Why Don’t Humans Have a “Mating Season?”

The Reddit forum r/NoStupidQuestions is the place to go when you have a query you’re too embarrassed to ask your friends…or because you’ve already exhausted your friends asking this particular question.

This one should really get those brain-wheels greased – if humans are mammals just like all the rest (or close enough), why isn’t there a human mating season?

If you’re curious now, here’s what 15 people had to say about it!

15. Keep dreaming.

Ugh it’s terrible. I wish we would just have mating seasons.

U horny? yeah I’m horny, mkay let’s bang.

cool. done.

To hell with all this courtship and mind games.

14. Look at the smart guy!

There’s no definitive answer, but one part of it might be that humans are already communal creatures, so there’s no need to synchronize any sort of mating season, because we’re already together.

Additionally, human babies take a long time to mature, and are often looked after by more humans than just the mother, this makes asynchronous births easier, since there will be more humans to help with child care.

13. The more you know?

It’s actually Feb 14 and Jan 1st.

Which is why birthdays in October and November are more common…

12. It might not be for the best.

Organisms that can’t farm or stockpile resources may have no choice. If they don’t all birth when resources are increasing or abundant (usually Spring or Summer), the offspring will die. Of course disasters can strike e.g. a drought leading to famine and a mass die off for a species.

It also worth noting though that most species which require huge amounts of resources usually aren’t too numerous (humans are again another exception there, but evidence is rapidly mounting that we are using up our resources and screwing over the planet which could lead to us causing our own extinction….so yay?)

11. Hahahaha think about it.

Imagine everybody having a break off work to go out and find a mate.

Paid sex vacation?

10. We’re not alone.

Chimps and gorillas don’t have mating sessions either.

9. “Happy” holidays?

Everyone I know seems to have a September birthday which means that December is, apparently, mating season.

8. Seasons don’t matter.

Plus since we have to take care of them for years anyway, it doesn’t really make sense to avoid a winter. We’ll have to do the next one after all.

And writing that down, our species originated in a region with no winter. So the need for a mating season would probably be a lot less prevalent anyway. (Do other big mammals in the African plains have mating seasons?)

7. Blerg.

The human female reproductive cycle repeats every month instead of every year.

Our mating season is all the time except for one week a month.

6. Those dang kids.

Also since the time it takes for human babies to mature enough to no longer need parental support is longer than 1 year, it’d be irrational to have an annual season for mating.

5. There’s always a reason.

We don’t have a firm answer for this in nature, but generally, mating seasons are found in species that a) have a long gestational period; and b) have significantly unequal access to food year round.

Typically the mechanism is a hormonal cycle where the female is only receptive to mating under particular conditions (usually weather and calorie related).

Hardly any apes are seasonal breeders, and the few that are likely developed our common ancestors split. So while we don’t have a firm answer in nature, the most likely answer is that it’s because the ancestors of humans a few million years ago had relatively even access to food throughout the year. Our closest relatives (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and bonobos and gibbons) are all continuous breeders as well.

4. We can feed ourselves any time.

Animal mating seasons typically coincide with the season where resources (namely food) are most abundant. Pregnancy requires a lot of energy, after all, so there’s little point for a deer, for example, to try and have a child in the middle of winter when food is at its scarcest.

Humans, by contrast, have been less dependent on seasons being hunter-gatherers. More importantly, however, by possessing the capacity to be pregnant at any point in the year, males and females are ‘forced’ to stay in close proximity all year long, rather than have the males buggar off and only come back during mating season.

This allows the female to secure food, care, and resource for her and her progeny during the entire year, and allows for a better chance for the offspring to survive (as human offsprings are extremely dependent on their caretakers for a longer period relative to other animal species)

3. So…all year?

If you live in Canada, I’d call it winter.

2. “A continual basis.” Sure.

One of the more unusual aspects of human mating is that unlike most species, ovulation / fertility isn’t on display. If you’ve ever owned a female dog, you’ll know they go into “heat” and begin spotting, leaving a trail everywhere. In the wild this would lead a mate to the female during her fertile window.

