Tiny Homes Are Helping Homeless Teenagers Aging Out of Foster Care and Get on Their Feet

You’ve most likely heard about this whole tiny home craze, which if you ask me, is totally insane if you don’t live alone.

There is no one in this world you love enough to be permanently crammed next to in less than 500 square feet, I promise.

This new initiative in Oklahoma, though, is putting the small and affordable housing option to good use – helping former foster kids alleviate the worry of having a roof over their heads while they figure out how to make their own way in the world.

Check out this cute little house!

Image Credit: YouTube

Some states continue to follow up with foster kids who turn 18 and “age out” of the system. Some even provide college tuition, but that’s not the norm, and things are different everywhere.

There are too many places where they simply fall through the cracks, kicked out into the world with few skills and fewer connections.

Image Credit: Twitter

The statistics aren’t on their side, either – of kids who aged out at 18, only 50% of them are employed by the time they turn 24.

One of the organizations hoping to change things is Pivot, Inc, out of Oklahoma.

They use their nonprofit’s funding to help build tiny homes – which they keep on the grounds behind their offices – for kids who have aged out.

Image Credit: Pixabay

They provide not only shelter, but therapy, clothing, and life skills like budgeting and cooking, too.

These are skills that not only make them independent, but more employable, too – just having an address, a shower, and a washer and dryer makes finding a job much more likely.

Image Credit: YouTube

The kids are never turned out, but after the first month, they are expected to make rent payments if they are employed and able.

The project started out slow, but eventually, they hope to have over 80 homes on their campus, available to any former foster kid who needs them.

In a world where kids like these can easily fall through the cracks, this is one way people can make a difference.

More tiny homes for teenagers in need, I say.

Keep on going, folks!

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People Are Sharing Things They’ll Miss About Lockdowns

Guess what, everyone?

The pandemic isn’t over yet! Not even close, in fact…

And, while we’re seeing a lot of people out there ACTING like things have improved, we all need to be smart about wearing a mask, keeping our distance from people, and washing our hands.

Regardless of all those pesky FACTS, people have been tweeting out what they’re going to miss about lockdown…whenever that happens. It’s good to dream, I guess…let’s take a look at what people had to say! Stay safe out there!

1. That’s a good thing.

Trust me, you’ll be able to hibernate this whole winter.

2. Awwwwww. Keep on enjoying that.

Looks like a good companion.

3. That is definitely a positive thing.

Let’s all keep ’em clean when this is over, okay?

4. The perfect excuse…

What’s YOURS?

5. They’re always there for you.

You gotta love that!

6. All kinds of experiments going on.

That can be good or bad…just ask your pets.

7. All kinds of good stuff.

You still have a good amount of time to enjoy all of this.

8. Pretty steady where I’m at.

That’s cheap!

9. Livin’ the life.

Like I said, lockdown ain’t going anywhere, so keep on enjoying it.

10. Guest appearance!

You know your co-workers love it!

11. Family is everything.

I’m sure they love having you there!

12. Oh come on, lighten up…

Give people a chance! It’s worth it!

Sorry, folks, but we still have quite a ways to go before we can get back to normal again…

Now we want to hear from you!

How are you spending your time during the lockdown?

Talk to us in the comments! And stay safe out there!

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People Who Are (Probably) Having a Rougher Time Than You Are

I can’t say for sure, because you know…I don’t know you.

We’re all having a rough time these days, but I think it’s safe to say that’s more true for some of us than others.

It can change at any time, and without warning, but I think it’s safe to say that these 15 people are having one heck of an autumn.

15. Is this…a real thing that can happen?

Please, someone with knowledge weigh in.

Don’t leave your kayak out in the sun from Wellthatsucks

14. I’m not sure I even want to see the before photo.

It would be been more depressing.

My backyard after the gender reveal party on Saturday from Wellthatsucks

13. Where does one buy that?

Is this some kind of joke?

Gas station toilet paper about the width of an iPod shuffle. from Wellthatsucks

12. That honestly seems about right.

It’s 2020, after all.

Yearbook photo from my first year as a teacher. from Wellthatsucks

11. I think it works.

And you didn’t even have to take care of it yourself!

Took 2 months to receive this mushroom grow kit due to a misplaced package slip. It arrived like this. from Wellthatsucks

10. The end of the world if you’re a kid.

What a dad thing to get.

