Funny Tweets About the Trials and Tribulations of Raising Kids

It’s time for some more hilarious tweets from moms and dads out there about the craziness of raising kids!

Because, as you know, there are never-ending stories of hilarious mishaps and insanity when you’re raising those little monsters!

Here are 15 more parenting tweets that you’ll love.

1. Not today…

2. Lucky you.

3. It’s your fault!

4. I don’t want to miss anything.

5. Could go either way.

6. You are a LIAR.

7. Mommy’s little angel.

8. What gives you that idea?

9. Not quite what you imagined…

10. You might be immune.

11. Just about sums it up.

12. That’s it right there.

13. It’s too early for this.

14. Split personality.

15. You made it!

Those are hilarious. And if you’re a parent, they probably gave you a bit of a headache!

Okay, moms and dads, let’s hear it…

In the comments, tell us the craziest/funniest/most ridiculous things your kids have done lately!

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Take a Look at These Cool Papier-Mâché Masks of Human-Sized Animal Heads

There’s the Papier-Mâché that we know about that we did as kids and then there’s the Papier-Mâché that can truly blow you away.

And what you’re about to see is definitely in the latter category.

These incredibly creative masks come to us from an artist named Liz Sexton.

Let’s take a look!

1. Pufferfish on the loose.

2. How’d you like to run into them?

3. Fantastic foxes.

4. Looks like that movie The Strangers.

5. Fish head and friend.

6. Seal in the snow.

7. Rats in the subway.

8. Birds of prey.

9. Vampire bats.

10. Emerging from the depths.

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#nautilus #papermache #beach #sculpture

A post shared by Liz Sexton (@liz.sexton) on

11. A sea turtle on land.

Those are crazy!

Have you ever created something pretty cool with Papier-Mâché?

Show us some photos of your work in the comments, please!

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Funny Faces Seen in Everyday Objects

Are you familiar with the term “pareidolia”?

It means seeing patterns in random objects. And if you pay attention and look for them, you really will start to see things in different things.

You’ll especially start to see a lot of FACES everywhere you look.

Here are 13 good examples of this phenomenon…

1. I see it!

Photo Credit: The-Nicest-Pictures

2. Kind of upset…

3. A little off-centered.

4. Definitely concerned.

5. Kind of looks like E.T.

6. Oh no!

7. Well, hello there!

8. Why the long face?

9. Up to no good.

10. Looks pretty mischievous.


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Küçük Dev

A post shared by Cabbar (@berdusuntrunu) on

12. Googly eyes.

13. Serious as hell.

Now that I’ve seen these, I think I’m going to start seeing faces everywhere I look.

Do you notice examples of pareidolia a lot when you’re out and about?

Share some photos with us in the comments and talk to us about it!

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You Can Now Download the Family Edition of ‘Cards Against Humanity’ for Free!

Cards Against Humanity is one of the most popular party games around – because who doesn’t like permission to be dirty and inappropriate while drinking with their friends?

Most of us, to this point, have avoided playing the game with our families, especially our kids, because, well, those are things we definitely don’t want to do with them in the room.

What if we could take the funny, gross parts of the game, though, and leave all of the innuendo and racism out?

It turns out that the makers of the game think we might like that very much, and if you’d like to try it with your family, now you can – and for free, no less.

Cards Against Humanity: Family Edition” is a new fill-in-the-blank comedy game that’s just like Cards Against Humanity, but it’s written for kids and adults to play together,” said the company in a post. “We’ve been working on it for over a year in consultation with child development experts and psychologists. Our plan was to surprise everyone with this in the fall, but we know a lot of families need something to do right now.”

The family-friendly edition is available to download and print for free, and it’s labeled as good for players age 8 and up. There are words like “crap” and “boobies” included, plus around 600 poop jokes that will delight kids from 8 to 80.

All of the cards tested well in the rounds of development, with cards like “stuff my underwear with pancakes” and “putting my butt on stuff” winning the hearts of families everywhere.

The terms to download the game include promising to “stay at home unless absolutely necessary…even if our dumb butthole president tells us to do something stupid.”

So, there you go. Enjoy – Cards Against Humanity wants to do good, so let’s take it and run.

Family game night just got a lot more giggle-worthy.

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A Husband Made a Video of Himself Dancing While His Wife Was in Labor

No one knows what to expect when they go to the hospital to have a baby for the first time. No one knows how they’ll react to the stress (and sometimes the boredom) that accompany bringing a child into the world.

Then, on the flip side, for parents who have been there more than a couple of times might be tempted to be too blase about the whole thing. Let their guard down, if you will.

One father-to-be, though, learned the hard way that your partner is not going to take kindly to you literally dancing through her pain.

