15 Funny ‘Karen’ Memes to Speak to Your Manager About

I feel kind of bad for anyone named Karen right now. Especially if they’re middle aged.

Surely not all Karens are a pain, but the name has come to represent the speak-to-the-manager, anti-vaxxer, essential-oil-facebook-evangelist archetype nonetheless.

Yes, the internet is running wild with Karen memes right now, and here are some of the best:

15. How dare you!

Via the chive

14. We all float…

Via the chive

13. The Karen cannot be appeased

Via the chive

12. A Karen-proof fence

Via the chive

11. She’s gone too far

Via the chive

10. Selective hearing

Via the chive

9. Dead giveaway

Via the chive

8. They will rebuild

Via the chive

7. God himself fears Karen

Via the chive

6. Not today, disease

Via the chive

5. I knew it

Via the chive

4. When your American pride is even bigger than your hair

Via the chive

3. Even the doggos, Karen?

Via the chive


Via the chive

1. Don’t worry, Karen’s got this

Via the chive

What’s your favorite Karen story? And by “favorite” we mean the time when a Karen acted her absolute worst.

Tell us in the comments!

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Dozens of Employees Took Bold Action Against a Greedy Business Owner

Trying to get powerful people to listen and treat you fairly can often feel like an impossible task. That’s why reminders about the power of collective bargaining are so important.

One story by Reddit user Vivian_kiki exemplifies this on a small scale, with 50 employees working in solidarity to curb the greedy and stupid practices of one particular business owner. The story was originally posted to the subreddit r/ProRevenge but has since been removed by moderators, apparently for not being revenge-y enough.

But I say hard-nosed negotiation can be pretty badass too. I’m glad to see that Fail Blog saved the screenshots so that it lives on.

It’s a bit of a read but well worth your time. I’ll let it speak for itself.

Part One

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Two

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Three

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Four

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Five

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Six

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Seven

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Eight

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Nine

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Ten

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Eleven

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Twelve

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Thirteen

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

What’s your proudest moment of standing up to the man? We bet you have at least ONE time you did that, right?

Let us know in the comments!

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These Cats and Dogs React Just Like Humans

If you want to have a quick laugh, then seeking out cats and dogs online is a pretty easy way to do it.

But what makes these cuties special are when they resemble humans. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but put a perfectly poised pug with a funny quote and it speaks to your heart.

Check out this collection of animals being all human and stuff!

10. When you feel like you can conquer the world

Have you ever seen a more majestic pug? from aww

9. When you trying to eat healthy and wish for pizza instead

Thanksgiving would be boring without her from cats

8. When a sad song comes on and you wanna cry

Bear likes to hold his feet when he sleeps. from aww

7. When you told bae you’d be home and show up late

I think she’s angry from aww

6. When you overeat and try to nap

After Thanksgiving feast from aww

5. When your friend asks you to smile for a nice picture

I asked my dog to smile from aww

4. Your first time taking a selfie and say, “Damn, I’m cute.”

Felt cute might delete later from aww

3. Your bestie telling you all the secrets

A gentle boop from aww

2. When you’re ready to partay!

When you knock over the Christmas tree, you become the Christmas tree… from aww

1. Owie! I stubbed my wittle pinky toe

I see all your babies and raise you a baby snooglewoofus! from aww

Can we not all relate to these cute AF memes? I’m thinking they do “human” better than we can, right?

Got any humany pet pics lying around in your phone? Share them in the comments! We love to see that stuff!

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A Rare Black Serval Cat Was Captured in This Incredible Photo

The world is full of all kinds of felines, or Felidae. From lions and tigers all the way to the domesticated house cat, they all share similar traits. Sharp claws. Powerful bite. They were made to survive in the wild! But some wild cats are known to be so solitary that catching them with a camera lens, let alone the naked eye, is rare!

Take the reclusive Serval, for example.

A native of Africa, these lanky cats hide in brush not only to hunt and sleep but to raise their babies. Per the African Wildlife Foundation, Servals…

“…are medium-sized wild cats with tawny, black-spotted coats and long necks and long legs that allow them to see over savanna grasses.

They also have large ears and an acute sense of hearing.”

