After the breakup of the Soviet Union…

After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Lithuania could not afford to send its men’s basketball team to the 1992 Olympics, so the Grateful Dead sent the team colorful, free-flowing tie-dye warm-up jerseys with a flying, dunking skeleton, and the team took the bronze medal.

ABBA’s famous outfits were chosen because…

ABBA’s famous outfits were chosen because of Swedish tax law. If they bought cloths for performance they could get a tax deduction, but they had to prove they couldn’t be worn on the street. According to Björn “we looked like nuts […] Nobody can have been as badly dressed on stage as we were”.

You Might Want to Check Your Bottled Water’s Expiration Date Before You Start Drinking

Keeping hydrated is important, but not every bottle of water is safe for drinking. It may sound weird, but just like meat, dairy and many other items you pick up at the grocery store, bottled water has an expiration date.

Let that sink in a moment.

Luckily, unlike those berries that tend to go bad quick, you have a long time to drink your bottled water. In fact, the expiration date on the bottle has nothing to do with the water itself.

Bet you never thought of that one, right?

There’s a good reason for the expiration label: it turns out that the plastics used for both retail bottles and water cooler jugs can become toxic over time.

According to Amy Leigh Mercee, a holistic health expert and author, “[These plastics] will leach into the liquid the bottle once expired or especially when exposed to heat, including sunlight, and hot cars or storage trucks.”

Hint: That probably means it’s time to get rid of the graveyard of half-filled water bottles in your backseat.

Mercee added, “The toxicity contained in the plastic material enters the water. It is disruptive to the endocrine system, causing reproductive symptoms, various cancers, [and] neurological problems, and damaging the immune system.”

She continued, saying that bottled water companies typically use a two-year expiration date, which is the industry standard. However, it is important to keep in mind that the longer a bottle has been in circulation, the more likely the chance it has been exposed to heat.

“Even a brand new plastic bottle that sat in a hot delivery truck for hours or more can already have adverse and toxic compounds present in the water even when first delivered to the grocery store,” Mercee cautioned.

At the end of the day, it’s best to store bottled water in a cool, dark place far from household chemicals or other potential contaminants. Not only will your water last longer and taste better but it will also be safer.

…and that’s the whole point of bottled water.

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These Funny Tweets Should Be Right up Your Alley if You’re a Parent

There’s seems to be a never-ending supply of hilarious parenting tweets. You know why? Because raising kids is hysterical and full of ridiculousness.

Take these 15 tweets for example…you’ll see what I mean.

1. You might get to read two pages.

2. That bad, huh?

3. Sure he is…

4. You are a LIAR!

5. The perfect spot.

6. It’s gonna be a long year.

7. Sounds awesome.

8. Is it called ‘parenthood’?

9. Yes, I’m your grandma.

10. Things look out of place…

11. A constant struggle.

12. Just roll with it.

13. Didn’t go as planned.

14. World War II took place in the ’90s.

15. Where did this come from?

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Very accurate, methinks.

Are you a parent? Do these tweets speak to your soul?

Tell us a funny story about your little rugrats in the comments!

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16 Parents Share Stories of Identical Twins Who Got Mixed Up

Twins have always been fascinating – their similarities, their connection, their parents’ ability to keep their sanity – and yeah, we love stories about one pretending to be the other. Or getting mistaken for the other, or both.

I think it might an unintended effect of watching The Parent Trap as kids (either version, really).

Parents of Identical Twins, what was your "Honey, I switched the kids." moment? from AskReddit

Twins are cool, and these 16 twins prove that fact beyond the shadow of a doubt.

16. They’re definitely using their powers right.

So with very few answers, I’ll answer this with a summer camp story.

We were playing capture the flag, but the teams got to hide their flag. Well each team in my game had a twin on each team, and the one on my team walked over to the other teams side and asked to be reminded where their flag was. He grabbed it and ran back before anyone noticed it was the wrong one

15. This would drive me batty!

Mom of identicals here.

Not really one moment –yet– but I had them by c-section and for some reason it’s always bothered me that I may have gotten them mixed up when we finally took the hospital bracelets off. They had no real differences as infants so I think about that at least 5 times a day. They’re 4 now.

