Robocop’s suit was so cumbersome, it would not fit into his police car. Every time you see Robocop driving, he doesn’t have his Robo pants on.
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Robocop’s suit was so cumbersome, it would not fit into his police car. Every time you see Robocop driving, he doesn’t have his Robo pants on.
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There is a valley in Antarctica called the ‘Dry Valleys’ which scientists consider to be the closest of any terrestrial environment to Mars, and which hasn’t received any rain in almost 2 million years.
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Here’s a story about the founding of our country that they don’t (but should) teach you in high school – beer (or lack thereof) played a role in the choice to make Plymouth Rock the first landing place for English settlers in the New World.
First, let me dispel the notion that the proper Separatists were getting sloshed as they made their way across the Atlantic, though. In order to make long ocean crossings, people and shipping companies had to figure out how to store water. People can’t live without it, of course, but as we all know, water that sits, stagnant and without modern ways to seal and store it, quickly grew stagnant and prone to water-borne bacteria.
Not good.
People had realized for quite some time, though, that alcohol eats bacteria, and so weak beer, known as ship’s beer, kept everyone hydrated on long crossings. It had a much lower alcohol content than what we drink today, and there was also “small beer,” which had almost no alcohol in it. The latter was handed out to every passenger – even children – a quart per day.
Fun Fact: Ship’s crossings also led to the invention of IPA’s – India Pale Ale’s were born from the need to make beer that would be good after the LONG journey from England to India, and brewmasters found the answer in extra hops.
When people came home from service in India, they didn’t want that weak-a$s pale ale served ’round the local pub – they wanted that good INDIA pale ale.
Back in 1620, though, the Mayflower’s crossing was not without trouble. There were originally two ships, but when one began taking on water early in the journey, all of the passengers (and presumably their rations) were transferred to the sturdy Mayflower.
By the time they mitigated that trouble, storm season was upon them, and rough seas delayed their trip by about two months. November is obviously not the ideal time to arrive in New England. The cold weather meant that planting crops would have to wait, and rations from the ship would have to last.
The captain and others aboard did realize that the bit of land in Plymouth wasn’t even the one the colonists had been authorized to populate, but….the beer.
Stores were running low, and so the captain decided to dock the ship and canvas the new land. He sent the passengers and their servants aground to find drinkable water (so they could make more beer) and the crew remained on the vessel, keeping the remaining beer stores for themselves.
One passenger, William Bradford, complained that the passengers “were hastened ashore and made to drink water, that the seamen might have the more beer.”
Another early colonist reported that no one liked the water in the New World, writing “I dare not prefere it before good beere.”
So, there you have it. The fact that beer played a role in the choice of Plymouth Rock as a landing port is not a tall tale, and honestly, I think we could make the case that beer is this country’s founding beverage.
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Christmas usually corners the market on gaudy, oversized, slightly (or more than slightly) ridiculous decorations for your home. Inside, outside, both – the more, the bigger, the brighter, the better.
Halloween, though, is an up-and-coming holiday that’s getting tons more love than she used to – it’s fall, the weather is nice, the pumpkin spice is flowing, so is the candy, and almost everyone loves to feel the slightest bit spooked.
Enter… the 12-foot skeleton!
Image Credit: Home Depot
There are many lawn decorations to choose from, that range from kitschy to scary to inflatable to lit up, but listen – a skeleton that’s twice as tall as the average man sounds like a way to make a real statement to the neighbors, if you ask me.
Really throw down the Halloween gauntlet.
Home Depot is offering the 12-Foot Giant-Sized Skeleton with LifeEyes, and yeah, that last part is the real spooky kicker.
Image Credit: Home Depot
His bones are off-white, which contrast nicely with his creepy, light-up, animated eyeballs that blink and follow people -or at least, seem to follow people – as they cross your yard and make their way to your front door.
The moving parts come with a convenient timer, and the whole thing comes with a base piece that makes it easy to stand him up wherever you’d like.
