People Talk About the Kindest Thing a Stranger Ever Did for Them

One time I was sitting in the waiting room of a mechanic shop and one of the workers told an old woman that it was going to be about $2,500 to fix all the problems with her car. The look on her face said it all. She said she couldn’t afford that and would have to leave without having any repairs done.

Another customer who overheard the conversation stepped in and told the mechanic to make the repairs and put it on his bill, no questions asked. The woman initially refused but the man told her not to worry about it and that if she was ever in a position to help someone out, to pay it forward.

I have to admit that exchange restored my faith in humanity a little bit.

Here are some heartwarming stories from AskReddit users about the kindness of strangers.

1. This is a nice story.

“I was totally down on my luck living out of a hotel, I did have a job but not enough money to stay there until my check came.

A friend of mine bought me lunch and was telling that they couldn’t help with much but this is what they had, which was $300 short.

I guess we had talked about it but I don’t remember. The next thing I know this guy at the next table is leaving and he tells me not to go until he comes back.

His girlfriend / wife stayed behind even though they had paid the bill. He was back in a few minutes and he hands me $300.

I asked him for his contact info and said he didn’t want it back and to keep working to stay off the streets. The man literally stopped my mom and I from becoming homeless.

I still have a job and I am in a nice apartment now but I will always remember that man’s generosity. I have tried to help other people as much as I can to pay him back in some way.

Thanks for the question. It reminded me of one man’s generosity of spirit and kindness and I think we all need that right now.”

2. Thanks, stranger.

“A stranger bought myself and my ex dinner on Valentine’s Day and the waitress said he was so happy to do it. I guess he was a widower , and doing a kind thing was enough to keep him happy through tough times.

Thank you stranger.”

3. Back on your feet.

“I was homeless, was thirsty and hungry. I walked into this Fast food place at 2 am and sat my bag down. I was dirty and smelled horrible, I asked him if he had anything I could buy for a dollar and he said that anything on the menu I wanted.

I told him but all I had was a dollar. he said if I gave him the dollar he would cover the rest of the price. I gave him the dollar and got a double cheeseburger and some fries and a large drink.

When he gave me the order I went to the table sat down and when I opened the bag there was a 50 dollar bill inside of it with a note saying that he hopes it will help me and he hopes I am able to get back on my feet soon and wished me the best in life. it actually brought tears to my eyes.”

4. A tough day made better.

“I was 18 and living away from home for the first time (from the UK, moved to Canada). I couldn’t afford much so I’d walked two miles through the snow to buy bedding in a discount shop and was having a miserable day. The woman in front of me in the cashier queue put $50 on a store voucher card, handed it to me and walked away before I had a chance to react.

In the middle of a tough day, it really made a difference. Definitely the most memorable random act of kindness I’ve ever experienced.”

5. Bike crash.

“When I was in Middle School, I crashed my bike in front of the supermarket. It wasn’t bad, but I was shaken up.

An older lady pulled over and picked me up and took me back to my home. I don’t remember her name. It was so sweet.”

6. Really struggling.

“I was struggling through college, had maybe $30 in my account and REALLY needed gas (I commuted 25 miles to campus every day). I pull in and it’s full, but a guy waves me down to pull in behind him. He says “hey I bought more than I needed so there’s about $10 of gas still on there.”

I almost started crying, because that got me almost four gallons of gas. It really helped me out in a bad time, and I’m forever grateful.”

7. A nice gesture.

“Some old couple gave my son 50,000 tickets at the arcade.

The husband was dying, this was their last trip, and had been collecting tickets for over 10 years.”

8. This is always so hard.

“Last year, we had to take our dog of 17 years to the vet to be put to sleep. It is a small office, so I am sure our bawling was easily heard from our room as we sat with her in final moments.

As we were leaving, we had a nice conversation with a lady that happened to be picking up her dog. She offered her condolences, and the vet said I could just come back tomorrow to pay our bill.

I called the next day to find out how much I owed and found out that nice lady had paid our bill for us. That is easily the nicest thing a stranger has done for me.”