14. Can’t believe his brother didn’t sound the alarm.

Identical twin here. When I was 4, we were at Disney World with all my cousins who are around the same age. I wandered off for just a minute, and my family took that time to move on to go somewhere else. When my mom was doing a head count, my brother moved and she counted him twice, so it took them a few minutes to realize I was lost.

Some nice strangers saw I was crying and noticed I was lost, and helped look for my family. My dad eventually spotted me, and hopped over a 7 foot fence to come get me. Security didn’t like that very much and they almost kicked him out. But everything worked out in the end.

13. Oh, that poor little sweetie.

I babysat for a pair of twins for a long time and when they were little his mom would tell them apart by “B is the one with the bigger head” lol, but you couldn’t tell if they weren’t looking directly at you, so when I got them mixed up I’d wrap my hands on both of their heads to tell the difference LMAO

12. I love that she laughed at you.

My mom is an identical twin (mirror twins), her twin lives across the country but when they get together they find it hilarious to get the same haircut, dress the same and even record voicemails for each other (her twin has a slightly stronger accent). There was nothing more frustrating as a teenager than coming home and lamenting to my mom and suddenly she goes “I’m not your mom HAHAHAHA”.

When they were kids, they often swapped dates with each other and my mom even tricked her twin’s date into buying her chocolate, teddy bear and flowers on Valentine’s Day. They also took tests for each other. Growing up, my grandmother would get confused because as infants and toddlers they’d always somehow end up in the same crib or bed and she would confuse who was who. To this day, they still have their own language from childhood and get “feelings” when the other is in emotional turmoil.

11. He passed the test!

I had a classmate that has a twin sister.

One day we – me, her twin, her and her boyfriend – went from school by train. Classmate sat with her boyfriend and I sat with her sister. Boyfriend had to use the toilet and when he was gone, they got an idea – apparently they never tried to switch to see if he would notice. So, they quickly switched some clothes (they were dressed similarly), changed their hair styles and switched the seats. When he came back, he looked at one, confused, then at the other, repeated the action several more times, then looked at his girlfriend and was like “Really?” while he started laughing.

10. When you don’t know there are two of them.

Adding my own summer camp story.

I was a volunteer at a summer camp for 14 year old when I was 18 or so. Im horri le with names, so I only knew the names the ones I talked the most with, and who was in my group. End of the camp one of the girls I didn’t talk that much to came to say bye to me. Then her twin sister came up as well. I had no idea they where twins, or that it was two of them up until that moment.

9. That’s one savvy teacher right there.

Once in my very large high school, I had a teacher stop mid lecture, and stated “you’re not Twin A, go switch back”.

When Twin A came back to classroom he was really embarrassed at getting caught and asked how she knew. She didn’t have an answer, but apparently they had switched on at least two other occasions.

Most people in the class didn’t even know he was a twin!

8. When you love someone you just know.

My dad has an identical twin.

Until I was about four years old they’d sometimes pretend to be the other to mess with me. After that age I could pretty easily tell them apart, but I couldn’t (and still can’t) really articulate how to do it to other people. It was just like “it’s easy, my uncle has a softer face.” They have identical-looking noses, cheekbones, jawlines, facial hair, etc. Neither is really noticeably fatter than the other or anything. Looking at them side by side there’s not really anything that actually looks softer on my uncle’s face than on my dad’s face. But if I’m pressed to describe how to tell them apart that’s the only way I can come up with to describe it. My mom and brother and sister and aunt and cousins all agree with that too. But if you try to objectively find what about his face is softer you can’t do it.

7. That would definitely fool the DMV.

Haha my grandfather and his twin brother were like this.

They actually wrote and published a book with a chapter in it detailing all the debauchery they got into. My favorite story was that they had to renew their drivers licenses and one of them couldn’t make the appointment. So one of them just went twice – and just put on a hat the second time lmao.

6. I hope the second one got dunked eventually. Otherwise…

My grandmother baptized the same kid twice.

