Here Are a Bunch of Stupid Things That Can Only Exist Thanks to Stupid Stupidity

George Carlin once said, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” I had that quote ringing through my head the other day as I was temping at a government office. Turns out I’m not the only person who’s had dumb on the mind lately.

Reddit user Gleico took to r/AskReddit to pose a simple question:

What only exists because of people’s stupidity? from AskReddit

I guess even things that get created for stupid reasons are still creations, so we should give credit to those that inspired/necessitated them. The thread has over 25 thousand comments featuring examples of such things.

1. A lot of them are warning labels.

The warning on strollers, “Do not collapse while infant is seated”

– MarkOfTheRagon12

2. Or disclaimers that nobody needs.

The fucking message on my in dash display on my Honda Fit.


Imagine the car not telling me that every time I start it, me getting in an accident, and suing Honda for NOT telling me that I’m responsible for the car I’m driving?

– ChuckawaspSlanders

3. Apparently people think we’re already living in the world of ubiquitous self-driving vehicles?

In the user manual for RVs it specifies that the driver must remain in the drivers seat at all times when the RV is in motion because someone thought that cruise control was auto pilot and went to take a shower while on the freeway and crashed.

– TimeMasterBob

4. A real medal of honor is doing something so awful you get a law made, just for you.

The law in Pennsylvania that specifically states that you can not barter infant children

– MostlyFuckedUp

5. But stupid can create in much more subtle ways too.

Meetings that could have been emails

– Jenn_097

6. *cough* toilet paper *cough*

Panic buying

– mooli1978

7. Don’t forget conspiracy theories!

The anti-vax movement

– _Caramel-Kitty_

8. Of all the warning labels, this is a favorite:

“Warning may contain nuts” warnings on packets of nuts

– ConnorA94

9. A few users even brought delightful pictures for show and tell:

This sign at the London Lutlon airport

– Bran_Solo

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. I had to stop what I was doing for about three minutes to laugh at this last one:

This was in front of a catholic school I did some work on.

This is not the only tree in the area, it’s not even the only tree in front of a parking space.

How did this sign come to be? The world may never know.

– Mok0bo

It’s a real comfort to my ego to know that, while I’m pretty stupid, at least I’m not “doesn’t know what a tree is” stupid. So I got that goin’ for me. Which is nice.

What things come to mind when you think about this question?

Tell us in the comments.

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Pictures of Cats That Should Make You Smile

There are typically more “dog people” than “cat people” in the world. Reasons cited are generally along the lines of “Cats are mean, they’re indifferent, they don’t listen.” But as a person who’s had cats most of my life, I respond to that with a hearty “You are absolutely correct.”

HOWEVER. That’s not the end of the story. As any cat owner will tell you, they can also be sweet, and cuddly, and playful, and adventurous, and hilarious, and also, yanno, incredibly cute. That’s probably why since the dawn of the internet we’ve been using this amazing technology to show each other unsolicited pictures of our cats. Let’s look at some of those from around the web now!

12. Thunder Buddies

“Watching a friend’s cat. There’s a thunderstorm outside. I’ve been like this for an hour.”

Watching a friends cat, there’s a thunderstorm outside. I’ve been like this for a hour. from aww

11. Throw that cat in a circle

“I just threw my belt on the floor.”

Threw my belt on the floor. Trap working as intended. from TheCatTrapIsWorking

10. Closer to sun = better naps

“My cat managed to climb through the skylight and just proceeds to sit there, 70 feet above the ground.”

My cat managed to climb through the skylight and just proceeds to sit there, 20 meters above the ground. from IfIFitsISits

9. If only he could read

“Loafing on his designated chair”

Loafing on his designated chair from Catloaf

8. The heat miser

“Kieran sitting right above our heating unit, blocking the warm air… Don’t worry, I made sure it wouldn’t burn his little toe beans!”

If I fits, I sits in the warm spot. Kieran sitting right above our heating unit blocking the warm air (don’t worry, I made sure it wouldn’t burn his little toe beans!) from blackcats

7. “Am loaf. Close door.”

“There’s a loaf in my fridge! He climbs in every time I start to cook, and I let him hang out there because it’s hot and he’s always wearing that thick furry coat.”

There’s a loaf in my fridge! He climbs in every time I start to cook, and I let him hang out there because it’s hot and he’s always wearing that thick furry coat. from Catloaf

6. It’s dangerous to go alone, take me

“First day back to work in a little over a week of hanging with him every day, he wouldn’t stop meowing until I let him climb up my body to be my scarf.”

First day back to work in a little over a week of hanging with him every day, he wouldn’t stop meowing until I let him climb up my body to be my scarf. from aww

5. Beware…

“During yoga I look up and see this! My cat watching me… ”

During yoga I look up and see this! My cat watching me… ?? from AnimalsBeingDerps

4. He’s just letting it all sink in

“Took my cat to the vet.”

Took my cat to the vet from aww

3. Showered with affection

“My cat’s favorite place to sleep is now the shower, right after we use it. But i have to put a towel down first so she doesn’t get her polydactyls wet!”

My cat’s favorite place to sleep is now the shower, right after we use it. But i have to put a towel down first so she doesn’t get her polydactyls wet! from cats

2. Is a space suit

“I think someone’s got the wrong bed…”

I think someone’s got the wrong bed… from aww

1. Fill the bowl. I’M the bowl.

“If Dash fits…”

If Dash fits… from WhatsWrongWithYourCat

I think I read somewhere once that looking at cats lowers your blood pressure. I don’t know if that’s true because after looking through that gallery I’m actually feeling super anxious not being able to PET THE VERY CUTE CATS.