9. Down on your luck.

“When I was homeless and living in my truck my truck broke down.

There was a guy who lived in a house across the street from where my truck broke down and he came out and helped me figure out that the alternator had died, took me to the auto parts store paid for my new alternator and they said that it would be the next day before it would get in.

He offered to let me spend the night at his house with his family and I got to shower and a good meal and a place to sleep and the next day he took me back to the auto parts store to pick up the alternator helped me install it and gave me a little bit of cash to send me on my way.

He’s a good dude and I hope everything’s still going great for him.”

10. Fix that flat.

“When I was 19, had a flat tire and a kind stranger and his daughter were walking past and the dad stopped to changed my flat without any hesitation. After that, I asked my dad to teach me and have helped people change their tire.”

11. Wow! That is awesome!

“An old lady I met on an Amtrak train when I was ten years old found out I was interested in coins. She asked me for my address and promised to send me “a couple books.”

A few weeks later, a big package arrived on my doorstep. Inside was her entire coin collection, most of it carefully cataloged and arranged in coin books.

Thanks, Connie, I still think of this!”

12. This guy is a hero.

“It was 1993 and I was a broke 18 yo college girl with crappy tires on my car. Driving on the interstate and had a blowout. No cell phone, no cash on hand and several miles away from help. So there I am standing next to my car with no idea what to do and this big, junky car pulls over.

Guy whose physical appearance matches his car perfectly gets out and asks if I need some help. I told him no, I’m fine. Even though I definitely was not. He told me to pop my trunk. I wanted him to go away because I was nervous, but popped the trunk anyway.

The things I can’t help but remember (and it makes me smile) was that 1) his T-shirt was too short to cover his belly, which hung over the waistband of his shorts and 2) He unwrapped a Snickers bar and proceeded to eat it one bite.

Pulls my spare tire and jack out of the trunk. Changes my tire in a matter of seconds, tells me I’m “good to go,” and drives away. No bravado. No introduction, no goodbye. I was stunned.

This goes out to all the big, sloppy looking, clunker-driving, Snickers bar-eating guardian angels out there. You are the real heroes.”

13. During a tough time.

“About 20 years ago I was flying standby to my hometown because my brother had died (suicide). I was 5th or 6th on the list. I was a mess but didn’t say why I was flying to anyone.

When the first guy on the list got called he went up to the gate agent and told her that I obviously needed to get on that flight before anyone else on the standby list & she agreed and called me to get on the plane. I often think about this kind man & hope he’s been living the good life he deserves.”

14. You forgot something.

“About 4 years ago, my family and I were on a roadtrip to Florida. At the Mississippi/Alabama state line, we got out to take pictures at the sign, like families and tourists tend to do. Spent about 5 minutes there, exchanged some pleasantries with a father-son duo doing the same thing, then went on our way.

15 minutes later on the highway, we’re just casually chatting in the car, when we hear a honk coming from behind us. I look over, and it’s a massive, white truck. It’s the father and son. And the son is waving MY PHONE. Apparently, I had dropped it at the sign. We both quickly pull over, and I get my phone back.

What amazes me is that they caught up to us at all. We were going 70-80 and had a good head start on them. That means they were on a MISSION to get my phone back to me and gunning it.

The best part about it all? It was Christmas Day, so I’ll always consider their kind actions as one of my favorite Christmas presents.”

15. Enjoy the show!

“I work at a theater box office that has Broadway performances. Hamilton was premiering for the week and employees were not allowed to get tickets unless they payed for one and even with the minor discount it was expensive.

As a college student, I could not afford it at all and it was my dream to watch it. I was a huge Hamilton fan since it first began.

On the very last day of the show, A lady goes up to my ticket window and asks me “Have you seen the show and do you know if it’s worth it?”

“No but I for sure know it’s worth it! It’s been sold out and very popular”

“Here, my daughter couldn’t come, you can have her ticket”

It was a $550 ticket in the third row center of the theater. I am beyond bless and i will not forget how kind this stranger was

My manager (not a stranger) was also so kind to cover my ticket window and let me leave early to see the show.”

