This is What We Can Learn From Singapore’s Quick Response to COVID-19

Many countries have, to varying degrees, been behind the 8-ball when it comes to forming a country-wide response to COVID-19.

China, of course, was first and scrambled (fairly efficiently) to catch up. Countries like Iran and Italy are still struggling to resurface after finding themselves under water, and I don’t think we yet know how bad the pandemic is going to disrupt life in the U.K. or the U.S.

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CORONA VIRUS UPDATE?? . ?1 kasus baru di SG: seorang wanita berusia 75 tahun yang terhubung dengan Life Church and Missions, serta 2 Orang telah dipulangkan? . ?Dua orang lagi yang menderita penyakit coronavirus telah dipulangkan dan satu kasus baru dikonfirmasi oleh Departemen Kesehatan pada Senin (24 Februari). Total kasus menjadi 90, di mana 53 telah sepenuhnya pulih? . ?MOH mengatakan sebagian besar dari 37 yang masih dirawat di rumah sakit stabil dan membaik. Tujuh dalam kondisi kritis di unit perawatan intensif?? . ?Stay-Home Notice berlaku untuk “warga Singapura dan mereka yang tinggal dan bekerja di Singapura – yang telah melakukan perjalanan ke daerah berisiko corona dalam dua minggu terakhir”. Pemberitahuan tersebut mengharuskan mereka untuk tetap berada di rumah mereka setiap saat selama 14 hari. . ?Dikabarkan, ada seorang warga Singapore yang berpergian ke China dan tidak menaati aturan ini. Pemerintah Singapura menindak tegas dan mencabut status permanent recidence-nya, sertadilarang masuk kembali ke Singapura, kata Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) pada 26 Feb. . ?Temperature Screening juga dilakukan di semua titik, mulai dari Jalur udara, Darat,dan Laut. Saat ini level waspada masih tetap di ORANGE. . ??Siapa yang berencana ke Singapura dalam waktu dekat? Tunjuk tangan di kolom komentar!??‍♂️ #TravelWithSGB #SGBNews

A post shared by #SGB • All About Singapore (@singaporeguidebook) on

Some countries have done better than most, and Singapore is <a href=””>at the top of that list</a>.

Singapore is no stranger to dealing with severe, viral respiratory diseases. In 2002 and 2003 they handled SARS as it spilled out of China, killing 33 people in Singapore and sparking essential revisions to their public health system.

They instituted new travel controls and health infrastructure before getting hit again in 2009, this time with swine flu. Martin Hibberd, an infectious disease researcher at the London School of Hygiene, said the country had to adapt a second time.
<blockquote>”Pandemic flu came from Mexico, an Americas event, and Singapore tried to put in place in 2009 what they learned with SARS.

But flu was much more difficult to contain than SARS was, and they realized what they thought they’d learned didn’t work. It was another lesson.”</blockquote>
When COVID-19 came calling, though, Singapore was ready. They (along with Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea) instituted strict travel controls and protocols for identifying sick individuals, as well as who they’d been in contact with.

The government posted details on how many people had been tested, the locations and nature of their social contacts, and pushed strict social distancing measures right from the start.

They currently have lower numbers of infected people and lower fatalities than either China or Italy and have successfully flattened the curve with their quick, aggressive response.

The rest of the world would do well to look toward their response as best practices if they want to see their own countries have <a href=”″>fatality rates</a> closer to South Korea’s .8% and not Italy’s staggering 6.6%.

A new article in The Lancet states that Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore all developed tests as soon as the virus’ genetic sequences were published, and made sure they were mass produced and ready for when the pandemic hit home. They also controlled immigration (against WHO recommendations), made sure the populace didn’t have to pay for tests or treatment, and combined their healthcare and immigration databases to generate alerts as to which travelers should be tested immediately.

In Taiwan, a Central Epidemic Command Center was set up after only a few cases were reported by China. The body put limits on the prices of personal protective equipment and ramped up manufacturing of those same goods at the same time.

<a href=”″>As of January 20th</a>, they had “44 million surgical masks, 1.9 million N95 masks, and 1100 negative pressure isolation rooms” ready to go.

