A Woman Asks If She’s a Jerk for Not Supporting Her Sister’s “Straight” Coming out Party

I get that parties are fun and cool and that gay people get the best of everything (sarcasm font), but I’m not sure highjacking the idea of a coming out is the way to insert yourself into the fun.

And the idea that LGBTQ people have any sort of fun doing it (over and over and over) is just naive, in the best light.

Which is kind of what this poster on the subreddit Am I The A**hole thought when she wondered on the thread whether or not skipping the event would make her an a**hole sister.

WIBTA for not supporting my sister’s "coming out" party? from AmItheAsshole

Everyone in the comments, be they queer or straight, agreed that the party should not be a thing that any straight person does ever.

There was actually a lot of thanks given…

Even though they can see that the girl is throwing the party with the best of intentions, the fact is, she’s not going to help anything with her effort.

In fact, she might hurt the community with her misunderstanding…

LGBTQ people aren’t excited to come out. They don’t do it all at once, at a party, but countless times, to countless people (of varying degrees of acceptance) all through their lives.

Another perspective, this time from a lesbian…

This 16-year-old girl seems to need to take some time to educate herself on what being an ally actually entails, and then get herself on the right side of the line.

Listen everybody… coming out is NOT a joke. #truth

We can forgive youth, but not the willingness to remain ignorant when education is offered.

Agree? Disagree?

Drop your own thoughts in the comments!

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People Talk About the Stupid Fights They’ve Had With Their Families

Family dynamics are very complicated. There are struggles, battles, alliances are formed, and sometimes people are shunned or banished because of their faults.

It kind of sounds like an episode of Survivor, doesn’t it? That’s because sometimes families operate that way!

In this amusing Twitter thread, people talk about the really dumb fights they’ve gotten into with their family members.

Hold on tight for these!

1. You’re both ugly, okay?

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. It won’t die…

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. All night power struggle.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. You win this round!

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. That makes a lot of sense.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. He has a point.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Make-believe wedding.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Not an iPhone.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. What did you just say?

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. And they never spoke again…

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. The culprit.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Care to put some money on that?

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Don’t mess with his sweets.

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Bruce the moose.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I thought my family fought about some pretty dumb stuff, but this is comedy GOLD!

What do you fight about with your family?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

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Women Talk About Guys Failing While Trying to Cook

Guys, guys, guys…you’re really giving all of us a bad name with these stories.

So here’s what you need to do: watch a cooking show, take a cooking class, or just get on YouTube and learn the basics.

Have we come to an understanding here?

Good, because none of us want to be like the guys who got called out by ladies in these tweets for their inferior cooking skills…

Let’s take a look.

1. You’re dead to me.

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. How do you make tea?

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. He’d heard enough.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Trust him with your life.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. It’s still there.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Doesn’t work that way.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. That sounds delightful!

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Thanks a lot…

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. That’s how you get sick.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. I hope you like it raw.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. He was watching.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. It’s very complicated.

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Don’t do that!

Photo Credit: Twitter

Ladies, next time you plan a night in, maybe you need to make sure your man has taken a cooking class or two beforehand. It might lead to an easier time in the kitchen.

Have you had any cooking mishaps with your significant other?

We want to hear from everyone on this topic. Talk to us in the comments!

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Women Talk About the Career Guidance They’d Give Themselves If They Could Go Back in Time

It’s sad but true, but women have a harder time succeeding in the professional world.

They get paid less, they get passed over for opportunities, and they have to fight like hell to get ahead, even when they are overqualified for jobs and promotions.

In this very important Twitter thread, women who have already been through the trials and tribulations of working as a female share the advice they would give their younger selves if they could.

We can all learn a lot from these words of wisdom.

1. Yes and no.

2. Be aware of this.

3. Work from a place of “yes.”

4. Some great tips.

5. Just go for it!

6. Don’t waste time.

7. Use your time wisely.

8. Take charge.

9. Look out for yourself.

10. This is great.

11. All of these.

12. It’s okay to change direction.

13. Advocate for yourself.

All of these women have obviously been through a lot in their professional lives and their advice is very important to all the females out there looking to get ahead in the workplace.

