians and when it comes out I also liked and dated men they bail.
– Lil_Elf81
Bi man here.
I’ve always found it much easier to date men because they are much more straightforward, and the fact that they already like men seems to make it easier for them to adjust to me (though there is a lot of biphobia and dismissal of my sexuality).
With women they tend to be a lot more guarded and more easily put off, simply because they are likely to be straight and the idea that I am versatile and all that makes them feel weird I guess.
And like someone said earlier, men tend to stick less to their category than women! I’m like, 6 or 7 I’d say and all kinds of men have been into me, but women who are objectively hotter than me tend to be more dismissive
– CallumSmith9895
Bisexual woman who’s been in a serious relationship with one straight man and three bisexual men, and has briefly dated one bisexual woman. This is just from my experience, but I’ve noticed a person’s sexuality has a decent amount of bearing on their personality too.
Straight man:
Decent dude, but I had a lot of the standard complaints straight women have about their straight male partners; aloof at times, didn’t always take interest in my interests, often spoke over me and my concerns, etc. The gender roles were more “traditional” too, at his insistence more than anything. He also held a lot back, so even if something was bothering him, he wouldn’t talk about it because he hated talking about his feelings. It was an alright relationship, but it felt very straight.Bisexual men:
The best of both worlds, in my opinion. You get the security of a male partner (walking with them at night, having backup from creeps in public, etc), as well as the implicit understanding that comes with being with another queer person who get it. They tend to be more secure in their masculinity. One of them loved farmer’s markets, another asked me to teach him how to crochet. It’s very refreshing to be with a guy that’s openly himself. They can also get more emotional, both for better and for worse.Bisexual woman:
She was more of the bisexual stereotype, of the “will take anything that moves” variety. She was bright, intelligent, ambitious and I really respected her work ethic, but she has no interest in settling down romantically. We’re still friends, though I keep her at arm’s length for my emotion’s sake, since I really liked her.I’ve yet to date a lesbian (in my experience, they tend to look down on bisexual women) or a nonbinary person (not for lack of trying; I’ve pursued a few but nothing’s stuck yet), but honestly, people are people. Being bisexual’s just helped me see that in a more direct manner.
– InfernoPotatoFull
Women are, in my experience, way worse at communicating what they mean clearly.
They think their “hints” are clear – they aren’t (I include myself on this, for the record).
Men, on the other hand, tend to be way too blunt and terrible at nuance – it’s far more black and white and many have no idea that the tone they speak in is as important as their words.
– FuzzyRoseHat
Bi-male here but still closeted (is that an apt term?)
All the women I came out to were cool with it, yet acknowledged the fear about cheating with men.
There’s definitely a huge difference between gay men and DL men. Gay men can be clingy and never stop talking. DL men have sex and then usually f**k off or sit and watch sports, which is great because they don’t talk too much. I’ve never truly “dated” a man so I guess my experience is limited.
– Ilfubario
Women tend to be on the same level as me and just know how my mind works, even thought were both complicated in a twisted way, and they give me mega snuggles on my period.
Men take a HOT minute to half understand my brain and just give me some chocolate on my period or say “oof that sucks.”
– bubblebeanUwU
Female 20 technically Pansexual
Men will usually say: “You can come over if you want.” Women say: “I want you to come over.”
(Most) Men want to be taken literally and be straight-forward. They want their partners to know they are honest but also independent.
(Most) Women want their partners to feel wanted or needed and use that in their speaking, especially over text. They are a lot more into the small details about the relationship.
– GalacticPhoxx
You learn something new everyday.
What would you add to this conversation?
Let us know in the comments!
The post Here’s the Real Difference Between Dating Men and Women – From the People Who Know appeared first on UberFacts.
As someone who’s super interested in science and what it means for society, I look to the future with a combination of awe and dread.
Awe because of all the incredible possibilities technological advancements might bring to humanity, dread because the same scientific process that brings us those advancements is also warning us constantly that broadly speaking, we’re on a path to destruction.
So, given the opportunity to peek into the future, what might I do?
For five minutes you get transported 30 years into the future, you sit in front of a computer, what information to you look up? from AskReddit
Let’s see what the big brains at Reddit think.
If possible, I’d try to save that file and send it to my phone.
Probably do that for 2022 all the way to 2051.
