Very Strange Thrift Store Finds You Need to Take a Look At

Here we go again

It’s time for yet another roundup of pictures of some of the weirdest things that people have been lucky (or cursed) enough to find at various thrift stores around this beautiful country of ours.

It’s a real crapshoot when you enter these stores…which is part of the fun!

Wanna see some super weird and kind of creepy things that folks found out there while shopping? Let’s take a look!

1. Behold the majesty of this painting.

This would look great right over the fireplace.

2. Do you want your child to wear this?

Of course, you do!

3. I need a Bieber couch in my life.

I know all my visitors would be very impressed.

4. I actually do want these.

Where’s the beef?!?!

5. Jesus, take the wheel.

He looks like he just heard a bad joke.

6. I have this in my kitchen…

And I don’t even have any kids. Is that weird?

7. The best book of the year.

Get with it, people!

8. Need a Leo clock?

Well, you’re in luck!

9. Wear it proudly!

This takes care of some of the small talk you might have with new people you meet.

10. In a van down by the river.

Find true freedom…

11. This is really something.

And by that, I mean pretty terrifying.

12. Keep it coming!

I’ll take another cup of that!

13. What’s Garfield up to now?

Wait…is that Garfield?–jqVq9Nv/

How about you?

Are you a thrift store regular?

If so, tell us about your weird finds in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

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These Memes Are Excellent! Totally Excellent!

It’s party time! Excellent!

Remember when our friends Wayne and Garth used to say that on Wayne’s World?

Well, I hope you do, or else I’m gonna feel really old right about now.

Either way, we think these memes will make you laugh. Let’s take a look!

1. Well, son, I slid into her DMs.

That’s the way we used to do it.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. It actually works really well.

But your desk might get a little bit messy.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. That sounds really hot.

But…I think you might have blown it…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. Yeah, I don’t really get fancy watches, either.

How about you?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. It was good while it lasted.

Maybe 2022 will be excellent!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. Oh, well, it seems like you changed your mind pretty quickly.

Now you’re a Communist all of the sudden?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. Let’s just end this right here.

It’s gone on long enough!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. Just can’t seem to get comfortable.

Always either too hot or too cold.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. Allow me to show you around.

Oh, great, now Pennywise is taking over?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. That guy’s mullet is EPIC.

So, yes, I think that can be classified as cool. Sue me.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. Awwww. Well, isn’t that cute?

What else can this little fella do?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. Does it work when you do that?

I sure hope so…enough with this crying…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Have you seen any funny memes that have really made you chuckle lately?

Well, don’t keep them all to yourself! Share them with us in the comments!

That’s what friends are for!

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Do You Need a Pick-Me-Up? We Think These Photos of Rescue Pets Will Do the Trick!

If you’ve been down in the dumps, we have something special for you that we think is going to make you happy INSTANTLY.

I’m talking about photos of rescue pets who have found their forever homes and who are clearly living their best lives!

Oh yeah, you know that’s the good stuff!

Unless you have a cold, black muscle pumping in your chest instead of a heart, we think you’re gonna love every last one of these pictures of very good boys and girls.

Are you ready?


1. She stole your heart.

And now she has a new home!

I rarely adopt (I always rescue then adopt lol) but this little cutie that was born with a facial birth defect stole my heart the second I saw her adoption post on Reddit. Please say Hi to my new adopted kitten, Nala! ❤❤❤ from cats

2. These two will be best friends forever.

Hey, opposites attract sometimes!

This Cat Adopted a puppy from aww

3. I think he likes you, too.

No doubt about that!

My newly adopted friend. I think he likes me from aww

4. Adopting a senior kitty.

She looks like she has a huge personality.

We adopted this 11 year old senior, ShayShay, today from a woman who couldn’t keep her anymore. Her first photo matches her personality. We are so happy to have you, beautiful girl. from aww

5. One step closer to his dream.

Well, isn’t this cute?

Our son’s dream of becoming a k-9 officer got one step closer today. We adopted him at 2.5 after his parents passed away. His new best friend, a little girl named Jovi, was born on his biological mother’s birthday. Meant to be! ? from ProtectAndServe

6. Welcome home, Arnold!

He looks like a very good boy.

