A Man’s Bathtub Disaster Story Goes Viral

Once upon a time, there was a magical product called Orbeez. They were tiny little polymer balls that expanded into larger polymer balls when soaked in water. Though simple and unassuming, they were wildly popular with children all around the land, and, subsequently, with internet content creators looking to entice an audience.

One day, a French internet personality named Cyril Schreiner filled his entire bathtub with Orbeez, and posted video of it to Twitter.

“I wanted to test an experiment, it messed up look at the end … I need help please! Please”

But his perfectly normal plastic-ball bath turned hilariously disastrous when the balls began to fall down the drain, overtaking all the plumbing and soon filling the toilet and sink! Cyril had to think fast.

“Here is part 2 I followed your advice!”

Amazingly, his attempt to flush them all down the toilet backfired. His toilet was out of commission. He tweeted:

“It’s been 2 days, I haven’t shit and otherwise I’m fine”

Next, he tried to vacuum up the balls, only to result in the machine catching fire! Things got worse when a visit from the neighbors made him aware the balls were spreading ALL AROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD! Also, according to Google translate, he “spoke Chinese?”

“This is part 3. The neighbor has landed, I spoke Chinese”

The young man began to fear for his freedom, tweeting:

“Basically I just wanted to play with water balls, take a bath with in the end it will end in trial before a judge”

His fate looked bad indeed. He attempted to shrink the Orbeez by dehydrating them with salt, but that only resulted in poop spurting out of his sink, somehow. What’s worse, he soon discovered that balls that originated in his bathroom were now bubbling up from the sewers themselves!


He received a letter from the MAYOR indicating they were onto him!

“Here is the part 5 mdr good the letter of the mayor finished me how I do it?”

Cyril was in real trouble. How would he get out of this? Would the streets of his town ever be clean again? Would anyone ever be able to poop?

The internet would have to wait to find out.

But some began to ask questions. Questions like:

  • “If he was in real legal trouble, why would he keep posting these videos all over the internet?”
  • “How did the balls multiply like that?”
  • “Is that how plumbing even works?”
  • “Why does the smoke coming from that vacuum look exactly like humidifier steam and exactly not like smoke?”
  • “Isn’t Cyril Schreiner an internet entertainer who regularly makes zany videos, including staged disasters like this time his dog set his Christmas tree on fire?”

And in response to those questions, I say: Shhhhhh. Let the internet have its magic.

But what say you? Did you believe the tale? Did you enjoy it?

Let us know in the comments.

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A Man Took His Hedgehog to See ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’

The Sonic the Hedgehog movie took the internet by storm when the first trailer horrified audiences with its surreal Sonic character design. The backlash was so severe that the studio famously delayed release to give the hedgehog a digital makeover – a pretty huge and expensive feat. At that point there wasn’t much hope for the movie not to bomb.

But, surprisingly, the final product did alright. It’s brought in over $300 million at the time of writing, which on an $85 million budget is a pretty good success financially, and critically it’s done fine, with a middle-of-the-road 64% critic score and a fantastic 93% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.

But perhaps the most unlikely of all the new Sonic fans is a hedgehog named Bandit, whose owner Jake took her to see the movie in theaters.

Jake tweeted a few pictures of Bandit posing with a giant Sonic cutout at the theater, and the snapshots quickly went viral.

Some expressed concern at taking such a tiny little spikey-floof into a loud theater, but Jake assured his followers she was a-ok.

All of the attention has made Bandit a minor internet celebrity, who now has her own Instagram account.

She’s lookin’ good posing with other video game legends.

Amazingly, it seems that Bandit isn’t alone. TikTok user @swaggysteve69 (oh brother) also took his hedgehog – named Sonic – to see Sonic.

No word yet on whether anyone has dared to try to take their cat to see Cats.

Did you see the Sonic movie? What did you think of it?

Let us know in the comments.