– petrichorInk
Biggest companies founded in the 2020s
List of presidents
And major world events
Three tabs, three google searches and hopefully a pen to write them on my hand and hope it transfers back
– MovingOnward2089
Google 4-5 stocks that went to the moon, and etch that sh*t into your arms along with 5-10 duds. Who cares if you come home with 2nd-grade Pencil War Day injuries, you’re about to theoretically live forever.
Snap a few photos of the injuries, and go to the police to report being jumped by a homeless guy that held you down and etched some weird sh*t into you under threat of death while reciting latin. Now you have a cover story for then the SEC wants to know how you knew BCRX and four other stocks were going to the moon. “A homeless guy carved it into me, and honestly, I took it as a sign.”
Now produce tapes of the therapy where you rationalize it to your therapist as a coping mechanism and the therapist tells you that you’re absolutely not handling the trauma well. “I also dropped all this money into these stocks that were meh, so I guess I just got lucky.” Don’t finger any of the guys they bring into a lineup because 1, that’s gross, and 2, that’s mean, but let it slide as an unsolved case.
– HotHamWaterBath
I’ve always wondered if “If you could go into the future, what would you look up blah blah” questions were answered with “sports scores” prior to BttF 2. It is the WRONG answer. So were people always wrong, or did the movie start that trend?
Even extremely rare horse bets pay out like what, 50:1?
With a single winning lottery ticket you can turn $1 into $300million.
– utspg1980
See if GTA VI came out yet.
– szmatt0628
Who won WW3 and to see if top sites like Reddit and Youtube survived
– redditorseth
Look up the biggest financial fiasco in the last thirty years.
You now know how to get on the ground floor of something that’s going to make a bunch of people really rich and the exact knowledge of when you can get out without getting wrapped up in the aftermath.
– Joss_Card
I’d check to see when/if I died.
I’m 59, now, and the oldest men in my family history last to about 85. My son-in-law works pretty hard on our family tree so I’m pretty sure he’d update it if me or my wife died.
It’d be a pretty quick check.
– 1tacoshort
I think I might look at social media et al to see what people are nostalgic about and miss from 30 years ago and try to enjoy it more when I go back.
– Waffuly
B*tch. I’d steal the computer.
Who wouldn’t want a computer 30 years more advanced than anything we have right now.
A library computer would probably be more powerful than any gaming laptop we have now
– Nauticalfish200
I’ll just take my 8 TB drive and copy the entire content of Wikipedia to it, return to my timeline and spend the next 20 hours reading it and making a fortune by the second
– keima99
You need, at minimum:
• A compatible port (my guess is the average computer will have 0 ports by then)
• An OS that has driver support for a 30 year old drive
• An OS that has a file system that works with your drive
• An OS that has has support for physical external drives at all
• Data Bloat to have not rendered 8TB unhelpful.
• Wikipedia to have avoided, for three decades, the sh*tty trend of of making internet content sh*tty java nonsense that can’t easily by indexed.This plan is not going to work.
– TheGlennDavid
not in any order:
stocks, US Presidents, sport events, bitcoin, which area has been nuked, danger zones to not live in and figure a way to transport it when i get back to the past.
beat the sh*t out of bully Biff and marry my his gf, Lorraine Baines, give her implants, own a hotel / casino and live the life.
maybe run for president or something along the way
– [deleted user]
Scientific achievements in the past 30 years, and keeping track of the science behind the best ones. Jump start our progress toward the most efficient or just coolest technology.
Even if I can’t get everything about them, I could tell scientists which technology to look into more closely.
– NachoElDaltonico
What areas are most livable due to climate change.
– I_wear_foxgloves
Yeah, see, that kind of bummer dichotomy is exactly what I’m talking about.
What would YOU do?
Tell us in the comments.
The post People Discuss What They’d Look Up If They Could Go to the Future appeared first on UberFacts.
You ready to have a good time?
You wanna try out some things that probably the internet convinced us would be hot, only to find out that they’re really difficult and disappointing and gross?
Then come with me to this Reddit thread…
Ah yeah. That’s right. This is gonna suck in all the wrong ways.
Stick away from whipped cream. Go for non-dairy. The milk products can give you a yeast infection. Cool whip is a better choice.
ETA: Apparently anything with sugar can give you an infection. Play safe y’all.
– Mrs-CMR
Putting it in while submerged shoves the water up in there and creates pressure which causes a lot of problems for her.
I know so many random things thanks to Dr. Sue….. That show was great.
– 0kokuryu0
She gets very turned on when I don’t last as long as I would like to.
But she takes pride in the shortness of it all.