You can order this delightfully large monstrosity for a cool $299, but it’s built to last and will surely delight and terrify trick-or-treaters for years to come.
Image Credit: Home Depot
Pro-tip: this thing is tall, so you’re going to need some help putting it together.
And while you’ve got a crew assembled, go ahead and implement the fog-and-spotlight scenario, too.
You can thank me later.
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History is full of amazing people living lives we can hardly believe, and that’s only for the tiny, tiny percentage of humans we actually know something about.
So whenever a “secret diary” is uncovered and we have another chance to peer into the past, I am here for it – and I didn’t know it until now, but that goes double for diaries written on the floor of a French castle.
Basically, this 18th century tradesman took the classic and never underrated advice to hide your valuables under the floorboards super literally.
A few years ago, the owners of a 19th century chateau near the French-Swiss border were renovating (as one does), and when they pulled open the original floors, they discovered that the undersides were covered in writings – over 72 entries of a diary, written by the carpenter who helped build the original structure.
His name was Joachim Martin. He lived in a nearby rural settlement called Les Crottes, and between 1880-1881, he unburdened himself of some seriously hot and disturbing local gossip. Which might sound frivolous and unimportant, but we have a serious dearth of records of what common life looked like through the majority of history.
These floorboards, to many historians, are complete gems.
Several of the passages describe multiple affairs in the village, because apparently everyone had a mistress. He confesses to knowing about at least four infanticides – all of the babies were love children of his friend’s – as well as where the bodies were buried.
I mean, there was no real birth control, but still. Yikes.
Joachim never told a soul about the tiny corpses under the stables because “he’s my old childhood friend, and his mother is my father’s mistress.”
Okay then.
Also, the clergy in town was full of randy perverts, which, nowadays, I guess really isn’t all that surprising.
Joachim accused the village priest of seducing half of the husbands in the village, and also said the abbot, one Abbot Lagier, was a “pig” who “should be hanged.” Apparently he forced the women of the village to detail not only how often, but what sort of sex they were having with their husbands, supposedly so he could ensure they weren’t using any perverted positions.
A classic case of takes one to know one, I suppose.
In addition to the local gossip, since the journal entries were written during the years immediately preceding the French Revolution, there’s also a pretty interesting look into how the commoners in the area felt about corruption in the Church and in the State.
Perhaps my favorite thing about Joachim is that he seemed to be aware that his words would one day be found and read – something that would have undoubtedly seemed exciting to a man of his station. In one of the entries he addresses us, the future readers of his self-published gossip rag.
“Happy Mortal. When you read this, I shall be no more. My story is short and sincere and frank, because none but you shall see my writing.”
He guessed right; the original hardwood floors of a French chateau have endured through time and trials, and I don’t know about you, but I sure would like to light candle for Joachim – the new patron saint of gossip-mongers everywhere.
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If you’ve ever tried to train a dog, you’ve probably used all kinds of commands before. And if you’ve tried to train your cat…well, that was a huge mistake because cats don’t listen to anyone, but they do learn a lot of things along the way from being conditioned. Like when to eat, where the litter box is, etc.
But sometimes, our pets condition us to do things as well, whether we realize it or not. Don’t believe me? I think you will very soon…
Here are the ways AskReddit users say they’ve been conditioned to do things by their pets.
“My husky does this sneezing thing when she’s anxious and I imitate her every time she does it. Usually causes follow up sneezes.
I also know right when she’s about to groan when she’s anxious/annoyed and if I make the noise before she does she won’t do it.”
“My parents cat prefers to drink water directly from the tap before.
Every night before bed he’ll hop onto their sink and meow until someone turns on the tap for him, then when he’s done he’ll meow again until someone turns off the tap and carries him to bed.”
“Leave the bathroom door cracked just a little so she can open it, see that I’m in there, and be on her way, instead of waiting outside whining and whining.
