Gmail Features That Could Help You Clean out Your Inbox Faster

Y’all ready for this?

These tips could help you clean out your inbox not only faster, but more efficiently – which is important, because we all know how easy it is to get behind, watch your messages pile up, and lose all hope of ever being able to tackle it.

Take heart, though! Gmail itself has some features you may not know about that could increase your productivity and get you out of your inbox snarl with a smile (and time to grab another cup of coffee!).

Here are 4 we think will be useful to you.

4. There’s a mute button.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Much like group chats, long, multi-person email threads full of jokes, politics, or other crap you mostly don’t have time for at work are an annoyance to navigate on a daily (or more often than that) basis. You can’t get out of it without asking the initiator to change your status (which might offend Aunt Karen) – but you can use Gmail’s Mute feature and never see it pop up in your inbox.

You right click on the thread and choose Mute. Done. Any incoming messages will still be marked as “Unread,” but they will go directly to the wasteland of your All Mail tab. You can search for them there, and Unmute them if the day ever comes when you’ve got tons of time and a hankering for an argument.

3. Use the snooze button.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you’re like me, you leave emails unread that need attention – that way, when you check your inbox and see the bold type, you’re reminded of what you still have to do.

Some of that stuff isn’t urgent, though, and seeing your notification and thinking you have something that might be important can get annoying. So, Gmail has the Snooze button.

You hover over the message you need to address but not right then, and click the little clock icon to the right. The feature removes the message until the day/time you specify so your inbox can keep functioning as a todo list, as god intended.

2. Employ a template.

Image Credit: Pixabay

You don’t want to use canned emails for everything, and yes, personalization is good. That said, if you’re someone who gets asked the same question multiple times a day, it’s okay to fire off a form response.

To create one, type your message, click on the three dots to the right of the Compose bar, select Templates, then save your draft as a template. You return to the same menu to insert text from a template in the future.

Templates have been around for ages, though they used to be known as “canned responses.” These allow you to save certain blocks of text that you use often and insert them into any email with a few clicks. For example, you could use them to enter your address, or ship off a form response to a question you get asked every day.

Gmail also has a feature called Smart Compose, which you’ve probably noticed since it’s turned on by default. It predicts what it thinks you’re about to type, and if it’s correct, you can press Tab to accept and then keep typing. At first, the feature seemed intrusive but it’s right often and can really cut down on form response times.

1. Compose now, send later.

Image Credit: Pixabay

One of the best ways to not spend all day wrangling your email is to have a set hour or two when that’s your task to complete, and leave it alone the rest of the day. That said, you might not want to reply to an email early in the morning, or last thing on a Friday.

Don’t worry – you can use the Schedule button to make sure the email goes out at the most opportune moment.

I’m definitely going to employ a few of these because my inbox is a mess.

Are these new to you? Do you think you’ll try them? We really hope we’ve helped you today!

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According to Science, Here Are 8 Reasons You Should Own A Dog

I didn’t have a dog growing up. We had cats (4 of them over the 20-odd years I lived at home) and some of them were great. Others were those other sort of cat, but whatever the reason, my parents never gave into our begging for a puppy.

When I was 22, my then-fiancee and I stopped in a pet store (I know, I was dumb) and I fell in love with a papillon puppy. I had to have him, despite the price tag and despite the poor timing, and I loved that dog with my heart and soul for every last one of the 16 years we had together.

Image Credit: Pixabay

My family and I are in the process of getting a puppy now, and I hope so hard that my young sons adore growing up with a dog of their own.

Why, though, do so many people see a dog as an essential part of a happy family?

It turns out there are more than a few reasons having one around is good for you and yours, so it’s possible we’re just picking up innately on some of these 8 things science says they do for their humans.

8. They might improve your social life.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Owning dog tells other people you’re trustworthy, and a 2015 study found they can help facilitate friendships and social networking in other ways, too. Dogs can both spark new relationships and keep existing interactions thriving – a different study actually found that people with dogs have closer and more supportive relationships in their lives.

7. You’re likely to be healthier.

We are always in a battle against germs, but in recent years, scientists have come to believe that the more diverse the microbiome in our homes and bodies, the better off we are when it comes to fighting the nasty bugs out there.