She would rather go for multiple short rounds than one long one
– dndascher
Maybe this is just me but I don’t find it s**y when someone “suggestively” eats a phallic food item like sausage, bananas, popsicles, etc. It just looks silly.
Not to mention the fact that most people end up biting into those foods when they eat them, so if it’s supposed to be a stand-in for your d**k, it’s not an arousing thought.
– Omny87
A friend of mine told me about going on a date with a woman and how it was going pretty well until they ended up having s** and she started doing all this cringey pursed-lips p**n actress stuff and ooohing in a baby doll voice.
His imitation was hilarious.
– monkeyhind
Huge lips, massively sharpened nose and face, breast or butt implants that could be used as a life raft.
Like, you look like some kind of uncanny valley s** doll monster instead of a human being.
– 4zero4error31
like the fake p**nstar level moaning and above.
A guy (my neighbor) and a girl in my building are dating, and I constantly have to hear her near-screaming through the wall.
I don’t know how anyone can get off hearing that, it’s so annoying.
– Sunn_Flower_Jin
Imagine being exposed to the kind of p**nography available today at the age that you were exposed to p**nography.
Unsettling stuff.
– frenchpotatoedip
I’ll talk about this here, but really it could also go in a post about “what do movies always get wrong”. It goes like this:
[Male character walks over to talk to attractive female character]
Man – ‘what’s your name’?
Woman – ‘(insert female name here)’.
Man [now slightly more interested] – ‘that was my mother’s name!’
I’m sorry, but I for one am NOT looking for a woman who shares the same name as my mother. In fact, for me that would be a bit of a turn off. Even if you were just looking for a one night stand, I don’t want to picture my mother when I’m with a woman in bed.
– Group_of_no_one
Plenty of people cross their eyes slightly when something hits just right, but it’s usually as their eyes roll back and close.
And yeah, a lot of us open our mouths when we’re getting into it (mostly because we’re breathing heavily), but sticking the tongue out? No thank you.
– anxiousthespian
Sooooo not s**y.
I did have a great experience at a club in Amsterdam though.
That club had a circular bar and both nude men and women would dance across it.
So interesting, just had to keep covering my beer…cause….pubes.
– Seattle_sucks
I read on a different subreddit the other day that explained that the parts of the brain that correlate with genitals is very close to the one that correlate with feet.
Sometimes those areas get a little too close which causes the attraction.
Don’t know how accurate this is because I really have no desire to science this.
– -Four-Foxx-Sake-
I’m not into aggressive people at all, and I don’t think it’s “hot” when someone is always trying to wrestle you for some kind of imaginary control.
I know others get turned on by this, but it’s one of my bigger red flags.
– SiddharthaSuburbia
It can be insecurity in the relationship and/or themselves. For myself my partner was my first relationship and sometimes you think you want a romantic gesture and for love to be more movie-like, when in reality it’s not really what we were sold growing up (whether that’s from parents, media, etc).
Also if you’re bored, drama is fun. Shades of borderline personality tendencies. Also needing attention.
I didn’t have a relationship til I was 25, and I feel confident if I had in teenage or college years I would’ve been a h**la toxic partner.
– notnotaginger
I like equating it to how much attention a person thinks they deserve.
Too little and you don’t want any attention and it’s more for your own enjoyment.
Just enough and it’s for the people around you (or the people you want around you) to notice.
Too much and everyone in the rooms knows that you want to be the centre of attention.
– Tolvat
Welp, difficult to kill the mood any harder than that.
What would you add to this list?
Tell us in the comments.
The post Things That Are Supposed to Be Hot, But Really Aren’t At All appeared first on UberFacts.
Are you familiar with the Cobra Effect?
It comes from an apocryphal story if I remember correctly, so who knows if this really happened, but the legend goes that there was an area in India with a huge cobra problem. There were too many of them and they were an enormous public danger.
So the government of the region instituted a bounty; bring us a dead cobra, we’ll give you money.
As a result, many poor folks in India turned to a new profession: cobra breeding.
People of Reddit, What stupid rule at your work/school backfired beautifully? from AskReddit
The point of the Cobra Effect story is that even rules with good intentions can have unexpected side effects and exploits. Let’s see if Reddit has some more examples…
My old workplace had a control freak bean counter.
At one point she decided that any purchase of équipment must come with documentation showing that we had search around the internet and prove you got the best deal. Honestly it was unenforceable, so our supervisor just told us to ignore it and that he’ll deal with the backlash.