No, I don’t do this for pooping nor when there are people over, as I’m not a neanderthal, but she really needs to know it’s me peeing in there or she will freak out about my location.”
“Last summer my cat had serious health problems, he had to spend some days in the animal hospital. My place was so empty without him and that was the time i realized basically i adjusted every aspect of my life to please/don’t scare/don’t hurt him.
I only open the windows to let fresh air in, if the cat is closed in a different room. I always watch where i step. I hurry home from work, so he won’t vomit on the carpet from stress and loneliness because he thinks i left him alone to starve to death.
I always check the washing machine, the dishwasher, the oven before turning on. And so on, i’m checking literally everything and i do everything carefully.
I really can’t imagine what will i do if he leaves me forever. I’m so used to his sweet fluffy presence : ( “
“I have three cats so I am as trained as a seal at SeaWorld. Here are just three:
In the evenings, Icy will sleep on the living room furniture. If I get up to get a drink she will stretch and roll over demanding belly rubs. And she wants me to tell her she is a pretty girl. If I don’t pet her and tell her that she will meow at me when I come back.
Luna likes to know where I am at all times. So she will call out to me and expect me to answer. I know the meow that means “Lisasimpsonfan where the hell are you?”. She wont stop until I answer her.
Mr. Saucy Pants is a big baby so he needs lots of reassurance and I have to leave the bathroom door cracked so he knows he can get to me if he is scared. If it don’t this little paw slides under the door and he cries. The only time I shut the door is if other people are here.
The cats run the house.”
“My dog likes to sleep under the bed covers.
If she wants to get under she will come and nudge me gently and no matter how asleep I am I lift the covers with my legs so she can get in.”
“My dog Yuri has conditioned me into being his pillow at night. At first I would immediately push him off when he tried but eventually he learned how to rest his head on my chest little by little so I didn’t notice.
Now I basically just let him do it.”
“In the mornings my GSD will not, at all, go outside to do his business until I give him his joint vitamin.
He’s gone through the doggy door and turned right back inside a few times.”
“My cat Kevin loves to drink water out of the sink, so every morning when I get up I fill up the bathroom sink with an inch or two of water.
He also loves to ‘bat’ things into the sink, so I grab a couple of Q-Tips and set them next to the edge so he has something to skooch in there.”
“I’ve shared this before, but I got my dog Snoopy when I was 10 years and ever since he was a puppy he had this weird love for lettuce. He would go absolutely nuts for it, so whenever I had a sandwich or a burger I would give him some of my lettuce.
Over the years it became a ritual that whenever I prepared any food for myself that involved lettuce, I would grab some extra lettuce for him, so I could toss it to him as I ate.
He passed away 5 years ago after nearly 17 years together, but I still find myself grabbing that bit of extra lettuce for him. It’s kind of funny that his little quirk has still stuck with me for all these years and I honestly never want it to go it away, because it’s a little way for me to remember him.”
“I talk in a very feminine voice to my dog, she was a abused rescue and was scared of men
So, being a man, I just change my voice when I would talk to her.”
“My cat Bo runs into another room when I get his treats out (he knows looking is cheating) so that he can come back in & “hunt” for where I placed them around the living room.
He won’t eat them if I place it on the ground at his feet.”
“When I’m having dinner, my cat would jump on the table and look at me with squinting eyes until I feed him. I try to resist but his eyes squint so hard it’s as though he’s about to fall asleep.
Too cute not to give him a little bit of my food.”
“I seem to have inherited a turtle, a red eared slider.
It was originally the daughters and she bought it at age 13 with the help of her mum ???? It came with a tiny tank (I know).
Once it arrived home I thought “Well how unfortunate that your new owner is incapable of looking after herself never mind a pet”, she did try but as expected got bored by this new friend.
So I looked for information and found out he may live for 25-30 years, at this point it seemed to become my responsibility .