Singapore makes sure reliable, timely information is available on their frequently updated government website and WhatsApp account and they’re taking people’s temperatures before they enter public buildings. Hibberd says it’s the new normal, and people are adapting.
<blockquote>”On every lift I ride, there’s a notice saying what I have to do. Everywhere you walk there’s information.

There’s a confidence in that information, in the government and what they’re saying, and there’s an expectation you should follow it.”</blockquote>
Also? They’re fining people who break the rules.

Granted, Singapore (and the other Asian countries) are both smaller and have social structures and traditions that make government “interference” in people’s lives more feasible than the attitudes in the United States.

That said, they’re not China, either, which means their middle path may be the ticket to winning.

As for places like the U.S., who are still struggling to get ahead of this thing, we would do well to take notice. Even if it’s too late for this particular virus, epidemiologists are certain it won’t be the last one.

We should build the infrastructure now, put the plans in place now, so when we get a whiff of what’s coming next we can just activate an existing system, the way Singapore did, instead of building it from the ground up while people are dying.


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Posts About Entitled People That Might Drive You Nuts

We all probably do things that might make others think we are a little bit entitled once in a while, but these posts are on a whole new level.

I don’t want to make you very upset today, but we all need to see what these entitled folks are up to.

You’re gonna get mad. You’re gonna get annoyed. But it’ll all be worth it. Awareness is everything!

Let’s take a look.

1. I also want free delivery.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Half-off.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Are you comfortable?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Man…some people.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. How ungrateful.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. Sounds like a real catch.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Ugh. This is awful.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. That is so rude.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

9. People are eating here, bro.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

10. That’s really nice.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

11. Take as much room as you need.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

12. A call for help.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

13. This is insane.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

14. Sounds like a deal!

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. That’s not how it works.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Ugh, these made my blood boil a little bit. Time to take some deep breaths.

Have you had any recent run-ins with people like this?

Tell us about it in the comments! Let’s complain all day long!

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Times People Unexpectedly Ran Into Their Doppelgangers

Have you ever been out in public minding your own business and then BAM!, you see someone who looks exactly like you?

It’s kind of disconcerting to run into your doppelganger, but it sure does seem to happen a lot, judging by all the photos floating around out there.

Here are 13 examples of people unexpectedly running into their doubles.

1. There he is!

In the Flesh from pics

2. What are the chances?

3. You are heading to jail, sir.

Awkward from funny

4. He’s clearly royalty.

My godson think he’s the Royal Prince from pics

5. Ancient doppelganger.

My friend the Emperor Hadrian. from pics

6. You have your own game!

My Japanese friend found a game about himself in a shop in the Netherlands from pics

7. Will he give you a discount?

When you go to get a flu shot and the pharmacist is your doppelgänger from funny

8. Jesus, take the wheel.

If my friend’s son lived in Mexico, he would be tripping over candles. from funny

9. Might be time for a new haircut.

TIL that my haircut is 200 years out of date… from funny

10. A work of art.

Friend looks exactly like the painting at a bar from pics

11. That’s her, alright.

12. The resemblance is uncanny.

Sooooo, my friend found his doppleganger in the subway last night from pics

13. In the style of Paul Bunyan.

Today I found my doppelganger! from pics

You just never know who you’re gonna run into out there!

Pretty weird, huh? Has this ever happened to you?

If so, please share the story and a photo (if you have one) in the comments!

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Some of the Weirdest and Most Interesting Bathrooms and Toilets You’ll Ever See

You gotta do your thing when nature calls.

Some people do it in style, some use a cardboard box on the side the road because they ate at White Castle and their brother didn’t drive fast enough to get them to the next highway rest area…

Whatever your restroom experiences have been, I have a feeling you’ve never seen bathrooms and toilets like this before.

Let’s take a look!

1. Newsprint for days.

Photo Credit: deMilked

2. Glow in the dark.

Photo Credit: deMilked

3. Peek a boo.

Photo Credit: deMilked

4. This is kind of awesome.

Photo Credit: deMilked

5. What is happening here?

Photo Credit: deMilked

6. Like The Twilight Zone.

Photo Credit: deMilked

7. That’s intimidating.

Photo Credit: deMilked

8. 1980s arcade style.

