These People Need Some Lessons on How Life Really Works

A lot of folks are just out there doing their best every day to make ends meet, be a good friend or the best parent/child/sibling they can be. We’re trying to have smiles for strangers, extra change for people in need, and remember to think of ourselves sometimes, too.

Then there are the people like these 14 gems, who think the world revolves around them and anyone who doesn’t fall in line is some kind of jerk.

14. This one just kind of makes me sad.

Image Credit: Reddit

13. I’m pretty sure “helping random people for hours on end” isn’t in his job description.

Image Credit: Reddit

12. Here’s a tip…earn your tips.

Image Credit: Reddit

11. No good deed goes unpunished.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. They were definitely going to kill them.

Image Credit: Reddit

9. Beggars can be choosers, I guess.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. And it turns out he’s not even gay…

Image Credit: Reddit

7. This can’t be real…can it?

Image Credit: Reddit

6. Yes, please let me pay to do you a favor.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. Has she never flown before? THAT’S HOW BIG THE SEATS ARE, MA’AM.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. That is…not the correct response.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. Someone should apologize to that kid for having shitty parents.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not how any of this works.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. Is this a thing people do?

Image Credit: Reddit

Don’t be like these people. The world today definitely needs more of us lifting each other up, not trying to bleed each other dry!

Have you dealt with someone like this? If you’ve got a great story, now is the time to share it!

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Is This Man Wrong for Telling His Girlfriend to Shave Her Legs?

You’re probably ready to be like ‘yes, of course he’s the a**hole in this Am I The A**hole scenario because it’s none of his business and also doesn’t he love her for her and not her appearance” but she for the sake of hearing him out, let’s read on.

The couple (he says ) are generally happy and compatible, but on this particular morning, they were getting ready to go to a wedding a few issues cropped up. She was upset because he hadn’t showered the day before and wasn’t planning to shower before the wedding, so he snapped back that her choice to not shave her legs was “disgusting and a huge turnoff.”


Apparently, that’s a thing – like wearing makeup and heels* – that’s expected of girls, goddamnit!

AITA for telling my girlfriend that she needs to shave her legs? from AmItheAsshole

He clearly knows that he’s in the wrong, because his mother even sided with the GF, but also…I don’t think this is the right girl for him.

Most (all) replies were in defense of her, here, like this person who pointed out that if he wants a girly-girl girlfriend, maybe he should go find one instead of trying to force someone to change.

Several people, like this person, point out that his girlfriend doesn’t sound high maintenance at all.

And this lady would like him to know that all women do NOT wear heels to weddings, thank you very much.

Also…warning someone to wait before they call you a misogynist almost certainly means you are, in fact, a misogynist.

Basically, this girl is a queen and I hope she’s already dumped him.

Her move with wearing a dress instead of pants really put the icing on the cake if you ask me.

Whose side are you on? I hope you’re calling him an a**hole along with the rest of us!

But, if not… let us know why you’re wrong in the comments!

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Memes to Enjoy While You “Work” From Home

Every dark cloud has its silver lining. With more and more of us working from home right now, one silver lining is that nobody’s looking over my shoulder while I browse memes all day.

Maybe you’re in the same boat? If so, come celebrate our meme freedom with this random collection of the good stuff. It will increase your at-home productivity, maybe. Or maybe not. Who’s gotta know?

14. Post Traumatic Suck Disorder

13. Chips = Immortality

12. It’s all about perspective

11. The king of all he surveys

10. Self-owns are rare and valuable

9. Checkmate, flat-Earthers, and also me

8. Gotta conserve

7. Their expression is loud

6. Ah ah ah ah

5. Lower you expectations

4. Screw Columbus Day

3. Who did this?

2. He loves him more than Kanye West loves Kanye West

1. I’m getting mixed messages

Now quick, look busy! Or wait. I guess there’s nobody to look busy for. Nice. Grab a snack. Then probably get back to doing real work. But thanks for hanging out with us for a while!