11 years later, (Daughter has moved out) several tanks later (don’t worry the one now is fine in size), two fluval filters, heaters, bulbs for heating and UVB, custom basking ramps and the general upkeep and well being of our not so small turtle it seems that he now 100% mine. I don’t mind to be honest.
Anyway, when we are out of sight he will continually swim near the water surface and splash like crazy, all four legs breaking the surface and creating a lot of noise. For some time I would hear this noise and run into the room, upon seeing me he would stop, I walk out, splash time again.
I look forward to the next 20 years of doing this
Sometimes we take him out the tank, he seems fine, not terrified or skittish but quite happy to explore, I never know if this splashing is him asking “Hey come on, get me out of here I need a change of scenery”.”
Now it’s your turn!
In the comments, tell us about the ways YOUR pets have YOU conditioned to do different things.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
The post People Share What Their Pet Has Trained Them to Do appeared first on UberFacts.
I have a pretty big scar on my chest that’s about 4 inches long and looks vicious.
People ask me how I got it and I always say jokingly, “a knife fight”. But the truth is far less impressive, my friends.
Here’s what happened: we were on a family vacation in Florida when I was about 16-years-old and went to the beach, walked into the Gulf of Mexico, and dove in when the water was about waist deep. As I skimmed along the bottom of the water, a big, jagged shell that was sticking out of the sand cut deep into the middle of my chest.
It bled like crazy and probably could have used stitches, but I just put a butterfly bandage on it and the sun and the saltwater made it into a big, puffy scar that I still have today.
Oh, and I have a cool scar on my hand because some kid stabbed me with a hand-made, wooden knife on accident on the bus my Freshman year of high school!
Folks on AskReddit opened up about how they got the scars on their bodies. Let’s take a look!
“I was 10 years old, in Girl Scouts, and I really wanted a jack knife.
Mom got me one, and said, “Be careful. And if you’re not careful and you cut yourself, don’t come crying to me.” So I’m outside whittling on a stick, and the knife slipped and sliced into my finger.
Mom’s gonna kill me. I was scared to go inside the house, ’cause Mom would know what happened, so I rinsed the cut with the garden hose and wrapped my sock around the finger til it stopped bleeding.
Mom’s been gone 35 years and I think of her whenever I notice that scar.”
“My appendix ruptured and the doctor claimed I was faking it for drugs. Only when my mom said she would burn down the clinic the doctor sent us to the hospital along with a police escort to arrest her…
I was under the knife and operated on within 15 minutes of arrival barely surviving and they had to make a 8 inch opening to flush out every piece of contaminant 5 times before they could close me up.
My mom was not arrested and the police officer told her how to file for disciplinary actions on the doctor.”
“My middle school science teacher was doing a routine demonstration in which she heated up a jelly baby with a bunsen burner.
For whatever reason it went wrong, the jelly baby exploded, and landed on my knee. Burnt a hole through my skirt and tights and the scar is still there to this day. She was a bloody lovely woman and a fab teacher and was really really apologetic.
She let me eat the rest of the bag of jelly babies to make up for it.”
“Brown recluse spider bite.
I was four, and my mom didn’t notice it for DAYS.
Definitely could have died, but luckily got away with just a scar.”
“I was 11 and got mugged, the third guy sliced my face.
There was so much blood they freaked out and ran.”
“I was riding my bike in the city, and a car door from one of the parallel parked cars opened up in front of me.
Needed surgery on my collarbone.
Now I can tell when it’s about to rain because my metal plate begins to hurt.”
“On my left hand, I have a one and a half inch scar. You can still see the holes from the stitches that I had.
I was cleaning the excess plastic from a 3D printed project. It just got out of the acid bath, which is used to help get rid of the extra bits of plastic. I was shaving down larger bits that didn’t get burnt off with an x-acto knife.
If you ever had acid on your hands, know it makes them very slippery, so my project slipped and I cut through my left hand.”
“Used to work in a small pharmacy, my coworker was going to a party and asked if I could close up myself.