Recently, photographer George Turner, visited the Asilia Namiri Plains Camp in Tanzania and caught this regal shot of a serval covered in inky fur, due to “melanism,” which is SUPER rare.

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The black serval. Can't describe how mind-blowing this was… and still is.⁣ ⁣ For context, even seeing a “normal” serval is tough. They’re shy, secretive cats that tend to live in tall grasses — the perfect combination for staying unnoticed. Every time I’ve been privileged enough to see them, my heart skips a beat. ⁣ ⁣ Melanism (increased development of the dark-coloured pigment melanin in skin/hair) in servals primarily occurs in East Africa, particularly in the highland regions over 2000m, which is what makes this sighting particularly special. ⁣ ⁣ At around 1000m, the Namiri Plains, Tanzania, are considerably "lower" than the normal altitude were melanism is more prevalent. It's likely this particular serval travelled from the nearby – and much higher – Ngorongoro Crater and established a new territory. ⁣ ⁣ Nobody *really* knows why melanism occurs in servals. Some think the increased altitude (and forested habitat that comes with it) reduces exposure to daylight, encouraging melanism. ⁣ ⁣ There’s no guarantee that “Manja” (named after the guide at @asiliaafrica who first spotted him), should he find a mate, will produce melanistic kittens. As melanism is carried by a recessive gene, it could be years before any begin appearing in the area. The hope, for now, is that he continues to flourish in the grasslands and build on his territory. Also, what serval could resist those charming good looks?!⁣ ⁣ [D5, 500mm f/4]

A post shared by George Benjamin | Wildlife (@georgetheexplorer) on

So what is this “melanism”?

Turner explains…

“Melanism (increased development of the dark-coloured pigment melanin in skin/hair) in servals primarily occurs in East Africa, particularly in the highland regions over 2000m, which is what makes this sighting particularly special. ⁣

At around 1000m, the Namiri Plains, Tanzania, are considerably “lower” than the normal altitude were melanism is more prevalent. It’s likely this particular serval travelled from the nearby – and much higher – Ngorongoro Crater and established a new territory. ⁣

⁣Nobody *really* knows why melanism occurs in servals. Some think the increased altitude (and forested habitat that comes with it) reduces exposure to daylight, encouraging melanism.”

Very cool! But what happens with “Manja” mates? I know we’re all hoping for a litter of adorable kittens!

“There’s no guarantee that “Manja , should he find a mate, will produce melanistic kittens. As melanism is carried by a recessive gene, it could be years before any begin appearing in the area.

The hope, for now, is that he continues to flourish in the grasslands and build on his territory.

Also, what serval could resist those charming good looks?!⁣”

Couldn’t agree more! But that’s what I think… what do you think about this majestic AF black cat?

Let us know in the comments!

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How a Good Filter Earned This Woman Some Pretty Decent Cash

We don’t want to trust anyone on the internet that we don’t know, right? There are too many ways to lie, to fews ways to easily ferret out the truth, and honestly…it’s just way too easy to be swindled.

That life knowledge should go hand-in-hand with “never, ever send money to someone on the internet,” but obviously, enough of these types of scams are working that people are doing exactly that every day.

In this case, though, I don’t know. I’m finding it hard not to slow-clap for the villain?

