Koalas Don’t Exactly Sound Like You Might Expect…

We’ve been discussing koalas a lot lately, and, sadly, it’s not just because they’re ridiculously adorable little mammals who deserve attention in the best of times.

The wildfires in Australia are killing them, destroying their habitat, and may even render them essentially extinct in the wild if we don’t do anything to help.


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But if there a silver lining to the universe shining a very harsh light on the cute not-bears Down Under, it’s this: someone posted a video of what koalas sound like, and, well…educate yourselves, because there’s a 99.8% chance they do not sound at all like you’re expecting.

I mean…they’re so sweet-looking. They should squeak and purr, no?

No. No, they do not do that.

Here goes.

The internet had some feelings about it, duh, and most were at least as funny as the original video.

I held a koala when I was in Brisbane, and…idk guys, none of them made any noise at all. Probably because they were drugged so they wouldn’t try to scratch our eyes out, I’m now realizing.

Apparently they make a bunch of different sounds, and this one was a mating call – he must have really been interested in whoever was holding that camera.

Taronga Zoo Sydney cleared up some of the confusion on YouTube, saying, “Koalas might look cute, but they can produce bellowing sounds during mating season that have been compared to a donkey braying and a frog vomiting!”

Were you surprised by this video? Tell us what you thought in in the comments!

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The Coronavirus Can Be Tracked on Johns Hopkins’ Website

The coronavirus, or 2019-nCoV, has spread throughout mainland China and beyond. The virus makes daily headlines, though reports about this new respiratory disease are constantly changing, which makes monitoring it a challenge for everyday people.

However, the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University has provided a way for those outside the medical community to see how widespread coronavirus is with an online dashboard tracking the outbreak as information is confirmed.

Photo Credit: Johns Hopkins University

Users can see hard data regarding numbers of confirmed cases and their locations, as well as recoveries and deaths. Clicking through the various figures and graphs will expand the information further.

For those who like to see the hard facts without the grabbing verbiage of online news outlets, this website will prove to be revealing, if not fascinating. Use it to become informed, but be wary if you live in an area with confirmed cases. You don’t want to scare yourself unnecessarily.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

So far, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that the cases found in the U.S. are people who had recent and close contact with travelers from Wuhan – or were travelers themselves. They state the virus is not spreading throughout communities.

While they call the coronavirus a “very serious public health threat,” it’s also unclear how the threat will affect the U.S. at this time. As of right now, the threat-level to citizens in the U.S. who are not actively treating or being exposed to coronavirus patients in a medical setting is low.

Photo Credit: Edwards AFB

In the meantime, wash your hands, keep yourself healthy and check out that factual dashboard if your concerned or even curious about the coronavirus spread stateside.

And maybe buy a few medical masks, just in case.

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Some of the Best Tweets from the 2020 Golden Globes

Did you catch the Golden Globes this year?

They were definitely entertaining – Ricky Gervais really gave all kinds of celebrities and Hollywood in general a major dose of THE ROAST.

Here are some of the funniest tweets about that glorious evening.

1. Bring it on!

2. Yes she does.

3. I’m going with the saint guy.

4. Hahahaha. Very good.

5. Which do you prefer?

6. He’s aged well!

7. She is pretty good.

8. One hot take.

9. Oh yes he did!

10. I enjoyed this, too.

11. I’m sure he would’ve.

12. Seems like it, huh?

I love seeing those Hollywood celebrities get roasted, don’t you?

What did you think of this year’s awards?

Let us know in the comments!

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People Confess Their Reasons for Not Ditching Bad Relationships

People are very complex, and so are the reasons they fall in love…and the reasons they fall apart. As we age, most of us learn the hard way that trying to maintain a relationship with someone who doesn’t put your feelings, needs, or safety first isn’t worth the time.

But we learn those lessons because once upon a time we, too, waited way too long to leave.

These 10 people are ready to confess the reasons they stay in relationships they know in their heart aren’t good at all.

10. Believe me, he knows exactly what he’s doing.

9. I wonder if they feel bad for themselves or the other party.

8. Then take some time alone to fix yourself.

7. I suspect that’s exactly the way she wants it.

6. That all sounds supremely unhealthy.

5. What about your own heart, though?

4. I’m sorry to say that probably won’t work forever.

3. Practice makes perfect.

2. Those are just scraps.

1. You have to get out.

I hope all of these people find their 10 seconds of courage – and the door – sooner rather than later!

Have you been scared to leave a relationship? What made you finally do it – or have you?

Share with us in the comments if you’re comfortable!

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People Brainstorm How They’d Drink a 12-Pack Everyday for a $1 Million Prize

Every so often, someone comes to AskReddit with a totally absurd hypothetical question. In this case, the question was about how one would manage to drink a 12-pack of beer every single day for a month while still holding down a job. The prize?

A million dollars.