Dogs are covered in germs, which means the houses they live in are exposed to a more diverse range of bacteria. Oddly, this seems to be a win for people, who get ill less frequently and with less severity than their non-dog counterparts.

6. Dogs might protect you from cancer.

Image Credit: Pixabay

There are many anecdotal stories out there of dogs sniffing, licking, or obsessing over a mole or lump to the point where their human checks it out – only to discover it’s cancer. Scientific studies back these up, though, and some dogs are even being trained to purposely sniff out the deadly disease.

Listen to your dog, y’all – he/she knows best!

5. They could help mitigate seasonal allergies.

If you’re allergic to dog dander, that’s one thing – but not what we’re talking about here. It turns out that kids who grow up in a house with a dog (the more the merrier) are less likely to develop allergies over the course of their lives.

One 2017 study even found that the bacterial exchange that happened between pregnant women and their pets was passed onto the baby before/during birth, even if the pet was no longer in the home. The babies tested positive for Ruminococcus and Oscillospira, two bacteria that reduce the risk of common allergies, asthma, eczema, and obesity.

4. They’ll lower your stress at work.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you bring your dog along, anyway.

Studies show that people who interact with a pet at work have lower stress levels throughout the day, take more breaks, and take the dog for a quick walk, all of which gives them more energy to do their jobs.

Companies are catching on to the boost in productivity and job satisfaction, and fewer dogs are spending their days alone at home – win/win!!

3. You’re more likely to exercise.

Dogs need to be walked and they enjoy energetic play, so guess what? A good portion of dog owners get the 30 minutes of exercise a day that’s recommended to lower their risk of cardiovascular disease.

This one is easy and pretty much unavoidable… unless you have a lazy dog.

2. They teach your kids empathy.

Image Credit: Pixabay

There have been studies that disagree, but a 2017 look at the link between empathy and pet ownership in kids found that an attachment to a dog encouraged compassion and positive attitudes toward animals and humans.

It looked at 1000 kids between the ages of 7 and 12 and concluded that children with dogs scored the highest for pet attachment, noting that “dogs may help children to regular their emotions because they can trigger and respond to a child’s attachment related behavior.”

1. There’s a good chance you’ll be happier.

Many studies have found that dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression, and for people who own dogs and do battle clinical depression, having a dog to care for can help help out of depressive episodes.

Caring for a dog requires a routine, at least a small amount of activity, and encourages interacting with others. Taking care of another being also tends to increase our sense of well-being, and the love your pup gives you provides much-needed positive feedback – and an oxytocin boost, too.

I buy every single one of these, just based on personal experience, and I bet you do, too!

What’s your favorite thing about having a dog? If it’s not on the list, share it with us!

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This Kindergarten Worksheet is Stumping Adults Everywhere

Parents everywhere are helping their kids with homework (or doing the teaching at home) now that school is out for the foreseeable future.

And while there are many different kinds of frustration at the situation, one of the funniest – and most annoying – is how we’re all learning just how much schooling we don’t remember.

The perfect example is this worksheet given to kindergartners, because y’all – no one can figure this shizz out.

Parent Nissa Ren Cannon posted the worksheet – and her confusion – on Twitter.

“I have a PhD, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what you’re supposed to do on this kindergarten worksheet.”

I don’t blame her. It looks like a random collections of objects in a classroom, with one arbitrary line and the word Pair.

Just. I don’tknow.

Cannon went on, saying at first she thought she had it figured out like, “pencils and chairs are made of the same material,” then maybe “you use a pencil while sitting on a chair!” but by the time she got to the ball and the bell, she was out of thoughts.

Twitter, however, had a few.

Like this person, who assumed the entire worksheet was influenced by British post-punk.

And someone else pointed out that even the guy giving the instructions seemed awfully confused.

It’s true, he does.

A third reply is sure that the worksheet is trying to teach kids how to Shawshank their way out of prison, even though she’s never seen the movie.

That much was obvious.

The correct response came from a Kinder teacher, who said that the sheet is likely part of a listening activity, where the teacher tells the children where to put the objects and they practice with position words like “on”, “under,” “behind,” etc.