Kareem Antar is 27-years-old and just became a father for the first time. When his wife, Krystle, went into labor, he could hardly contain his excitement at the knowledge he would soon meet his baby boy.

So excited, in fact, that he decided to post a TikTok video of him dancing in the hospital.

In Krystle’s delivery room.

While she had contractions in the background.

“I was completely shocked that he had the audacity to make a TikTok during my contractions,” she told Buzzfeed. “But that’s typical Kareem, he is just a lovable and goofy guy.”

She said that though she was annoyed at the moment (and honestly, anything and everything can annoy a laboring woman, so no way was Kareem making it out unscathed no matter what), Krystle ended up feeling “happy that the baby gets to see who his dad really is. And that Kareem has one funny character and can make light of any given situation.”

The rest of Krystle’s labor and delivery went smoothly, and the couple and their healthy baby boy are now home (like the rest of us), embarking on the lovely transition to a family of three.

I hope they’re able to keep their good dispositions, forgiving attitudes, and senses of humor once they realize that little bundle isn’t sleeping through the night any time soon – or when he turns three and starts rolling his eyes like he’s fourteen.

It’s rough, but like the rest of us, I’m sure they’ll make it through.

Funny stuff!

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These Prank Candles Change Scents as They Burn

April Fool’s Day might only roll around once a year, but a good prank is good any time of the year.

If you’re someone who loves a good prank, or know someone who deserves a bit of comeuppance, well, I personally think these candles that change from lovely to ludicrous scents halfway through are the perfect find.

The candles are courtesy of Prank Candles. As their wax melts, the aroma transitions from sweet to positively sulfuric.

The reason they work so well? They smell amazing (at first) so the person who receives the candle will want to burn it and burn it and burn it…until they’ll definitely be accusing their partner, kid, or dog of stinking up the space with horrible farts.

“Often – our customers will report that their victims will initially thank them because it’s ‘the best candle they’ve ever burned.’ Because of this, they’re even less likely to blame the candle when they think ‘WTF is that smell?’”

Diabolical! Yet brilliant, you have to admit.

The label and smell of the new candle resemble a lovely, upscale gift that would never betray you, and the scents – apple pie, fresh roses, balsam and cedar, and vanilla – are sure to tickle anyone’s fancy. At just $23 each, they’re around the same price as a normal fancy candle, but you’re sure to get far more enjoyment out of these once the text replies start coming in.

I don’t know about you, but I think I’m going to need a six-pack of these. Maybe I’ll send them to all of my college friends at once, then just sit back and wait.

It’s going to be epic.

Do you like to play pranks? What’s the best one you’ve played, and what were the results? Share the story with us in the comments!

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Funny Ways That Kids Amused Themselves in the Old Days

Do you ever sit and wonder how kids managed to entertain themselves in the days before any kind of screens? Or how parents managed to do things like make dinner, do laundry, or take a shower without the kids destroying the house?

I do, let me tell you, because whenever I assume my kids can behave themselves for 10 minutes alone, I am always disappointed. And usually in for a bunch more work.

So let me tell you, I was all ears when hearing kids did actually find ways to entertain themselves in the days before the Internet and television.

5. Kick the Can

Photo Credit: Flickr,Orin Zebest

It’s sort of like a miserable version of hide-and-seek – kids would hide, It would find them and put them in “jail” behind a can. If one of the kids still free managed to run up and kick the can (yelling “all ye, all ye, out and free!”) without being tagged, then everyone went free while It replaced the can and began anew.

Until he was like f*ck this and went home, I imagine.

4. The Trussed Fowl

A 1907 book of party games described this game as follows:

“Trussing consists of firmly tying the wrists and ankles, bringing the elbows down below the knees, and slipping a stick under along one elbow, under both knees, and over the other elbow.”

Then, two trussed children lay down foot-to-foot and attempted to flip the other over using only their toes.

Nothing about this seems enjoyable or fun, unless you’re the adult watching two kids who can’t escape struggle on the ground.

This was definitely invented by parents who needed a break!

3. Dog Fight

Photo Credit: Google Books

Two people on all fours strapped belts around their necks and yanked at each other while the other players watched and barked encouragement.

I’m not sure what the object was, but I mean. I wouldn’t mind seeing this happen.

2. Catch and Pull

Photo Credit: Google Books

Kids in gym class would divide into teams on either side of a line, then run at each other and grab any available body part. They would then use said body part to drag the opposing player to your side of the line until only one remained.

Sort of like dodgeball, but more touchy-feely.

1. Hot Cockles

In the Victorian Era, a group would gather, and one member would lay his or her head in another’s lap while the other party-goers took turns hitting them from behind. The object was to guessing who was beating your a**, and if you did, I assume you got to leave before things escalated uncomfortably.