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People Share Stories About Nice Things They Caught on Nanny Cams

“Nanny cams” used to be luxury items for the wealthy. In the era when most of us have 4k cameras in our pockets, they’re much more widely affordable.

As high-definition security cameras become more ubiquitous, the stories they capture multiply. Reddit user kndthr endeavored to gather up some of those stories by taking to r/askreddit and posing the question:

Parents with Nanny Cams, what have you caught your babysitter doing?

Scrolling through the 8,000+ responses, there are plenty of the expected horror stories of theft and neglect, but there are also a surprising number of heartwarming anecdotes. So many, in fact, that we decided to gather up some of our favorites to share with you here.

1. Sweetest old lady ever!

Once when we looked at the feed we saw the dogsitter there a solid 30 minutes early just petting the dogs and playing with them.

She’s since retired from working, but she was the sweetest old lady and we love her.

Another time my dad left a wad of cash ontop of the washing machine (about $600) and she put a rubber band around it with a note saying he misplaced it.
– SwiftScoutTeemo

2. Lots of the best ones don’t involve babies, but fur babies.

My parents caught the baby sitter carrying our 60lb golden retriever like he was a baby.

3. And a surprisingly high number are about bunny rabbits.

We have cameras outside of our house. One day my neighbor told me that he saw my bunnies roaming the streets a few times. I didn’t believe him, so I took a look.

One time at work I looked at the cameras and saw the gate slightly open, so I rewound the footage. I go to work super early so I watched as my wife fed them, then got ready for work.

The bunnies peeked around the side of the house and waited to see my wife’s car leave, then the pushed on the gate hard enough for the latch to set free, then they left one by one.

Later before I got back home from work, they would make their way back and close the fucking gate. Smart little fuckers.
 – my-life-for_aiur

4. There are tales of redemption, turned around from being misunderstood.

Once, I at the very last moment when no other babysitter was available, I hired one that as sort or notorious for not being good (not dangerous or anything like leaving the child unnaatended but like the type where she would not console the child if they were crying, punish them for doing small things).

While away I was very suspicious so I continuously was glancing at the baby cam.

The babysitter was playing with him, singing songs and completly engaging him well beyond the way you would expect somebody who was considered a bad babysitter to act.

Essentially, what happened was the babysitter got hired by a crazy parent who didn’t like her at all so they spread a bunch of mumbojumbo through the neighborhood. When I came home I gave her a very large tip and she was the one I always hired whenever I needed a babysitter.
– ZucchiniFace44

5. More bunny rabbits!

We have a security camera in my bedroom for my free roam bunny so we can keep an eye on her whilst on work, if we go on holiday ect.

Well my dad, is 50 and is a big bloke who acts like he doesn’t like pets came over to visit one day whilst I was out.

He went in my room and crouched down calling the bunny, he spent an hour trying to pet the rabbit and kept repeating in a soft voice “I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to pet you and see how fluffy you are”

He just about shit himself when I spoke through the security camera to tell him she’s very fluffy.
– raffmeup

6. Simply checking in with someone trusted to see that everything’s going ok.

We have a nanny cam and we caught our nanny… dancing with our baby, making him laugh and giving him kisses.

She’s the best and the cameras gave us the peace of mind to know she really treats him like her own.
– veritaszak

7. An ethical tightrope.

My aunt has a nanny cam and found my older cousin’s babysitter playing blackjack with him……she lost $50 lol
– dylanmg06

8. It’s really a blessing to find someone to care for your kid who will truly go the extra mile.

I have caught her making pillow forts that are heavily resistant to the monsters that may or may not come out during heavy thunderstorms with my kiddo

… twenty minutes after bedtime!
– RealityJaunt

9. Let’s just quit our jobs and become pet sitters full-time.

She picked up our pug Doogie and was dancing around the living room with him while that “Hey, I just met you” song was playing.
– 46from1971

10. It’s nice to use technology for connection, like it was intended.

My friend is a nanny and sometimes she takes the small human she watches and has her dance for the parents randomly in front of the camera or wave since it is a google hub and has photos of the parents.

