Take a Look at This Pirate Mermaid Story Written by Tumblr Users

People on Tumblr do many things well, but really, they all center around their ability to take a post – any post – and run with it in unexpected and thoughtful (and funny) ways.

I’ve never seen a Tumblr thread write a story before, but it doesn’t surprise me that it’s happened…or that it’s really quite good.

It all begins with a group of pirates who kill a mermaid for her treasure…only to find out that her treasure is a baby mermaid.

Image Credit: Tumblr

They can’t kill it, so they adopt it, and grow to love her.

Image Credit: Tumblr

She protects the ship, and when they tell her how they ended up adopting her, she accepts their story.

Image Credit: Tumblr

In time, she learns the truth, and she forgives them.

Image Credit: Tumblr

She fends off storms and beasts.

Image Credit: Tumblr

She leads them into battle.

Image Credit: Tumblr

She becomes a figurehead, again and again.

Image Credit: Tumblr

Until the seas fear her father’s ship.

Image Credit: Tumblr

And then, it’s over. Her parents are old; dying.

Image Credit: Tumblr

They say goodbye, and ask her to take care of the ship.

Image Credit: Tumblr

She agrees…and a new captain arrives.

Image Credit: Tumblr

Who doesn’t understand, not really.

Image Credit: Tumblr

Not until it’s too late.

I love this story, and the take on pirates and mermaids!

How about you? What would you add? Wouldn’t it be fun to keep going?

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People Recall Moments They Laughed and Then Realized the Other Person Was Dead Serious

Communication is one of hardest parts of life, whether you’re attempting to build relationships with friends, family, or strangers. Our brains work differently, we come from different backgrounds, we have different comfort levels with social interaction, and all of that can combine to make misunderstandings fairly common.

And that awkward moment when you laugh at something someone said, only to realize a moment too late they were completely serious? Terrible.

It happens to the best of us, though, so you’ll definitely be able to relate!

16. What on earth is wrong with people?!

When I was in college, two friends and I went out to a cheap Chinese buffet for a weekday lunch. We were probably not particularly well groomed or dressed at the time.

So at a nearby table there’s a woman and a man having lunch, both dressed in business attire. After they finish, the woman (probably in her 20’s) comes over to our table out of nowhere and starts chatting with us, making normal chit chat. Kind of odd but maybe she’s just friendly. All of a sudden she asks, “Do you guys like to fuck?” We just looked at each other and laughed nervously because how do you respond to that in this situation? She just stood there, completely serious.

I don’t even remember what we said to her after that (this was 20+ years ago), but despite sounding like the beginning of a porno, it was only followed by another round at the buffet, not a gangbang.

15. It’s more awesome than funny.

When my 60 year old father told me he broke his hip paragliding into the roof of his hotel.

14. How do you even respond to that?

Someone once said to my friend ” Wait you’re Chinese? I always thought you were Asian.”

13. He let you blunder right into that one.

New friend: I really shouldn’t be doing so many extreme sports, but you gotta live your life, right? I’m gonna end up in a wheelchair by the time I’m thirty!

Me: Hah! I know, right?

New friend: No I mean really; I have a degenerative disease that’s going to ruin my body by my thirties so I’m trying to live my life now…

12. That’s still kind of the appropriate reaction.

I asked a coworker with what his son’s name was, and he answered Legolas.

After two seconds of laughing I realised he wasn’t laughing.

His son is actually named Legolas.

11. Let him have his small pleasures, I guess.

Started a new job in a company where my boss worked in two different offices. He wrote himself a note on legal paper. He handed it to me and told me to fax it to the other office.

Then he told me to call them and tell them to put it on his desk there so he could have it tomorrow when he arrived.

I smiled because I thought he was playing a joke on the new guy. He was not. He loves faxing.

10. This reaction can’t have been unique.

I’m in Australia, and first heard the news of 9/11 on my morning radio (USA evening).

I was stuck in traffic near the army base, and they announced it with sirens.