Humans are one of the very few if not only(?) species that have this virtually entirely hidden… It requires that the male maintain courtship on a more continual basis… and it’s also heavily involved in preventing something akin to a mating season.

1. Details, because you know you want them.

I think it’s important to point out the differences between a menstrual) cycle and an estrous cycle. In terms of menstruation, humans are among a very limited group of mammals. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium), whereas estrous cycles involve the re-absorption of the endometrium.

Menstruation is generally found amongst simian species. There are some bats, the elephant shrew, and the spiny mouse that also have menstruation cycles. Beyond that, placental mammals seem to use estrous cycles. There are species that use the estrous cycle that have bloody discharges from the vagina, and that gets mistaken for menstruation.

Giraffes (estrous cycle) seem to have a pretty subtle process that requires the male to taste/smell the urine of a female in order to tell if they are fertile or not. This can mean that males will headbutt a female in the bladder to get them to pee.

Don’t you just love stuff that gets your gears grinding?

What do you think about these responses? Are you buying it? Tell us in the comments!

The post Why Don’t Humans Have a “Mating Season?” appeared first on UberFacts.

Dank Memes to Help Satisfy All Your Scrolling Needs

Once in a while, we all just need to totally unplug and mindlessly indulge good ol’ memes.

Luckily for you, we have a fresh drop of 11 dank memes that’ll help you scratch that scrolling itch.

1. The definition of stress

This was one of the more riveting parts of being on the bus home from middle school.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

2. The sixth love language

Listen, all things considered, we should take whatever we can get from cats.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

3. The ultimate hack

We all really thought that we pulled a fast one on Dora by doing this.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

4. Society’s lies

That’s one way to disillusion an entire class of kids real quick.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

5. Only the dankest

With the way all of 2020 went, this is truly the only way to survive what’s to come in 2021.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

6. Major oof

It was always the absolute most whenever your teacher laid the smackdown like this.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

7. Terrifying

This was easily the worst part of childhood.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

8. I’ve got a bad feeling about this

Anyone else feel like the world is still on fire?

Image Credit: theCHIVE

9. It’s the simple things

At least the astrological bodies are still working.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

10. The real MVP here

Honestly, this phrase is a total lifesaver in any essay. Literally anything could be encompassed in “etc.” so you can continue to look well-read while preventing yourself from saying something totally inaccurate.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

11. Love isn’t real

When stuff like this happens, it’s just hard to believe in the good in the world.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

Ah, to recapture that feeling of total superiority of tricking a cartoon character.

There are some childhood pleasures that can only exist in the past, so it’s a good thing we have memes to help preserve them.

Do you have any memes that always give you a good chuckle? Share them with us in the comments!

The post Dank Memes to Help Satisfy All Your Scrolling Needs appeared first on UberFacts.

Spicy Memes to Help Your Day Be a Lot Funnier

It’s almost the end of the week, so you know what that means: it’s time for more memes. Here are 13 delightfully raunchy memes that are sure to give your weekend some extra kick.

1. This is the worst

All the missed opportunities – they haunt us.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

2. Aww

That’s comforting – in a weird way.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

3. RIP 2020

Am I eating because I’m bored, or am I bored because I’m just eating?

Image Credit: theCHIVE

4. Pretty much

We all know that immediate feeling of repulsion.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

5. Oops

Some people just have the worst luck finding love, but hang in there. It’ll happen eventually – right?

Image Credit: theCHIVE

6. Talk about a warning sign

I’d take this as a cue to make an immediately beeline out of there.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

7. An uncomfortable truth

Not all Russian men*, but this is a pretty crazy phenomenon.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

8. Why

Why, oh why would any animal scientist come up with this term? This gives a whole new meaning to military green.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

9. We all know where this is going

While a cool idea in concept, this will probably end up giving your cat some major zoomies.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

10. Major burn

Way to double down on an absolutely gut-punch of a comeback.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

11. Accurate

A little oxidization never hurt anybody.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

12. Only true champions know

This is actually the best feeling, and nobody can argue with me about it.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

13. Oh no

Talk about a very poor choice of words here.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

Well, that meme dump really hit the spot. Honestly, some of them were a little bit TMI… but hey, who are we to police the way people express themselves through the sheer artistry of meme-making?

