In 1997 in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, a pot-bellied pig named Lulu saved her owner, having a heart attack. Lulu heard the owner’s cries of pain then forced her way out of the yard and played dead on the road. Lulu successfully stopped a car and guided help to the owner, she survived.
In 1821, Thomas Jennings became…
In 1821, Thomas Jennings became the first African-American to hold a patent. He invented ‘dry scouring’, a method for removing dirt and grease from clothing that would lead to today’s dry cleaning.
The ratio of people using…
The ratio of people using email for fun versus those using it for work has flipped since the 1990s. Many people nowadays dread email “because it is a conduit for unwanted advertising, a wide range of spam, and flat out attempts to scam or ‘phish’ us”.
Alan Turing once bought…
Alan Turing once bought 150lbs of silver, but didn’t trust banks so he buried it in the woods instead. After the price of silver had almost doubled, he went to dig it up, but could no longer find it.
In 1942 there was a man…
In 1942 there was a man called “the phantom barber”, who would sneak into people’s homes in Mississippi at night and cut their hair
Antarctica doesn’t have any…
Antarctica doesn’t have any permanent citizens and has no indigenous population. Only 11 children are known to have been to be born there.
Guy Photoshops a Toy Godzilla Into His Travel Photos
Kieran Murray is a photographer on a mission…a mission to make us laugh!
Murray has traveled all over the world, and after going through his photos, he decided they could use a little extra fun. So he did what any brilliant mind would do: he Photoshopped a toy Godzilla into his pics!
And it looks like these two pals had the time of their lives.
Let’s take a look.
1. Breathing fire.
2. Go check out a smoke shop.
3. In China.
4. Playing in the pumpkin patch.
5. Fun in the sun.
6. Playing games by the Thames.
7. New York City.
8. Two cones, please.
9. Everything is bigger in Texas.
10. Enjoy the view.
11. Don’t look behind you…
Well, I found those pictures to be highly enjoyable!
How about you?
Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
The post Guy Photoshops a Toy Godzilla Into His Travel Photos appeared first on UberFacts.
Funny Tweets About Going to High School
High school was a lot of fun, right? Teenage hormones were raging, juvenile delinquency was all the rage…oh, and we were learning some stuff, too.
Let’s relive those glory days with some hilarious tweets about the good times of high school…
1. Run for it!
We really had tardy sweeps with music in high school that made kids run so they weren’t late to class… lmao wtf
— Tiara (@mckeevertiara) February 17, 2019
2. Think about that one…
I can’t believe I used to think I was ugly in high school because boys who wore shorts in the winter and had a 2.5 gpa didn’t like me
— N•i•c•e (@Gal_mignon) February 10, 2019
3. Never again.
wow little high school me was rly out there running a mile in PE all the time? if you actually asked me to put on a gym uniform and run a mile today I would straight up puke on you
— ellie schnitt (@holy_schnitt) May 29, 2018
4. Wayyyyyyyy too early.
I can’t believe school used to start before 9am and I actually WENT
— Jess (@sultyyyy) December 17, 2018
5. The good old days.
I still have no clue how I went to all my highschool dances sober. I really stood there sweating my ass off in a hot gym shoulder to shoulder with my friends listening to shitty music while dry humping someone’s daughter all while our teachers watched us. Lol what the hell.
— Dalton (@Dwillett98) November 19, 2019
6. It’s called research.
when i was in high school i compulsively studied the popular girls to try to figure out how to be popular. i set up an interview with one to ask her what she & the other popular girls talk about. and now that i’m older and wiser i just wanna say: i stand by my direct methods tbh
— hog (@hog_mild) December 18, 2019
7. A big energy boost.
I’m sick of coffee I want whatever theater kids consumed that made them act like that at 8am
— (@lukasbattle) November 11, 2019
8. Just like Uncle Rico.
wish I'd played sports in high school so I could post a sick Instagram of me and the boys in our uniforms 7 years later with the caption "I'd give anything to be back on the field with my brothers"
— Kellen (@captainkalvis) August 22, 2019
9. Snooze Fest.
All sitting parades in highschool had me like this
— Njerii
(@CynthianjeriK1) January 21, 2020
10. Put in a lot of work.
I can’t believe I was that bitch that wore makeup EVERYDAY in high school . Tf was wrong w me
— mean irene (@ireenee_b) February 25, 2019
11. I know you did!
y’all used to cry on the last day of school I ain’t forget LMAO
— ticket (@lilticketxoxo) January 24, 2020
12. The smart ones.
You gotta date bitches who took AP classes in HS. They know how to respond to all parts of a text message
— Mason (@MvsonMae) February 8, 2019
13. Not very realistic.
High school parties on movies are so fake. Like who really had a party in a mansion or at a big fancy pool with everyone dancing? Every party I went to was either a bonfire in Timmy's field or a throw down in Bobby's shop.