5. Mother always knows.

My cousin has 2 sets of twins. They are 21 months apart. She can tell them all apart. They are all teen boys now and damned if anybody else can. Not even their dad.The younger ones look like the older ones too, so that complicates things even more.

(It’s like she and her spouse are running an illegal cloning operation out of their home.)

Good kids all of them ,they take advantage of their situations to hilarious levels. They love cosplaying storm troopers at conventions. And pull pranks at school a lot.

I’ve asked my cousin how she knows, she says it’s little details. A tiny freckle on one, shallower chin dimple on the other. Slight change in voices. Different clothing styles. Ect. I’m glad she can keep it all straight. I could never.

4. This would just be the hardest thing.

I’m not a parent but two of my brothers are twins.

Unfortunately, twin 1 passed away about a year ago. During the wake we had TONS of pictures of him, like way more than even I expected. And one thing my mom would do with them whenever we were somewhere or doing something photo-worthy is take three pictures – one of each twin and then both together.

About halfway through the wake my family realized my mom had accidentally chosen one picture of twin 2 (every other picture but that one was of twin 1). Nobody else at the wake noticed, even the extended family couldn’t tell them apart.

Weirdly, it was actually a lighthearted moment. My whole family found it funny that just the one detail slipped through the cracks, we joked that even now both twins were still doing something together. I think we just needed something to laugh at during that time

3. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to know your pelvis is why you can tell them apart.

Mine are only 16 months old, but to us they look different. They have different head shapes.

Normally a baby will “settle” in the pelvic bone leading up to birth. Well, they both can’t do that so one has a more round head while the other’s is more oval. So while they have the same features, their head shapes gives them each their own appearance. One has a faint birth mark on his left arm, so I will know if they ever try any tom-foolery or bamboozlement.

I will say I verbally get them tossed around. Baby B has been climbing things and getting into mischief lately. Then all of the sudden Baby A decided to do the exact same thing, so my default instinct was “Baby B don’t… Baby A….. You, stop that!”

2. This is hilariously cute.

Am father of identical twin toddler boys and a 9 month old so think I feel qualified to answer this one.

Since my wife feels its soooooo cute to dress them the same (“until they will tell us they dont want to”) this happens a lot more than one may think acceptable. There are some very small tells that I can find on each, like one has a slightly different head shape and another has a vein on his forehead in a more distinct pattern from the other. Still hard to tell in dim light.

For the most part now I usually try to get them to turn themselves in, almost like a jedi mind trick. For instance, when one gets in trouble and is looking guilty (pretty obvious for a 2 yo), I ask who did it and he inevitably names first the baby, then the dogs, then his brother’s name first, conveniently leaving out his own.

1. That would have freaked me out!

During a well baby check up when our twin boys were about 6 months old, they had to get two shots each.

Due to lack of communication in the clinic, our oldest son got all four shots.

Luckily nothing bad happened.

I definitely am not sorry I didn’t have twins, but also…I’m kind of sorry I didn’t have twins.

Do you have twins? Are you a twin? Share your own stories like this in the comments!

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A Doctor Draws Sweet, Thoughtful Pictures on Patients’ Post-Op Dressings

This doctor is taking adorably wholesome to a whole new level – by hiding his little patients’ new scars with cute drawings of beloved characters.

Dr. Robert Parry is the director of pediatric surgery at Akron Children’s Hospital in Ohio, and he’s also the artist behind cute little cartoon drawings meant to make kids feel less scared when they come out of surgery.

#3. January 2017: Although the pen may not be mightier than the scalpel, pediatric surgeon Dr. Robert Parry always takes…

Posted by Akron Children's Hospital on Wednesday, January 1, 2020

He picks the characters based on the child’s favorite, since he spends good amounts of time with them before a surgery takes place.

Image Credit: Facebook

Parents of Dr. Parry’s patients say the drawings – and the doctor – made a hard thing just a bit easier by remembering that his patients were small.

Image Credit: Facebook

The kids wake up excited to see their drawing instead of worried about what their body might look like after its been cut open.

Image Credit: Facebook

Dr. Parry says the images take about 5 minutes to create, and that he loves doing it because it just makes everyone involved in the process feel good.