This is the most Victorian thing I’ve ever heard of and it’s definitely going in a period romance novel someday.

I’m going to suggest some of these to my kids just to see their faces!

Have your kids gone to great lengths to combat boredom without electronics? Share with us in the comments!

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A Song From ‘PAW Patrol’ Might Inspire Your Kid to Keep Washing Those Hands

We’re all paying more attention to how well and how often we wash our hands these days. Hand-washing is, of course, “one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of terms to others,” according to the CDC.

So we should always be vigilant about doing it – and encouraging our kids to do it – if we don’t want to spend half our days dispensing medicine, filling up humidifiers, and wiping noses.

Kids will be kids, though, and they just don’t understand why “wasting” time singing songs at the sink is so important. They’d rather be playing with toys, running around outside, annoying their siblings, or watching television, right?

Photo Credit: YouTube

Enter Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Skye, and all of your toddler’s favorite pup crew, PAW Patrol, with a song that just might have them shimmying and washing and not fighting you as they remember to wash all on their own.

Photo Credit: YouTube

The tune is just over 2 minutes long, age-appropriate, colorful, and catchy – in short, the kind of song your kid will absolutely ask you to ask Alexa to play while they wash up after using the bathroom or just being a filthy child.

Photo Credit: YouTube

As they do.

The lyrics are helpful, too, explaining the why of the whole washing hands business by starting out with “When there’s a chance that you’ll get sick/The best gift that you can give/To your friends and neighbors/To help keep them well/Is a simple little trick/We just wash our hands like this.”

Image Credit: YouTube

They also go through the proper hand-washing routine, in order, in a section of song that lasts exactly 20 seconds – clever pups!

Make sure you take advantage of this little gem the next time you’re helping your little get those sweet hands nice and clean!

Do you have any other good ideas for washing your kids’ hands?

Share with us in the comments!

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Moms Talk About the Longest Their Kids Have Gone Without Washing Their Hair

Scientists and health experts all agree that washing your hair every day isn’t the best thing, health-wise. That said, you do probably want to make sure your kids, who get sweaty and dirty at a more frequent rate than adults, wash their hair fairly frequently.

But there’s just so much drama involved, right?

If you’re guilty of pushing the hair-washing limits because you just don’t want to deal with it, well, these 13 moms are going to make you feel a whole lot better about your choices.

13. This seems like a popular line to draw.

“We wash once a week.” – Wendy

12. That’s… a long time.

“Haha haha, so long (and such a regular occurrence) I can’t even tell you how long! One time when [my daughter] was around 2 she ended up with cradle cap again and I seriously couldn’t remember the last time I had put shampoo on her head.

It had to have been weeks. I did bathe her… just not shampoo. She washes hair about once a week now that she’s older.” – Amanda

11. Because it’s an ordeal.

“Up until this year, my kids (6 and 8) only bathed on Sunday nights. So I would say the longest they’ve gone without hair washing? Probably eight or nine days on a week where bath got thrown off. Now they have a ‘quick wash’ bath mid-week most of the time.

They love baths but won’t bathe alone yet and I hate baths. Bath time in our house can range from the entire bathroom soaked to a shattered glass shower door, so sorry if my kids are stinky.” – Alice

10. Boys just wanna be dirty.

“I think my son has gone almost a week. Both long-haired girls look like little dumpster scavengers if we go over two or three days so they get more frequent hair washings.” – Allison

9. To each their own!

“We are a family of slight hippies that believe that building up a little grime is good for the immune system. They bathe every two to three days unless they get extremely dirty and are washed that day, but hair can go a week. My rule is to adjust if they smell and if they don’t smell, it’s fine.” – Sandra

8. It’s to keep the lice away!

“Both of my kids have dry hair so we go about a week between washes, probably two to three times a week in the summer when they’re sweaty. I even put hair oil/leave in conditioner in it and it’s still dry. Also, lice do not like dirty hair so I convince myself it’s for the greater good!” – Melissa

7. Wait until his first poop-splosion.

“My youngest will be 2 months [soon]. The closest thing to a bath he’s ever had was his baptism (which was only a sprinkle not a dunk)!” – AJ

6. It’s a good rule to have.

“Mine wash their hair with shampoo once a week (and have for years) and it never looks greasy. They always bitch about having to take a shower — ‘It’s so inconvenient! It’s [sibling name]’s turn to go first! Why do we have to be clean!’ — and then linger there for 30 minutes talking about how great a shower feels…” – Elise

5. Activity level matters.

“As a mom with derm[atological] issues … I’ve tried not to “over-wash” my kids from birth to protect their skin. For hair, I would say the longest they have gone is five to seven days, but my son washes his hair much more frequently now that he plays sports almost daily and gets sweaty.” – Christy