This was seconded by this woman, who actually has the manual.

So, there you go – mystery solved!

I don’t know about you, but I feel better knowing that the reason we couldn’t solve it on our own was just because we didn’t have all of the necessary information.

This time, anyway.

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An Owner Tried To Be Feisty With a Contractor, Ends Up Begging For His Return

Construction contractors have to deal with architects, designers, and other professionals to make sure a building, residence, or industrial space is built correctly. Unfortunately, not everyone values what they do.

Enter the fertile world of storytelling that is Reddit, which often serves as a gold mine for people who want to share horror stories about ego-tripping bosses.

One Redditor did an “as told” thread that garnered so much interest, there were several updates and even a separate thread.

The long and the short of it is that a contractor in the UK had to work for someone difficult, but the client was such tough to work with, they couldn’t continue. Wanting to spare others in the industry, he warned other contractor companies about this person’s behavior. Suddenly, no one wanted to work with this client.

This resulted in some epic karmic justice.

"Do you know who I am" and "you’re fired" until they realised their terrible mistake. from IDontWorkHereLady

Now, for the additional thread because this is now a novel about how not to conduct business.

Update: "Do you know who I am" backfires on business owner from IDontWorkHereLady

Our OP was dedicated enough to keep updating us even after all of those drinks!

This gave us all another juicy thread. Sadly, the OP was in a car accident, and his wife gave some updates about his condition as well.

Update Ten (Seriously TEN) to "Do you know who I am" backfires on business owner from IDontWorkHereLady

Through this, we learned that the OP’s name is Mark. He’s quite hilarious and loves telling stories. He’s also quite selfish and asked people to donate to a charity instead of contributing to his expenses.

As for the story, there were some hilarious replies!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another commenter shared their horror story working at a university… yikes!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Others believe the drama has just begun, and they want even more updates!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This turned out to be quite the story, didn’t it?

We hope that Mark (the OP) is doing well and that his friend is able to sort things out.

Since we don’t have an update, what do you think will happen? Want to debate that in the comments section below?

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A Thief at the Gym Gets Served a Piping Cold Plate of Revenge

Maybe it’s best to turn the other cheek, but people who steal other people’s stuff sometimes need a lesson in civility.

Having something stolen from you when you’re only going about your business is the most aggravating experience. If it’s ever happened to you, then you know how frustrating it is of rarely getting an opportunity to do anything about it.

But this story posted in the subreddit r/pettyrevenge, titled “A poor thieving technique in the gym locker room backfires,” will make you wiggle in glee as a thief at a gym got exactly what he deserved.

It all starts when a guy gets to the gym and makes a careless mistake.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He finds his expensive Beats headphones have gone missing during his workout.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He finds them in someone else’s bag.

Photo Credit: Reddit

He gets a pure evil-genius idea.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Brilliant. But, someone made a good point.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The OP updated the story.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The thief is the one who should be looking over his shoulder. He’s the one that did the wrong thing. But something tells me he’ll think twice before taking someone’s personal property again.

You get what you give!

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Pastry Chef Turns Desserts Into Tiny Worlds That You Have to See to Believe

Looking at chef Matteo Stucchi’s breathtaking desserts will leave you wondering whether you’re staring down at a whole, tiny world, with small people hidden away beneath the buttercream and colorful art.

Like maybe we’re Horton the Elephant, and there are little Whos living in these amazingly crafted worlds.