To start off with I thought it was a comedy sketch that I didn’t think was particularly funny. I had a pretty dark sense of humour, too.

Then I realised it was news. Holy shit.

9. Man that just kind of makes you sad, doesn’t it?

I listed my Ford Explorer for sale.

A guy emailed me to trade his 2018 Kia Forte or something. I didn’t really need one since my fleet already had a 2013 Kia Forte but he emailed me a few times saying he wants my explorer but owes money on his Kia. I said how much.

He said it’s an 8 year finance deal so need to pay in total $45k. And he wanted my car.

I could buy that car right now for $25-30k at the dealership brand new… he was dead serious.

8. What in god’s name did I just read?

Someone wanted to euthanize their dog because when she was put outside alone in heat, she found a chihuahua and had “ugly puppies that cost a breeding session” when we asked what that had to do with anything. he said ‘the chihuahuas sperm is forever inside of her and can make those ugly puppies instead of the pure bred’ (this dog was definitely not a pure bred) when we said that things don’t work that way he said

“I know for a fact they do. That’s why my daughter is half (n word). A (n word) raped my wife back when she was in her 20s and his sperm stayed inside her until mine activated it. And we all know (n) sperm is more violent so it won.”

He was serious.

7. This is terrifying. Also I don’t think nurses joke about that?

Waking up from general anaethesia. One of the nurses by my hospital bed gently informs me that my heart had stopped while I was under.

I thought I was dreaming for a while, and didn’t take it seriously. Then my dad showed up, and I saw the panic on his face. Then I phoned my mum, and she had obviously been crying her eyes out.

Then I took it seriously.

6. All I can think about is Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker.

I once worked with a 50 some year old guy at my first job, who also happened to be a former crackhead. I added in that detail because his mannerisms and communication were clearly affected by his prior drug use, and he would sometimes laugh when he was telling serious stories.

One day he was telling me a story about him accidentally setting fire to the woods when he was trying to cremate his dead pet frog when he was a little boy. I was laughing my ass off, strangely so was he, until he looked me dead in the eye, with a face that’s as serious as they get, and says “I’m still not over it.”

I knew that look and knew he was actually being serious despite being in absolute hysterics with me while telling his story. I immediately felt like an asshole. He was cool about it though thankfully lol

5. This is definitely not a drill.

Breaking news: “People panic buying toilet paper”

Me at home: “Hahaha”

Me at grocery store: “Oh wait you’re serious”

4. This is so not right.

An intern at the vet I work at was a very very very sheltered Mormon.

He came to work one day panicked. He had his first kiss the night before, asked the girl to marry him, and was concerned about his wedding date.

He was absolutely convinced that he got her pregnant by kissing her. ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED.

It took me a long time to register what he was panicked about because it sounded so absurd. He’d delivered hundreds of kittens and puppies by then, I just… thought he had also learned about human reproductive anatomy as well as animals by then.

3. Bless her heart.

This was a few years ago. I forgot how the topic was brought up, but I clearly remember my older sister saying, “There aren’t any modern buildings in Egypt, just pyramids”

2. Best possible response, really.

Colleague’s wife confronting me on speaker phone: “Are you having an affair with my husband?”

My exact response was to roar laughing, managing to offend them both simultaneously.

Good job, geekpeeps

1. I mean, you’d think they’d call with that kind of news?

When I was in high school I received a message over msn from a buddy saying, “Mitch is dead.”

Thinking he got into trouble, I responded with, ” Ahaha What’d he do?”

It turns out, he had a brain aneurysm while driving home from school.

I have secondhand embarrassment for these people and the awkward is real!

What’s the most memorable time this has happened to you?

Share in the comments if you want to!

The post People Recall Moments They Laughed and Then Realized the Other Person Was Dead Serious appeared first on UberFacts.