16. I think I’m gonna cry.

“My dad and I were driving to our vacation spot with two cat carriers in the backseat. Someone on the highway stopped for no reason and caused a chain reaction. We were the third car in the line- everyone was fine, but our car’s hood was completely smashed in and it wasn’t drivable. We managed to limp it off the highway to a Home Depot and waited there for AAA.

This was in the middle of the Jersey summer and AAA said it would be at least a few hours. I was getting very worried about the cats. The Home Depot let me bring them inside, so I ended up sitting in the front of the store with a double stack of cat carriers. I must have looked really pathetic because a couple with a teenager son stopped to ask if I was okay.

Once they heard we were stranded they took complete charge. They got us food and drove us AND the cats to the local airport to rent a car. We were all crammed into their tiny car with big, bulky carriers on our laps. They were so unbelievably kind and refused to leave until we had our rental car.

Edited to add this is why you should always secure your pet carriers in place with seat belts and get the most secure ones you can afford. The cats came through the whole experience just fine, but it could have been much worse if they hadn’t been strapped down.”

Those stories put me in a much better mood.

Has anything like this happened to you or maybe you saw it happen to someone else?

Share your stories with us in the comments.

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People Share Their “I’m Turning Into My Parents” Stories

The older I get, the more I finally get it…a lot of us eventually turn into our parents.

I find myself getting excited to do the following things lately, which means I’m definitely turning into my dad:

  • Taking out the trash and the recycling.
  • Vacuuming.
  • Going to the post office.
  • Loading and unloading the dishwasher.

What the hell happened to me?!?!

Oh well,  I guess it happens to the best of us…

Here are some humorous stories from AskReddit users.

1. I think this is a universal Dad thing.

“My dad will fall asleep just about anywhere, especially if he sits in recliner. So after I got my first full time job out of college, I got home and me and my roommate where gonna watch a new episode of some show.

I fell asleep in our recliner in less than 10 minutes. I woke up after the show ended and my roommate was like yeah you were out and snored a little.”

2. Sassy as hell.

“I’ve always had a little sass in me and most of my life, my shyness covered that up. Now I am a one woman sassacre. Thanks, mom.

My brothers have been telling me for years that I am essentially our mom, to the point of calling me ‘little mother'(in an endearing way, not a norman bates way). I own it.”

3. This describes me perfectly.

“When I went from “Oh hey this restaurant has live music, cool!” to “Dammit – look at them setting up a drum kit. It’s going to be too loud. I can’t hear.””

4. It’s happening…

“My 10 year old nephew let me win a video game cuz he felt bad for me, like I did to my dad 25 years ago on Super Nintendo.”

5. And it begins…

“My SO and I were packing and getting ready to road trip to some family’s house for Thanksgiving. As I was cleaning up the house my SO said something along the lines of, “don’t worry about it, you can clean when we get home.”

I replied with, “I do NOT want to come home to a dirty house.” At that point I realized I’m turning into my mother.”

6. That’s a good thing!

“My mom used to find things for us in a minute after we had been looking for hours. My siblings and dad sometimes lose things and ask me to help because “I always find it magically” …. I’m actually very excited about the mom touch to finding things.”

7. Work and sleep. That’s all there is to life.

“My dad has always worked himself to death. Now he’s retired. When he comes over now as soon as he sits down on a couch he falls asleep within minutes. I’m noticing couches are starting to have the same affect on me.”

8. Home improvement.

“Finding myself excited to go to Lowe’s. As a child I haaaaated being dragged to that store. As an adult and new homeowner I totally get the appeal of buying power tools and gardening supplies to work on various home improvement projects.”

9. Let me tell you a story.

“I repeat stories. Every time I go home to visit, I’ll hear things from my dad that he’s either told me by phone already or stories I’ve heard 100 times.

I found that I have also started telling people about stories from my past that I’ve already told them. Convenient that I don’t make up bs, or I’d have to remember all my BS.”

10. Walkin’ slow.

“My dad was a fairly tall guy, i used to hate walking with him when i was about 4/5 because he’d take giant steps and i had to basically jog everywhere while he dragged my hand.