Photo Credit: deMilked

9. Like the end of Enter the Dragon.

Photo Credit: deMilked

10. Do it in style.

Photo Credit: deMilked

11. A true throne.

Photo Credit: deMilked

12. Now, how does this work?

Photo Credit: deMilked

Those are INSANE.

What do you think? Are you on board with these or you think it’s just a bit excessive?

Tell us the nicest or weirdest bathroom you’ve ever had the pleasure of using.

Let’s compare notes! Talk to us in the comments!

The post Some of the Weirdest and Most Interesting Bathrooms and Toilets You’ll Ever See appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Their Dramatic Transformations

It’s very difficult to make big changes in life. Especially when it comes to losing weight and being healthier overall.

The people in these photos were all glad to share their very impressive transformations. Most of them are from people putting in hard work and a few of them are just people growing up out of that awkward phase.

Either way, they are really enjoyable to look at and they should inspire all of us.


1. Nice work!

F/22/5’0 [227 lbs > 103 lbs = 124 lbs] I’m back with more progress ? from progresspics

2. Looking good!

F/21/5’5” [300lbs > 164lbs = 136lbs] weight loss progress.

3. Very impressive!

F/25/5’6” [235 -> 155 = 80 lbs lost] (3 years) Things I did: that. from progresspics

4. You look wonderful.

M/19/6’4” [356lbs -> 235 =121lbs] this transformation is suits me well. from progresspics

5. Wow. A lot of work went into this.

M/35/6’3”[534>217=317lbs] Same Chair. 3 Years Later. wls 7/2016. Focused on a high protein/low carb diet with a foundation of calorie deficiency. Hoping for skin surgery soon. Currently 12.2% body fat. from progresspics

6. Putting in the effort.

I was told that this might be appreciated here. The first picture is me in my duct tape dress at 16. The second picture is me now, at 21 after losing 100 pounds, cutting off my frizzy hair, and actually putting effort into my appearance. from uglyduckling

7. Say goodbye to half of yourself.

F/23/5’9 [270 lbs > 135 lbs = 135 lbs] lost half of myself! from progresspics

8. We all see the difference!

F/24/5’6 [231lbs>198lbs=33lbs] 3 months! I couldn’t see the difference at all until my husband showed me this photo from July! About 40lbs to go ? from progresspics

9. Depression takes a huge toll.

23 vs 27 – this is what fixing your depression can do to you from uglyduckling

10. More than 70 pounds later.

F/27/5’5” [230 > 158 = 72lbs] l always thought my face shape was round lol from progresspics

11. Hitting the gym.

Update: 1 Year of weight gain

12. A true beauty.

12 – 24 Even my family doesn’t recognize me these days, it’s nice from uglyduckling

13. Doing it the right way.

18 > 20, Decided to hit the gym to get a better looking body, looks like I decided to do it around the time my face was changing too! from uglyduckling

Aren’t those delightful?

Have you gone through a big transformation?

If you’d like to, we’d really like to see your before and after photos! Please share them in the comments!

The post People Share Their Dramatic Transformations appeared first on UberFacts.

Older People Share Good Life Advice for All the Younger Folks out There

In American culture, elderly people seem to be ignored and pushed to the side sometimes.

In other countries around the world, you’ll see the exact opposite phenomenon as younger people look up to the older generations and seek them out for advice and wisdom.

A home for elderly people in Missouri called the St. Clair Nursing Center had its residents share good life advice for the younger people out there and I think you’ll agree that these are all definitely words of wisdom.

1. Keep your head up.

Resident advice of the day!!❤❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Friday, September 27, 2019

2. You must LIVE.

Resident advice of the day!! Wanda- 77 years young didn’t want to be pictured but had a lot of advice for everyone ❤❤❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Wednesday, September 25, 2019

3. Enjoy yourself.

Resident advice of the day!!❤❤❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Tuesday, September 24, 2019

4. Good tips.

Resident advice of the day!!❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Monday, September 23, 2019

5. Be respectful.

Resident advice of the day!! ❤Mildred – 93 years young did not wish to have her picture taken but does want to share some advice to the world!