Girl gets her phone stuck in phone jail for 2 days by accident from Wellthatsucks

9. No photographs, please.

I know some celebrities who would hire this shark in a heartbeat.

When the Tiger Shark you’re photographing swims off with your camera rig. from Wellthatsucks

8. That is extremely awkward.

Who allowed this to happen?!

I guess plumbing isn’t for everyone from Wellthatsucks

7. Those are the kind of things that just get under your skin.

I would definitely ask for my money back.

Paid extra for this “window” seat. from Wellthatsucks

6. You just have to laugh.

Because what else can you do?

We found my wife’s phone in the toilet yesterday. We weren’t sure which of our three kids put it there…….until my wife scrolled through her pictures today. from Wellthatsucks

5. Well that’s just rude.

But is that toilet seat from the 50s?

After losing 1/3rd of my weight, I finally didn’t feel too fat anymore. The toilet disagreed. from Wellthatsucks

4. A hole in one!

I guess they’re not always something to celebrate.

Walking to my first job this morning with a fresh cup of coffee. That’s not cream, it’s a crow shit hole in one. from Wellthatsucks

3. The kids are not okay.

I thought we were feeding them healthier stuff now?

The food we get at school everyday. from Wellthatsucks

2. You think they could have sent a text or something.

What good is all of this technology, anyway?

My friend was supposed to take the SAT today… from Wellthatsucks

1. If you squint…

Nope. Still not shaped like a lobster.

I tried to make a cake with a lobster shaped dish from Wellthatsucks

It’s okay to laugh, I think, because we’re all in this together.

Have you had quite a month? Tell us why in the comments!

The post People Who Are (Probably) Having a Rougher Time Than You Are appeared first on UberFacts.

Weird DIY Home Projects That’ll Make You Scratch Your Head

If my predictions turn out to be true, you’re going to look at these photos, shake your head, and say WHYYYYYYYYYY? at the top of your lungs.

Because what you’re about to see if, quite frankly, weird and disturbing.

We’re about to dive into the world of strange DIY home projects that pretty much exist for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

BUT, at least they are funny, which is all we can really ask for. Hey, we can’t control what other folks do, all we can do is choose to make fun of it or not. And that’s what we’re good at here!

Take a look at these odd DIY projects and it’s probably a good idea that you DON’T try these at home.

Let’s see what happened…

1. That’s a little strange.

Who thought this was a good idea?

Found on r/mildlyinteresting thought it belonged here from DiWHY

2. Gross and weird.

That’s all I can really say about that.

Incognito barefoot "shoes" from DiWHY

3. Don’t misplace it ever again!

Seems a little bit extreme, don’t you think?

A woman on my timeline has a "remote stick", because her family loses the TV remote so often. from DiWHY

4. Denim stairs for days.

Those must be hard to keep clean.

Good lord. from DiWHY

5. Just so it FEELS like there might be some sunlight coming through.

Very bizarre…

These window reflections are painted on. from DiWHY

6. Yes, those are dishes in the yard.

And no, I don’t know why.

This Great Wall of China from DiWHY

7. Do you think that works?

I have a hard time believing this is effective.

Must be a dentist’s car. from DiWHY

8. That looks very classy.

Don’t you agree?

STOP-Don’t throw out your old power strip! from DiWHY

9. And now your apartment is haunted!

Are you happy now?

My girlfriend made some flower pots. These are now in our apartment. from DiWHY

10. Doesn’t look very comfortable.

Have a seat!

Guitar stool on my local marketplace from DiWHY

11. I kind of think this is awesome.

But also totally weird.

DiWHY fence – Van was cheaper than wood? from DiWHY

12. More denim.

I just can’t imagine this would be a good thing.

The Jouch from DiWHY

13. Quite a mailbox.

I wonder if it still has power…

This mailbox from DiWHY

14. But whyyyyyyyyyy?

You can’t unsee this one…

Okay, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about any weird or funny DIY projects that you’ve seen.

Or maybe that you’ve even done yourself!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Did You Ever Wonder How Much Collateral Damage There Was on “Mythbusters?”

There’s a good chance that Mythbusters was a regular part of your world in the 2000s – especially if you were any kind of nerd. They were like, as cool as people who were really into science would ever really be.

They blew stuff up, shot stuff, dropped stuff, and otherwise made giant messes all in the name of proving what things we believed just because were actually true or possible.