My son is now 4 and i caught myself doing that exact thing about 2 months ago. Now i walk slower.”

11. Family tradition.

“I went mushroom picking with my friend a couple of months ago. We ended up meeting my dad and grandad also mushroom picking. I’m Polish for clarification and mushroom picking is like a national sport here.”

12. Don’t rush me!

“So I’m at IHOP one day, already finished with breakfast, on my second cup of coffee, and the waiter comes with the bill. As I pull out my debit card to pay it, I put my wallet away and think to myself, “Just let me sit here and enjoy my coffee…”

Which is a phrase that my mother has used so many times at breakfast that she could patent it. I’ll admit it does feel nice to just relax and enjoy it instead of rushing out the door as soon as you’re done. Now it’s something I do routinely.”

13. It ain’t cheap!

“The first time I told my kids to “shut the door, we aren’t heating the outside!”

I finally get why they said it too. It costs money to heat/cool the house!”

14. Driving habits.

“While driving in my car, I will put my arm out to protect the passenger if I suddenly stop…even though they are wearing a seat belt….just like my mom.

As the passenger in the front seat, I will step on the brake, even though there is no pedal. The old fake brake, just like my mom does!”

15. Old creakin’ bones.

“When I sit down and make a ‘dad noise’ “aaahhhhrgggaaa”.”

Those responses are pretty darn hilarious!

How about you?

Have you had any “I’m turning into my parents!” moments?

If so, please share them with us in the comments!

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Women Shared Stories About When Men Acted Superior When It Came to Their Nerdy Interests

Do the guys out there really think that they have the market cornered when it comes to nerd culture?

I know some ladies who could give any guy a run for their money when it comes to movies, TV, and comic books. No doubt about that, my friend.

For some reason, some guys feel superior to women when it comes to nerdy books, games, comics, video games, etc., which we all know is totally ridiculous.

This tweet from a woman named Shayna Moon (who happens to work for Sony) got a bunch of other women talking about this phenomenon.

Let’s see what other women had to say about this…

1. What’s a computer?

2. Turning red.

3. I’ll leave without purchasing anything, thank you.

4. Ignored by the guys.

5. That’s mine.

6. Let me educate you…

7. Can’t play ’em all.

8. Can’t be yours, right?

9. Mansplaining is no good.

10. What makes you say that?

11. Don’t test me.

12. Showed him.

These ladies know their stuff and they’re not about to be talked down to by some men who clearly overstepped their boundaries.

Has this ever happened to you or someone you know?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments!

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Hilarious Posts About Nature Taking Over Because Humans Aren’t Going Outside

As most of us are sitting in our houses or in our yards thinking back to the glory days of a couple of months ago where we could go anywhere and do anything…but in the meantime, nature and wildlife is reclaiming the land because there just aren’t any humans around to disrupt it anymore…

But, of course, people had to make fun of this new phenomenon with funny posts about nature reclaiming the Earth.

Wild pizzas! What?!?!

Enjoy these funny posts and keep an eye out for developments in your neighborhood.

1. Look at that!

2. I missed them!

3. They’re inside the house now.

4. They’re back to roam the earth.

5. The wild pizza and spaghetti trees.

6. Back in their natural habitat.

7. Look at them jump!

8. I saw one, too.

9. Sprouting up everywhere.


11. Animals just roaming everywhere.

12. Isn’t life incredible?

13. Tears of joy.

Oh nature, we knew you had it in you to make an epic comeback!

Have you seen any unusual activity outside where you live?

Or maybe you’ve seen other funny posts about wildlife returning to take over the world?

Please talk to us in the comments! Let’s see what ya got!

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Very Unique Genetics That Will Get Your Attention

All of us are beautiful in our own way.

Genetics is an amazing thing and our individual makeup is truly original.

This obviously leads to some very surprising results in people of all shapes, colors, and ages.

Take a look at these amazing pics and be blown away by the wonderful world of genetics.