So one day, I had to buy some tools for the workshop, and I happen to come across a bunch of coolers on sale. It just happened that we needed coolers to transport stuff, so I bought one.
I brought it back, we measured it and found it was the perfect size for what we had planned.
Turns out that time the bean counter was watching us. She came strolling in my supervisor’s office with a printout from Amazon and the boss in tow, saying that she had found a similar cooler for cheaper.
My supervisor took a look at the printout.
“So you found a cooler that’s 2 dollars cheaper.”
“How much time did you spend looking this up?”
“Just one hour of work”
“And you think Rum should have spent one hour of his workday to shop for coolers?”
“You do realize we pay Rum 17$ an hour? We need 3 coolers. Right now he grabbed those cooler while out on a supply run. And you’d rather have him spent 1 hour of his day, at 17$ an hour… to save 6$? And while we’re at it!”
Supervisor pulls out a broken vice grip from under his desk.
“… this is the Cheapo brand vice grip you approved. Now, this is fine for your regular at home needs, but we’re a workshop and need some quality stuff. We been using a Goodstuff brand vice for 3 years. Cheapo lasted 6 month. Do the math”
– Rum_N_Napalm
Management decided that lines of code written per week was a good metric for determining software engineer productivity.
You want a 3 line function stretched out into 50 lines? I’m your captain.
– smares21
A boss was worried we were “stealing time” by using the bathroom for too long. So being the nutjob he is he locked all the bathrooms in the building except the ones he could see from his office door, shut of water to them, put out of order signs on them, and he would sit there with a stopwatch timing us between walking into the restroom and walking out (these are all one-at-a-time restrooms) and then would call out the time. This was STUPID over the top and almost positive is illegal but he never made a policy officially restricting bathroom time… he just wanted to make everyone feel uncomfortable if they took too long.
I discovered that with my height it was really easy to go through the drop ceiling and over the half wall and I was the only other person using the men’s besides my boss, who is short… so I went in… locked it from the inside and did my business and climbed out the ceiling leaving the door locked so my boss could not get into the bathroom when he needed to go and was forced to use the ladies… which led to our female employees complaining that he was taking too long in their bathroom.
To this day I don’t know if he ever figured out how I was doing that.
– geoffbowman
I worked on this company that had mandatory 1 hour lunch breaks. Since we ate on the premises, our lunch break was often 15 minutes or so. We tried negotiating having shorter lunch breaks so we could leave earlier and beat traffic. Next day an e-mail was sent from the own stating the fixed work and break hours for the whole team, and they were to be followed no exceptions.
Cool! Next week, a big client called about half way through our lunch, and nobody moved. It rang and rang until said owner took the call, talked to them, and immediately came to scold us. “Sorry, boss, as per your rules, we are off until 1PM, no exceptions”.
A couple of weeks later, we did some work on site for the same client. They were, to be honest, one of the coolest clients I ever had in my life. They took us out to lunch, and while talking we ended up relaying the owner’s rule. They had a big chuckle over it, and while the project lasted, they made a point to always call while we were at lunch break just to annoy owner.
– LGMHorus
Back in the early 00s, my high school implemented a policy that you had to wear your ID tag at all times.
If you didn’t have it on, you were sent home.
So many students “lost” their ID tag to go grab food or skip a class.
We were the only graduating class to wear them all four years. The policy ended soon after.
– sushinova
I worked at Starbucks for like 5+ years before and during undergrad and at one point our district manager thought it was a good idea to implement a “just say yes” policy, where we literally weren’t allowed to tell the customer no.
Lasted for about 3 months and in that three months our unaccounted product and waste went up over 300% because when the POS didn’t have a way to punch in a customer request we had to just do it anyways.
We also got complaints from stores in surrounding districts because they had angry customers who were requesting things that were against local food service code, and told them that we did it for them at our store.
I knew exactly how that policy was going to play out and I just laughed every time management was freaking out about the problems it was causing.
– yunglilbigslimhomie
The dealership I was working at decided they wanted to save money by not having the cleaning crew come in after hours.
People started leaving the dealership to go home to go to the bathroom because they were disgusting.
I lived pretty far away so I would just go use the GMs private bathroom.
– Jeheh
Couldn’t buy drinks at lunch with cash money, had to buy some voucher. They were just cheaply made laminated pieces of paper.