What are some of your favorite raunchy memes? Share them with us in the comments!

The post Spicy Memes to Help Your Day Be a Lot Funnier appeared first on UberFacts.

Do You Have an Irrational Fear of Answering the Phone? People Confess That You’re Not Alone!

It’s one of the more ironic things about our society that now that we all have phones in our hands pretty much 24/7, we’ve developed an intense dislike of actually speaking on them.

We’d rather text or DM or PM or Snapchat or heck, even email before actually picking it up and talking to whoever is on the other end of the line.

This guy has an irrational fear of answering, no matter who is calling, and he wonders if he’s alone.

Does anyone else have this irrational fear of answering calls, no matter who’s calling? from NoStupidQuestions

Luckily, answers like that are just what Reddit is for.

Let’s check them out!

16. Definitely not.

I’m not alone then. I HATE getting calls.

Text me all you want – just don’t call me. I get anxious and uncomfortable and I have no idea why.

It’s gotten so bad even my girlfriend is affected. Yeah, she can call me and I’d answer, but our calls rarely go beyond 3 minutes.

I’m not even joking.

15. Those are the devil, too.

Sort of.

But for some reason I will never listen to a voicemail message as I think for some reason they’ll always be bad.

14. No good reason.

My biggest issue is unknown numbers.

I haven’t deleted a number I’ve saved in my phone since I got it but stuff like I’ve joined some service and the person I’m in contact with will use one number but their contact may contact me from another then the initial person has a work mobile that’s set to private and it’s all WHY IS SOMEONE PHONING ME???

13. Even more reason not to answer in your private time.


I also work at a call center.

It’s lots of fun.

12. Things are getting worse, too.

I have a very difficult time answering phone calls. It wasn’t something I’ve always had… it’s progressed over the last 18 years.

Hell, even if I don’t answer and the callers leaves a message, I have a difficult time actually listening to the message. I don’t understand it… it’s completely irrational.

The only thing I can think of is that in my mind, if I don’t acknowledge the call or the message, I don’t have to deal with whatever potential threat/problem/situation exists on the other end.

11. Sometimes we have to.

I’m a 911 operator and I still have anxiety about using the phone, outside of work of course.

I’m guessing a different state of mind exists when you’re working that kind of blocks it out.

10. Sooooo awkward.

Yes, I have social anxiety to begin with but for some reason not being able to see the person I’m talking to makes it so much worse.

Also the city I live in has dogsh%t cell reception so by the fourth time I have to say “I’m sorry, say again?”

I’m about ready to curl up in a ball and give up. LOL

9. Anxiety is no fun.

Yes, but I suffer from generalized anxiety.

When my anxiety is really unsettled, the phone is really hard for me.

Making or receiving calls can be a totally daunting task.

Overwhelming, even.

Without the invention of texting, I would be SOL.

8. Just say no.

Yes. I hate answering my phone unless I know who it is or am expecting a call.

I just let it go to voicemail and then call back if necessary.

7. Apps are a godsend.

Luckily these days most places hat deliver support online or app ordering.

Haven’t called for a good delivery in a couple years.

6. Hopefully next year.

It certainly does make me feel anxious, and if I’m not expecting a call and it’s an unknown number, a little afraid too.

Either way, both of us should leave the house more often.

5. Humans should come with warning labels.

Yep! My boyfriend is nice enough to make appointments for me and pick up my meds.

I don’t know why but every time I make the calls myself it’s like I have this strange kind of goodbye exchange that seems all intimate and weird.

And then one time I accidentally hung up on a lady without saying bye and I could not get over it, I felt so bad.

I hate calling people, god dammit. I also probably never answer the phone when it rings.

Just send me an email or something I’m scared, I’m poor, I’m anxious, I don’t want what you’re selling.

4. It’s a real thing.

Telephone phobia is reluctance or fear of making or taking phone calls, literally, “fear of telephones”. It is considered to be a type of social phobia or social anxiety.

