For decades the CIA owned and ran Crypto, a Swiss company that supplied cryptography equipment to many countries; naturally, the machines were rigged to give US spooks access to everyone’s communications.
After discovering a rare tumor…
After discovering a rare tumor on an unborn fetus, a Nigerian doctor removed the baby at 26 weeks, successfully operated on the tumor & put the baby back into the mother’s womb. She carried her daughter full term & both are happy & healthy four years later.
Kristen Bell Wanted Some Mom Advice After Her Daughter Used Vaseline as Shampoo
All moms needs advice and support now and then (or more often than that), because as wonderful as motherhood is, the trials can sometimes crop up a couple of times a day.
Or an hour, if you have toddlers, because they act like it’s their job to get into whatever they can the moment your back is turned.
And toddler logic, I’m sorry to say, even applies to famous parents.
The proof? Kristen Bell turned around or came out of the bathroom or finished emptying the dishwasher to find that her young daughter had emptied a container of Vaseline onto her head.
I LOVE @KristenBell
this happened to my sister when she was 2 and my mom actually called poison control
look at the three for a pic of my sisters hair covered in Vaseline! Kristen, I sent you a video on IG of my mom explaining how she got it out!
— Amber (@RegalLove2) February 4, 2020
She shared an image of the more-than-a-little horrifying, goopy mess on Instagram and said “My daughter just washed her hair with Vaseline and I can’t get it out. Has this ever happened to anyone? Does anyone have any tips on how to get it out?”
Bell also lamented that the entire mess had only gotten worse after three washes with regular shampoo.
Image Credit: Twitter
The moms of the internet showed their best sides – the helpful ones, not the ones that make them wrinkle their noses at another mom’s choices – and recommended dish soap.
Dawn, in case you’re a new parent, is second only to Mr. Clean Magic Erasers when it comes to cleaning during the toddler years.
Image Credit: Twitter
Bell joked n a later comment…
“Okay the consensus was dish soap and I appreciate that.
I’m very grateful for you guys because I don’t know what I’m doing,”
Keep up the good work supporting each other, moms of toddlers.
There is a 100% chance that one day, you will be the one with the problem you never imagined – and you’re going to need someone who has been there to help you out.
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The FDA Approved a Drug for Treating Allergies to Peanuts
As someone who had a peanut allergy before anyone cared about trying to accommodate them, this story is near and dear to my heart.
I went to school with kids who brought peanut butter lunches. I flew Southwest airlines high on Benadryl. I’ve had an innocent-looking salad at a Japanese restaurant send me to the emergency room and I learned the hard way that no protein bar – regardless of the promises (lies) on the label – is safe to eat.
So, even though after 40 years of learning to hate even the smell of peanuts I could never eat one, I appreciate the FDA working toward a way to eliminate this very scary way of life for so many.
The treatment is the first of its kind, and though it will not allow allergic kids to eat peanut-heavy foods, it should reduce their risk of going into anaphylactic shock in the case of an accidental ingestion.
Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc is behind the treatment, called Palforzia, which works by exposing patients to a drug derived from peanut powder. The initial dose is equivalent to a small amount of peanuts and is mixed into a semi-solid food like applesauce, yogurt, or pudding.
Your first dose is consumed in one day under the supervision of a medical professional, but subsequent phases, taken over the course of several months, can be done at home.
There are 11 increased dose levels in the protocol, which is going to be offered to alleric children between the ages of 4 and 17.
Dr. Peter Marks of the FDA is definitely aware of how this might positively affect many Americans.
“Peanut allergy affects approximately 1 million children in the U.S. and only 1 out of 5 of these children will outgrow their allergy.
Because there is no cure, allergic individuals must strictly avoid exposure to prevent severe and potentially life-threatening reactions.”
A related study showed that the treatment increased the amount of peanuts that allergic children could tolerate, but didn’t comment on whether it totally protected them against accidental encounters.
The authors released this statement:
“Even with strict avoidance, inadvertent exposures can and do occur.
When used in conjunction with peanut avoidance, Palforzia provides an FDA-approved treatment option to help reduce the risk of these allergic reactions in children with peanut allergy.”