Me being me, I agreed, I was locking some stuff away (we used to keep most of the strong stuff in just some lockers, we upgraded after this) and 4 junkies jumped me.
Sliced my throat, and took a bunch of drugs. Wasn’t deep but it could have been lethal.
I was in shock but knew i needed to call for help so I just went and pushed the alarm and called 112 (911 in Europe). Luckily I got the help I needed and the thieves were caught.”
“I was going out for my 17th birthday last year and the car I was in got hit by a truck.
I ended up with a long scar starting from my forehead going back into my head.”
“Y’all old people remember the swing sets that were made of metal poles and if you swung too high/hard the legs would lift up and the chains holding the swings were never fully attached so you could go flying off at a moments notice?
That, with a spectacular landing right into the end of the pole on the slide that was tipped over that gouged out a hole the size of a dime in my knee.”
“Drank a box of wine, jumped off a roof, broke my leg, had s*x instead of going to the hospital immediately.”
“I tripped on a stick & half of it jammed into my shin bone.
The weirdest part? It didn’t bleed.
I speculated that perhaps I’m a cyborg & just didn’t know it but that didn’t pan out.”
“I was camping with the family when I was around 5 years old.
I was playing, my mom and dad were busy setting up the campsite. I spot what I think is a kitty cat and go over to pet it.
Turns out it was a Bobcat. It left me with a 6 inch scar across my chest.”
“When I was about 4 years old I fell from a playground.
At the time in my country a specific type of playground was very popular, imagine a sort of Fort made from metal. They were 2 stories high, on one end there was like a half story on which there was a slide and set of stairs to get on the playground, then there was another set of half stairs to get to the highest part of the thing.
On the other end there were 2 sets of, I wanna say climbing rope nets, but made from metal, to get from the ground to the top of the thing. And those things were huge, as in 4 year old me could barely climb them.
There was also a fireman’s pole, and swings, all metal, and on the upper level there also were some catwalks to get to the “towers” of the fort.
So this really windy day the lady that watched us while our parents were working was up in of the towers with my (still in arms) little sister, I was walking up there from the end that had the slide and the regular stairs, and when I got to the top where the climbing things were the wind knocked me over and I fell rolling down those.
When I landed my head hit the concrete base where the thing was built and I got a cut about 10 centimeters long right in my forehead right to my skull.
Obviously chaos ensued, an ambulance was called, etc.
The paramedics had to use a whole roll of gauze around my head to be able to contain the bleeding enough to get me to the hospital.
Once I got to the hospital and the doctors removed the gauze everybody freaked out and a million doctors got called. In the end nothing really bad happened and they sewed me up, 30 something stitches on my forehead.
Thinking back I can see why those playgrounds no longer exist here.”
How about you?
Do you have any crazy scars on your body?
If so, how did you get them?
Tell us all about it in the comments! Thanks in advance!
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It’s a depressing world out there lately, and a lot of times we tend to forget about the pure, wholesome things out there that bring us comfort.
But if we dig under the grimy surface of all the bad news and negativity that exists, there are a lot of wonderful facts and stories that could really brighten our days and weeks…and maybe even our years.
So why don’t we go ahead and do that?!?!
Let’s get some comfort from some AskReddit users.
“The story of a man named Colonel Sanders is quite powerful. He was 5 when his dad died, he quit school at age 16, had lost 4 jobs by age 17, got married at 18, but his wife left him when he was 20, taking his baby with her.
He lived depressed until age 65, when he retired and decided to commit suicide. He was writing his suicide letter when he began to think of what his life COULD’VE been, and began to think about his ability to cook.
He borrowed $87, cooked some chicken, and sold them door-to-door in the streets of KFC. By age 88, he was a billionaire. For those of you who don’t know, Colonel Sanders is the founder of KFC pictured in KFC’s logo.The message: It’s NEVER too late to start.”
“It’s highly unlikely anyone but you remembers that embarrassing stuff you did 8 years ago.