It may be compared to glossophobia, in that both arise from having to engage with an audience, and the associated fear of being criticized, judged or made a fool of.

3. Why would you?


I never answer my phone if I’m not expecting a call or don’t know who it is.

If they don’t leave a message I don’t call back.

2. This is definitely a thing.

I’ll do you one better.

If I’m going to order ahead from a restaurant and I discover that they don’t have online ordering, I find a different restaurant.

1. At least you’re not alone.

generalized anxiety
That feeling when you are watching the screen, knowing you cant reject the call, and holding your breath until the call leaves the screen, so you can get back to Reddit.

Next, you wonder how long is best to wait, before you text them an excuse as to why you didn’t answer..

Then, you get lost on Reddit and forget someone called, and you never call or text them back.

Eventually, you see them in person, they’re all, “yooo, you never answer your phone! Why do you even have one?!”

Sorry, I just suck at life.

I don’t think I have a fear,  exactly, but I would definitely rather text.

Give us your thoughts in the comments!

The post Do You Have an Irrational Fear of Answering the Phone? People Confess That You’re Not Alone! appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes to Distract Us All From That Impending Existential Dread

The world is currently in shambles and life as we used to know it is still nowhere in sight.

Good thing there’s always a new batch of memes fresh off the internet to cheer us up in the meme-time (haha.)

Here are 12 more dank memes to help take your mind off everything that’s falling apart in society.

1. This

We’ve all encountered that type of person who will just blindly speak for their friend.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

2. A real kitchen nightmare

I wouldn’t know whether to be excited that the living meme Gordon Ramsey was in the room or to be horrified that I was just about to eat at a nightmare restaurant.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

3. Winners only

An accurate depiction of how one passes the time during quarantine.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

4. Please, no

My tiny spirit can only handle so much…

Image Credit: theCHIVE

5. Drama lives everywhere

Even a subject as dry as math cannot save you from the affairs of the heart.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

6. Awkward

Like, hello? Where’s the instant validation that we all crave and need?

Image Credit: theCHIVE

7. Actually heartbreaking

As if the world wasn’t cruel enough this year, then sh*t like this happens.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

8. Way too accurate

Quarantine fifteen? More like quarantine fifty.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

9. This one’s a lot

Only kids could manage to say something so innocently misconstrued.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

10. Always age with grace

Honestly, green suits her.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

11. Life changing

The entire Earth might be in shambles, but at least the sky’s the same!

Image Credit: theCHIVE

12. The absolute worst feeling

Text her – it’s never too late.

Image Credit: theCHIVE

I’m serious about that last one. With every bit of normalcy we’ve come to know absolutely obliterated in the last year, you might as well shoot your shot. Sometimes, memes have the power to seal your destiny like that.

What are some of your favorite memes to help distract yourself from the fact that the world is still falling apart? Share them with us in the comments so we can all indulge in a healthy amount of escapism!

The post Memes to Distract Us All From That Impending Existential Dread appeared first on UberFacts.

Have You Ever Wondered Why We Let Santa Claus Take the Credit for Our Gifts? You’re Not Alone!

If your family was Christian (or just not NOT Christian), then there’s a good chance you woke up Christmas morning to find that Santa Claus had visited your home.

Then, at some point in your young life you learned that everyone had been lying to you. Santa wasn’t real, your parents were buying the gifts, etc.

And honestly, most of us really don’t care because we’re still going to get gifts.

This (childless) guy wonders why parents want to give away the credit to a stranger, though. Why don’t family and friends say “this gift is from someone who loves you?”

Why do we give children illusions about Santa etc on Christmas instead of telling them that you get your loved ones a gift? The latter seems more lovely and is actually the truth from NoStupidQuestions

Why the lies?!

Keep reading to find out what these Redditors think about the whole mess!

16. You don’t want to mess it up for others.

I think the biggest problem with telling young people there’s no Santa is because kids have no filter.

When everyone at school is talking about Santa, they’ll blurt out that Santa isn’t real, and they’ll crush all their classmates.

15. Because it’s fun.

When I was a kid my parents would give me gifts from Santa as well as themselves, so it doesn’t have to be one or the other.