And Dr. Subhadra Siegel, chief of pediatric allergy and immunology at New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y., underscores what a giant relief this will be for many in her own statement.
“It’s a big deal.
The thought of relieving that anxiety and being able to eat in a restaurant without worry.
These are huge debilitating things for families with food allergies.”
Mistakes have happened in my adult life, so it’s easy enough to imagine how constantly terrifying it would be to worry that you child might die from sneaking the wrong cookie at a birthday party.
That, at least, might soon be a thing of the past.
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This Eight-Year-Old Is Making and Selling Keychains to Help Get Rid of His School’s Lunch Debt
There are a lot of bad things going on in the world today, but for me, one of the most stunning things that is actually a thing is kids accumulating “lunch debt” in the United States of America.
Often, these children (who obviously are not responsible for paying for their own school lunches) are publicly shamed, made to eat a lunch different from their peers, or told they won’t be able to have lunch at all until their bills are paid.
Image Credit: YouTube
And that’s not even the worst of it.
Some of the most recent stories on the topic to hit the national news have included a school throwing away hot lunches in front of kids who had a debt, a school who refused to let indebted students attend prom, and one that threatened to put kids into foster care if their parents didn’t pay up.
Image Credit: YouTube
So, I don’t want you to read this story as a young boy determined to do a good thing for his peers by hocking trinkets – this isn’t Victorian England – but as a sad commentary on what children who live in a wealthy, industrialized nation should never, ever have to worry about.
Keoni Ching, a student in Vancouver, Washington, wanted to do something for kindness week at Benjamin Franklin Elementary. He knew that there were fellow students who had accrued lunch debt, and wanted to pay it off, just like one of his favorite football players, Richard Sherman, had done in the San Francisco area.
Image Credit: YouTube
Ching went with the idea of making and selling custom keychains, because, according to CNN, he loves them and they “look good on my backpack.”
He spread the love all over the country, selling custom keychains across the country said his mom, April Ching.
“We have sent keychains to Alaska, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Arizona… There was one lady who said she wanted $100 worth of key chains so that she could just had them out to people. There were several people who bought one key chain and gave (Keoni) a hundred bucks. It was absolutely amazing how much support the community showed for his whole project.”
Image Credit: YouTube
Keoni made and sold around 300 keychains, raising over $4k toward not only paying off the debt (and some future debt) at his own school, but doing the same for 6 other nearby elementary schools.
His school principal, Woody Howard, said “lunches here are about $2. But if you have two or three kids and for whatever reason, you’ve missed paying for a week of lunch of breakfasts, that adds up pretty quickly. This type of gift takes a little bit of pressure off of your family.”–Pc
A little bit of pressure that never should have been put on the children in the equation to begin with, but I mean, good on this kid for doing what the adults of the world can’t seem to manage – realizing that every kid should have a hot breakfast and lunch at school, should be on the same playing field as their peers, and should never be threatened in what should be a safe space.
Thank you for your kindness, Keoni.
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These People Should All Fire Their Barbers
Getting a terrible haircut is a major bummer. You paid good money for that hairstylist to work their magic and they just leave you with an embarrassing abomination on your head.
The people in these photos know exactly what I’m talking about.
Let’s look at the evidence…and remember to keep these people in your thoughts.
1. Let’s start it off with a banger.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
2. Sir, are you from the future?
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
3. An interesting choice.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
4. Even she knows the truth.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
5. You outdid yourself this time.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
6. Can we talk about this?
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
7. Poor kid never had a chance.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
8. Curls for days.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
9. The handprint combover.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
10. A fascinating piece of work.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
11. Maybe my favorite of all time.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
12. Cool shirt, too.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
13. The “Skullet”.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
14. A whole convention of them.
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
15. WTF is this?
Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
16. Ma’am, you have a poodle on your head.
I can’t see any more! I had to look away!
Have you had a really bad haircut recently that you documented with some photos?
Well, don’t be shy! Share those beauties so we can all laugh together!
The post These People Should All Fire Their Barbers appeared first on UberFacts.