1. One of a kind!

My sons amazing birthmark! from aww

2. Very interesting!

3. Looks like a storm.

I think you’ll like my eye from eyes

4. That is insane.

Zhang Hongming suffers from rare congenital giant pigmented nevus, commonly know as giant furred moles. from WTF

5. Look into my eye.

Posted by Szymon Podubny Photos on Friday, May 26, 2017

6. A genetic masterpiece.

My sister is a ginger and has heterochromia. A genetic masterpiece. from pics

7. Do you speak Elvish?

I have elf ears from mildlyinteresting

8. 12 fingers in all.

Customer came in and let me take a picture of her hands that had 6 fingers on each from mildlyinteresting

9. Two different shades.

I was born with blonde and brown hair. from mildlyinteresting

10. The biggest thumb of all time.

I think my thumb is a bit too big… from mildlyinteresting

11. That is odd.

My ring and midel finger are concerned. from mildlyinteresting

12. Looks painful.

The way my coworkers knees bend. from mildlyinteresting

13. Double toes for the win!

My friend has double toes from mildlyinteresting

Wow! These folks are all very special!

Do you or does someone in your family have a unique genetic makeup that makes them one-of-a-kind?

If so, please share a photo with us in the comments!

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This Artist Turns Stones Into Amazing Tiny Animals

I don’t often say that I’m blown away by any kind of art, but the work of a Japanese artist named Akie Nakata is really amazing.

She’s also known as Stone Artist because of her one-of-a-kind works that fit into the palm of your hand. Nakata paints animals onto small stones and you really have to see them to believe them.

Take a look at Nakata’s Instagram and Facebook pages and enjoy the photos of her work below.

Very impressive!

1. Sea otters.

2. That is adorable.

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‪Today (April 7th) the group exhibition at Mitsukoshi Department store in Ginza, Tokyo, came to a close. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my earlier post urging my local fans not to go out of your way to visit the exhibition. For a while I will focus on posting my work through social media. I will also continue to share my past work as well, with the hope that each small image of my stone art might at least bring a smile to you? 本日4月7日、銀座三越でのグループ展が終了致しました。ご来場に関してご無理なさらずという投稿に目を通していただき有難うございました。今後しばらくはSNSでの活動に注力し、過去作品の投稿も続けて参ります。小さなストーンアートの画像がこころ和むきっかけになりますように?✨‬ #akie #art #fineart #rockpainting #stonepainting #rockart #stoneart #painting #drawing

A post shared by Stone Artist Akie (@akie_2525) on

3. A resting raccoon.

4. This might be my favorite.

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It’s my past work. Baby and mom elephants painted on natural shaped stone. I just want to keep my posting because we all need something beautiful at this hard time. Sometimes I cannot reply but always love to read your comments. You make me warm smile too when you have fun to see my pieces. Thank you very much for your kindness and support ?? 『聖母子象』過去作品のご紹介です。こんな時だからこそ大事に作品の投稿を続けられたらと思っています。コメントのお返しが出来ないこともありますが、すべて嬉しく拝読しております。今日もそれぞれに最善の1日を過ごせますように?✨ #akie #art #fineart #rockpainting #stonepainting #rockart #stoneart #painting #drawing #elephant

A post shared by Stone Artist Akie (@akie_2525) on

5. Kitten peering out.

6. Crouching tiger.

7. The always-sad pug.

8. Just look at those eyes.

9. Tree frog.

10. That is brilliant.

11. A video for you to enjoy.

12. A sample of her great work.

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It was so hard to choice but finally I decided that they are the top 9 for me in this year. Really thank you so much for your visiting and many likes and friendly comment. Your warm support give me positive energy☺️✨ I’ll keep my work sincerely, with encountered right stone. Hope you will have fun on my page in next year too. Many thank-you and my all good prayers for you? 選ぶのに大変苦労しましたが、今年のベスト9と思う作品をまとめてみました。今年は個展の開催もあり怒涛のように過ぎていきましたが、お陰様で充実感の中制作を続けることが出来ました。ページを訪れてくださる全ての方々に心から感謝いたします☺️今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします✨ #topnine2019 #top9 #akie #art #fineart #rockpainting #stonepainting #rockart #stoneart #painting #drawing

A post shared by Stone Artist Akie (@akie_2525) on

Those pieces are so cool and so unique!