What do you think about this advice?

Do you have any of your own you’d like to offer to your fellow women?

Please share with us in the comments!

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These Memes Will Be Hilarious If You Hate Your Ex

Exe are often the bane of our existence and, as hard as we might try, we can’t seem to shake the memory of them for months or even years.

One day it will get better and you’ll forget all about that person, but when it’s bad, IT’S BAD and you can’t get rid of the angry feelings even if you try.

So, in the spirit of hating our ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends, here are some funny memes that I think we can all relate to.

1. Don’t ask me.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Oh heyyyyyy!

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Back off, Satan.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. No more of that, please.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. Sound asleep.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Is that a dumpster fire I see?

Photo Credit: someecards

7. That’s pretty desperate, buddy.

Photo Credit: someecards

8. You must be confused.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. What did I do now?

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Clearly not stalking at all.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Boom! That’s how it done.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Just telling the truth…

Photo Credit: someecards

Those brought back some painful and kind of hilarious memories for this guy!

How about you?

Are you hung up on an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?

Tell us just what the heck is going on with you in the comments. Let’s all have a good cry together!

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Here are Some Funny Memes to Help You Waste a Few Minutes

Are you kind of bored and want to kill a couple of minutes in the middle of this seemingly never-ending day?

Well, have I got just the thing for you!

I’m talking about some hilarious memes! And they have your name written all over them!

Let’s go!

1. It’s baaaaaaack!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. Not so fast.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Fighting crime.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Give it all to me!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Here’s a surprise.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Impossible to see.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. This is an emergency.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. I was right!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. Erase them from my mind.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Magic dealers.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. Smooth move.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Those sure hit the spot! I laughed and then I laughed some more!

How about you? Have you seen any hilarious memes lately?

Well, don’t hog them all! Share them with us in the comments!

The post Here are Some Funny Memes to Help You Waste a Few Minutes appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What Happened When They Called Phone Numbers Written on Bathroom Walls

Every public bathroom wall has a unique story to tell. They contain the thoughts and ramblings of people who had a minute to kill…and they also sometimes contain the name and number of someone you should call if you’re “looking for a good time.”

But have you actually taken the time to call one of these numbers? To find out what Tina or Tony or Big Bertha actually has to say.

These people took it upon themselves to call or text some of those famous numbers.

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Mean Mike.

“I saw a number scratched on a table at a bar that said something like “Call Mike, he’s been really mean :(” So I sent Mike a text telling him to be nicer and in response he sent me back several angry “Who the hell is this?” texts over the next few days.

He’s really mean :(.”

2. I know you!

“In high school I messaged one that was on the backseat of a bus that was going through a town that was a 30 min drive from my town.

I texted, “Who is this, your number is on the back seat of this bus” they reply “Greg”.

I told my classmate about it a week later since his name was also Greg.

Sure enough, he holds out his phone with the text message from me in there.”

3. That worked out.

“I was at the bus stop and saw this text: “If you are in deep shit, call this number”.

I called the number cause i had like 30 minutes to bus. It was local small taxi company.

I told him to come and pick me up.

He saved me like 25 minutes of waiting, the guy was cool, and I even gave him solid tip.”

4. Not cool.

“I called a number for a good time.

Was greeted by a local pizza place.

I proceeded to order 2 pizzas and at the end of the call discovered they didn’t deliver to my area.

It was a bad time. The stall lied.”

5. You never know…

“I dialed a number from my college bathroom stalls that said “Free bl***ob.”

I thought it was going to be the police department or something asinine but I wanted to do it anyway because you never know and it was a number for Vector Marketing.”

6. A woman’s voice…

“When my friend and I were about 11 there was a public bathroom in the park where we had soccer practice and outside that public bathroom was a payphone and on that payphone was scrawled a number and above it the word “sex.”