Although the pen may not be mightier than the scalpel, pediatric surgeon Robert Parry always takes a moment to make sure…

Posted by Akron Children's Hospital on Saturday, January 21, 2017

And if you can accomplish that in a scenario that involves kids and hospitals, well, that’s really something special.

What do you think about these awesome dressings? Let us know in the comments!

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A Dad’s Parody of a Billie Eilish Song Is an Incredible Dad Joke

If you don’t know whoBillie Eilish is, you’re probably old, not cool, or an inevitable combination of both.

Also, you definitely didn’t watch the 2020 Grammy Awards, because girlfriend cleaned up.

In response, a dad using the handle FunkyTurkey on Reddit decided to make his own parody of her goth-pop beat “Bad Guy” – titled “Dad Guy” – and to really lean into pretty much every Dad stereotype that there is.

The result is a long, hilariously awesome and dorky Dad Joke.

The video includes him mowing the lawn, wearing the same pair of sneakers every day, eating an entire bag of chips, plucking his nose hairs, and doing his best to get through a jog.

I made Billie Eilish’s "Bad Guy" into a 3 minute long musical dad joke. I present Dad Guy. from videos

Other dads on Reddit are completely here for the video and the jokes, but also for using it to make their own daughters roll their eyes.

That’s how you know a Dad Joke has reached its true audience, my friends.

One Reddit user commented,

“Very well done.

Shared it with my 12yo daughter.

She rolled her eyes.”

Said another,

“Shared it with my 14-year-old niece.

I got ‘that’s just really stupid’.

Another commenter replied,

“Yep, same with mine.

I told her I’m gonna set it up and have it bumpin’ when I pick her up from school.”

FunkyTurkey replied, excited that his video was having such an impact on young lives.


The song is making them roll their eyes as intended.

The experiment was a complete success.”

The video currently has over 600,000 views and proves, once again, that embarrassment and teenage huffing doesn’t kill a Dad Joke – it only adds fuel to the fire that makes them live forever.

What do you think? Perfect dad joke? Let us know in the comments!

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Valentine’s Day Trees Pretty Trendy and We Might Want One

When it’s October, there’s a certain set of (awesome) people who start itching to get out their Christmas trees.

And sure, most of them manage to wait until after Halloween, but here’s the thing – putting up your Christmas decorations as early as possible makes people happy, so what’s wrong with that?

And if you’re someone who lamented taking your Christmas tree down, I’ve got good news for you – these Valentine’s Day trees are ready and waiting to take their place in your heart and home.

There are over 2500 Instagram pics of Valentine’s Trees (and counting) if you need inspiration.

Some of them are pink and/or red monstrosities built just for the occasion, while others are repurposed Christmas trees (I mean, you spent hundreds of dollars on the thing, so you may as well get another month’s use out of it!).

Decorate them with pink and red streamers or lights, balloons, cards, kisses, arrows, hearts, flowers – everything that comes to mind when you think of the extra sweet holiday dedicated to love.

I think decorating your Christmas tree is a lovely idea – there are a couple of awesome topper ides in the pics – but if you want to go all out, Walmart also sells this one for under $100.

So there’s that.

There’s also THIS! Hot pink Christmas tress FTW!

Make sure you check out #valentinestree on Instagram for more inspiration, and post your own pics once your tree of love is ready to go! And you know where to do that, right? In the comments, fam!

The post Valentine’s Day Trees Pretty Trendy and We Might Want One appeared first on UberFacts.

A Daycare Shamed a Mom by Writing Message on Her Son’s Stomach

People are far too eager to shame moms for literally every little thing when most of us are just running around trying to do it all on way too little sleep.

You would think that people who run daycares and deal with small kids and their parents all day long would understand that, but these workers definitely proved us wrong.

It’s easy to think diapers are in the diaper bag, or to think you have a half a package somewhere only to find out you’re totally out at a really inopportune moment.

So. I need opinions. Am I right to be furious about this? Or am I over reacting? I really need your opinions guys,…

Posted by Heather Chisum on Monday, January 27, 2020

So assuming you have some for daycare and miscalculating seems like a pretty average mistake.