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Thursday, September 26, 2019

6. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Resident advice of the day!❤?

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Saturday, September 21, 2019

7. Do what you love.

Resident advice of the day!!!❤❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Friday, September 20, 2019

8. Listen to Ralph.

Resident advice of the day!!❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Tuesday, September 17, 2019

9. Stay out of trouble.

Resident advice of the day!!❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Monday, September 16, 2019

10. Plain and simple.

Resident advice of the day!!!❤❤❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Saturday, September 14, 2019

11. Take some time to smell the flowers.

Resident advice of the day!!❤❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Friday, September 13, 2019

12. Help each other out.

Resident advice of the day!!❤❤

Posted by St. Clair Nursing Center – skilled nursing by Americare on Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I think it’s safe to say we all learned a lot from these senior citizens.

Have you learned any valuable life lessons from older folks in your life?

Please share with us in the comments!

The post Older People Share Good Life Advice for All the Younger Folks out There appeared first on UberFacts.

The Coronavirus Toilet Paper Memes Are Here and They Are Pretty Hilarious

The world has flipped completely upside down and nothing makes sense anymore.

One of the side effects of the hysteria about the coronavirus is that people are hoarding toilet paper and it’s hard to get your hands on any right now.

Trust me, if you’ve been to the grocery store lately, all you see is empty shelves…

If you can’t laugh, you’re gonna cry, so here are some funny memes about the current toilet paper hysteria.

1. Can’t believe his eyes.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. You loved it last time you ate it.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Please explain this to me.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Don’t fall for it!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Works like a charm.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. I knew this one was coming.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. How is this possible?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. You will now die.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

9. Was it worth it…?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

10. Brain is working overtime.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

11. Losing your mind.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

12. This should last a while.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

13. Not again…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

This is the world we live in now, people. Let’s all put our hands together and pray that it doesn’t last too long…

Or else we might all lose our minds…

How’s your toilet paper supply looking? Talk to us in the comments!

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This is What SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 All Have in Common

This is important, so pay attention.

SARS and MERS are two other coronaviruses that have jumped from animals to humans in the past several decades, so it stands to reason that doctors and researchers should be able to learn something about COVID-19 from the similar viruses that came before them, right?

It’s true, and while the three are distinctly different beasts, the three coronaviruses do have things in common.

The new coronavirus seems to have jumped from animals to human sometime late in 2019, probably in one of the animal markets prevalent in Wuhan, China. People began spreading it to each other, and as community transmission has grown and people have traveled all over the world, a global pandemic has been the result.

Although COVID-19 is a new virus, it’s not a new type of virus – coronaviruses are also the culprits behind SARS and MERS, two other dangerous respiratory illnesses that have popped up since 2003.

“Coronaviruses are a family of viruses which can cause a variety of diseases in humans and animals, typically respiratory illnesses in humans,” says Dr. S. Wesley long. “Four different coronaviruses cause up to a third of all cases of the common cold.”

The viruses typically live in animals like bats, pigs, and camels, and because this new coronavirus (and MERS and SARS) had never before leapt to humans, we struggled to combat them. Basically, our bodies didn’t know how to respond to a new invader, even if it’s similar to ones we’ve met already.

“When they make the jump to humans, our preexisting immunity is low. As human beings, we have never seen COVID-19 before and our immune system can’t react.”

Of the group of three, MERS has the highest mortality rate – around 35% – followed by SARS at 10%. So far, COVID-19 has a mortality rate around 2 and 3 percent, but is transmitted much more efficiently.

Which means more people are going to get it, and will perhaps land in the hospital, but fewer people are going to die.

Although MERS is known to still circulate in camels, both viruses disappeared from humans as quickly as they appeared; COVID-19 shows no signs of abating.

Another facet of COVID-19 that makes it easier to spread is that the virus begins to shed and infect others even before the infected person realizes they’re sick. With MERS and SARS, most infected people were already hospitalized before the disease progressed to that point.