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E' l'ORA DI STARE UNITI! ⏰ Amici, in un periodo di emergenza come questo dobbiamo lottare  tutti insieme per contrastare  questo maledetto Virus rispettando le direttive e avendo un alto senso di responsabilità, qui a Lilliput stiamo dando il massimo per vincere questa battaglia. Da lombardo e da italiano vi invito a seguire queste semplici regole: – lavate spesso le mani con acqua e sapone o con gel a base alcolica; – evitate strette di mano, baci e abbracci; – non toccatevi occhi, naso e bocca con le mani; – mantenete la distanza di sicurezza di 1 metro da chi vi sta vicino; –  evitate i luoghi affolati! Non usciate di casa se non strettamente necessario; – coprite bocca e naso con fazzoletti monouso quando starnutite o tossite altrimenti usate la piega del gomito; – se avete sintomi simili all'influenza restate a casa, NON andate al pronto soccorso o presso gli studi medici ma contattate il medico di medicina generale, i pediatri di libera scelta, la guardia medica o i numeri regionali. SOLO INSIEME POSSIAMO USCIRNE! Io non mollo e voi? ??? IT'S THE TIME TO BE UNITED! Friends, in a time of emergency like this, we all have to fight together to oppose this damn Virus respecting the directives and having a high sense of responsibility. Here in Lilliput we are doing our best to win this battle. As a Lombard and Italian, I invite you to follow these simple rules: – Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based gel; – Avoid handshakes, kisses and hugs; – do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands; – keep a safe distance of 1 meter from others; – avoid crowded places! Do not leave the house unless absolutely necessary; – Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when you sneeze or cough, otherwise use your elbow; -if you have flu-like symptoms stay at home, DO NOT go to the emergency room or doctor's office. Instead, contact your doctor, pediatrician, the emergency medical care or regional numbers. ONLY TOGETHER CAN WE GET OUT OF THIS! I'm not giving up, are you? #iorestoacasa #iostoacasa #italia #virus #coronavirus #dolci #cake #cioccolato #chocolate  #tiramisu #pistachio #amauryguichon #time #italy  #clock #lombardia #life

A post shared by Matteo Stucchi (@idolcidigulliver) on

That, let’s be honest, are probably still delicious…

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Ogni anno babbo Natale ?? si esercita per riuscire ad entrare nei camini di ogni casa e ogni volta  supera a pieni voti il suo addestramento, qual è il suo segreto? Ovvio, gustarsi del buon #illattecondensato prima di iniziare l'allenamento e la magia del natale può avere inizio.?? Every year Santa Claus?? practices to be able to enter the chimneys of every house and every time he exceeds with full marks his training, what is his secret? Of course, eat some good #illattecondensato  before to start training and the magic of Christmas can begin?? #natale #natale2019 #xmas #christmas #regali #presents #babbonatale #santaclaus #noel #merrychristmas #buonnatale #rudolph #christmasiscoming #gingerbread #love #tiramisù #biscuit #alberodinatale #christmastree #christmascake #cake #cakes #winter #inverno #neve #snow #reindeers #christmasdecorations #pastry

A post shared by Matteo Stucchi (@idolcidigulliver) on

The creative mind behind the desserts is a 26-year-old pastry chef from Italy, Matteo Stucchi.

He believes that decorations are as important as taste, which is pretty obvious from his work.

His Instagram nickname is Gulliver, and his little creations remind everyone of the book Gulliver’s Travels – for good reason!

Every dessert is a little trip of whimsy, a stroll through worlds that are tiny but bursting with color.

I could look through these images forever, and I’m definitely going to follow him on Instagram.

This is filed under things I wish I could do but definitely can’t.

I mean, how does this guy even think of this? Amazing.

Could you eat his desserts? Do you think they taste as good as they look? I bet they do!

Let us know in the comments!

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The Most Accurate English Speakers Can Pronounce Every Single Word in This Poem From 100 Years Ago

English is a hard language to master – whether it’s your native tongue or a second (or third) language, chances are you’ll still make plenty of mistakes. We don’t remember everything from school, all of the rules and the ways it breaks those rules, and of course, there are regional quirks that make our way not technically correct.

All of that adds up to the reasons this 1920s poem is so difficult to get right. In fact, only the most elite English speakers will nail every last word.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you think that describes you, well, give it a go! And for the rest of us, we’ll just be playing along for sh*ts and giggles.

The poem is titled The Chaos, written by Dutch writer, traveler, and educator Gerard Nolst Trenite, and as you can see from the first eight lines, we’re not fooling around.

Dearest creature in creation,
Study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.

The poem is obviously meant to drive people crazy – all 146 lines of it.

What’s more? The English Spelling Society published an extended version, featuring 274 lines, in the 1990s.

Trenite, in case you’re wondering, wasn’t a masochist; he was a private tutor who spent his time teaching young wealthy Dutch men to drop their foreign accents when speaking English.