Definitely not something workers there would totally shame you for flubbing.

It happened at a Florida daycare, where each day, a report is placed in the boys’ backpacks. It relays their mood for the day, diaper changes and times, and anything else parents need to know.

Apparently they had expressed the need for more diapers the day before, but Heather Chisum, the boy’s mother, had read it.

She says,

“I’m a single mom with a full time job and two very young children.


I think we can all relate. Because who in the actual **** would do something like this?!

She detailed her rage experience on Facebook, asking whether or not she was out of line to be upset.

UPDATE: For all of these mothers coming after me and saying I’m negligent, I’m human and I missed a report. ONE. For…

Posted by Heather Chisum on Monday, January 27, 2020

Perhaps the most outrageous part of the whole thing was the ridiculously long “note” – “Mom I’m out of diapers pls read my report” – instead of a simple “need diapers.”

Or, you know, a quick conversation or a Post-It, instead of a toddler.

“I’ve scrubbed it with several baby wipes and it’s not coming off.

I had plans to take them to the beach to play, and now I can’t because my son has writing all over him.”

Posted by Heather Chisum on Monday, January 27, 2020

Other parents have agreed that the daycare was out of line, and even though the center’s executive director apologized, saying they were “terribly sorry for the distress it has caused the family involved as well as all of our families,” and that it was “a breach of our professional ethics on the part of the teacher,” Chisum decided to pull her kids out of the place.

As a mom, it’s hard to blame her, for a couple of reasons.

First, how dare you put marks on my child’s body that won’t easily wash off? Or at all?

Second, I don’t need to purposefully come into contact with people who will take the chance to shame me, should they get it. Seriously. Bye.

Do you agree with me? Or are you on the daycare’s side, and think they probably just thought it was a lark?

Sound off with your opinion in the comments! But just so you know… if you side with the daycare… you’re wrong. 🙂

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According to Science, Your Second Child Was Born to Be Wild

There have been several studies (and also people claiming to know stuff who basically make it up based on personal experience) about the role that birth order plays in our personalities and development.

It seems first-borns are leaders, and also more prone to anxiety. Youngest kids are spoiled, middle kids are good at fending for themselves, and on and on.

What (real) science has strong evidence for, though, is that your second-born child is more likely to behave badly – even once they’re an adult.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A 2017 study from MIT, The University of Florida, and Northwestern University found that there’s a good chance your second child – especially if he’s a boy – will have more behavioral issues than his (or her) older sibling.

Lead author Joseph Doyle and his team studied thousands of family in Denmark and in Florida, and found that those second-born kiddos are not only more likely to challenge their parents more in early childhood, but also are more likely to have problems at school…or even with the law.

“Second-born boys are on the order of 20 to 40 percent more likely to be disciplined in school and enter the criminal justice system compared to first-born boys even when we compare siblings.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

The researchers believe the reason for this is mostly “differences in parental attention,” which they consider “a potential contributing factor to the gaps in delinquency across the birth order.”

“Second-born children tend to have less maternal attention than do their older siblings because first-born children experience their mother’s maternity leaves and temporarily reduced labor market participation both following their own births as well as following the birth of the second-born.”

They also believe that who the child looks up to for guidance on how to act could play a part.

“The firstborn has role models who are adults. And the second, later-born children have role models who are slightly irrational 2-year-olds, you know, their older siblings,” Doyle told NPR.

I take issue with the “slightly” modifier on “irrational,” but the rest makes sense.

image Credit: Pixabay

In the end, we know there’s not a whole lot we can do with the information; younger kids will always idolize the older ones, and there’s only so much time, so many hands, and so much attention to go around.

It’s worth keeping in mind, though. Maybe try to tip the scales by scheduling 1-on-1 time between a parent and each child separately, letting the younger child be the star of the day on occasion, or just being more aware of who is getting the bulk of your time.

Easier said than done, for sure, but you don’t want to spend all of your hard-earned college savings on bail money and legal fees, do you?

Just something to think about…

The post According to Science, Your Second Child Was Born to Be Wild appeared first on UberFacts.