What’s your favorite source of memes?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes That Are Too Dumb Not to Read and Cherish

Are you ever in the mood for something dumb? Like, good dumb? Well this collection of memes has got the goods. By which I mean the dumbs.

Enough with all the thinking and the worrying and the problem-solving and the working. Let’s look at some dumb. Let’s share the dumb. Let’s embrace the memes, together.

15. They’re learning

14. Whooo is that girl I seeee

13. America in a nutshell

12. That’s a pretty original sin…

11. Take the red pill, Neo

10. The spice is life

9. People are eating what now?

8. The name’s Bond, Chad Bond.

7. Truth in advertising

6. The wading is the hardest part

5. All books are good books

4. Dungeons and Drag-ons


2. The longer you look the worse it gets

1. New strategy: work from home

Now that’s the kind of satisfying dumb I crave. Did you know that if you scroll up you can see the whole collection again, but in reverse? #dumbtips

Where do you go to get your fix of the pleasantly mindless?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets to Make You Laugh Today, Tomorrow, and the Next Day

Good morning! Afternoon? Thursday?…Huh?

Honestly, I’m having a hard time telling what day it is anymore, good thing I’ve got all these tweets to keep me company.

No matter what’s happening in the world, Twitter soldiers on, creating things for us to laugh at and wish we’d thought of them first.

Enjoy this round up of a few random funny tweets, and forget your troubles for a while.

10. Isolate in style

9. If anything I’m sweating more now

8. A catastrophic date

7. Just bear with him a moment

6. But are they getting buff?

5. He’s like a soothing roller coaster

4. It’s a killer holiday

3. It needs my help

2. It’s the least they could do right now

1. Good boys in the outfield

There, that passed some time. How long? 3 minutes? 10? October? We may never know.

Who’s your favorite twitter person right now?

Tell us who to follow in the comments.

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Tumblr Thread on Why Darth Vader Is the Ultimate Drama King Should Cheer You Up

A great thing about Tumblr is when users get going on one fan theory or another. They run the gamut but they’re always thought-provoking (no matter how out there), and this one about how Darth Vader is a drama queen extraordinaire is pretty fun to read.

It starts with a comment on how Vader purposely does things only for dramatic effect. No other reason.

Image Credit: Tumblr

And how he’s willing to actually die to create the perfect dramatic moment.

Then they point out that the man LIVES on the planet where he lost the majority of his LIMBS. I ever really thought about that!

Image Credit: Tumblr

Then there’s this moment, which…you can’t really argue with their logic.

Image Credit: Tumblr

The whole thing concludes with the irrefutable (at this point) point that the one thing left of Anakin is his dramatic flair.

Image Credit: Tumblr

That just feels like a fact, honestly.

Is there any counterpoint? Counterarguments? If you can come up with any, please leave them in the comments so we can discuss!

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People Who Stumbled Across Completely Self-Absorbed Weirdoes

Facebook Marketplace is a little bit like being able to garage sale shop from the comfort of your couch.

That said, there are of course downsides…like having to deal with the kind of people who are looking for cheap stuff/good deals/used items online.

And I don’t know…these 9 people may have decided it’s not worth it after meeting these totally special folks.

9. Someone is having a bad day.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. I’m sorry, what?

Image Credit: Reddit

7. I don’t even know how you have the gall to ask this in the first place.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. I mean, he tried being nice and helpful first.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. Yeah, definitely going to hand over my foster kids to a stranger on the internet.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. So much for beggars not being choosers.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. This got real strange real fast.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. “No, it’s red.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

1. I’m not actually sure I’d want a free couch, tbh.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m not at a point in my life where I could handled this extra stress, which is why my basement is still piled with baby stuff. Maybe some day.

Do you sell things online? Do you find a lot of people like these? Share your stories in the comments!