An Adopted Man Repays the Struggling Couple Who Took Him in Tenfold
You never know the difference that a little love can make in a person’s life, and that goes double (or more) for a child who doesn’t have anyone, or anywhere to go.
Even though Filipino couple Nanay and Tatay were poor, their hearts broke when they met little Jayvee Lazaro Badile II – they didn’t have much, but what they had they shared with him.
His childhood was happy, even if they often went without, and through it all, he swore that one day he would find a way to pay them back for their many kindnesses.
Posted by Jayvee Lazaro Badile II on Saturday, November 4, 2017
Jayvee made a long, struggling climb out of poverty, turning himself into a successful man with the help of his parents, and returned to buy them their dream house.
He wrote a touching tribute to the couple in a Facebook post, explaining that they work menial jobs as a porter and a vendor, and saying in part “now that I have the chance to give back to them, I will make sure they will live their dreams better than what they could ever imagine.”
Since I was a bubbly baby boy, until I became an innocent cute little student, until now that, ehem, I look like a…
Posted by Jayvee Lazaro Badile II on Tuesday, October 17, 2017
He was 3 months old when they took him in and Jayvee, along with his parents and their other children, lived on two meals a day (if they were lucky), and a 215-square-foot apartment.
"Ang aming tahanan ay larawan ng kahirapan, larawan ng isang pamilyang nagsisikap na makamtam ang pangarap."Buong puso kong ibinabahagi sa inyo ang kwento ng aming paglalakbay sa masaganang buhay. Nag-uumapaw sa pananabik ang aking pamilya sa paglipat namin sa bagong tahanang matatawag naming 'amin'.
Posted by Jayvee Lazaro Badile II on Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The house he built from scratch has 7 rooms – enough for everyone to come home to celebrate the holidays -and the only thing that arrived from their old life (aside from sentimental items!) was a television set he’d gifted them a few years earlier.
Philippians 4:13I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Posted by Jayvee Lazaro Badile II on Sunday, January 5, 2020
The grateful, good son also takes his parents on trips all over the world – something they never dreamed would be possible for them.
Happy New Year!
New Year. New Beginning. New Home.
Posted by Jayvee Lazaro Badile II on Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Also, lest you wonder whether he’s as good a son as he seems, let me tell you that he also visits.
I sure hope my boys do the same one day.
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Hypochondriacs Share Their “This Is It, the Big One” Stories
I know some peole who are total hypochondriacs. They always think they’re dying, they’re constantly on WebMD analyzing their symptoms, and they’re always preparing me and other people for the worst.
Annnnnnnd, they’re always fine and nothing ever happens to them. I guess that’s just the way it is with these people!
Here are 16 funny stories from these folks who are always convinced that something is wrong with them.
1. It’s the Jello.
If it makes you feel better, I had abdominal surgery and ended up back in the ER the next day because my stool was red.
They tested a sample, of course, then one nurse asked: what have you been eating?
And that’s how I found out living on jello for a while can stain things.
— Trace the Mighty
(@thetidebreaks) January 25, 2020
2. Just let it out.
A day after my husband got his appendix out he was in agony. He was so sore that he was crying. He said it was worse than the appendicitis. A nurse moved him on to his side and moved up his knee. He then gave out the longest, biggest fart and was absolutely fine after it.
— Jackie B (@itsnottuesday) January 26, 2020
3. That is hilarious.
Went through a phase where I was seriously concerned I had a brain tumor or something because everything I ate – including things like pasta with marinara sauce- tasted like peppermint. Finally realized a bottle of peppermint extract had spilled all over my pots and pans
— Stephanie H. Damassa (@SLHDC) January 25, 2020
4. Needed that info.
Reminds me of the time I was about to take my 6 month old to the ER because his foot was purple. Turned out SOMEBODY forgot to add on his daycare sheet that they were doing foot print painting that day
— Black Girl Reviews (@moviebuffchick2) January 26, 2020
5. Way too many Oreos.
Had a dr apt two days ago bc my 2yr old had jet black poop. Turns out my 6yr old has been training him to play nice with Black licorice and Oreos…. like a lot of Oreos.. learned a lot about my kids
only cost me $80 bucks and some embarrassment.