4. Ethnicity can play a role in what’s normal.

“My daughter, who is black and wears her natural hair in box braids or cornrows, generally goes two weeks between washings. This is pretty typical. With white kids it’s different.” – Marisa

3. The weeks really do fly by.

“We aim for every two to three days, but lately life just seems too hectic to schedule baths and showers… plus come on, it’s cold, and we all have dry skin. So it’s been more like every four to six days, with occasional hose-downs if it’s warranted. I don’t think we’ve exceeded six days… but I wouldn’t put money on it.” – Liz

2. Same with my boys.

“[My son] washes his daily, but he is usually sweaty and nasty. [My daughter] washes with conditioner, so it’s been a while since she has used actual shampoo. Maybe last summer?” – Candy

1. Eh, life happens.

“Two and a half weeks. Definitely. She was sick and then we were busy and by the time the weeks passed, I had not even noticed. To be fair, we usually wash her hair every Sunday after swim — so it’s only once a week on the regular.” – Trish

I’m feeling like super mom already – mostly because showers and baths are my husband’s purview. Heh.

What’s the longest you’ve gone without making sure your child cleaned their hair?

Confess in the comments!

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Here are Some Family Games You Can Play When You’re Stuck Indoors

If there’s any kind of trick to entertaining kids (or any kids too young to have their own electronics and life and stuff) indoors for hours on end, I sure would like to know what it is.

Everyone gets stir crazy, whether it’s weather or you know, our current situation keeping us away from the great outdoors and friends and the like.

If you’re looking for some great family games to pass 30 minutes or an hour, we’ve got you covered with the 7 suggestions below.

7. The Spider Game

Prep Time: None

Realistic Time It Might Entertain Your Child: 20 minutes


Find a crib or stroller-sized blanket, or kitchen napkins/rags.

How to Play:

The “spider” holds the blanket, ready to toss it over their “prey.” Kids run while the spider tries to toss their “silk” and if it touches you, you’re caught.

Photo Credit: Unsplash,Ann Danilina

6. The Copycat Game

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Realistic Time It Might Entertain Your Child: 15-20 minutes


Clear a section of a room so everyone can move freely – carpeted or grassy surfaces work best in case you end up on the ground.

How to Play:

You do an activity, action, or movement – anything you like – and get your kid to follow along. March, touch your toes, do a dance move, jumping jacks, whatever. If you kid is older, they can also take a turn being the leader.

5. The Pillow Game

Prep Time: None

Realistic Time It Might Entertain Your Child: 3 minutes


Wrap your child in a towel after their bath and have them lay on their stomach. Put your head gently on their back.

How to Play:

Your “pillow” will begin to move (probably), you wonder aloud why your pillow is wiggling and maybe it’s not a pillow. The kid is supposed to act like an animal stuck in a towel while you guess what they are.

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Flare

4. Chair Hat Toss

Prep Time: 1 minute

Realistic Time It Might Entertain Your Child: 10-15 minutes


Turn over a chair so the legs stick up, then find a hat.

How to Play:

Toss the hat toward the chair, trying to get the hat to hook onto the legs. If you want to make it more complicated, each leg can have a different point value.

You can also spend some time having your kids make DIY rings out of rope or cardboard.

3. The Camouflage Game

Prep Time: None

Realistic Time It Might Entertain Your Child: Way too long


Designate a Counting Zone and stand in it.

How to Play:

Count down from 20 while the other players hide within eyeshot. When you hit zero, find the other players without moving. If you can’t find them all, call ’15!’ and put your hands out. The hidden players run up, high-five you, and hide again.

Photo Credit: pxfuel

2. Balloon Tennis

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Realistic Time It Might Entertain Your Child: 30-60 minutes


Prop two chairs 10 feet apart and tie a string between them. Inflate a balloon or two and then hand out fly swatters.

How to Play:

Same rules as tennis, but you might need an extra rule about how many times players can hit a balloon on their side of the net, since it doesn’t move the same as a tennis ball. Use a simpler scoring system and play family doubles if your kids need help getting into it.

1. Arm & Leg Tag

Prep Time: None

Realistic Time It Might Entertain Your Child: 5-15 minutes


Get together in an open, soft-carpeted area away from furniture and other hard edges.

How to Play:

When a player’s arm or leg is tagged, they can no longer use it. They’ll have to put their arms behind their back or hop on one leg, etc. If they lose all four limbs, they’re out.

Photo Credit: pxhere

I’m definitely going to try some of these with my boys!

Do you like these suggestions? Do you have any to add?

Let us know in the comments!

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