Photo Credit: Photo Credit: Pixabay

The complete version of the poem contains around 800 examples of irregular spelling and pronunciation, though some words are fairly antiquated and not really in use. This will make it harder for modern readers, since some words won’t be familiar at all, but the Society maintains its integrity.

“The selection of examples now appears somewhat dated, as do a few of their pronunciations.

Indeed a few words may even be unknown to today’s readers (how many will know what a ‘studding-sail’ is, or that its nautical pronunciation is ‘stunsail’?) and not every rhyme will immediately ‘click’ (‘grits’ for ‘groats’?) but the overwhelming bulk of the poem represents as valid an indictment of the chaos of English spelling as it ever did.”

If you want to give it a try, pull up the PDF. Read along with the video below to make sure you’re getting it all right, and good luck!

I haven’t tried this yet, but I’m definitely going to (even though I have no expectation that I will get even half of it right!).

If you do it, please share your results. And don’t worry; no judging.

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A Stunning GIF Gives All of Us a Unique Look at the Surface of a Comet

Comets are really large space snowballs, with an icy center surrounded by frozen gasses, rocks and dust, orbiting the sun.

When they are completely frozen, comets are about the size of a town. But when one gets close to the sun,  it heats and starts spewing the gasses and dust until it forms a giant glowing head larger than many planets.

Then the dust and the gasses form a tail stretching for millions of miles away from the sun.

Photo Credit: NASA

With some fascinating footage obtained by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft, we earthlings got to see that this phenomenon looks a lot like a cosmic snowstorm when you are standing on the surface.

Photo Credit: European Space Agency

Back in 2016, Rosetta’s mission was to follow a comet to see what happens as it approaches the sun. The comet was the Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. This was important work for the spacecraft because predicting what the sun would do to a comet proved way too difficult from Earth.

Comets are a part of our solar system and they carry materials showing what our solar system looked like billions of years ago before planets were formed.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Eberhard Grün, an interdisciplinary scientist working on the Rosetta mission at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Germany, said, in a statement,

“Rosetta has completely changed our picture of comets.

Previously, they were pictured as dirty ice balls — or, as some prefer, icy dust balls — but now we know them, or at least this one, to be geologically complex worlds where a myriad of processes are at work creating the incredible surface structure and activity of the comet.”

Rosetta’s mission is over, but the data was invaluable to scientists.

As for the general public, the images it brought back inspired art, music and poetry–all celebrating how much we love to look at the stars.

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Historical Incidents You Might Not Have Been Taught About In School

It’s understandable that we won’t have time to learn everything, but some things seem as if they might have been left out on purpose.

History is written by the victors, and oftentimes, it’s taught by the descendants of those victors – or even by the oppressors. We have to be hyper-aware of our own prejudices in order to overcome them, and from the list below, it seems as if we’re still teaching the history we like, and not the hard stuff.


14. You can’t judge past people with a modern lens.

That you need to remove the whole “good guys” and “bad guys” mentality and actually learn to accept different moral standards of the past.

E.g. in UK schools when the empire is covered it’s from a perspective of how bad and evil it was, yet when it comes to Romans/Saxons/Vikings etc.. It’s more about what happened and the consequences without any direct judgement given. The Romans are covered for their historical impact to the British Isles, not condemned for their brutal suppression of the natives.

Vice versa, in WWII it’s all about how great the allies where in defeating the Axis, they would never cover stuff such as the Dresden bombings.

13. I’m learning there have been a stupid amount of genocides in the world.

The Holodomor (Ukrainian genocide) where millions of Ukrainians starved because of government control of farms.

12. It’s a really cool city.

For most of its history Wilmington was the biggest and richest city in North Carolina. During reconstruction, there was a terrible riot and mob that actually overthrew the democratically elected mayor and local government. This resulted in such a large scale migration, loss of life and loss of income that Charlotte permanently became the financial hub of the region.

The cause of the riot?the mayor had elected black city council members and refused to take back their seats.

Wilmington NC is the only city in the US that had it’s democratically elected government successfully overthrown by a coupe.

11. I love this story.

John Wilkes booth’s brother saved Lincoln’s son Robert Todd Lincoln.