This was 2001, I was 13 and bored. Scanned the vouchers and printed them out on paper that kinda matched the colour of the vouchers. and laminated tem myself. They were horrible made and not even the right colour on the backside. Also crudely cut out. I ‘made’ about a hundred of them of passed them out after I tried paying with them for myself and encountered no problems. Made some new friends and upped production. Took them about three weeks to find out but by then the fakes ones had intermingled with the real ones and had already been resold to students via the student office. About half of the vouchers sold were fakes.
Drinks were cash only from then on. They had no choice to accept the fakes one for a little while longer though, as they had sold and charged for some of them.
– VloekenenVentileren
A place I used to work had a rule that executive-level staff needed to be contactable when on leave, so they had a section on the leave form for the address of where you’d be staying and a contact number.
Some knuckle-shuffler in HR decided it applied to all staff and the shenanigans began. People would put down the address and phone number of sex shops, sports grounds, medical clinics. I gave the latitude and longitude of the place I was going camping and the UHF frequency channel my radio would be tuned to.
– Flight_19_Navigator
Not sure if this applies, but I worked at a restaurant that started doing Thursday Night Trivia in hopes of more traffic.
The prize for the winner was their ticket would get comped.
One guy asked to have everyone(in the restaurant)’s food put on his ticket… And then won.
They stopped doing trivia night.
– HowDoIGetToFacebook
In chemistry class we had plastic bottles of distilled water which could be squeezed to produce a small jet of water.
We used to spray one another’s crotches to make it look like you’d peed yourself. To counter this, our teacher introduced a punishment to anyone caught spraying OR HAVING BEEN SPRAYED. Hence, if you could spray someone and get away with it- they would have wet trousers AND have to write excerpts from a Martin Luther king speech.
Needless to say the punishment for being sprayed was quickly abolished.
– MRobbebayor
Late 80’s high school- rule was no shorts. Classmate came for an exam with basketball shorts on that were below her knees.
Teacher made her go home to change.
She came back in a micro mini skirt and wrote her exam.
– Spellflinger2019
People who were caught wandering the halls or skipping classes were sent straight home.
– CraftBattleAxe
Worked in a gym. The Smyth machine (huge squat rack type thing) wasn’t bolted to the floor and rocked back and forth. I come on shift, see the problem, mark it out of order and call the company in to fix it. Leave a note for the boss who takes the out of order sign off it.
This cycle repeats abs every tine I come on shift it’s back in play. We get sued by a member who hurts his back on it. Solicitor comes in. I point him to where we leave notes for management about maintenance .
They settle with member. Idiotic
– whatever_the_f*ck_
The grocery store I work at is now required to charge 5 cents for plastic bags. Because of this we have a lot of customers requesting paper bags. Since our paper bags suck *ss we typically double bag so they don’t rip. Well one day the store manager sees a cashier doubling paper bags and yells at them because paper bags are more expensive and we can’t afford to double bag them, so now we have a new rule you can’t double paper bags unless they’re really heavy.
Fast forward a couple weeks, and my bagger is using single paper bags. Right as the store manager walks by the bagger picks up one of the bags that wasn’t even that heavy and it rips right open, right in front of the manager.
We’re allowed to double bag them now
– FarmerExternal
Don’t breed cobras, kids.
Do you have another example of this sort of thing?
Give it to us in the comments.
The post People Share Rules at Work That Absolutely Backfired appeared first on UberFacts.
For years, I was the only person in my family who’d moved very far away from where we grew up.
It wasn’t always easy, and I know that it probably took a toll on my parents. And that’s with me being a full grown man.
The emotional toll of being apart from your kids as they’re actually growing up? It’s gotta be unbearable. And if these anonymous confessions from real parents are anything to go by, there are no easy answers.
The cat’s in the cradle…
Source: Whisper
“She’s used to seeing me on Skype nowadays. That’s all.”
Source: Whisper
These things are never easy.
Source: Whisper
You wanna be there for every second.
Source: Whisper
That’s a dark fear that’s tough to explore.
Source: Whisper
How does one escape a lose/lose situation?
Source: Whisper
“I feel like I’m fading into the distance.”
Source: Whisper
Worlds and worlds apart.
Source: Whisper
When you put fear in the mix, the belief that someone can change evaporates away.
Source: Whisper
The song so many of us have had to sing.
Source: Whisper
There’s a lot of heartbreak in those words. Here’s to everyone who knows that struggle.
Have you experienced something like this?
Tell us about it in the comments.
The post Stories of Parents Who Are Struggling to Live Apart From Their Kids appeared first on UberFacts.