As many Redditors pointed out, drinking a 12-pack every day is just standard for many alcoholics. But for the rest of us? People came up with some truly creative solutions to this truly random problem.

1. Vacation time, duh.

“Use four weeks of vacation and head to Mexico. Drink no other beer but Tecate Light. Come back home. Collect $1 million.”

“Save up a month’s worth of leave. Make the month February. Stay at home and just enjoy media.”

2. Drink light beer.

“My father was a psychiatrist and worked on drug and alcohol wards.

The typical American beer has a alcohol level that is designed to give a buzz but not get you drunk. A twelve pack fits perfectly in this business model.

He treated many functioning alcoholics who drank a case of beer a day.

A twelve pack was the most common amount drunk.”

3. Start right after work ends.

“Drink after work. I’m a reasonably-sized guy with a passable tolerance, I’ll just start as soon as my day ends. Mornings gonna suuuuck but I can live with it for a month for a flat mil.”

4. Or split it up throughout the day.

“Definitely need to split it up and hide some of the drinking. Down a couple when you get up (before you brush your teeth of course). Sneak one over lunch, maybe another around 3 as well. 8 is much more manageable in terms of not ending up rough the next morning.”

“1.wake up one beer get ready for the day

2. 2 beers at lunch time (food slows the absorption of alcohol into the liver)

3. Get home and start cranking as many as you can before dinner at 6 or 7.

4. Hopefully only have 3 left for after dinner which means you’ll be done before 9 with ample time to do prepare yourself so you are not hungover the next day”

5. Or even throughout the night.

“I came up with the same, although I set an alarm for 3 am and pound two then back to bed.”

6. Non-alcoholic beer.

“Make it non alcoholic beer et voila.”

7. Open all the beers at once.

“Open 9 beer and let them flatten in the fridge during work (To prevent being all bloated and gassy). Moment I get off start drinking. Eat dinner while drinking. Follow every 3 beer with water, walk to the grocery store, drunk groceries should naturally grab me alot of carbs which will be good. Also help me walk off alot of calories. Chug a quarter gallon of water before bed (Pee breaks constantly). Go to bed early! alarm set early, sugar and Tylenol ready to go in the morning try to work out before work to burn more calories, lots of veg and lean protein for lunch.”

8. Make a deal with the boss.

“”Hey boss, if I can slam a case of beers every day for a month and don’t get fired I get a hundred grand!” Offer a 50/50 split and boom $950,000 in the pocket.”

9. Work retail.

“Work in retail. Nobody cares.”

“Worked in retail, sent people home for showing up drunk. Didn’t fire them, was more expensive to train someone new who’d also have their own issues that to just send this guy home a couple times a month.”

10. Be a high-functioning alcoholic.

“Start drinking as soon as I get home from work until I go to sleep. Rinse repeat. So no changes really.”

“I drank a 12 pack a day for almost 2 years, the key is to have a drinking problem.”

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In Spain, people who are owed…

In Spain, people who are owed a debt can hire men in top hats and black suits to “haunt” the debtor into paying up. The men stand silently near the debtor (outside of his/her house, next to the table in a restaurant where the debtor is seated, etc.) until the debt is paid.

In the 1900s Argentina had a tax…

In the 1900s Argentina had a tax on unmarried men that included an exemption for single men who had proposed to a woman for marriage but were rejected. Women then started proposals rejection businesses where they would charge to turn down proposals from bachelors seeking to evade the tax.

In his youth, the Russian Tsar Peter…

In his youth, the Russian Tsar Peter the Great traveled around Western Europe. He worked incognito as a shipbuilder in the Dutch Republic; went binge drinking in England (trashed the house he was renting) and kept an English mistress. His journey ended when the English king asked him to leave.

People Share What They Think Happens in Movies but Never IRL

Movies are inspired by real life…but they often exaggerate or stylize some situations, occupations, or people.

Often, meaning…basically always.

Perhaps these tropes weren’t so obvious when cinema and TV were brand-new, but audiences today are more sophisticated (or at least have watched a lot more TV and movies). A Reddit thread posed the question:

“What movie things are generally accepted as normal, but are totally unrealistic in real life?”

People some funny, insightful, and sarcastic answers. Let’s check them out!

20. This Medical Misunderstanding

“Regaining consciousness after receiving CPR.”—lexxeffect

19. Happy Hours Galore

“People having copious amounts of time to spend with their friends, not being tired after work.”—celesteshine

18. A Priest Clears Up a Few Things

“I am an Anglican priest.

We are never found lingering alone in candle lit churches late at night picking up service bulletins or books from pews.