So get over it.”
“Some bees will drink alcohol and get drunk off it.
Then when they try to go home, bee ‘bouncers’ won’t let them in the hive till they’re sober.”
“There’s a YouTube channel that hosts MARBULA ONE
It’s just a guy racing marbles on a hot wheels track and it’s super well produced and actually looks like a Formula One broadcast.”
“Your dog will never not be happy to see you.”
“Some Liberals aren’t crazy, and some Conservatives aren’t racist.
I see them get along just fine in the real world, whenever this manufactured hysteria isn’t marionetting them around…
Shocking, I know.”
“Giving birth — either going through it yourself, or supporting someone — is terrifying. So is caring for a baby.
But humanity has existed for a ridiculously long time. And especially now, where maternity and infant death rates are at all-time lows, it is even safer.
If some prehistoric cave dwellers could pop one out in the dirt and the species could survive, you realize that babies are hardier than they look.
Very comforting when you go home with one the first time and realize you have no idea what you’re doing.”
“Hummingbirds will remember feeding spots for the rest of their lives, subsequently remembering the human which keeps said feeder filled. They might even send you a “cheet-cheet” when they’re zooming away.
If you forget to fill a feeder and leave it empty for a few hours, it’s very likely your neighborhood hummer (or international traveling hummer) will come to remind you to fill it.
I’ve had one circle my head non-stop until i refilled.”
“When playing with female puppies, male puppies will often let them win, even if they have a physical advantage.”
“Spiders, moths and other insects don’t want to get near us while we’re sleeping, because of our breathing pattern and CO2 output.”
“Elephants purr like cats when they’re happy!
Learned this in French Lick, Indiana when I met a beautiful elephant named Lou and she purred with all the pets!”
“A dog laying on its side shows the dog is incredibly safe and comfortable since laying on the side exposes the dog’s vital organs.”
“One day the sun will explode, the earth would be set on fire and none of us will exist anymore.
For some reason I find the inevitability of that event somewhat comforting. It helps me realise that in the grand scheme of things, nothing we do really matters so have a good time while you’re here, be good to others and just enjoy the ride.”
“In Alaska, bison run and slide on frozen lakes while other bison watch them and snort their joy and approval at each other.
Read Winterdance: The Fine Madness Of Running The Iditarod for this and other profound and f*cking hilarious stories of an idiot and his relationship with animals in the wild.”
“Elephants have the same reaction in their brains when they see humans as humans have when they see babies or puppies.
Basically elephants think humans are cute.”
“Everything (physical) in our reality stems from the same original stardust source. In turn we are all one with the universe, we are all part of the same reality from the same original source (whatever that may be.)
When we die we will return to the source and wait for our next turn to manifest in whatever the universe sees fit. While we wait we will be reunited with our loved ones, we can never truly say goodbye.”
Now we want to hear from you!
In the comments, tell us about some facts that bring you comfort.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
The post People Share Facts That They Find Very Comforting appeared first on UberFacts.
Ever noticed that sometimes, things that were designed for one group of people end up getting used by other people than was originally intended?
It really does happen all the time…even if you’re not exactly paying attention to that phenomenon.
What’s something that was designed for the use of one s*x but is now predominantly used by the other?
Here’s how folks on AskReddit responded.
“Marlboro “Reds” referenced the color of the filter, which was redish so that it wouldn’t show lipstick.
Kinda funny that reds are considered manly now, and women are more likely to smoke the lights which have white filters.”
“Victoria’s Secret was originally supposed to be a place for men to buy lingerie for their wives and not feel embarrassed.
But now it’s almost exclusively shopped at by women.”
A football thing, initially.
Like young Johnny Depp in A Nightmare on Elm Street.
“High heels were originally made for butchers to wear (who were mostly men) so that they could keep their feet clean of any blood from slaughtering animals.”
“The Ford Mustang.