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These Entitled Jerks Deserve to Be Publicly Shamed

Sometimes, people online go way too far in the pursuit of public shaming. Most of the time, keeping personal things personal is the way to go.

That said, some people are so egregiously bad at being human, their stories must be shared. Otherwise, no one will believe they exist.

Here are 10 examples of people so terrible they deserve to be followed through the virtual streets while the SHAME bell rings.

10. And that’s what you get for trying to be nice and helpful.

Image Credit: Reddit

9. That went from NTA to YTA realllllll quick.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. Stories can just change so fast!

Image Credit: Reddit

7. Is this…from a real adult?

Image Credit: Reddit

6. Except they’re there for, you know. Disabled people.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. Talk about a waste of time.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. Sooooo petty. Lol.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. Definitely more guts than smarts.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. I wouldn’t hold your breath.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. That escalated quickly.

Image Credit: Reddit

I don’t even know what to do with these people. How can you even have a conversation?

What’s your craziest story in dealing with with people like this? I’m dying to hear more!

Let me know in the comments!

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These 11 Entitled Jerks Are Really Pushing It

There’s a lot of entitlement in the world these days. So, it takes quite a bit of that kind of attitude to make people really sit down and take notice – like, so much of it is just expected background noise now.

These 11 people deserve to be called out, because in a world too full of entitled jerks, they’ve risen to the top.

Not like cream. Like sludge.

11. A new car will save a dying person pass it on.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. I mean, we all want to live in a world where donuts are free. But that’s not how this works?

Image Credit: Reddit

9. She had time to write this ridiculously long text, though?

Image Credit: Reddit

8. What is even happening here?

Image Credit: Reddit

7. “No questions asked” what kind of shady crap is that?

Image Credit: Reddit

6. I think this person is confused about the difference between a loan and a gift.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. That smiley-face emoji is everything.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. Maybe control your kids? Just a thought.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. Shoot for the moon I guess.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. Bahahaha anything else?

Image Credit: Reddit

1. I hope they have some really good friends.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m going to start saving some of these comebacks for the next time I inevitably run across a person like this. Probably in Facebook Marketplace.

Have you run into someone like this? How did you handle it? I want to hear about it in the comments!

The post These 11 Entitled Jerks Are Really Pushing It appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Got the Ultimate Revenge on His Food-Stealing Roommate

Living with other human beings can be very difficult. This goes for absolutely everyone – family, roommates, husbands, kids – because when people stop being polite (because you can’t 24/7) and start being real, sometimes the results are hard to take.

One of the more common complaints among cohabitating people is that food in the fridge becomes common property.

After this guy’s roommate continued to “steal” food, even after he’d clearly marked it, he decided it was time to take action.

Image Credit: Reddit

The roommate, for what it’s worth, had no idea how to adult – he didn’t grocery shop, he didn’t cook, he didn’t clean – and he stole his roommates prepared food instead.

Image Credit: Reddit

As everyone who plans meals or has to take lunch to work can tell you, there’s little more frustrating that realizing at the last minute that your planned meal has disappeared.

After the roommate was asked to stop and didn’t (he may have even escalated), the poster here decided to take his revenge – in the form of a habanero chocolate cake and wasabi frosting.

He labeled with his name, and waited.

Image Credit: Reddit

Literally everyone agrees – he gave the guy fair warning, labeled his food, and this still happened.

Image Credit: Reddit

There are more stories, like this guy who put ghost pepper sauce on his leftover pizza.

Image Credit: Reddit

And this girl who found a way to stop people stealing her milk in college.

Image Credit: Reddit

They also pointed out that he wasn’t even lying.

Image Credit: Reddit

Like me, they also realized what they should have said several days later.

Image Credit: Reddit

Because the right words never show up when you want them to. Argggggh!!!

That said, I doubt this dude will be pilfering food that doesn’t include all of the ingredients any time soon!

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

The post A Guy Got the Ultimate Revenge on His Food-Stealing Roommate appeared first on UberFacts.