Funny Memes for All the Left-Handed Folks out There

Left-handed people never get any of the breaks, do they?

Nothing is made for them, their poor hands are always cramping up, and basically their lives are a living hell.

Let us begin…and keep these folks in your thoughts, please.

1. What do you think?

Photo Credit: Tumblr

2. F these chairs.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Not in on the joke.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Thanks, Gramps.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. It is a superpower.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Makes sense, right?

Photo Credit: someecards

7. That would be wonderful.

Photo Credit: someecards

8. The ultimate pie chart.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Poor left hands…

Photo Credit: someecards

10. The worst!

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Here’s the good news.

Photo Credit: someecards

To all the lefties out there: we’re here for you if you need us…

Are you a left-handed person?

Tell us about your everyday struggles in the comments!

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Funny Memes That Might Make You Appreciate History More

Do people today appreciate history like older generations do?

I think they do if there are funny memes involved! And that’s exactly what we’re about to get into.

Let’s do some fun history learnin’!

1. That’s where.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. Hold that thought.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Very impressive.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Look at all my shit!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. That dreaded haircut.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Two different stories.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Really did them in.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. No can do.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. Think about that one.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Expired quite a while ago.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. The last laugh.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. Worked that way for a loooooong time.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

13. Oh yes he can.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Those are good. Those are realllllll good.

Have you seen any hilarious history-related memes lately?

If so, post them in the comments so we can have a look!

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A Woman Wants to Know If She Was Wrong for Leaving a Baby Shower Thrown by Her Creepy In-Laws

The time you spend pregnant and postpartum are some of the most vulnerable of our lives. We’re trying to care for ourselves, to care for another human being that depends solely on us, and the hormones swirling around combine with other physical changes to make our emotional states understandably fragile.

It can be a trying (but joyous!) time if you’ve got a great support system around you, so I can’t imagine what this woman has gone through with her husband and in-laws bizarre behavior.

She tells the Reddit forum Am I The A**hole that since she got pregnant her husband has been a bit too excited, and has all but stopped calling her by her name in favor of using “Mommy,” even though she’s asked him to stop.

His family, bizarrely, calls her by the baby’s name.

Even though she expressly asked her mother-in-law to not throw her a party, she did it anyway, using a “gift” from her son to trick the woman into showing up. They groped her belly, ordered a distasteful cake that she couldn’t eat (because her husband wasn’t “allowing” her to eat dairy or processed sugar “for the baby”) and when she said she wanted to leave, he said she was acting crazy.

She left anyway, calling a cab and going home before letting him know she was fine, and even though only 30 minutes had passed, he had called the police.

Now, he’s angry and the in-laws want him to divorce her and sue for full custody and she’s not sure if she overreacted.

No one – no one – thinks she’s the a**hole here.

Largely because she’s being mentally and emotionally abused by an entire family.

I mean, who does this kind of thing to somebody who’s pregnant?!?

The advice to get out of there, live with her family and talk to her doctor, seem very valid to me, a woman who has been there (not pregnant, thank goodness).

She hasn’t posted any updates, and I join everyone else on Reddit hoping that she and the baby are okay.

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Funny Memes to Take Your Mind off of the Stresses of Everyday Life

Time to take a deep breath…

Life is full of stress. Job, family, finances, worrying about the world going to hell in a handbasket. But, here’s the good news: laughter is probably the best cure for temporarily relieving all that stress and tension that you’ve let build up in your body and your brain.

So let’s laugh a little!

Let’s dive in and all take a much-needed break from our daily responsibilities!

1. It’s complicated.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Very true.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Give me a few hours.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Here, here!

Photo Credit: someecards

5. Don’t mess with me.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Why is this so true?

Photo Credit: someecards

7. She might file for divorce.

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Jameson all day.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Just like a coaster falling off a table.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Just roll with it.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. I really hope this place is real.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Can’t say that I have…

Photo Credit: Twitter

Okay, that made me feel a little bit better…just a little bit…

How about you?

What do you do to relieve stress every day? I mean, besides looking at our articles and meme lists?

Let us know in the comments! We can beat this stress together!