— A.Jay (@imhiding_goaway) January 26, 2020
6. You’ve been sleepwalking.
When I was in middle school I sat my parents down to tell them I have cancer bc I had mysterious bruises all over my body. When they finally stopped laughing at me they explained that I sleep walk into a table every night.
— Karadelphia
(@KaraNextWeek) January 25, 2020
7. No motor skills.
When I was a kid my mom took me to school for pre-K testing. Dressed me up in new pants, saddle shoes, cardigan, the works. She cried all day when they told her I’d be in special ed because of no motor skills. Dad had me retested in clothes that fit and I did much better.
— Followers in the Attic (@JCC_72) January 26, 2020
8. Wasn’t “the big one”.
Went to the ER because “my legs have turned blue and Web MD says I have deep vein thrombosis.”
Was this it? The big one?
No! I have the “dumbass who doesn’t wash his new jeans before wearing them” disease and I would like to be executed immediately.
— Mark (@MShrayber) January 25, 2020
9. That explains it.
Lol. I was convinced I had a brain tumour. Was driving. Terrible headache. Blurred vision. Turns out my clip on visor was too tight and my sunglasses were dirty
— Lezleemac
(@lezleemac) January 27, 2020
10. The culprit: an air freshener.
I thought I had diabetes one time. Every time I peed it would smell sweet. Excess sugar in the urine! Turns out my wife put an air freshener in our toilet…
— Joe Martin (@HsvBootCamp) January 26, 2020
11. A serious issue.
I went to Mexico and floated around a lazy river for a week enjoying some margaritas. When I got home I had large brown spots on my abdomen. That was it. I over did it. I had skin cancer. Turns out lemons and sun and water stain your skin. My dr called it ‘margaritavitis’.
— Kate (@kateraider) January 26, 2020
12. Might’ve been Hershey’s.
When I was an infant, there was apparently a medium sized brown birthmark on my head. My mom thought it was new so she didn’t wash that area before she took me to the docs.
It was chocolate.
— Kelly Gail (@KGSchn) January 26, 2020
13. Lay off the beets.
for future reference, if you ever eat beets, you may want to put an alert bracelet on to remind yourself of that fact later before you freak out while googling colon issues.
you’re welcome.
– a considerate tweeter
— Jen Prouty (@JenProuty) January 25, 2020
14. I’m seeing double!
Suddenly started seeing double when outside the house talking to my wife. Quite disoriented I came inside to check the internet for a diagnosis. I was closely followed by my wife who was holding a lens from one side of my glasses which she picked up where I had been standing.
— ???????? ???? ◣ ◢ (@ImplodedView) January 26, 2020
15. Learned a lesson.
Was changing my daughter and saw a small wormlike thing coming out of her butt. My husband and I FREAKED OUT. We put a sample in a bag, brought her in, and learned a little lesson about what celery looks like on the other side of the digestive system.
— Minerva (@MinervaAthena81) January 26, 2020
16. A good friend.
The first time I ever got drunk enough to puke it was on red wine when I was 20 or so. I thought my stomach was hemorrhaging blood and called a friend in terror. She very kindly came over and held my hair and explained. She’s extremely successful and wealthy now and deserves it.
— AnnaMaria Stephens (@annamaria1word) January 26, 2020
I have to admit, I do this sometimes myself, so I feel for these folks.
What about you? Are you a hypochondriac?
If so, tell us about some of your fears and stories in the comments! We’re here to listen!
The post Hypochondriacs Share Their “This Is It, the Big One” Stories appeared first on UberFacts.
People Share Things Ex-Friends Did That Ended Their Relationships
Sometimes, toxic people in your life just have to be CUT OUT. It may seem harsh and it may seem drastic, but it’ll be much better in the long run if you actually go through with it.
Hey, life is short. Don’t spend it with people who aren’t good to you.
AskReddit users opened up with these interesting responses.
1. My first boyfriend…
“I was 16 and had my first boyfriend. I confided in my best friend of a decade that I was really upset because he got annoyed at something I said at Baskin Robins and threw me against a table and then down on the floor, and that it wasn’t the first time he’d shoved me around.