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Le scandale Your Highness Qiao Biluo —> Voilà une affaire qui fait beaucoup parler d’elle ! Non seulement en Chine mais aussi à travers le monde. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’il s’agit de la première escroquerie en ligne impliquant ces filtres qui, via Snapchat ou FaceApp, nous donnent une apparence parfois loin de la réalité. Ici, une femme âgée d’une cinquantaine d’années, Qiao Biluo se faisait passer pour une jeune trentenaire sur des live-streams diffusés via Douyu (l’équivalent chinois de Twitch). Vénérée par de nombreux hommes, chacune des sessions live (où elle répondait à toutes sortes de questions et entretenait la conversation) lui rapportait entre 2000 et 5800 dollars. Cela grâce aux nombreuses donations de ses abonnés. C’est à cause d’un bug technique que la véritable apparence de la vlogueuse est apparue. Lors d’une session live-stream avec une autre vlogueuse, Quinzi. Dès lors, les donations ont drastiquement chuté. Prise sur le fait, Qiao Biluo a préféré suspendre ses sessions live pour l’heure. Paradoxalement, son compte Douyu est passé de 100.000 abonnés à plus de 650.000. S’il n’y avait pas eu ce bug, Qiao aurait continué à vivre la belle vie en se faisant passer pour une « autre personne » en ligne. Ou, disons, une version plus jeune et plus glamour d’elle-même. Combien de Qiao-bis à travers la Chine ? Et à travers le monde ? Alors que les filtres modifiant notre apparence ne cessent de se perfectionner (en photo mais aussi en vidéo), nous aurons de plus en plus affaire à des situations où un(e) internaute préférera utiliser en permanence un filtre qui améliore son apparence. Afin d’avoir une meilleure estime de soi et/ou attirer autrui. Quitte à duper ses abonné(e)s. Encore quelques années et cela promet d’être cocasse à souhait. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire. #YourHignessQiaoBiluo #QiaoBiluo #Douyu #Filtre #Filtres #LiveStream #Vlogueuse #Vlogueuses #Vlog #Chine #Stream #Streaming #Quinzi #Twitch #Snapchat #FaceApp

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A popular live streamer on China’s popular Douyu service, known as Qiao Biluo, has billed herself as an attractive young woman whose voice is “sweet and healing.” 100,000 people followed her on the platform, at least some of whom “worshipped” the “cute goddess” enough to donate around 100,000 yuan ($15k) to the woman online.

Users knew she was using a filter, because when they asked her to turn it off she would refuse, saying…

“I can’t show my face until I receive gifts worth 100,000 yuan.

After all, I am a good-looking host.”

She would also stream with the camera cutting off her face, as it was her voice that most people commented on frequently.

On July 25th, though, her filter stopped working and her real face became visible to her viewers, revealing that she was actually a middle-aged woman, not the young hottie people assumed.

AsiaOne quoted a source as saying Qiao Biluo is a 58-year-old mother of one, and even though the woman has deleted her account, more than 600 million people have read posts on a hashtag that translates to “female vlogger experiences bug showing her old lady face. (Folks, you can’t make this stuff up. Ahh, the internet…)

The response?

Most people seem to hold the opinion that viewers who were gullible enough to send her money just because they liked her face deserved what they got. A few went further, stating that since her popularity originally rose because of her voice, we shouldn’t be judging her on her face, anyway.

A novel concept!

What say you, dear readers? Is this live-streamer a villain or an innocent person just trying to better herself? A Robin Hood, even?

Sound off in the comments!

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Why Does Amazon Pack Small Items in Large Boxes? People of the Internet Discuss Their Theories.

Amazon makes a huge mark on the world. A multi-billion dollar retail giant that’s skillful in implementing systems, controls, and algorithms for consumer goods has made them an undeniable leader.

So with all the mental and technological intelligence behind the company, why the heck do we still receive large box deliveries for small items? Like, shouldn’t that pack of colored markers be put into a 8″ X 5″ box? Seems like a ton of waste when it shows up in a box made to hold DVR.

This Twitter user has a theory:

Yeah, he’s got a point. By using the ol’ Tetris method, there are fewer trucks on the road by packing them full. It makes sense.

But I’m not convinced. Let’s say there’s room for two small packages (shipping to the same DC, etc) and along the conveyor belt comes a big box that fits. Regardless of what’s in it, it would fit, right?

According to  Technology Review, the boxes are packed by workers, in which the system aids the employee in selecting the right box.

“…workers pack products into boxes for shipping with help from Amazon’s central computer systems. Items retrieved from storage shelves are automatically identified and sorted into batches destined for a single customer.

The computer knows the dimensions of each product and will automatically allocate the right box, and even the right amount of packing tape.

Further along, before products are sent to different trucks for dispatching, boxes are weighed to make sure no mistakes have been make in packing.”

Other users were quick to debunk Savine’s claim.

Because does the theory REALLy make sense?

No. It doesn’t.

But this next one completely destroys the Tetris game theory so completely that you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of this in the first place…


But this is all speculation. There’s no PROOF. So how about a comment from someone who actually has experience working at an Amazon facility?