Rescued this very good boy, Arnold!! He looks so handsome in his sweater!! from aww

7. This cat looks amazing.

Like a beast straight out of the wild.

We adopted Nova 12 weeks ago today and I wanted to share with you all how much he has changed since he arrived! from aww

8. Take a snooze.

You’re safe and sound now, buddy!

I accidentally adopted a sleeping machine from pics

9. Her twilight years will be her best.

A new addition to the family.

Just rescued this sweet lil old lady, Chloe. She’s 12 and she’s gonna have her finest years yet! from rarepuppers

10. Awwww. This is very wholesome.

Just look at that face!

This is Dalton, the 13 year old diabetic dog my family adopted today from aww

11. You had to keep these two together.

And we’re glad you did!

Been telling myself the only way to keep them together is to just adopt them myself. It’s not my fault. I have no choice. from aww

Well, now I feel a whole lot better! No doubt about it!

How about you?

Do you have any rescue pets at home? If so, please share some photos of your friends with us in the comments.

We’d love to meet them!

The post Do You Need a Pick-Me-Up? We Think These Photos of Rescue Pets Will Do the Trick! appeared first on UberFacts.

These Memes Will Help You Procrastinate Effectively

Are you wasting time right now?

Of course you are. You clicked on this. Nobody made you. That wasn’t a part of your job. It’s not a thing you had on your to-do list. You’re here because you’re being a big ol’ procrastinator. And you know what? That’s fine. We are not here to judge, we’re here to enable.

Spend some time looking at these 11 random memes instead of doing real stuff.

11. Mission impossible

The floor is lava and the wires are feelings.

10. I am infinite

My drama knows NO BOUNDS.

9. Get in the game

He just kinda…does his own thing.

8. Another gem

I’m gonna break the system before the system breaks me…

7. It’s a sign

Numbers don’t lie.

6. Cat’s out of the bed

The sun is up, why aren’t you?

5. Sharing is caring

Gimme that gum, comrade.

4. Now hear this

Some things are just burned into our minds forever and there’s nothing we can do about it.

3. Cherished memories

Somewhere in cloud storage, millions of these things are just collecting digital dust.

2. Gansta rat

Don’t pretend you love hip hop if you don’t know who this is.

1. Out of this world

Look, we can be educational, or we can get ratings, we can’t do both.

There’s a few minutes of your life you’ll never get back, nor would you ask to. Because time spent looking at great memes is never truly wasted.

What kinds of memes are your favorite?

Tell us in the comments.

The post These Memes Will Help You Procrastinate Effectively appeared first on UberFacts.

These Big Math Fails Will Make You Shake Your Head

One of my mottos has always been, “if you don’t know what you’re talking about, just keep your mouth shut…or you’ll end up looking like an idiot.”

Words to live by, right?

Feel free to use that in your own life, just remember to credit me and send me royalty checks when appropriate…

ANYWAY, I brought that up because these people all clearly don’t understand how math works, yet they acted like they did and now the whole is laughing at them.

Let’s take a look…

1. That doesn’t add up…

Let’s go back to the drawing board.

Yep from theydidntdothemath

2. Okay, everybody take a deep breath.

Let’s start from the beginning…again…

Seems about right from theydidntdothemath

3. Yeah, that will be crazy.

Wait, what did you say?

Makes sense from theydidntdothemath

4. We’re all gonna be winners!

Oh boy…this does not look good…

Yay! We all win… from theydidntdothemath

5. That’s a lot of people crammed into North Carolina.

But it just doesn’t add up…

Fox is making up numbers from theydidntdothemath

6. Wow…this is pretty incredible.

Were you dropped on your head as a child?

How many trips back to the store? from theydidntdothemath

7. Do the math again, people!

That sure doesn’t look right…

Ah yes, the 500 people population of the U. S. from theydidntdothemath

8. Yes, that what that means.

Also, I don’t think you’re gonna get hired. Just a hunch.

20<16 from theydidntdothemath

9. Are you sure that’s 50% off?

Time to bust out the calculator.

Hmm… from theydidntdothemath

10. What am I supposed to do?!?!

I’m confused and I don’t know what to do!