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Wine Floats Are Here and They’re a Great Idea for Girls Night

We’re all eager to thaw out – but the warm weather’s not quite here yet. How can we cool down and warm up simultaneously? Boozy ice cream floats? Boozy ice cream floats.

There are over 700 images under #winefloat on Instagram right now, and every one of them is making me jealous.  The idea is simple; combine wine and ice cream, maybe throw some fruit in for good measure. But the combination possibilities are endless.

Check out these delicious examples:

10. Lookin’ peachy

9. Apparently there’s a National Ice Cream Day?

8. Both look amazing

7. This one scares my wallet, though

6. I need this, please

5. These would be great for a date night at home

4. Is it summer yet?

3. Keepin’ it simple

2. A little goes a long way

1. Looks like I’m going wherever this company lives

What flavors do you think would be the perfect grown-up float? I’m thinking Pinto Grigio and vanilla… because I want to get white girl wasted. ?

You let us know your preferred combo in the comments! Thanks fam!

The post Wine Floats Are Here and They’re a Great Idea for Girls Night appeared first on UberFacts.

Crying Is a Sign of Emotional Intelligence and It’s Necessary

We have this strange idea that crying, or letting people see us upset, somehow diminishes us in their eyes.

That it makes us weak, like someone who can’t take care of themselves or handle what life throws our way, and I don’t know how this idea began or why it became so engrained, but it’s wrong.

Totally, 100% wrong.

One of my favorite quotes is from Charlotte Bronte:

Image Credit: Pixabay

“Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you’re alive.”

We are human, and actually, a crying when you feel like it is a good way to “reset” both your body and your mind, to free yourself of negative emotions, and focus on what caused them and how to avoid the situation in the future.

Roger Baker, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Bournemouth University, has further thoughts about why we cry, and why it’s necessary.

Image Credit: Pixabay

“Crying does help us process faster than if we don’t cry at all, but it’s not the only thing – it’s part of a package of expressing it. If your father died, your natural reaction would be to cry.”

He adds that it’s not the passage of time that eases pain, but how quickly and honestly we’re able to look at and process the emotions that go along with it.

And Dr. Judith Orloff agrees that crying plays an important role in human life.

Image Credit: Pixabay

“Crying makes us feel better, even when a problem persists.

In addition to physical detoxification, emotional tears heal the heart. You don’t want to hold tears back. …Try to let go of outmoded, untrue, conceptions about crying. It is good to cry. It is healthy to cry. This helps to emotionally clear sadness and stress.

Crying is also essential to resolve grief when waves of tears periodically come over us after we experience a loss.”

In short, you don’t need to feel badly or apologizing for expressing the full gamut of human emotion. It happens to everyone, it’s totally normal – and healthy. We should also keep this in mind the next time someone cries in front of us and tries to say they’re sorry.

Assure them there’s nothing to be sorry for, then maybe give them a cookie.

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The Truth About Your “Washed and Ready-To-Eat” Vegetables

Between our work schedules, family obligations, keeping the house in some semblance of order, putting food on the table three times a day, running kids to school and activities, there just isn’t a ton of time to spare.

Especially if we also want to keep up with what everyone else is somehow finding the time to watch on Netflix.

So when someone offers us a shortcut, like produce that’s been washed and dried and is clean and ready-to-eat, we’re more than a little tempted to fork over the extra cash in exchange for the convenience.

Today ran some tests on those “ready-to-eat” vegetables and compared them to similar results on regular (less expensive) options and found that there’s a considerable amount of bacteria on the produce, regardless of the price tag.

In fact, they found that the produce that claims to have been washed contained more bacteria spores, in most cases.

Glen Pinna from Biotech Laboratories compared ready-to-eat lettuce with pieces of fresh lettuce, and broccoli with the already cut and washed florets.

The “washed” lettuce contained 9.5 million microbes per gram, compared with 470,000 microbes per gram on the loose lettuce, and the cut and washed florets contained 850,000 microbes per gram compared to around 280,000 on the unwashed heads.

Pinna went on to explain his thoughts on the findings:

“The conditions they’re creating is really promoting the growth of bacteria.

Anything that you’re chopping up and putting into a bag and sealing and not holding under five degrees, those bugs are going to increase.”