So where does that leave us? Still getting large boxes for small items. And no clear answer.

Well, computers do it. Which isn’t much of an answer.

What’s your theory? Let us know in the comments!

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New Road Material Is Made From Plastic Bottles and Lasts Longer Than Asphalt

We have a global problem with plastic pollution, so we’re collectively always looking for new and innovative ways to use the plastics we recycle, and this one – turning plastic waste into roads – seems like a gem!

A U.K. company called MacRebur came up with the solution, which feels pretty groundbreaking, and aims to not only reduce waste, but produce roads that are stronger and last longer than regular asphalt.

Posted by MacRebur on Monday, June 4, 2018

CEO Toby McCartney was working with a charity in Southern India that worked in landfills, collecting plastics that were then melted and used to fill potholes when he wondered why the technology couldn’t be applied more liberally.

The idea was that they would take a blend of plastic waste, granulate it, and add it to the asphalt concrete formula already in use on roads, runways, parking lots, and racetracks around the world.

@MacRebur – using up waste plastics to make our roads last longer. #plasticroads

Posted by MacRebur on Sunday, December 10, 2017

The plastic used has to be labeled as waste, and cannot be new or recycled plastic. And since heat is required to make asphalt, it needs to have a specific melting temperature.

None of these demands rule out a majority of the plastic waste around the world, and they even allow for black plastic, which is typically very hard to recycle.

Posted by MacRebur on Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Not only that, but the technique is cheaper to make than regular asphalt!

The roads that contain plastic waste look the same as every other road but they are more flexible, which allows them to cope better with weather damage, reducing the appearance of cracks and potholes.

Key fact… it’s about 60% stronger and lasts 3x longer than the asphalt we’re currently using.


Posted by MacRebur on Wednesday, November 7, 2018


I love when people come up with initiatives like these, and let’s all hope to see a worldwide application in the near future. Because even if people don’t care about saving the environment, everyone should be up for fewer potholes.

That’s a winning proposition if I’ve ever heard one!

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Getting Stoned With Your Spouse Could Reduce Conflict in Your Marriage

This might seem like a no-brainer – especially if you had (or have, no judgment) stoner friends, but smoking weed chills people out, even angry spouses!

I feel like more should be said about this topic that speaks to the fact that most people don’t need to smoke pot in order to not be an aggressive, violent a**hole to their partner, but let’s just get to the science first, shall we?

A new study suggests that partners who smoke pot together are more likely to stay together in harmonious relationships, as cannabis has the ability to decrease aggressive tendencies and promote intimacy.

Dr. Jordan Tishler, who has worked as a cannabis specialist for 20+ years, told Fatherly that he wasn’t surprised by the study’s claims.

“I would have predicted exactly what the study found in its broader strokes. I would say that cannabis would decrease the incidence of intimate partner violence.”

This even though past research has generally found the opposite, though those studies were largely conducted on populations already prone to aggression, domestic violence, and used participants with antisocial personality disorders.

This study, by contrast, sought to outline the effects of weed on the previously non-violent married couples, and found that in people with average psyches, cannabis had a positive effect on relationships.

Since the people involved were self-reporting on drug use habits and instances of violence and aggression in their relationship, the study is not without faults, however, and the levels of THC in the marijuana, among other things, could skew results one way or the other.

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#zong #couplessmoking #potheads

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Tishler is supportive, though claiming that he’s seen low, even infrequent doses help improve sex, intimacy, and overall couple bonds.

“We may be getting reduced anxiety and greater intimacy, which are not the same thing, but it’s not surprising that cannabis helps enhance marriages.”

The researchers and other therapists don’t think that, for married couples without violent or aggressive histories, and where both partners are operating on a relatively even keel, having a smoke together here and there wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Children are most likely to thrive in healthy relationships free of violence and conflict where they can emulate healthy relationships in the future. If a medication can help achieve that goal, I don’t believe it should be shunned based on a societal bias.

There you go – think of the kids! Science is stepping up to the plate once again and giving you the go-ahead to live you best life!