She would also write on other gifts from Frosty the Snowman, from Rudolph, and a bunch of other imaginary christmas characters.

My mother even did this long after we stopped believing just for fun.

14. It’s a powerful force.

My mom didn’t raise us to believe in santa We knew it was her.

We still did all the santa stuff (writing letters, leaving out cookies and milk, etc) though just for fun.

13. That’s part of it.

I always thought it was all a way to get kids to behave. You didn’t want to be put on a naughty list.

Kids deal with having to follow their parent’s rules 24/7/365.

They are much more open to the idea of behaving well for a supernatural, omnipotent being that will reward them with presents if they’re good.

12. Things have gotten out of hand.

Aside from the points people have raised about it just being a bit of fun and excitement for the kids at Christmas, the gifts never used to be lavish and expensive, they were usually just small token gifts or treats – so it wasn’t that Santa had gone out and bought you a new Xbox, it was that the small items you found in your stocking on Christmas morning were left there by a magical man who lives at the North Pole/Lapland and visits good children once a year.

Now the holiday has become entirely about consumerism, the idea of Santa leaving all these gifts seems a bit weird and antiquated. I’m not saying we should abandon it (for the most part it’s a nice tradition and just a bit of fun for the little’uns at Christmas), but as others have pointed out it leaves some kids with awkward questions about why Santa likes little Timmy down the road more than them.

Side note, when I was a kid we had both – we’d get some small “stocking filler” stuff from Father Christmas, but the “main” gifts would always be from our parents.

11. It could be practical.

I know when I was a kid my parents weren’t well off at all and loved budgeting so whenever I got a toy or anything it would be something cheap and small.

Every Christmas i would say “Im asking Santa for this because I know it’s too expensive” And “Santa” would get at least one of the expensive gifts and my parents would give me the smaller things.

I think it was good so I never became more entitled and expected more from my parents. As some of the other posts said it made things magical because not only the lore of santa but it was the one time of year I could get a toy that I often saw the kids at school with.

And once I realized Santa wasn’t real it just made the gifts more special.

10. Four months? I think I’m doing something wrong.

“Santa’s watching” is a good excuse to get your kids to behave for like four months.

It also just makes the day more magical and fun.

9. He’s not without issue.

I used to think it was magical or just a bit of fun until I started teaching.

Every year come January the kids would come in and start talking (sometimes bragging) about what Santa had given them.

Sometimes Santa was extremely generous to certain children, others unfortunately not so much.

You could see some of the other children who were “good” thinking to themselves “why didn’t I get as much as everyone else?” It was actually a little heartbreaking.

8. Simpler times.

Historically speaking, the original Santa was a man who gave to the poor and expected nothing in return.

That’s what Santa is supposed to be and it’s supposed to teach children to be selfless and give even if there’s no incentive.

7. Everyone likes playing pretend.

I never really believed my parents about Santa (I think they made some slip-up really early that I picked up on) but I quite enjoyed buying into the fantasy anyway.

It’s a fun make-believe thing and I think actually lot of kids enjoy it even though they see through it.

Most of what young kids do with their friends is pretending anyway.

6. Because wonder.

I will tell my son about father Christmas to have some magic/wonder and I will also give him gifts from family and tell him it’s family because of the reasons you mentioned.

Christmas can be full of magic and wonder and love.

5. Being “in the know” feels cool.

Same, I remember quite early on in life I I snuck down the stairs in the middle of the night on Xmas Eve and saw my Mum wrapping presents.


I stayed up the rest of the night literally watching out my window just to be sure, and sure enough… nary a plump, white haired man in a red suit with flying reindeer in sight.

The jig was up after that, I told my Mum and she confirmed but asked that I keep it an “big girl” secret (so not to spoil it for everyone else) and I did, kept on playing along with it to my siblings and friends…

4. It creates an experience.

I think it’s a few things:

It’s about giving your kids a magical story which is WAY cool when you’re young, and also, it gives them something that they can talk about with their friends.