Robert Lincoln was traveling by train from New York to Washington. He got off the train during a stop at Jersey City; He saw that the platform was extremely crowded. In order to be polite and wait his turn. he pressed his back to one of the train’s cars. about 30-60 seconds later the train started to move! The train wiped him down and dropped him into the space between the platform and train. Abe’s son would have died, if a stranger hadn’t yanked him out of the hole by his collar.

The stranger was Edwin Booth a Good actor in the 19th century and the brother of John Wilkes Booth. John Wilkes booth was the guy that killed Abe only a few years later.

10. I remember feeling the same way when I first learned about it.

Anything to do with Sumerian culture.

9. He probably wasn’t wrong.

Hitler gave his soldiers meth because it was “performance enhancing”.

Not only that, Hitler himself was claimed to be an amphetamine addict, with his personal physician giving him regular intravenous injections from 1942 until his death in 1945 (although he is said to have started occasional use of amphetamines in 1937). Albert Speer has said that this addiction played a large role in Hitler’s increasingly erratic behavior as the war dragged on, and worked to increase his paranoia and diminish his mental stability as his use continued.

Methamphetamine was sold under the trade name Pervitin in Germany, only becoming a controlled substance in 1986. It was especially popular with tank crews (who gave the drug the nickname “Panzerschokolade”, or “Tank Chocolates”) and Luftwaffe pilots (who alternately called them “Stuka-Tabletten”, or “Stuka Tablets&#8221$$ and “Hermann-Göring-Pillen”, or “Hermann Göring Pills”). Millions of pills were manufactured in 1940 alone, but even early on, problems were being uncovered as soldiers became addicted to the drug, and were becoming erratic and combative in their operations, becoming difficult to discipline and control the more they used the drug. The Wehrmacht was so concerned by these side effects that they moved to restrict Pervitin’s usage with their troops as early as 1940, though the drug probably remained in use throughout the war by the other forces of Germany.

Germany was not the only Amphetamine user in WW2, Japan also manufactured Methamphetamine under the name Philipon and is estimated to have manufactured 1 billion pills through the course of the war. Finland was another user of Pervitin, though it seems their use was mostly restricted to special forces. Allied Forces, especially American Bomber Crews flying over Europe and Japan, were given Benzedrine, a different kind of amphetamine, in order to stave off fatigue on long combat sorties. Amphetamine use in the US Armed Forces and other armies actually continued long after the end of WW2, some of their last use in a military operation was during the Persian Gulf War, when Allied Pilots would again use them to stay awake and alert during long missions over Iraq. Because of problems with addiction and lack of focus and control with extended Amphetamine use, it has largely been replaced with Modafinil.

8. There’s not enough time to go into it all.

African history gets pretty crazy. I’m writing a paper right now about how the British handpicked Idi Amin to run Uganda after Uganda had been independent for almost 10 years. Idi Amin ended up being a brutal dictator who killed about 500,000 people in Uganda.

The British contributed and may have even facilitated the overthrow of Milton Obote in favor of Amin because Obote was introducing policies that would take away British companies that were being used to exploit Uganda for resources.

7. Thank goodness someone in the Oval had their head on straight.

The CIA proposed committing a false flag terror attack which included shooting down a fake passenger jet as an excuse to invade Cuba.

JFK rejected the operation.

6. That seems like a bullet dodged.

That Franklin Roosevelt supported Mussolini and said something along the lines of how he wished he could emulate him back home. Obviously, we can ignore the rest of the effort that the US put into helping the Nazis.

Both Roosevelt and Stalin wanted to execute every single captured German soldier. Winston Churchill nipped that in the bud and said something like “no. I will never execute somebody for fighting for their country”

The US was responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of rapes throughout Europe during World War II. The only people ever charged were black people.

The US tried to enforce racial segregation within the UK and Australia during World War II, even going as far as ensuring that they did not purchase from any shop that sold anything to black people. This resulted in countless fights between British and American soldiers. One American died in Australia as a result of these fights. The black Americans stayed hanging around with the British and Australian soliders which had minimal racism.