What do you think? Has a quick toke helped out your marriage? Let us know in the comments!

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Health Care Workers Talk About When Patients Faked Illnesses and Injuries

It’s a pretty ballsy move to try to pretend you’re sick with an actual doctor, but what do I know? Parents, teachers, and bosses: yes, of course. And you should be doing that. But doctors? Wow.

But I guess it’s pretty common, based on these tales.

Here are some entertaining stories from AskReddit.

1. The long con.

“Taking trauma call during surgery residency, had a prisoner come in after a fight and claimed he couldn’t move or feel his legs. All the CT scans and MRIs were normal, but we would shield his legs so he couldn’t see them and poke them with needles and other sharp objects, with enough force to cause pain- he never flinched or moved his legs at all. He was diagnosed with SCIWORA (spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality).

He stayed in the hospital for a week, no improvement. Always had one guard with him. One night they were down in the lobby watching some television but the guard needed to use the restroom. The patient said, “where could I possibly go? I’m paralyzed!” Guard left him alone for two minutes.

Patient last seen sprinting down the road, naked butt cheeks flapping in the breeze. Made it to a city four hours away by car before he was caught again. I have never seen anyone fake it so well. Truly playing the long con!”

2. Demanded a biopsy.

“Dermatologist here.

Patient was convinced she had a melanoma and needed a biopsy and would need to be on workers comp.

I told her it looked like ink from a marker.

She demanded a biopsy.

I wiped the area off with an alcohol swab and showed her the ink and that there was no spot on her skin anymore.

She stormed out threatening to sue.

I’m just glad I cured her melanoma.”

3. I can’t move my legs.

“Had a patient come in for a fall who now couldn’t move their legs at all. Did a bunch of tests, didn’t find anything. The patient was not at all phased by suddenly being paralyzed which was the first red flag. Didn’t really believe anything was wrong but the patient was still not moving their legs.

My options are to admit for a huge work up or get them to walk. So I update them saying everything is fine, tests are negative, you can go home. Patient gets up, gets dressed and walks out without a word.”

4. A WTF moment.

“Young (18-20) Woman went running into small rural hospital ER pretending to have abdominal pain. Police officer had tagged her going 40+km over the limit which was ‘stunt driving’ as per the new law in Ontario (impound and licence suspension automatic). Cop followed her into ER and apparently said he’d be waiting for her when she left.

Locum staff such as myself were housed at a small B&B about 15 mins away, and the ER had pre-printed order sets to be done before we arrived.

When I arrived she flat out admitted that she just came in because she freaked out and didn’t stop. I told her we’d give her 45 mins to call her parents/family before I booted her.

Except, bHCG came back positive, and subsequent ultrasound came back showing extremely early ectopic.

Officer figures out something is up when he hears air ambulance call come in over radio.

She was completely asymptomatic and just worked out that she dodged both charges and a life threatening issue by accident.

It was definitely a WTF moment.”

5. Fooled!

“Physical therapist here.

Working mom comes into the clinic with her infant in a stroller. She’s limping like she’s got a nail in her foot. Wincing in pain and tears in her eyes. She’s crying during her visit with the PT. None of us think she’s faking it…

She limped out of the clinic. I glanced out of the window and saw this woman BOUNDING down the sidewalk. Hips swaying, full stride, going places.

We were all fools.”

6. I need a ride.

“My brother was an EMT for two years and he told me this:

People will try to use the ambulance as a means for transportation from Fulton to Oswego (because the hospital is in Oswego), by faking seizures. Sometimes when the head EMT guy was feeling fun and knew that the person was faking, he’d say something like “man it’s weird that he’s having seizures but not peeing himself”.

Apparently the person would kind of snap out of it for a second, weigh up the repercussions, then either pee themselves or stop faking. I thought that was hilarious.”

7. Good times!

“I worked at a detox with a bunch of people who liked to exaggerate their symptoms for more meds. Now some were actually withdrawing really bad, but some wanted a bed and free drugs.