He advises buying fresh produce, and when it comes to green leafy vegetables, definitely giving them a wash yourself in order to reduce the number of microbes that could not only potentially cause illness, but cause the food to spoil.

Surprisingly, when it comes to fresh fruit, he said tests show that washing them does essentially nothing to decrease microbes – no word on how it affects pesticides, though, so my berries are still getting a dunking.

Does this surprise you? It does me, a little bit, but I’m certainly glad for the knowledge.

As one of the aforementioned busy parents, if I can’t save time, I’m most definitely up for saving money!

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This Astronaut Shared the Moment Her Dog Saw Her for the First Time in a Long Time

Even though Christina Koch is a NASA astronaut, this video proves that she’s just a regular person who loves her pets like family just like the rest of us do.

Koch recently spent almost a year in space (328 days, to be exact) and her journey was the longest ever in space for a woman.

Koch and her colleagues were working on “biology, technology development, and the search for evidence of dark matter.” That’s way over my head, but that’s why I’m sitting here in a recliner and she’s working for NASA.

But Koch had a very special someone waiting for her when she got home: her dog Sadie Lou, who she describes as an LBD: a little brown dog.

Photo Credit: Twitter,Astro_Christina

Judging by the evidence, it’s pretty clear that Sadie Lou missed her mom and couldn’t wait for her to come back to her home planet so the two could spend some time together.

Enjoy the sweet video of these two having their reunion.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…we don’t deserve dogs.

But hey, we’ve got ’em so why not share your love in the comments!

Post a picture or a story of your best bud!

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People Share How They Remain Calm When Their Rage Starts to Boil

If you have problems with your anger, you know that a lot of situations can spiral out of control in a hurry.

It can happen at work, at school, out in public, or maybe you’re just home by yourself thinking about your life.

If you have to deal with this, the answer to this question might help you out.

People on AskReddit offered up their advice on this subject.

1. Avoid if their place is clean.

“Clean the shit out of everything. If my house smells like strong bleach you know I’m mad.”

2. Take some time.

“I go outside and walk, paying attention to my breathing, unless it’s dark, then I stare at the stars.

Always overwhelms me.”

3. Remember the family history.

“We have “the family temper”. My grandpa used to lose his shit and go into fits of rage. Dad did the same thing. Throwing shit, cursing, breaking stuff. I fucking hated it. Everybody had to tiptoe around their tempers and it’s ruined a few family events.

When I catch myself starting to see red and go into one of those fits, I just concentrate on how bad my grandpa’s and my dad’s episodes made everyone feel and that helps calm me down. Also, whatever it is that triggers it, walk away from it. You won’t be able to properly address whatever it is if you try to do it while raging.”

4. Keep it quiet.

“Talk quieter.

I work in a call center so if someone comes in hot the easiest way to keep myself calm and diffuse the situation is if I talk slower and quieter. It calms me down and they calm down as well.”

5. Think about the consequences.

“The ABSOLUTE angriest I have been in my life was when my wife, chided me for weeks saying I never share feelings with her, then shut me down sharing trouble I had been having since a recent move with “you never share with me, I’m not going to start listening now”.

I let myself angrily scream “are you serious?” which was so loud and out of character, she jumped.

I could see I scared her, and while I wanted to argue, I don’t want my wife afraid of me. I very literally bit my lip, filled the largest cup in our cupboard with water and made myself drink the whole thing before proceeding.

Think of the consequences of your actions and mood. Buy yourself time to cool down.”

6. Be aware.

“I worked with preschoolers and I find “Zones of Regulation” super helpful, even as an adult.

Basically, it’s having an awareness of your emotional state. You have the green, blue, yellow, and red zones. If you can notice that you’re entering the red zone, you can take steps to recenter yourself before you go into an all out rage.”

7. Some good tips.

“I’m a very calm person, but teach calming techniques to emotionally disturbed kids.

The biggest help I’ve found is finding a technique which grounds you and reminds you where you are in the present. I teach lots of different ones, including:

clench and unclench your toes, focus on the feeling of your feet on the floor while you do it.

breath in and out so deeply you feel like your ribs are being pulled apart and knitted back together.

Grab something near you, could be a pole, table whatever, and clench and unclench around it.

Walk, while counting your steps.

Do something rhythmic, I like bouncing a ball personally but can be anything, from using a stamp to skipping.