“The current coronavirus outbreak is easier to catch, but less serious than their bigger cousins,” explains Dr. Cioe-Pena.

Even with the differences, though, lessons learned from those previous viruses are still extremely valuable. Scientists in China were able to report the strain to the WHO just four weeks after the first patient arrived, compared with four months with SARS. The faster ability to map the virus’ genome means a vaccine and treatment will be able to hit the market as soon as possible.

That said, it’s still a year in the future.

The fact that this version of coronavirus spreads so fast is the reason that social isolation and distancing are the best tools we have in combating it. According to Dr. Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, isolating sick patients at home, closing schools, asking people to telecommute, and limiting travel can all help slow the spread.

Don’t panic, but avoid going to public places as much as possible and self-quarantine if you suspect you might be ill.

The fact that we have dealt with and survived SARS and MERS previously have given scientists a leg up on combating COVID-19, so we’re all going to be fine.

Not today, not tomorrow, but eventually. Have faith.

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15 Songs You Can Sing While Washing Your Hands for 20 Seconds

Properly washing your hands is crucial to preventing infections and illnesses, pandemic or not. The thing is, the coronavirus has heightened awareness of why this is so.

The reality is that most people probably wash their hands improperly, but some people have taken it upon themselves to make handwashing fun for all.

Check out these songs so you can remember to wash your hands a minimum of 20 seconds! Keep in mind that this refers to the choruses in these songs. Hopefully, you’ll find something you like and stick to it!

15. Happy Birthday (Twice)

14. Stayin’ Alive (Bee Gees)

During times like this, the song even has a double-meaning.

13. It’s a Small World

You know the one. From the Disney ride with the never-ending song.

12. Dona Novis Pacem

For the classically inclined!

11. This Elementary School Classic

Bonus: you probably already know it.

10. It’s The End of The World

R.E.M. created the perfect chorus for our times!

9. This Land Is Your Land

This land is my land.

8. Everything’s Gonna Be Alright

Bob Marley knew!

7. All-Star by Smash Mouth

Might as well feel great while practicing good hygiene.

6. This Suggestion Only Girls Scouts Understand

Whatever helps you.

5. Mr. Brightside by The Killers

A 22-second chorus is just what the doctor ordered.

4. The Jeopardy Song

It also has other uses.

3. Baby Shark

At least, as long as you know how long it will last, right?

2. Te Bote

For reggaeton lovers.

1. Stairway to Heaven

For the overly cautious.

Hopefully at least one of these songs will make handwashing more fun for you. In the meantime, wash your hands and stay safe!

Are there any songs you would add to this list? Share them with us in the comments section.

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A Doctor Explains What You Need to Know About N95 Masks

Covering the coronavirus 24/7 seems like overkill, but there are some good people out there doing awesome work to make sure we all stay safe.

By now, you may have seen memes, videos, and other social media posts about how to prevent getting sick.

Leora Horwitz is a medical professional who took it upon herself to share what she knows about N95 masks. Horwitz began with how to make sure you can use them correctly.

An easy test follows.

The test then gets more interesting.

There’s also a reading portion in this exam.

Then, she must remove the mask properly.

And once again, she has to conduct the test in a different way.

It’s also possible to mess things up if you don’t know how to properly remove the mask.

Non-medical folks are also discouraged from buying these for an important reason.

Heed her warning!

If you’re not sick, these masks can’t help you.

Here’s what these masks are truly for, and who they’re truly for.

She also explained that even those in the medical community have difficulty properly using these masks.

She even provided another helpful link.

Auto repair workers also need these masks!

Thankfully most people understood Dr. Horwitz’s point. Thanks to her thread we now know there’s a proper way to put on these masks.

Removing them safely is equally important! Though it’s tempting to hoard supplies, it helps if we only stick to purchases we truly need.

Did you learn anything useful from this thread? Feel free to share why or why not.

The comments section is there for just that!

The post A Doctor Explains What You Need to Know About N95 Masks appeared first on UberFacts.