She told me that she didn’t want to hear it and that I had no right to complain because unlike her, at least I had a boyfriend.
That was pretty much that for our friendship.”
2. Obsessed with her boyfriend.
“She said that relationships were more important than school as a reason for refusing to help on a group project.
She was obsessed with her new boyfriend and didn’t want to do anything else.
We sent the emails to our physics teacher and she got put into her own group.”
3. They deserve each other.
“After I spent all day using my truck and trailer helping him haul tables and chairs and a giant archway to the church for his wedding that i was suppose to be a groomsmen.
Him “Hey dude, I really appreciate you helping me move this stuff, I couldn’t get anyone else to help, here’s $20 for the gas”
Me “woah dude, I’m IN your wedding, I don’t need money to help make this happen”
Him- “yeah dude so hey, brent (his soon-to-be wifes best guy friend/100% ex f*ck buddy/guy he’s known for less than 3 months), really wanted to be in the wedding and i was wondering if it would be cool if he took your spot and i can see if any of her cousins backed out and if there’s a seat open somewhere”
This was the day before the wedding.
I had been best friends with that guy since kindergarten, his wife didn’t like me because I knew about her wild past from a different circle of friends so this was her attempt to push me out.
He caved but none of the other people involved would help move sh*t so he waited until last minute to get me to help.
Haven’t spoken to that guy since. They deserve each other.”
4. That’s pretty bad.
“In college, a former friend tried to have sex with me (I’m also a guy) while I was black out drunk (He was not drunk).
He did that despite knowing I am straight and had a girlfriend at the time.
Lucky for me there were some actual friends that stopped him.”
5. Ruined our friendship.
“My best mate’s now ex girlfriend told everyone I had sex with her while they were dating, when I definitely had not.
She was the most irritating person I’d ever met and I don’t know if I’ve ever been attracted to someone less, than I was to her.
Ruined our friendship and destroyed her relationship with my mate.
She is one of those people that CRAVE drama and can’t live without having something wrong to moan about. She’s currently pretending to have multiple personality disorder and blaming that for every time she’s a dickhead so she can get away with it.”
6. Terrible situation.
“I got sexually assaulted by two guys in a summer camp and told it to my best friend. After calling me stupid for letting that happen, she apologised and I forgave her.
Then I saw her parents who asked how summer camp went and all she did was turn to me and go “well, you made many friends, didn’t you ? Don’t you wanna tell my parents about it ?” with a big smile on her face. I don’t feel too bad about thinking that she can f*ck off in hell.”
7. Get rid of all of ’em.
“Had a whole bunch do it at once. I used to have a group of people I thought were my friends. Because of this, I did a lot for them. I helped them out by working on their projects, supported them, let one stay in my home rent free when they were in danger of becoming homeless.
I did all that for these people, but two years in a row, they couldn’t be bothered to do something as simple and easy as meet up with me for drinks to celebrate my birthday. Half of them didn’t even bother responding to being invited. I’ve pretty much cut them all out my life now, I’m done being used by those who don’t care about me.”
8. Broke something in me.
“You know what, recently, like late 2019 I started getting out of the house. I’m a single father of two girls and I’ve focused on them 1000% for a really long time. I finally got out of the house a few times, and I’m serious I went to this friends house a few times for game nights… basically drinking and cards. Till this dude hauled off and hit me for accidentally touching his f*cking hat of all things.
What struck me most is that they were hosting and didn’t even offer an apology to me. It was quite insane for me. It was like I was back in highschool. Unf*cking real. I gave them ample time to f*cking realize what happened. It took the person 3 months to even realize we are no longer friends on social media and she’s trying to add me back now…. and honestly, it f*cking broke something in me.”
9. Good riddance to you.
“After convincing me to delete my accounts everywhere and make new ones. After promising me that they’ll protect me from my abusive ex. After witnessing everything my ex done to me, and how it scarred me for life, I found out that my best friend was dating my ex behind my back for months, lying about it the whole time.