How do I take advantage of this special? from theydidntdothemath

11. Can someone explain this to me?

I’m a very confused person right now…

Please explain… yes… from theydidntdothemath

12. Go ahead and get your clicks.

This person really showed us what’s up.

Only 4% of the people wash their hands? from theydidntdothemath

Do you ever find yourself making any big math fails?

If so, tell us all about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to laugh at your mistakes!

The post These Big Math Fails Will Make You Shake Your Head appeared first on UberFacts.

When you see CNN playing in airport…

When you see CNN playing in airport terminals you’re actually watching a special version of the channel CNN produces just for airports. Is it just regular CNN with no mention at all of missing flights and aviation disasters when they occur. The network’s digital on-screen graphics are designed larger than industry standards, to allow readability […]

The post When you see CNN playing in airport… appeared first on Crazy Facts.

A Mom Turned Her Daughter’s Dirty, Abandoned Sock Into a Museum Exhibit

Parents everywhere know that it’s important to teach our children to be respectful, and that part of that is picking up after yourself. Trash, laundry, toys…picking them up can be harder than it seems (apparently), but we’ve all got to do it.

Parents also know – or at least, they should – that humor is the key to every good, communicative relationship.

Mom Xep Campbell and her daughter Kestrel illustrate this fact super well with this post about a forgotten sock on the bathroom floor.

On the evening of Thanksgiving when I went to bed I noticed one of Kestrel's socks on the bathroom floor. I decided not…

Posted by Xep Campbell on Wednesday, December 2, 2020

I can only imagine that, before Mom decided to cheekily enter it as a museum exhibit, Kestrel was asked to collect said sock more than once.

Image Credit: Facebook

Instead of taking the hint about the dirty laundry having been in one place for too long, Kestrel added a pedestal.

Art deserves an appropriate display, right?

Image Credit: Facebook

It also deserves an audience, Mom thought.

A riveted audience.

Image Credit: Facebook

Their game continued. No word on if or when the sock has been deposited in the appropriate receptacle, but in the meantime, at least the farm animals have something interesting to look at.

Image Credit: Facebook

If only farm animals in real life were treated as well.

Consider this your reminder to yes, parent your children and do your best to raise them right.

But also, don’t forget to have fun with them now and then – before you know it both they and their dirty socks will be but a memory in your home.

And sure, it will be picked up all the time.

But it will be awfully quiet, too.

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A Concerned Parent Wants to Know if He’s Wrong for Refusing to Help His Daughter With Her Family Tree Assignment

Almost every kid who attends public school will, at some point, come home with a family tree assignment. You fill in the blanks, you ask your relatives some questions about where they grew up and what their parents did and maybe for an anecdote or two, and voila!

At least, that’s what I remember.

According to this man, though, his daughter’s assignment turned out to be nothing like he expected.

Image Credit: Reddit

There were questions about taxes and other personal financial information.

Image Credit: Reddit

It asked for replies about medical histories and potential criminal backgrounds.

Image Credit: Reddit

He tried reaching out to the teacher but got no response, and other parents were also concerned.

Image Credit: Reddit

One of them finally got hold of the teacher, who explained the assignment was meant to make students more aware of the diversity in their school.

Image Credit: Reddit

The intention was fine, he thought, but he still felt odd about sharing such personal information – some of it about extended family members – with the community at large.

Image Credit: Reddit

He and about 2/3 of the other parents agreed their kids wouldn’t be taking part, but some committee called them “Karens,” and accused them of sabotaging efforts to be more diverse and inclusive.

Image Credit: Reddit

He wants to know if this is a normal thing, and if he was maybe overreacting.

Image Credit: Reddit

Short answer? No, people don’t think that at all.

Image Credit: Reddit

Some pointed out the nature of kids and the potential for the information to be used to bully and tease.

Image Credit: Reddit

Others thought the content was inappropriate for young students, and should be reported to the superintendent, besides.

Image Credit: Reddit

There is always a fine line – and this seems to have crossed.

Image Credit: Reddit

You know you can’t trust anyone these days.

Image Credit: Reddit

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m definitely on the side of OP – some things are just not the school’s business.

Tell me in the comments where you come down on this, and why!

The post A Concerned Parent Wants to Know if He’s Wrong for Refusing to Help His Daughter With Her Family Tree Assignment appeared first on UberFacts.