I don’t recall ever paying for a call so maybe it was a 1-800 number, I don’t remember. It was a recording of a woman’s voice. I remember only the beginning, but I can hear it crystal clear: “You wanna have fuuun? Yeaah?” And then a bunch of feminine giggling. We would hang up when the recording asked for a credit card number to continue the call. I think we were terrified out parents’ credit cards would somehow get charged and we would get caught. Kid logic.

We were/are both straight females. But we still called that thing all the time. It was seriously the most risque thing I had ever done up to that point. And also probably for a long time afterwards, sadly….”

7. A bonding moment.

“I went to a gig and everyone who frequented this venue would write on the wall while queuing so me being drunk already decided I would ring one cause it said something amusing. Guy answers and I tell him where I am and that I was bored so I rang this number off the wall.

We had a convo about who he saw and who I was seeing that night and due to me being drunk I sang a song by the band he went to see down the phone to him. Funniest queue bonding moment so far.”

8. When you need a friend.

“Found a number on the bathroom stall in a bar “when you need a friend, when something great happens and you have no one to tell, when you want to vent, when you want to be spontaneous, when you need help getting home from a drunken stupor, call ###### RIP RYAN”.

I cried and called to tell her what a great message it was and we both cried and talked for a few hours.”

9. Just letting you know.

“I texted the number while I was drunk (usually, sober, I wouldn’t).

The same day, the woman called the police and reported me for harassment, even though I only texted her saying hi and telling her that her number was on a bathroom wall.”

10. A love story.

“My cousin met her boyfriend since 3 years by calling a number of a bathroom wall.

It said something like: “For a good time call xxxxxxxxx She texted out of curiousity. Apparently one of his friends had put his name and number down there just to mess with him. He usually had guys sending him d-picks and shit and was considering changing number.

They texted back and forth for over 6 months until they met up. They now live together and seem happy.

If they ever ends up getting married and have kids they will have quite a story to tell about how they met.”

11. The park bench.

“17 years old, was at the park with some of my friends and this bench was COVERED in numbers, so we took our time trying to get through all of the numbers, the majority of them went to voice mail and led us nowhere but the last number we called said “call for a great meal ;)”

We were like “yeah boys one of us is gonna get some” so we proceeded to call up the number, only to find that my mate’s phone rang who was a straight A catering student at the time.

was really surprised the note was truthful”

12. Wait a second…

“I used to call the numbers and inform the recipient of where there were not such nice things written with their name and number. They’d always ask what it said. I’d always reply that I want sure they wanted to know, but they would insist. I would tell them verbatim in my radio announcer voice and listen to the shock emanate from the cell phone. They’d always ask me to mark it out, but I would tell them that I didn’t have a pen or sharpie.

Found my sister’s number once and couldn’t stop laughing.”

13. Robot sex.

“I saw the number read Hunger Games Hotline so I took a picture of it in case I ever wanted to call it.

A year later I’m on a school field trip coming back from DC when I tell my friend we should call this one number.

He says yes, we dial it and we hear robots having sex.”

14. Well played.

“Said “for best bj”.

Person that answered said that meant best blinging jewels.

Well played Kay Jewelers!”

15. A crazy story.

“As crazy as it sounds I texted a number off a bathroom stall in a movie theater in Texas when I was visiting family. I made some shitty joke, and then told them I got there number off of a wall. Somehow it turned into a full on conversation and that was how I met the first love of my life. We were together for over a year and its just crazy to think it all transpired because I texted a number off of a bathroom stall.

That was about 6 years ago and I haven’t seen or talked to Kayli in years but its still a pretty cool story to tell people.”

16. Not always a good idea.

“Once, my friends called one of the numbers. It was some kind of a pizza delivery restaurant. My friends made fun of them, and I don’t know what exactly they said, but the police called 10 minutes later saying that someone bomb threatened the restaurant in the past (through a phone).

Then the police came to investigate. Everything was ok, but it was kinda scary as we were like 12/13. Don’t do numbers, kids.”

17. That was risky.

“When I was in uni I messaged a number on the wall of a bathroom stall. A guy and his friend both came and, well, came. and left.