All research shows when you reach “red mist” your rationality is gone and you just have to last it out. Your best bet is to recognise when you’re losing control and utilise grounding techniques before you’re past the point of no return.”

8. Start counting.

“I isolate my self and count to a number between 10 and 50.(depending on how full of rage I am).”

9. In shutdown mode.

“This is really tough to do. Like, REALLY tough to do.

I just turn off completely. Like a robot that got shut down. Then I think about what I need to do that day and go do it.”

10. This is pretty good.

“A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.” – Winston Churchill

I think to myself, “Am I [this] small?”

11. Exercise is important.

“I go outside for a run.”

12. Shut it down.

“I completely shut off.

As a kid I was pretty emotionally volatile, and somewhere along the way I subconsciously started muting my emotions. The result was that I was either apathetic or exploding with emotion. Mostly the latterformer, especially as depression developed.

Anywho, later on I started to have panic attacks and learned very quickly that I could just shut down completely instead. Over the years it has softened. I tend to take a deep breath and remind myself that I don’t want to be that way. Sometimes, I still just switch off.

I found that violence (whether smashing things, or punching a punchbag) made me angrier, even if it tired me out; I found that breathing techniques by and large made me feel anxious; and, I found that while walks were fabulous, they weren’t always appropriate.”

13. Silence is golden.

“I breathe deep and force myself to observe, not participate.

Silence seems to confuse people as they don’t have anything to immediately react to.”

14. Shock the system.

“Cold shower or better submerge your head in a  bucket of ice water.

Not sure about the science behind this but the shock to your system (vagus nerve?) down regulates out of control emotions.”

15. Control that animal instinct.

“If you want my two cents here, i am in no way an expert i just tend to read on some psychology books though.

I have realized that every person is different something working for me won’t work for you. In my case i have noticed that it is easier for me to calm my self before reaching the point of ” full raging ” rather finding a way to clam down.

It is really hard to control your rage, it’s an animal instinct. When you are on rage mode, you are typically on beast/primitive mode in which the animal has taken over, then it’s too late. When you are in a calmer state you can think things through and avoid reaching the boiling point, making it easier to calm down than when you have crossed that line.”

16. Three D’s.

“The three “D’s”

Hands down Voice down Sit down

Also, put a hand in your pocket. It seems so insignificant but it really helps.”

17. Power walk it out.

“Put on the loudest angriest FU music I can find and go for a power walk until the rage is spent.

This technique is what got me in the best shape of my life and kept me from killing my coworkers and bosses at one former shit show of a job I had. If I was really angry I’d run instead, which was even better.”

There are some good tips in there for those of you that have a hard keeping a lid on your anger.

Does this happen to you?

Tell us how you try to keep your rage from boiling over in the comments.

The post People Share How They Remain Calm When Their Rage Starts to Boil appeared first on UberFacts.

Jack Black Might Get Ripped in 2020. Maybe.

Jack Black. You know him. You love him.

But did you know the 50-year-old comedic actor is trying out something new in 2020? That’s right, Mr. Black wants to get in shape and get RIPPED.

Black met up with a trainer to the stars and asked,

“I just wanna kick ass, I wanna get ripped; I don’t wanna sacrifice calories though, I wanna eat whatever the f*** I want, but still be motherf***in’ ripped – is that possible?”

Photo Credit: YouTube

Black admitted that he loooooooves eating and that’s his big problem.

The trainer agreed that food addiction is a real problem but when he trains people that’s usually the last thing they deal with because it’s the hardest habit to break.

Photo Credit: YouTube

The trainer, Mark Wildman, said that kettle bell swings are one of the important exercises that anyone can do.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Those exercises definitely got Black huffing and puffing.

Photo Credit: YouTube

And he repeatedly talks about coming “for Hemsworth.”

He’s not messing around, obviously.

Photo Credit: YouTube

And finally, it was time for a shirtless photo so he could track his progress.

Photo Credit: YouTube

And what he’s hoping to achieve…

Photo Credit: YouTube

Check out the hilarious video below!

Good luck, Jack! We’ll be following your progress in this quest!

What are your 2020 goals? Are you on your way to achieving them?

Let us know in the comments!

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