There was this girl who was trying to raise her blood pressure so she could get some anti anxiety meds. We do vitals every 4 hours, so when she saw us with the cart, she immediately went to the bathroom for an unknown reason. When the bathroom blinds are open you can see into them from the stairs by the entrance. The patient was doing lots of jumping jacks in her bathroom. So when it was time to take her vitals, she came out sweating. Of course we told her if she had high blood pressure, she couldn’t smoke, so she promptly freaked out because she wanted the meds AND to smoke.

She came back a few months later actually wanting to be sober. I mentioned the jumping jacks and we laughed about it. She’s doing much better now.

Good times.”

8. Holding back on purpose…

“This patient comes in for back pain with “weakness” of the legs. Gets a full workup with MRI, standard blood work, and then some immunological things to look for stuff like myasthenia gravis. No neurological or immunological explanation for the “weakness.” Patient is seen by physical therapy and they are of the opinion that the patient is holding back intentionally.

Go to see the patient at the end of the day and prep them for discharge. Patient is infuriated that they’re being discharged. Yelling and screaming about how they aren’t better, how they’re disappointed in the institution, blah blah blah. They said one particular thing that still clearly stands out 3-4 years later. “I can’t believe you’re sending me home already. I haven’t even told my family I’m here, and now you’re going to send me home before they even have the chance to see me?”

My attending and I leave the room to arrange things with the nurses. We go back in and the patient is out of bed and standing up in the middle of the room. Miraculously the patient is able to walk with zero assistance when they had so much difficulty with any assistance over the previous two days.

At that point, they were enraged was enraged we went in to the room without knocking. They were discharged home after a conversation regarding abuse of medical services.”

9. That did the trick!

“We had a patient faking a seizure so my supervisor told one of us to get the “brain needle”.

The patient made a miraculous and swift recovery without intervention.”

10. I’m blind!

“Had a patient when I was an intern feigning blindness. She would constantly be playing on her smartphone, only furiously trying to hide it when someone from the care team came into her room. The best was when my attending one day strolled pst her room and threw his hand up in a highly exaggerated ‘hello’ wave.

She started to throw her arm up to but caught herself half way through, then threw her hand back into her lap and pretended to be ‘staring’ off into nothing.”

11. But, I’m famous.

“Nurse for an ophthalmologist here. Had a 21 year old new patient claiming to be completely blind from a sudden and severe glaucoma diagnosis from a previous unknown doctor. Would feel around while walking, tried to keep eyes rolled back into his head. The whole 9 yards.

He said he is a famous YouTube rapper that is now unable to make videos or earn a living. I exclaimed to have heard of him before and very excitedly asked him to search and show me his YouTube channel on my phone so that I could subscribe. He took my phone out of my hand and effortlessly found the YouTube app and typed away in the search bar. Oh, and of course his eyes were back to normal and focused.”

12. Wrong leg.

“One time my roommate (who is an ICU nurse) came to see one of my indoor soccer games. During the game a player on the other team went down “hurt” and starting screaming in pain and swearing and rolling around while holding his ankle before he was eventually helped off the field.

He then limped over to where the fans sat and watched the rest of the game brooding in silence before he left early. After the game my roommate told me he was going to go over and see if there was anything he could do to help, until he saw that the guy was limping on the wrong leg.”

13. Unbelievable.

“I once saw a patient who had been faking paralysis of the legs for years. Used a wheelchair, never walked, etc. Old records showed extensive imaging, neurology consults, and other tests that proved the patient had full function of all extremities. Family/friends were just going along with it. Not sure if it was really conversion disorder or if the patient had some secondary gain issue.”

14. Disabling back pain…while playing rugby.

“I’m a nurse. We had a guy who had to come in every 3 months to get a medical certificate to say he couldn’t work at his retail job due to severe disabling back pain. He was receiving large amounts of insurance money for this condition. After the Dr had done his usual examination and questions and signed it off the guy asks the doctor to check his shoulder which doc does and asks how he injured it?

Guy says playing rugby for a competitive team. Really says doc? How long have you been playing for them ? Guy has been playing and training the whole time. Doc puts this info on insurance form . Doc loses his shit in staff room laughing. Next week the patient loses his shit in reception because his insurance has been cancelled.”

15. Is that what I think it is?

“ER nurse. Bringing a patient back to a room who said he had kidney stones.