A Bride Wants to Know If She’s Wrong for Asking Sister-In-Law to Cover Tattoos at the Wedding

We’ve all heard the horror stories about how some women turn into complete and utter monsters when it comes time to get married. Something about the “one single best day ever!” mindset, or the idea that it’s “YOUR DAY” and it has to be perfect, or maybe that you’re spending so much money, turns women into the kind of people who want to control, say, someone’s tattoos.

But here’s the thing with Am I The A**hole posts…sometimes the answer isn’t as clear cut as you might think, so hear her out!

When you start reading, you’re all set to be on the sister-in-law’s side. I mean, the bride knew you had tattoos, she picked a spaghetti-strapped dress, not your problem, right? YTA (You’re the A**hole), lady!

But then you get to the part where the tattoos are racist and neo-Nazi. So. Okay. NTA (Not the A**hole, right?!)


This wedding needs to be aborted, and oh look, I’m not alone in this opinion!

Also, people are all kinds of nope about her claim that she’s “not a Nazi,” and “just proud to be white.”

Because nope.

So much nope.

Twitter and I hope this woman has reconsidered her marriage into a family of Nazis.

Do you agree? Disagree? Think she should run screaming or not judge a man for his family?

Sound off in the comments! We love to hear your thoughts!

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Memes for the ‘Love Is Blind’ Fans in the House

Love is Blind is a surprising hit – people can’t stop watching it (even though they sort of want to) and they can’t stop talking about it, either.

There’s a good chance that (before the quarantine, anyway) you and your coworkers and friends and family were texting and WhatsApp-ing and whatever else about the show – because as a society, we’re a bit weird and also human beings really love to gossip.

If you’re a fan of the show, too, these 12 memes are going to be right up your alley.

13. I think that baby was watching an episode, actually.

11. Pretty darn accurate.

10. Oh, no he didn’t!

9. This is the exact face I made, I think.

8. Get in line, sweet cheeks.

7. If you need some petition signatures, we’ve got your back.

6. Why is this so hilarious, though?

5. Eavesdropping, what?

4. We can’t explain it, it’s just the way it is.

3. These are confusing times, okay?

2. What we really need is a reality show of the contestants watching the taping back.

1. Thank you for this.

I can only hope this show keeps going, because now is not the time for there to be any kind of shortage when it comes to trash television.

Am I right or am I right?

What was your favorite of the memes above? Share it with us, please! We need interaction!

The post Memes for the ‘Love Is Blind’ Fans in the House appeared first on UberFacts.

‘Love Is Blind’ Memes Just for the Fans

Love is Blind is the latest reality series to make a big splash. It’s a 21st century twist on the Dating Game, where single people agree to get to know each other with the idea that they could fall in love – and even get engaged – without ever meeting in person.

A surprising number of the couples are still together, too…at least so far.

If you’re one of the millions who just can’t stop watching, these 14 memes are just for you.

14. This meme never ever gets old.

13. There’s really no in between, either.

12. And these two reactions are also valid.

11. There is an Office meme for literally everything.

10. Maths are hard, you guys.

9. Seems legit. Put a ring on it!

8. I already know which one you are, my friend.

7. But seriously call someone who really cares.

6. Everyone saw that coming. Literally.

5. It’s perfect.

4. It’s called self care, okay?

3. I have detected a lie.

2. There is not a faster way to make everyone hate you.

1. Mother knows best.

Guys, am I wrong, or are the resulting memes the best thing about any given trainwreck these days?

I’m not wrong.

Do you love the show? These memes? Tell us which was your favorite in the comments!

The post ‘Love Is Blind’ Memes Just for the Fans appeared first on UberFacts.

Tongue-In-Cheek Reasons People Said Teachers Are “Overpaid”

Oh, boy…

Because everyone knows for sure that teachers are not paid enough – if they didn’t know that for sure before the shutdown –  they’re aware now after attempting to homeschool their feral pack for just a few days.

People online have been sharing all of the tongue-in-cheek reasons teachers are obviously overpaid, which is actually highlighting why they’re woefully underpaid -and below are 15 you’re not going to want to miss.