If a kid is unhappy with a gift given to them, they can blame “Santa”, and not their parents. Also, it is easier to convince a child that they should be grateful for a stranger gave to them, instead of their own parents. “Maybe it’s not what you wanted, but Santa delivers billions of presents to kids all over the world” will hurt less than a kid finding out their parent doesn’t even know what kind of toys they like, and buying them bad ones.

I think the experience of finding out that Santa isn’t real is a good one. Parents + adults lie, is a good thing to teach to kids, especially if they employ their own reasoning skills to understand this.

3. Because it just happens.

This is what I’ve been saying but nobody believes me. I never believed in Santa because my mom was against it (she was super angry when she found out as a kid). Still loved Santa. Children don’t care.

What is real and what isn’t doesn’t matter to children as it does to adults. They see no value in what is real, they play make-believe all the time. It’s only when you get older (to old to believe in Santa) that you start to pick on how adults differentiate between reality and fairy tales.

2. That’s beautiful.

I used to tell my son when he was little that Santa Claus was the spirit of giving.

Not a real person, in other words. A symbol.

1. Not everyone does it, though.

I was raised with no Santa. My mom did have to tell me other kids believed in him after I tried to let my best friend in on the secret. Anyway, my parents, the ever weird people that they are, and my aunt (also very weird) came up with a different magical Christmas deity, the Cosmic Christmas Jellyfish, when I was four. I’ll explain the CCJ below because Santa probably would have been better.

The Cosmic Christmas Jellyfish (CCJ for short) live deep below the ocean and sometimes comes out and flies in the sky leaving a colorful goo in his wake that some people mistake for the Northern Lights. He is a giant, colorful, magical flying jellyfish. To receive presents on Christmas you must do as follows: 1. Clean your room 2. Leave a pistachio offering out for him 3. Be asleep. If all of those things are done he will eat the pistachios and poop out your presents. If they are not, however, he will rip you limb from limb, eviscerate you, and leave your guts strewn about your room to be discovered in the morning. I had a weird childhood

I was honestly a bit torn on the whole Santa thing when I became a parent, but it just kind of happens, and you know what?

Magic is hard to come by in life. I say let the kids hang onto it for as long as they’d like.

The post Have You Ever Wondered Why We Let Santa Claus Take the Credit for Our Gifts? You’re Not Alone! appeared first on UberFacts.

Turning Off Gmail’s Smart Features Might Make You Harder to Track. Here’s How to Do It.

There are a lot of people out there who are more concerned with privacy than ever, and for some good reasons, too.

If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that we need to be prepared for anything, and honestly, I don’t know anyone who wants “the man” to be any more involved in our lives than they have to be.

Our email is easily tracked, of course, and if keeping things more private and harder to track is on your list of things to do in the new year, here’s one way to keep your Gmail account more secure.

Image Credit: iStock

If your smart features are currently turned on, Google is collecting data on everything you’re doing while you use their products and services. The data can be sold to advertisers, or sometimes used to make it easier to use Google’s products.

They use data from Gmail, Chat and Meet to make their user experience more convenient, for example, like when your email or text tries to predict what you’re going to type next.

If you don’t want your data tracked and stored for any reason, though, you can opt out.

Right now you have to dig a little deeper to keep your data to yourself, in a few months Google will roll out new email settings that will allow you to simply disable the smart features with a single click.

Image Credit: Google

That means you’ll no longer have access to features like Smart Compose, Smart Reply, etc, but it also means Google isn’t rooting around in your business.

You’ll also be able to disable a setting that allows Gmail, Chat, and Meet data to be used in other Google apps.

To get their eyes and hands off, you’ll have to give up access to things like content suggestions, restaurant recommendations, or automated bill pay reminders.

Image Credit: Google

If you don’t want to wait for the new prompts to show up, you can change some of your preferences right now.

You pull up your Gmail, then Settings > General, to turn off the following options individually:

  • Smart compose
  • Smart compose personalization
  • Nudges
  • Smart reply

Screenshot: Brendan Hesse

Next, you’ll click on Settings > Inbox and deselect all inbox categories and turn off “Importance Markers.”