Did you ever stop to wonder, though, how much stuff got blown up and dropped and shot in the near vicinity?

If you didn’t, let me tell you – you’re going to love that you’re about to find out.

You know things are crazy when they have to start an episode with an apology…

Image Credit: Tumblr

Because a cannonball went through someone’s house.


Image Credit: Tumblr

Then there was the time they wanted to see if they could actually blow someone’s socks off.

Which, yanno… sounds REALLY dangerous.

Image Credit: Tumblr

And they got banned from like, an entire city (and then some).

Image Credit: Tumblr

So what we’re learning today, my friends, is that science is cool, that you should apologize when your experiments go awry, and if you’re going to test any kind of explosives, you should probably have some kind of expert on hand.

But mostly, that science is cool.

Don’t you forget that, y’all, but definitely go back and watching some old episodes of Mythbusters. Now you can make up all of the sordid behind-the-scenes details and know for sure you’re not that far off!

What do you think about this? Should Mythbusters have attempted these or just left well enough alone?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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Hilarious “This Can’t Be the Same Brain” Tweets That We Think You’ll Enjoy

Can anyone explain what is happening to OUR BRAINS these days?

I’m not even a Millennial, but I can relate to all of these young folks and how they are having a hard time grasping how and why their mental faculties are not as sharp as they used to be.

Hence, we’ve been give the gift of the “This Can’t Be the Same Brain” phenomenon that is sweeping the Twitter-verse.

Hey, we’re living through very tough times and all. kinds of Millennials are taking to social media to make funny observations about how they’re having a hard time dealing with their brain drain.

Let’s take a look at what they had to say.

1. You better believe it is.

It’s all downhill from here.

2. No Math! No more!

I really can’t handle this kind of stuff at my age…looks like I’m not alone.

3. Oh, it’s the same brain alright…

You just aren’t sure what happened to it…

4. That was very fast…

Not so much anymore, though.

5. Remember when?

Not gonna happen anymore.

6. Your brain is now mush.

Get used to it!

7. Had a lot of energy back then.

Now…it’s almost nap time.

8. That’s impressive!

But now it’s OVER.

9. You were at the top of your game.

That was then, this is now.

10. Don’t even talk to me about the TI-82.

Brings back terrible memories.

11. That wasn’t that long ago!

So your brain went downhill very quickly, huh?

12. When you were on top of the world.

We like to call them “glory days.”

How about you?

Does your brain seem to be melting down on you lately?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know how it’s all working out for you lately! We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Adorable Cat Memes That Will Have You Feline Fine

Cats are the greatest. Period. Dogs? Yeah, dogs are cool, but CATS? There’s nothing better.

When I’m having a bad day, nothing makes me feel better than going home to cuddle with my cat.

But not everyone is lucky be the keeper of a fabulous feline. For those who are cat-free or (god forbid) allergic to cats, fear not! The Internet is here with a bowl full of 10 adorable cat memes guaranteed to have you feline fine.

1. Cats make us smile:

Just by being their derpy selves:

Image Credit: Someecards

2. They entertain:

Such drama!

Image Credit: Someecards

3. Cats have opinions:

Girls night be like…

Image Credit: Someecards

4. And they will cat call you out:

His face says it all.

Image Credit: Someecards

5. They can be just as protective as dogs:

“What are your intentions with my human, other human?”

Image Credit: Someecards

6. And twice as demanding:

What do you want? Food? Play? Attention? All of the above?

Image Credit: Someecards

7. We can learn from our feline friends:

If we’re paying close attention.

Image Credit: Someecards

8. I’ll bet you wish you had one now.

Maybe if you’re lucky, one will choose you as their human.

Image Credit: Someecards

9. I hate to be away from my cat:

And he hates to be away from me.

Image Credit: Someecards

10. Some people might call me crazy:

But the Internet always has my back.

Image Credit: Someecards

I need to know what this cake is made of and where this human found it! Look at those little pink whiskers!

Still not convinced cats are the best? I encourage you to keep scrolling. Or better yet, adopt a cat! You too can learn first hand just how magical cats truly are. (Once you get past the constant scratches, it’s great!)

Do you have an adorable feline friend? Tell us all about them in the comments!

The post Adorable Cat Memes That Will Have You Feline Fine appeared first on UberFacts.