I didn’t know who my friend was dating, as they refused to introduce them in person. It turns out they’ve been dating behind my back a few weeks before my ex broke up with me. The whole thing scarred me to this day. It’s been a year and I haven’t heard from either of them since, though. Good riddance.”
10. Set up and robbed.
“One of my best friends of several years set me up to get robbed for £390, my wallet and my jacket. The guy who robbed me pulled a machete on me and kept it against my neck. I don’t really know why they decided they want to do it, but I know from enough people (and just the way it all happened gave me suspicions) telling me it was him that I found out.
So naturally I stopped being friends with him, because it was a bit of a dick move and all.”
11. Went and told everyone.
“Best friend and ex-coworker for 5 years.
Confided in her and told her about my self harming, depression and stuff I went through as a child (you can imagine), two days later she not only told the whole of my old work place but told my family too.
Absolutely heart breaking.”
12. Never spoke again.
“I have chronic health issues, and my best friend was trying to get me to drive 30 minutes to her house to go swimming when I had to pack to leave town the next day. She kept pushing and pushing, but when she finally realized I wasn’t going to agree, she sat back and said, “You wouldn’t be any fun even if you HAD your health.”
I left and didn’t speak to her again.”
13. What a creep.
“My former best friend of over 6 years, hit up my ex girlfriend the day we broke up. He sent her a DM asking if she wanted to “hangout at his house” (parents but wtv). At the time he also had a girlfriend, who was pregnant with his kid. My ex hit me and his girlfriend up with the messages.
My ex and his girlfriend decided to go together at his place and expose him. I didn’t want to do with any of that but I didn’t want anything to happen to either of the girls. So we show up, his mom greets us and let’s us in, as soon as he saw us 3 he knew that his shit was up but acted all surprised. We told him we knew, he kept defending his case by saying his little brother (who was fucking 6) sent my ex those messages.
Well to make a long story short, his pregnant girlfriend left him, he’s currently paying child support, he also moved out of the state like a month later. My ex and I are back together and 3 months into our marriage.”
14. A story from the other side.
“I’m the dumped friend.
She posted a video from The Onion of a fake Senator reading a fake bill that was all redacted and you could tell with context clues it was basically saying in the event of Armageddon, the high powered people have bunkers to hide in. She made some comment about the redacting and our government is hiding stuff.
I commented that it was a satire video and not real. She got super mad and accused me of trying to make her look stupid. She said there was no way she could’ve known.
“The Onion” was in the bottom right hand corner of the video.
She blocked me and we have never spoken since.
We had known each other for at least five years. I (more accurately, my parents) took her in when she ran away from home for, like, a year when we were teens. When her husband beat her up (early 20s) I road tripped all night to pick her back and move her back in.”
I’ve had to cut friends out of my life at different points just because I knew they were no good for me.
Have you ever had to do that?
Tell us about it in the comments!
The post People Share Things Ex-Friends Did That Ended Their Relationships appeared first on UberFacts.
Adulting Is Hard, That’s Why You Need Merit Badges for Adults
Remember when you were in Boy Scouts and you got your merit badges for completing all kinds of tasks? It meant you were well on your way to becoming a productive member of society.
And then we all grew up and look what happened to us. Not good!
That’s why these adult merit badges from Winks For Days are so crucial. Adulting is hard work, and we need to be told we’re doing a job at least every once in a while.
Here are some that you should think about bestowing upon yourself.
1. Way to go!
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
2. Once in a while is A-OK.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
3. Sobering up.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
4. You should probably do this more often.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
5. Sunshine is good for you.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
6. Hello, Mother.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
7. Keep that thing alive.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
8. Improve that credit score.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
9. Gotta do it sometimes.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
10. Building healthy bones.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
11. All the way down to zero.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
12. That’ll show the boss.
Photo Credit: Winks For Days
Hey, you! Yeah, you! You’re doing a great job!
Just keep your head up and keep moving forward.
Oh, and print out these adult merit badges and pin them on your clothes so that people know you’re winning at life!
The post Adulting Is Hard, That’s Why You Need Merit Badges for Adults appeared first on UberFacts.