It was exhilarating.

Got tested immediately and later and never did it again but was hottest sex I’ve had ever.”

18. That’s weird.

“I found a business card in a phone booth printed cryptically with, “If you don’t call, you’ll never know,” and a phone number. Since I had time left on the phone card I called, and now I know.

It was a pseudo-religious self-help cult trying to recruit people to seminars at their ranch in like New Mexico somewhere with promises of finding a new spiritual family. No thanks, the last thing I need is more family.”

I gotta say, I’ve never tried this before, but I might have to give it a shot!

Have you ever called a number written on the bathroom wall?

If so, tell us what happened in the comments! Please and thank you!

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People Share Stories About the Stupid Fights Their Families Get Into

I grew up in a big family so there was always some kind of conflict going on. Brother vs. brother. Sister vs. sister. Brothers vs. sisters. And throw in the parents for good measure and it was a great time for all!

All families fight, that’s a fact. And a lot of those fights are just plain dumb.

Here are 15 funny stories people shared about the dumb fights their families have gotten into.

1. And what was the verdict?

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. That’s typical…

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Just don’t bring it up again.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. You don’t exist.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. That’s insane.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Ouch! Sounds painful.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Don’t disturb the cat.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. A month-long debate.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Not in this house…

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. It was only a dream.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. This is good.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Those were not turkeys.

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. That’s just weird.

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. A major offense.

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. You don’t get it, Dad!

Photo Credit: Twitter

There are some doozies in there! Let’s hope that all these folks kissed and made up very quickly.

Does your family get into fights? Are most of them pretty DUMB?

Tell us about them in the comments!

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There’s a New Way to Fold Pants You Might Want to Check Out

You know you’ve reached peak adulthood when you get excited about a new way to fold laundry.

TikTok user @alifestyleforall blew up and blew minds with her video on her pants-folding method, which is honestly so simple I’m shocked more of us hadn’t thought of it before. What’s more, she does it with amazing superhuman speed! Oh, no, wait, the video is just sped up, my bad.

@alifestyleforallGet ready to be mind blown ??##spacesaver ##wrinklefree ##tips ##viral♬ Lottery – K Camp

It’s similar to a method presented by the woman who spawned a thousand memes, Marie Kondo.

Her youtube channel features a slightly slower-paced illustration of her ultra-space-saving variant on the life hack.

So if you’ve got so many clothes you need to do origami to get them in your dresser, well, maybe consider a trip to Goodwill. Or, use these methods.

Bonus video below of Kondo attacking a multitude of different clothing shapes.

She’s just soooooooo good!

I’m not gonna lie, this is so exciting that the next time I do laundry, I might not wait three whole days to actually put it away.

What’s your favorite space-saving trick?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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10 Simple Things that Were Amazing When We Were Kids

It feels like yesterday I begged my mom to let me ride the weird mechanical rocking horse thing outside the grocery store. Now I’m doing adult stuff like paying bills, and sexy adult stuff like paying bills while shirtless.

It’s fun to take a break from all that and think back to when everything was simpler, and yet more fascinating. To be a kid was to be constantly in adventure mode, and there were countless little wondrous things along the way that added up to one grand journey.

Take a moment with me to look back and remember the little wonders…

10. The Party Pop

9. The Great Dispenser

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All the time ?

A post shared by Nostalgia by Guff (@nostalgia) on

8. The Bathroom Hauntings

7. The Order of the Cheese

Via me.me

6. The Vision

5. The Power

Via en.dopl3r

4. The Pathway

Via imgur

3. The Race Against Death

Via buzzfeed

2. The Prowl

Via LHG02

1. The Impossible Puzzle

Via me.me

Honestly, I still get the urge to run up the stairs like a tiger, though my body isn’t super happy about it anymore.

And I still live in hope that someday, our top scientists will FIND A WAY to defy physics and push all the colors in the pencil down at the same time.

What’s your favorite little memory from childhood?

Let us know in the comments.

The post 10 Simple Things that Were Amazing When We Were Kids appeared first on UberFacts.