Yet every movie shows priests and ministers puttering around dark churches cleaning up.”—Auto_Fac

17. Unrealistic Beauty

“8 hours of travel and the character’s hair and outfit is still perfect.”—SnippySky

16. The Inaccurate Portrayal of Bad Guys

“If you are being attacked by multiple bad guys they will each wait there turn to attack. This shit bugs the heck out of me.”—lilflow88

15. This Unsafe Driving Trope

“Weird nobody mentioned that in movies everybody always looks at each other while driving. And they move the damn driving wheel way to much while driving straight forward, pisses me off.”—JingleJangleG

14. Young, Hot Doctors

“Everyone is young, especially doctors / professors/ specialists they all seem to be the top of their field with years of experience and they are all like 22…. and hot.”—The_Amazing_Username

13. Unrealistic Living Standards

“People on low incomes, e.g. students, living in expensive homes. I’m not necessarily talking about mansions, more like a large apartment in a big expensive city with no roommates.”—BlackCaaaaat

12. Strange Coincidences

“Turning on the tv or radio that happens to be covering the subject the characters were talking about. Unless you are talking about Sept 11 that would never happen.

Never discussing a meeting location, like for dinner.”—jumpinleg

11. High Heels That Never Hurt

“Women in high heels ALL day long. Sometimes they run in them to tackle a bad guy or to get away from a bad guy. The next day they put their non-swollen feet back in them without complaint.

Oh, women never sweat their makeup off. Their faces are never have a greasy sheen in Miami in August.”—sunflore_7777

10. Knock Knock

“People opening their front door 3 seconds after an unexpected knock, like they’re just constantly standing behind the door, just in case.”—brad-corp

9. Hiding Behind Breakable Items

“When someone hides from bullets behind penetrable objects, like tables or a refrigerator door.”—-everst

8. Cool Haircuts Without Training

“Women in action movies who drastically cut their own hair to change their appearance always end up with a fabulous style.”—lascielthefallen

7. Exaggerated Recoveries

“Everything medical.

Being in a coma for weeks or months, waking up and walking around a day or two later? Ridiculous. We treat people that were in comas even for just “a few” weeks and it takes them forever to recover from it.

“his heart stopped beating” and “clear!” – don’t get me started on that.

In the rare cases when they do fake CPR – the actual CPR success rate is about 3%. Yes, 3%. That even goes for health professionals.

Spinal cord injuries: “a miracle, he can walk again”. No, no, no. Takes months and years, will stay severely impaired. It’s more like walking with crutches very slowly and not very far for the rest of his/her life.

Gunshot wounds, knife wounds never cause nerve damage. Nope. They do. Again: disabilities for the rest of your life.

No oxygen for more than 5 minutes (you can go for a longer time in extreme cold): permanent and severe brain damage. Can you guess it? That’s right: Severe disabilities for the rest of your life.

The good guy breaks a bone, is in a cast for weeks/months. Cast comes off – leg looks like new. Nope. It literally stinks (especially in summer), skin doesn’t look healthy and yes – massive loss of muscle mass and function. Good news: with enough training (we are talking weeks and months) – no disability!’”—cszar2015

6. All of These!

“Winning over a girl by making over-the-top, grand gestures (especially when she has already rejected you in the past).

Shattering bottles easily over someone’s head (don’t attempt it unless you want to possibly go to prison for murder).

In action sequences in general, taking an enormous amount of injury and then getting up with a few attractively placed bruises and cuts.

In particular, the trope of the bad guy who more or less needs to be thrown into a jet turbine to be destroyed, or he’ll somehow get back up again.

Characters who always have something witty to say and are never at a loss for words.”—lookoutforthebadger

5. Easy-to-Find Parking Spots!

“Finding a parking spot in front of the building you’re going into.”—marfou

4. Unrealistic Hero Treatment

“Hero always get the best seat in a busy restaurant/dinner!”—Eat_Train_Code_IN

3. Wasting Food

“Not eating the meal that is in front of you.”—PTretro

2. Unrealistic Lack of Pain

“How nobody in movies hurts their knuckles after punching someone, martial artist here and if you punch someone in the forehead like they do in the movies you’d probably just break your own fist,

hitting someone in the forehead is basically like punching a cinder block except the skull is actually harder…”—IShallPetYourDogo

1. Cutting the Palm of Their Hand

“So many movies and shows have the trope of cutting the palm of your hand when blood is needed for some sort of ritual. It originated because it was an easy place for them to hide a blood packet back when special effects weren’t what they are today.

However, if you’ve ever had a cut on the palm of your hand you would know that’s a terrible place to make a wound because you pretty much lose the use of that hand and it can take a while to heal.

There are much better places to draw blood from yet we still see it all the time, hell I just saw it yesterday in the first episode of the new season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. And on top of that the characters are fine in the scenes after or in the case of shows like Supernatural and the 100, they are making fists and fighting with no problem.”—-eDgAR-

Though these tropes can get annoying, these posts are a great way to remember the importance of not taking all information on films and TV too seriously. They’re made to entertain us, but it would be nice if films and TV changed it up once in a while.

Do you have any comments on how you would change these tropes if you could? Feel free to sound off in the comments!

The post People Share What They Think Happens in Movies but Never IRL appeared first on UberFacts.