If you want to see what other Gmail data you can mess with, check out Settings > Accounts and Import > Other Google Account settings.

Turning those off should help protect your data for now, and with the changes coming and Google being more transparent about how their Smart features work, it should get even easier in the future.

At least, as far as we know.

The post Turning Off Gmail’s Smart Features Might Make You Harder to Track. Here’s How to Do It. appeared first on UberFacts.

Scientists Are Using Human Cells to Enhance Monkey Brains. Is This a Good Idea?

In today’s edition of “More Scientists Need To Watch Movies”, some people think it’s a good idea to try to increase the size of a monkey’s brain.

Now, I have a problem with this for a couple of reasons, but the main one is that monkeys are gross, disgusting little disease vectors, and the last thing we need is them realizing they can spread germs to humans faster and on purpose.

But, as people – even the smart ones – never learn, here we are again.

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

Scientists in southern China are working to better understand how evolution happened (they say) by enhancing the brains and intelligence of several transgenic macaque monkeys.

Bing Su is the geneticist at the Kunming Institute of Zoology who led the effort.

“This was the first attempt to understand the evolution of human cognition using a transgenic monkey model,” he confessed.

Their findings indicate that the modified monkeys are better able to pass tests involving memory, colors, and blocks, and their brains took longer to develop, too – more like human children.

Image Credit: Pexels

The results were published on March 27th in the National Science Review, and several Western scientists were quick to call the experiments reckless, questioning the ethics of genetically modifying primates.

James Sikela, a geneticist at the University of Colorado, is one of the scientists who has concerns.

“The use of transgenic monkeys to study human genes linked to brain evolution is a very risky road to take.

It is a classic slippery slope issue and one that we can expect to recur as this type of research is pursued.

…I find it troubling that the field is steamrolling along in this manner.”

While Europe and the US still continue to make it difficult to use primates for research, China has no such qualms.

That’s why Su was able to get this project off the ground during his quest for “signs of Darwinian selection,” and specifically, the selection for higher intelligence.

As humans evolved, our brains grew in size and power. Su, and surely others, are curious about which genes inspired the change, and given how similar our brains are to say, a chimps, they’re natural test subjects.

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If we can isolate the 2% difference between chimps and humans, then could we figure out what makes us human?

The gene that fascinates Su is MCPH1, or microcephalin. Its sequence differs between humans and apes, and human babies born with a damaged gene have tiny heads, which would seem to correlate to brain size.

In these most recent experiments, Su added human microcephalin to a monkey genome.

He and his collaborators at the Yunnan Key Laboratory exposed monkey embryos to a virus carrying the human microcephalin, and 5 of the 11 survived long enough to have their brains measured. They all had between 2 and 9 copies of the gene at the time.

Though ethics questions abound, Su feels that by experimenting on macaques and not apes, he’s avoided the biggest concerns of his peers.

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“Although their genome is close to ours, there are also tens of millions of differences.”

Basically, he doesn’t believe giving them a few human genes will somehow make them more than monkeys, ala Planet of the Apes, the way people fear might happen if the experiments were carried out on say, a chimp.

The transgenic monkeys in the experiments did not end up with physically larger brain, but they did score better on shot-term memory quizzes and other intelligence tests.

Martin Styner, a computer scientists involved in the paper, asked to have his name removed due to the belief that the experiments aren’t doing anything to further real scientific research into evolution.

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“I don’t think that is a good direction. Now we have created this animal which is different than it is supposed to be.

When we do experiments, we have to have a good understanding of what we are trying to learn, to help society, and that is not the case here.

They are trying to understand brain development.

And I don’t think they are getting there.”

Su and his team remain undaunted, with plans to create more modified transgenic monkeys in the near future.

What’s more, is that next time he plans to use a different DNA variant – SRGAP2C – which has been dubbed the “humanity switch,” due to its likely role in burgeoning human intelligence.

I don’t know about y’all, but I feel like we have enough going on.

Monkeys that are as smart as humans, apes or not, seem like a very bad idea.

The post Scientists Are Using Human Cells to Enhance Monkey Brains. Is This a Good Idea? appeared first on UberFacts.