I had him stop at the bathroom and get a urine sample. Dude comes out with with the specimen cup that literally has a piece of concrete in it. Looked him in the eye expecting some sort of joke.

He. Was. Serious.

I threw it away and walked his dumbass back to the waiting room to contemplate his stupidity.”

16. I suddenly feel much better.

“Whenever we had kids (usually teenagers) playing up their symptoms to extend their hospital stay, we would order them into a healthy lifestyle.

Lights out at 9, no screen time for two hours before bed time, healthy diet chock full of fruits and vegetables, screen time limits, minimum number of laps around the unit per day to get in their exercise…. they got better so much faster with our healthy lifestyle tips!”

Like I said…BALLSY.

Have you ever tried to convince a doctor you were sick when you most definitely were NOT?

Please tell us about it in the comments. We need some good laughs!

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15 People Discuss Their Feelings Regarding Firefighters Compared to Cops

I know people probably have very strong feelings about this, but all I can really say about it is that I think firefighters and police officers don’t get paid enough money and they both need raises.

And I did see a fire department versus police hockey game in Charlotte, North Carolina and that was a whole lot of fun.

But let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say…

1. At least not that we know of…

“No one has written a song saying “Fuck the Fire Fighters”.

2. He was awesome.

“One time when I was in my early teens I randomly got dizzy and passed out while at an ice cream place. Never really figured out why, but at the time I woke up minutes later to the manager standing above me saying ‘is he on fuckin heroin? Holy shit he’s on fuckin heroin!’

I was really out of it, and before I knew it the firefighters were there, like before the ambulance and the police. But I’ll never ever forget the firefighter literally physically obstructing the officer from arresting me right on the spot. I’ve always been so thankful for that firefighter, he was awesome.”

3. Very grateful.

“My exwife gave birth in an ambulance right outside our house. Ambulance crew and a fire truck came to the door helped my exwife into the ambulance and she gave birth in the ambulance van.

Funny part was the firefighter crew was training some of the new fire fighters so you had 9 or so young men all asking if they could see the delivery. My exwife said yes. So you had around 12 people peeking their head into the back of the ambulance seeing her delivering a baby.

I’m oblivious to all this waiting in my SUV wondering why we not going to the hospital.

So grateful to these firefighters and EMS workers.”

4. A big hit.

“My step mom own a couple of hot dog stands that go in Home Depots and every summer she caters this community event for her cousin out in the suburbs. They asked me to help one year and I did it because I could use the money for college and it was pretty easy since I was basically just handing out hog dogs and popcorn to kids and their parents.

I remember during some part of the day they had a fire truck and a police car with representatives from each come and all the kids could go and check them out and sit in then and learn a bit more about their jobs. Pretty much all the kids flocked to the giant red fire truck and paid no attention to the cop car.

Eventually the firefighters urged the kids to go check out the cops set up too, which I thought was nice of them, but they were clearly the hit of the event.”

5. Two different stories.

“I have the utmost respect for firefighters. I told this story before, about 2 1/2 years ago my last car caught on fire soon after I got back home. I called 911 and they were dispatched and at my house in less than 5 minutes. While my car was totaled they put the fire out as best they could, and kept it from spreading.

A couple days later I had to get a copy of the fire incident report for my insurance claim. This happened on a weekend, so I knew in my mind it may not be ready yet, but I still went over to see. It wasn’t, but the second I got back home the fire chief was at my house, with the report, waiting for me.

The cop who was dispatched at the same time was very rude, but the firefighters who came were nothing but compassionate, considerate, and professional, and I am eternally grateful for them. While I hope I’m never in another fire I’ll never forget them.”

6. Not a good move.

“It’s a hot sunny day. I call the emergency dispatch number and report a guy passed out in full sun, risking severe sun burn at least.

They send a cop who covers him with a disposable blanket. Fuck that.

I drive to the hospital and tell the amby supervisor. He sends an ambulance, they transport the victim to the ER where he’s checked out.

Couldn’t afford insulin, almost died.”

7. Doing it for free.

“The local fire department is coming next week to visit each apartment in our block.

Why? They just wanna make sure our homes are safe and that our fire alarms are working and placed correctly.