13. I think she’s doing it wrong.

12. And kids are just so charming.

11. It’s all fine, though.

10. They figure it out…eventually.

9. I don’t even have a joke. I just want to give this man a hug.

8. Yeah, about that whole summers off thing…

7. Their work is never done.

6. After school AND in the summer? EEP!

5. They never go the extra mile.

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4. Yes, out of her own pocket.

3. Talk about going the extra mile.

2. Ah, yes, the relaxing spring break.

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Spring "Break" #stillgrading ???‍♀️?

A post shared by Ms. Zambrano (@msz_loves_biology) on

1. What a monster.

I’m 100% sure that I would pay my kids’ teachers more out of my own pocket, if I had it to spare.

What are you planning to do to show your teachers more appreciation once all of this is over? I bet they’re going to be getting the best holiday gifts this year!

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People Answer If “Sexting” Is Cheating or Not

Relationships are hard and sometimes unclear. But one thing you can generally rely on as a big red flag is anything that starts with the words “is it cheating if…?”

If someone’s asking this question, you know at minimum that there are some trust issues going on. We can only speculate at the motives of Reddit user pokey_bum_wannk who set off a fairly unanimous firestorm on r/AskReddit when they posted:

If you caught your partner "sexting" would you consider it cheating? Would it break the trust? Why or why not? from AskReddit

1. A lot of people immediately wondered what was up

You ok OP?

– c6H1206_Guardian

2. Was someone in trouble and trying to justify their actions?

“Whatever babe, you know what? Ill ask reddit, and maybe you’ll chill the fuck out”

– C0lby1000

3. The response was overwhelmingly one-sided

Yes, and Yes.

For obvious reasons, is this seriously even a question

– Melioidozer

4. Some didn’t put much effort into explaining why

its got sex in it, of course its cheating.

– internetpersonanona

5. But there is a distinction between cheating and sex

Sounds like emotional cheating to me, and it’s hard not to physically cheat when your mind is already moving in that direction

Yes, it counts as cheating

– mignightjenga

6. It’s less about an arbitrary physical action and more about trust

Cheating doesn’t equal sex.

Cheating is betrayal of your partner’s trust, loyalty, emotions, feelings etc.

Sex is a byproduct.

– Punconscious

7. No one expressed that they’d be cool with their partner indulging in it

I would be devastated is my SO was sexting someone else.

We don’t even sext. It would definitely be a deal breaker.

– gigabytestarship

8. Turn that perspective around, and you get a pretty clear answer

The best test: if you would find your partner do that, you would like that?

probably not.

Don’t do what you don’t want your so would do to you

– vovan45619

9. There’s another litmus test for this

If you wouldn’t do it sitting next to them, you shouldn’t do it.

That’s how you know there is something wrong with what you are doing

– sprocket1234

10. Of course, when things progress slowly, the lines can blur

I once had a female co-worker. She was hot, clearly liked me as she made flirty comments all the time and I enjoyed the attention, though I never intended pursuing her romantically.

Then one evening I was working and chatting with her thru company chat program and my wife came up and I felt the urge to hide the screen.

That’s when I knew it wasn’t okay and I was going down a dangerous path so I cut communication to a minimum.

– SuccumbedToReddit

11. The thread wasn’t entirely decided

Variations of this question come up all the time, and the answer is the same.

Cheating is violating the bounds of a relationship.

There is NO hard and fast rule beyond that.

Some couples would consider flirting cheating. Some couples would not consider having sex with other people cheating.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, and it’s something that each couple should navigate on their own.

People also really should have this conversation with their partner and make sure that boundaries are clearly defined – and not left to unspoken assumptions that may be different between them.

– lostPackets35

That makes perfect sense to me. But I’d say for the majority of us, it’s a big no-no. And if you have to ask, you probably already know what the answer is for your relationship.

But what do you think about all this?

Let’s talk in the comments.

The post People Answer If “Sexting” Is Cheating or Not appeared first on UberFacts.