Small gifts for the parents to find if they review the video from that day.
– A_C_Phantom

Technology can feel a little invasive these days. It’s a welcome relief to hear about a few times when that presence bolstered some spirits.

Do you use home security cameras? Have you ever caught something strange?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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This Instagram Artist Combines Celebrity Faces in Very Funny Ways

With rare exceptions, we’re so good at picking out faces that we sometimes do it when there’s no face to be seen (look at an electrical socket and tell me you don’t see a tiny surprised person staring back at you.)

But what really throws our minds for a loop is when we see a face that’s actually two faces. Two recognizable faces merged into one. Our hardware’s not equipped to handle it, and the result is laughter, revulsion, and sending it on to all your friends so they can also be confused. This is the model for all output by Instagram artist @arkanememes, who combines celebrities and fictional characters for a huge wtf gallery of modern art.

Check out a few of our favorites:

15. Conan O’Brien + Hulk Hogan =

14. Chandler Bing + Bernie Sanders =

13. Dwayne Johnson + Lil Wayne =

12. Dr. Phil + Bill Goldberg =

11. Taylor Swift + Jonathon Taylor Thomas =

10. Jay-Z + Mr. T =

9. Jim Carrey + Eminem =

8. Bill Nye + Billie Eilish =

7. Bret “The Hitman” Hart + Brad Pitt =

6. Harry Potter + Guy Fieri =

5. Hulk Hogan + Step Brothers =

4. Dr. Dre + Billy Ray Cyrus =

3. Ben Affleck + Vin Diesel =

2. Skrillex + Bill Nye =

1. Ron Swanson + Kim Jong-un =

It seems like the artist’s method for deciding on which subjects to use mostly relies on whose names sound the funniest together. And honestly, I applaud it.

What celebrity mashup would you like to see? Tell us in the comments.

Bonus points for a clever name.

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Wholesome Tweets to Uplift Your Feels

You could almost be tricked into thinking nothing good ever happens because of the news right now.

But of course, that’s not the case. And if you look a little closer, you can find some nice wholesome, heartwarming internet gems to soothe the soul.

This thread got kicked off on Twitter recently, and, honestly, it’s lovely.

This collection of tweets is sure to give your mood a boost and your heartstrings a tug.

10. The Tooth Fairy

9. The Hype Man

8. The Secret

7. The Spare Ticket

6. The Chaos

5. The Bow Tie

4. The Dog Walker

3. The Party

2. The Listener

1. The Race Car

I’m betting that if each of us gave it just a couple minutes of thought, we could probably come up with some wonderfully kind things we’ve encountered in the last week or so. It’s important not to ignore those. It’s important not to lose them.

What’s something nice that’s happened for you lately?

Tell us about it in the comments and spread the good feels.

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Tumblr Creates a Meme so Meta That the Internet Doesn’t Know What to Do

The word “meme” was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. Dawkins is a biologist, and he combined the Greek word mimeme (“something imitated”) with the English word gene (as in genetics) to make an argument that ideas spread and mutate in pretty much the same sorts of patterns that genes do.

And thus we now call the weird image formats and their endless variations that we spread around the internet all day “memes.” It’s actually pretty fascinating once you dive into it. And, just like slow changes in genetics eventually give you an animal that looks totally different from its ancestor, so do memes evolve and combine into forms which, for the uninitiated, look like absolute gibberish.

One Tumblr thread took this concept to the brink of madness, starting with one perplexing grid meme:

There are three types of people: those who look at this meme and absolutely get it, those who get parts of it, and those who wouldn’t be able to work it out with a gun to their head.

Comedy is inherently cultural; what you find funny is going to depend on what’s been going on around you, and what references and language you understand.

Meta-memes may not be as revered as Shakespeare, but they do both share that issue.

At this point, I feel like I’m back in college being asked to dissect all the literary influences and allusions in some poem.

But the meta madness didn’t end there.