They’re doing it for free.

I have had no such experiences with cops.

8. Condescending.

“Firefighters on the job have always been great and helpful.

I had to call the cops after I was robbed. They broke through a window and there was this huge handprint from them trying another window. I asked whether they could pull that print and both laughed at me and said this isn’t CSI. So, they couldn’t help and they were being condescending.

My buddy is a firefighter and it’s funny to see him hit on women. When he first starts talking to them, they have no interest. As soon as he tells them he’s a firefighter, they completely change.

Anyway…can’t ever say anything bad about firefighters.”

9. Gods in my eyes.

“Firefighters saved my dog when he got stuck down a badger hole so they’re pretty much gods in my eyes.”

10. Two sides of the coin.

“I work with people experiencing homelessness, and this is my experience nearly 100% of the time. We try to avoid calling police because our clients generally have a lot of trauma around them and those interactions, but when we do, it’s because we actually need help beyond our scope.

On the other hand, I love when the fire department/EMTs show up. They are great and are almost always helpful. In the times they cannot help, they are at least kind about it.”

11. Good experiences.

“I’ve had extremely positive interactions with firefighters. Top notch dudes.

One time we called 911 because my kid’s friend ran through a window and got cut up. After the firefighters did all the first aid, they also cleaned up all the glass and taped up a temporary window cover.”

12. Tried to intimidate.

“I called the police for help once when someone tried to attack me. The cop tried to intimidate me the whole time and he didn’t help me, sympathized with the attacker and did nothing about the violence directed at me.

I also once called the fire department, because my carbon monoxide alarm went off. They showed up within ten minutes, swept though my house and then asked me if I needed anything else before they left.

Seems like one of those groups did their job while the other tried to intimidate me and let violence slide.”

13. There could be problems…

“Police in my interactions with them are usually not about protect and serve but about projecting their authority. You give them the respect and deference they feel that they deserve and everything is fine.

You don’t and there are problems. It’s a tough job and wearing a gun putting your life on the line everyday can have an consequences. Because of all of that, I don’t feel completely safe around police officers.

Firefighters run into burning buildings to save people.

Let me repeat that…

Firefighters run into burning buildings to save people.

I always feel safe around firefighters, always.”

14. Hide the bongs!

“Years back my fraternity house went up in a blaze, and the firefighters were going around hiding bongs (etc) before the cops were allowed to walk inside…

So that limited experience dealing with firefighters has always stuck with me as for why they are forever better than cops. They know we already went through hell by having them called, no need to pile on.

Can’t say the same for all the various cop experiences over the years. Usually always been some meathead trying to make you bow down, regardless of the situation.”

15. One more for good measure.

“Firefighters: last Halloween my son (3) dressed as a firefighter. we took him down to the closest station and asked if we could just take a picture outside. we were invited in, given a tour, and he got to go up into the fire truck that was being cleaned. he had a blast! they welcomed us in like family. it was very sweet.

Cops: around 2000, i was young, maybe 20. i had a boyfriend that stole my debit card. we had been on a road trip recently and i had told him the pin on one of our many gas stops. i broke up with him after he cheated on me. then i looked at my checking account statement and saw charges and withdrawls i hadn’t made.

turns out it was him having taken my card from my wallet at nights while i was sleeping. i filed a police report and the officers that came to my apartment told me that they would take the information but there was nothing they could do. he was in the next town over and so not their jurisdiction (i live in Arizona… i later learned this was bull).

and because i had let him drive my car, he could come back and take it and they wouldn’t do anything about that either (so i installed a kill switch). the main officer speaking was very condescending and rolled his eyes at me a lot. i was disappointed that they wouldn’t/couldn’t help me, but i will never forgive the attitude with which i was treated. he acted like i was an idiot for treating a boyfriend like a boyfriend rather than a potential perp.

i have a couple other bad experiences too.

around police, it always feels like they are waiting for you to do something even mildly illegal so they can take you down. and when you need them, it’s too much of an inconvenience.”

Do you have any thoughts on this subject?

Can you tell us about some of your experiences with firefighters and police officers?

Talk to us in the comments, we’d like to hear from you.

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