Do you have a cat? What’s your favorite thing about them?

Share in the comments.

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Funny Drinking Memes for Anyone Who’s Gonna Get Loaded Tonight

Drinking is pretty much the national pastime in the United States these days.

Hey, it’s fun and it helps to pass the time, okay?

If you consider yourself a bit of a boozehound, I think you’ll thoroughly enjoy these memes about drinkin’.

1. Nice try.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. No more Jägermeister.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Don’t wanna hear it.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. It is glorious.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. That escalated quickly.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. That wasn’t me.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. I’m in love…

Photo Credit: someecards

8. This is gonna be good.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Just go for it!

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Not even thinking about it.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. I’m doing just fine.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Bring it on!

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Nothing wrong with that.

Now I need a drink!

Okay, now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, tell us your most embarrassing and hilarious drunk story.

We know you have at least a few! Let’s hear ’em!

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Check Out This Twitter Account That Posts Mugshots of Very Hot Women

Beggars can’t be choosers, okay?

If you find a very attractive woman and you hit it off with her, who cares if she’s a jailbird, right? If you feel this way, you might want to start looking into a Twitter account called Mugshawtys.

These women have all been arrested for one reason or another, but they have one thing in common: THEY’RE HOT.

Let’s take a look.

1. She’s a looker.

2. Just had a bad night.

3. Doesn’t seem that upset.

4. Four DUIs, huh…?

5. What a smile!

6. Eyes are a little bloodshot.

7. Bad girl.

8. A total hottie.

9. Staring right through the camera lens.

10. Deep into your soul.

11. Goth girl.

12. Moonlights as a model.

13. One more for good measure.

I would be proud to introduce any of these women with criminal records to my parents in a heartbeat.

Hey o!

What do you think? Have you ever been arrested? Has your significant other?

Talk to us in the comments! Tell us ALL the secrets!

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People Share Things You Can Say During Sex AND While Playing Board Games

I love it when things like this get popular and take on a life of their own on Twitter.

Here’s the game: what are things that can be said during sex AND while playing a board game? Let the laughter begin!


1. Probably not…

2. That’s filthy.

3. Get back down there.

4. You’re paying for it.

5. Sorry about that.

6. All the time…

7. Good Lord!

8. Really dirty stuff.

9. Good for you!

10. Get Mom involved!

11. Be very gentle.

12. Oh yeah!

13. Totally over it.

14. You did a good job.

15. That’s very important.

I told you this was gonna be funny!

Now we want you to join in!

Tell us your own things that could be said during sex AND during a board game.

Let’s see what ya got!

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Funny Posts About Really Dumb People

Are we getting stupider or we were always this dumb but we just didn’t have social media to constantly amplify everything?

Who knows, honestly…but I will say that our collective stupidity is on full display with Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Let’s take a look at what I’m talking about.

1. Crabs and stuff.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Very close…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. You really should’ve.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Urban cheese.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Oh, no!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. They’ve actually been around for a while.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Watch a bowl.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. I was wondering the same thing…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

9. This is pretty good.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

10. What to do?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

11. Got him again!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

12. Very crazy, indeed.

13. Good question.

Hahahaha. Wow…some people, I’ll tell ya…

Has someone in your life (on in your various social media feeds) done something really, really dumb lately?

Please share it with us in the comments!

Let’s keep this train a’ rollin’!

The post Funny Posts About Really Dumb People appeared first on UberFacts.

Very Dumb People Who Should Make You Feel a Little Better About Yourself

Even if you’re a little dumb (I fall into that category), these people are gonna make you feel like a GENIUS.

Why, you ask?

Because the folks in these posts are…how should I say it…pretty stupid.

Let’s all make ourselves feel a little bit better by laughing at these people!

1. Vehicle will be toad.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. This person is nuts.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Uh huh…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Auto-man to the rescue.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Makes perfect sense.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. My favorite era.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Think about that one…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. This is unreal.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

9. Everyone in the USSR was named Conrad.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

10. Yeah, dumbass.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

11. I thought they were called…never mind.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

12. And here we are as a society!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

I don’t know about you, but I feel smarter…a little bit at least. Okay, maybe I’m just as dumb as they are, but I still laughed!

How about you? Talk to us in the comments! Or tell us a joke! Or tell us your IQ!

We don’t care! We’re just so lonely right now.

The post Very Dumb People Who Should Make You Feel a Little Better About Yourself appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Tweets From Some Very Funny Ladies

Ladies, you’ve done it again…

Made us laugh, that is!

There are so many funny women on Twitter that it can be hard to keep up with all the hilarity.

Here’s a small sampling of what I’m talking about.

1. Not listening.

2. I see what you did there!

3. She’s right…

4. That is funny.

5. That’s a lie!

6. Something to worry about.

7. I’m a little behind.

8. You found The One.

9. Seems like a great guy to me.

10. Hahahaha OMG.

11. He wasn’t wrong.

12. Gonna have a great weekend.

13. Way too much to deal with.

Those ladies are F-U-N-N-Y.

Do you follow any hilarious women on Twitter that we should know about?

Tell us about them in the comments so we can start following them, too!

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