Do you know of any other interesting artists we should be following on social media?

Tell us about them in the comments, please!

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Dad Trolls Other Parents by Creating Fake Dangerous Parenting Photos

I love a good troll as long as they don’t spew a bunch of hate.

And a fellow named Stephen Crowley definitely fits that bill. He’s a dad who likes to get a rise out of other parents by posting altered (a.k.a. “fake”) photos of himself and his young daughter Hannah in dangerous situations.

The horror!

You know that some self-righteous parents love to tell other moms and dads what to do and Crowley sure is good at getting them annoyed.

Enjoy these pics!

1. Pop a wheelie!

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12kg over the back wheel helps.

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2. And away you go!

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…margery daw

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3. Just like the family dog.

4. Climbing high.

5. Up to your neck.

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6. Get down from there!

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? and her new toy.

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7. Don’t drop!

8. Seems kind of high…

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Saturday morning hanging out in the playground

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9. Proceed with caution.

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7/10 for the dismount

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10. Ran the whole thing by herself…without supervision.

11. She needs some alone time in the attic.

Those photos are hilarious!

And I love that so many other parents get annoyed by it. Winning!

What do you think?

Is Crowley funny or do you think he goes too far?

Talk to us in the comments, please!

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Punk Dogs and Cats That Are Not to be Messed With

Do you think animals aren’t members of the punk rock family?


You’re way off, pal.

These punk dogs and cats are hardcore, intense, and you can catch them in a circle pit at local shows with their fellow PUNX.

Let’s take a look at these rabble-rousers…

1. Don’t mess with this one.

2. See you in the pit.

3. He’s seen it all.

4. Double trouble.

5. Love the mohawk.

6. Look at this crew.

7. A punk fashion plate.

8. This is a good one.

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And he’s finished! ?

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9. A real bad girl.

10. Studs and leather.

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#happy #holidays #to #all #punkdogs

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11. Great taste!

Those pics are awesome!

How about your pooch or kitty?

Even if they’re not a true punk, please share a photo of them in the comments so we can meet them.

All dogs are welcome!

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Funny Dog Tweets About Our Beloved Pooches

Dogs are all you really need right now in life, right?

That’s what I think. And if you’re reading this article, I think you probably feel the same way.

Here are 14 funny dog tweets for all you animal lovers to enjoy.

1. Not “just a dog”.

2. Everything gets better!

3. She’ll forgive you!

4. You can’t be friends with everyone…

5. Don’t lie to me.

6. He’s an expert at it.

7. Missing that dog o’ mine.

8. Victory is mine!

9. I’m a huge fan.

10. That dog is good…

11. No need to make anyone jealous.

12. Not going near that thing.

13. You can’t have friends like that.

14. I’ll be over here for at least the next 40 minutes.

I can’t get enough of those pups!

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share a picture of your pooch and tell us all about them!

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Tweets About the Hell of Never-Ending Laundry

Are you the laundry person in your family?

Maybe you’re responsible for yourself, your partner, and the kids?

If so, these tweets will hit you deep down in your soul…because they’re all about the hell that is never-ending laundry.

It’s like a nightmare…like The Blob that will just never stop! It must be destroyed…but how?!?!

Let’s look at the tweets and try to figure out a plan to save the world from all this laundry…

1. Not gonna do it anymore.

2. This is your life now.

3. Make yourself at home.

4. It’s the only thing you’ll know from now on.

5. Listen, Doc…

6. Get the whole family involved.

7. Great…that’s a relief.

8. A little free time before THE END.

9. It’s your lifestyle.

10. You know that’s where it’s going.

11. The laundry is ruining this marriage.

12. Get moving, buddy.

13. Party time!

Okay, you’ve had your fun, now it’s time to get back to the laundry…because you know it’s piling up.

Do you have some serious laundry woes in your household?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

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