Users soon started to see similarities to other formats not yet explicitly mentioned.

Political compass memes map out political leanings and where various attributes fall on that map, usually with fictional characters from a franchise or some other well-known set of items.

And now that it’s not just a grid, but a graph, we are legally allowed to stick it in the Nickleback “look at this graph” format.

All bets are off from there. Many meme formats are presentational, with a concept being framed by a character.

Insert meme as concept presented, rinse, and repeat endlessly.

And if you want to present lots of different iterations of something in one meme, you can’t beat the galaxy brain format.

Now it’s all starting to get to be too much.

Eventually, the meme-ception has to come to an end as resolution of the original becomes too small to see.

Some smart internet scientist should make a name for that principal.

This all makes me wonder: 10 or even 5 years from now, will there be many of us who could look at these memes without prompting and be able to explain what any of it means?

I know one thing for sure, if the aliens show up and insist on understanding this, they’ll never speak to us again.

What’s your favorite meme format?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes to Make You Realize You Failed Your Weight Loss Resolution

I’ve dieted many times and let me tell ya, I’m getting REALLY good at giving up on it. Seems like a lot of other folks are too.

We live a charmed life, in a lot of ways. We don’t have to hunt for our food anymore, or run from predators. We’ve got more calories than we could possibly need and less opportunity to burn them. It’s the perfect storm of human progress, custom designed to turn me into a chunky boi.

But as long as I’m sitting around, I might as well look at some memes about trying to…do less sitting around.

Here are 15 things that get in the way of fitness, stated in meme form.

15. There are two bears inside you

14. Sneaking makes things even more exciting

13. Serving sizes are lies

12. Turns out you can’t just buy weight loss

11. Technology is against us

10. Public pressure is too much

9. Shapes keep me out of shape

8. Temptations are everywhere

7. We’re surrounded by enemies

6. It’s inconvenient

5. We weren’t meant to run for no reason

4. The diet starts later

3. Pasta is bliss

2. Some burns are just easier

1. Life’s too short

Despite all that, I think we can do it if we really feel we need to. Who’s with me?!

Now that we’ve made that commitment, I think it’s time we rewarded ourselves with a pizza and several beers. We done good.

What’s the hardest part about getting in shape for you? Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Memes to Make You Realize You Failed Your Weight Loss Resolution appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Women Who Made Us Laugh on Twitter

There are A TON of hilarious women on Twitter who make us laugh on a daily basis.

There are so many, in fact, that it can be hard to keep up. That’s why we do these round-ups of hilarious tweets by women so you can stay in the loop!

Here are some good ones for you to enjoy.

1. This should be interesting.

2. Not much different.

3. You know it’s happening.

4. It might work…

5. 8 a.m., sharp!

6. This is awkward.

7. See you all soon.

8. That was quick.

9. Hahaha. That is weird.

10. Not a great day.

11. I’ll take that award.

12. He wasn’t messing around.

13. Wow…just wow…

14. I hope not…

LOLzz for DAYzz, am I right?

Do you follow any really funny women on Twitter that we should know about?

Tell us about them in the comments so we can start following them, too!


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Funny Tweets From Hysterical Women for You to Enjoy

It’s a man’s world? Not anymore…

Judging by the number of hilarious women who are keeping all of us laughing consistently on social media, I’d say women are in charge.

No doubt about it. Don’t believe me? Then just take a look at these funny tweets.

Trust me on this one…

1. A lot of this going around…

2. This is big news.

3. It’s your fault.

4. Whatever works…

5. Funny…and kind of sad…

6. A strange time, huh?

7. Performing major surgery.

8. That is very odd.

9. Remember that?

10. Just make a list.

11. I’d love to have one of these right now.

12. True for all of us right now…

What did I tell you? AM I right, or am I right or am I RIGHT?

I thought so…

Alright, how about doing us a favor and share some links for funny tweets by women in the comments.

We appreciate it!

The post Funny Tweets From Hysterical Women for You to Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.