5. Straight up evil.

The Heart of Darkness is based in the Congo Free State, which was presided over by King Leopold II of Belgium.

Conrad wrote the story in part as a critique not just of European imperialism but also of the atrocities and crimes against humanity perpetuated during that time. It is estimated that between 5-10 million of a roughly 20 million population died during Belgian rule of the Congo Free State due to a combination of famine, disease, and forced labor. Belgium enriched itself through forced slavery and coercion, using strict quotas for the harvest of natural rubber, and an individual failing to meet a quota was punishable by death.

For me personally, we read the book in high school, but we never learned the historical context or about King Leopold’s part in all of this.

4. Hunger, not famine.

There was no famine in Ireland, it was genocide.

3. I hate that this is possible.

My Chinese tour guides who were in their mid-twenties did not know about the Tiananmen Square Massacre and Tank Man.

They looked at us time we had three heads when we asked about is during our visit.

2. We can never teach about this enough.

The population of the Native Americans when the first explorers arrived in North America was believed to have rivaled that of Europe at the time. In the tens of millions.

Those same explorers exterminated upwards of 95 percent of the Native Americans simply by showing up and sharing their infectious bugs with the natives. The intercommunication between tribes assured they spread across the continent. So, by the time more explorers, and colonists, returned years and years later, they found an almost pristine wilderness with sparse populations, ripe for colonizing.

1. So many crimes that will never be answered for.

That the UK caused a famine in Bengal India During WW2 killing over 2 million indigenous people.

I want to go and learn more about all of these things immediately.

Were any of these bits new to you? Do you have one to add? If so, please drop it in the comments!

The post Historical Incidents You Might Not Have Been Taught About In School appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Very Weird Websites You Might Want to Check Out

What is the coolest website you’ve visited that not many people know about?

A few weeks that question was posted to AskReddit and the comments piled up. Seems as if a lot of Redditors have their obscure favorites they’re willing to share. So, if you’re deciding between getting off the computer to try your hand at a sourdough starter or staying on to find more rabbit holes, might I suggest the rabbit holes?

Here are 10 of them ripe for exploring…

1. Addictive pics of people you will never see IRL.

It shows you a computer generated image of a person every time you refresh.

Sometimes there are some weird artifacts in the images but often they look very real.

2. Build your own nation. BRB.

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Online nation simulator. The core of the game is pretty simple; answer multiple-choice issues that appear once every 6 hours. Depending on what you pick, the stats of your nation (everything from cheese exports to citizen rudeness) will change.

The fun really starts on the forums, IMO.

3. Create your own The Princess Bride-based film festival.

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You watched a movie that you loved? With this website you can input a film and it’ll give you similar ones.

Apart from that, you can also get movies that fall into one same category.

4. A scale model of the solar system.

Photo Credit: Single Pixel Moon

Single pixel moon…

5. Excellent television.

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My 90s TV

This is a fun, novelty website where you can easily lose yourself for hours with nostalgia. Basically it uses YouTube videos to simulate watching TV in 90s and allows you to specify the year you want, along with what categories you want to see when you change channels.

There is also a My 80s TV and a My 70s TV

For those of you that think it doesn’t work on mobile because of what it says, it totally does. Just make sure to turn the TV on with either power button.

6. One click will tell you all you need to know.

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Ever wondered if DMX was in jail?

Yeah, it’s updated.

7. For hex code addicts.

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It looks different on a computer compared to mobile, but it’s a clock that cycles through hex codes for colors every second!

8. For people who want to pretend they’re hackers.

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Hack the system like in NCIS.

9. Make birthday gifts for your friends.

Photo Credit: GIFprint

It takes a gif and makes you a printable flipbook!


10. Portraits of presidents holding hams.

Photo Credit: Presidential Ham

My high school substitute’s son is an artist who painted each US President holding a ham.

I have no idea why, but I go there sometimes for a laugh.

My hope is that this list of cool websites will stop you from cutting your own hair or finding your old clarinet. Maybe it will even inspire you to embrace your own weird and build a website that does something cool.

Have other websites you go to for laughs or hours of entertainment?

Let us know in the comments.

The post 10 Very Weird Websites You Might Want to Check Out appeared first on UberFacts.