It was supposed to be a car with a big trunk to you could fit all the groceries in it. There was even an ad or article stating that you can own a mustang that matches the color of your lipstick.
Makes sense why a lot of old mustangs are red.”
“Ugg boots were originally worn by male surfers, with their girlfriends stealing and wearing them like they would a leather jacket.”
“Holding doors for people.
A woman was supposed to hold the door for a man so he could check for any dangers in the building (the thought was mainly for married couples, but it could be done to a total stranger as well).
At some point it flipped and turned to just being a polite thing to do.”
“Old Spice was launched by Shulton Inc. in 1937.
William Lightfoot Schultz was inspired by his mother’s potpourri and as a result, the first Old Spice product in 1937 was a woman’s scent called Early American Old Spice.
The product was received well, and therefore followed with Old Spice for men in 1938.”
“Hitachi Magic Wand. It was originally manufactured for relieving tension and relaxing sore muscles. Often used by athletes.
But now is famous for its use as a s*x toy/industrial strength vibr*tor.”
“Midol was marketed as non-gender-specific headache medication when it was first created.
Decades later they changed to marketing it specifically for treating menstrual cramps and bloating.”
“The leg stirrups they use at the gynecologist were invented for removing bladder stones in men.
They used to cut from below the testicles and cut right through the prostate. It had a very low survival rate and was not approved by the medical profession.
The original hippocratic oath had a section on “not cutting for stone” meaning they swore not to surgically remove the stones because of it. They later removed that section of the oath, otherwise a bunch of urologists would be out of a job.”
The magazine was founded in 1973 and was suppose to be intended and was marketed as such to women.
However, gay men became the most dominant consumer of the magazine.”
Back in the day all the men carried their coinage in a purse.
Although it’s making a comeback for modern dudes.”
“Yoga it was invented by men for men but for some reason it’s mostly women who gravitate towards it at least in the west.
Many men are too afraid to try it which is a shame because yoga is enjoyable I really enjoy it and it has a lot of benefits.”
“I remember reading somewhere that Kleenex was made for ladies to remove their makeup, but their husbands were blowing their noses in them.
And now we all blow our noses in them.”
What do you think about this?
Can you think of some other products that were designed for one s*x but are now mostly used by the other?
Let us know in the comments!
The post People Discuss Products Designed for One Gender but Now Mostly Used by the Other appeared first on UberFacts.
This tale begins with astronaut John Young. The 9th person to walk on the moon, Young enjoyed the longest career of any astronaut before – or after – him at NASA, flying 6 space missions in over 42 years of service.
Yeah. I know.
He flew his first mission in 1985, the 3rd Gemini mission. He and fellow astronaut Gus Grissom named their craft “Molly Brown,” after the Unsinkable Molly Brown, and when NASA suggested that they change it – no need to worry about crashing into the sea, after all – they said fine, they would call it “Titanic” instead.
The “Molly Brown” was the last crew-named spacecraft to lift off on NASA’s watch.
What NASA officials didn’t know was that Young wasn’t done causing trouble in 1985. Not even close.
Before the flight, Young’s friend Walter Schirra gave him a corned beef sandwich, and Young decided to stick it in his pocket and take it along.
You know, just to see what would happen.
He surprised Grissom with it, and his partner took a few bites before the sandwich started to fall apart.
NASA wasn’t happy, because the crumbs from the sandwich could have caused trouble with the ship’s mechanics, though everything turned out fine.
At least, they did until Congress got wind of the situation – they were upset because taxpayer money had been spent on “official food” that was supposed to be evaluated.
Image Credit: NASA
Spoiler alert: a few bites of cold corned beef did not spoil anyone’s appetite.
Young was reprimanded, NASA implemented new rules as far as what astronauts could bring on flights, and Young was reportedly peeved that his stupid sandwich got more attention than all of the hard work and achievements of the men on board.
I guess that’s what you get when you fly by the seat of your corned beef-laden pants.
He died in 2018 at the ripe old age of 87.
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