— Brandon Chapman (@brandonchappy14) January 19, 2019
14. Takes a certain kind, I guess.
when i was in high school and a celebrity went to prom with a fan i would be like “wow that’s so cool” but now i’m like what kind of fucking saint do u have to be to go back to a high school prom
— James (@CaucasianJames) January 28, 2020
Those brought me back! Way back!
How about you? How did your high school years treat you?
Share with us in the comments!
The post Funny Tweets About Going to High School appeared first on UberFacts.
Very Funny Tweets That Are Also Very Dark
I’ve heard before that folks who have a dark sense of humor are more intelligent than other folks. There may be some truth to that, but if it were 100% true, I would be a total genius because I HAVE A SICK MIND.
Maybe a little too sick…but it is what it is.
If you’re like me, you’ll enjoy these tweets a whole lot.
1. Showed her.
I worked at forever 21 as a cashier and i guess the customer i rang up was an ig baddie because a few people recognized her but I didn’t and when I checked her out she was like “this line is so long do you know who i am” and I said “no sorry” and then her card declined for $1.35
— m (@okaishawty) January 24, 2020
2. It’s kind of true…
When I was younger I thought cops were legally allowed to commit crimes and get away with it and then I got older and found out that wasn’t true and then I got even older and found out it was
— Jules (@Julian_Epp) June 6, 2018
3. Pay no attention to him.
A little boy just screamed down the tube carriage “if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” and everyone remained silent. I love London
— sophie thompson (@sophxthompson) May 16, 2018
4. Don’t worry about me.
the united states is $22 trillion dollars in debt and they have the audacity to try and give ME a credit score? worry about yourself first babygirl
— #⃝ mckenzie (@meowkenxing) January 27, 2020
5. Forget about that.
Being poor is cool cus you’ll be saving up for something you really want and you’ll be almost there and ready to buy it and then your check engine light comes on
— gov michaela (@MichaelaOkla) October 20, 2018
6. Sad animals everywhere.
why do they keep remaking disney movies and make the animals look “realistic” if i wanted to see an elephant be sad for over an hour i would go to the zoo
— jim time? (@urvillageidiot) March 27, 2019
7. End it all now.
I finally got my average resting heart rate down to 65 beats per minute. Only 65 more to go.
— Eric Sprankle, PsyD (@DrSprankle) July 19, 2018
8. Yeah sure, buddy.
2011: The world’s gonna end next year…like probably….bc of something w the Mayans
People: *freaking out*
2019: There is SCIENTIFIC PROOF that Global Warming is rapidly destroying life as we know it, and we need change, fast.
People: lol ok
— eM (@emdoyl) February 23, 2019
9. Wow. That is dark.
My dad went to a doctors apt with my grandma & found out she was diagnosed with dementia over a year ago but she never told anyone because she forgot lmfaoooo
— Maddy Boyd (@MaddyBoyd11) March 13, 2019
10. Now that’s a zinger!
I remember my moms Uncle Joe died and got cremated and we were on the way to the funeral and she said she wanted some coffee and my older brother said “well we got a box ‘a Joe right here” and that didn’t make her laugh
— Remmy (@RemmyBux) October 4, 2018
11. Same here!
In elementary school when we would have read out loud to the class from the textbook I would literally count the kids in front of me and figure out what section I was reading so I could practice it before it got to my turn & I think that’s where my anxiety started.
— rach
(@rach_simmz) February 24, 2019
12. That’s depressing…
[buying a dog]
hi yes i want to be absolutely devastated in like 11 years or so
— the pan-midwesterner (@panmidwest) January 16, 2018
13. I mean, it’s her last chance.
Me: *slapping my older brother in the face with his own hand* haha stop hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself
Sister-in-law: *crying* is this why you wanted an open casket
— Not Sara (@smithsara79) December 11, 2017
Dark, yet funny! Right up my alley!
What about you? Do you have a sick sense of humor where anything goes?
Tell us about it in the comments, please!
The post Very Funny Tweets That Are Also Very Dark appeared first on UberFacts.
Hilarious Tweets About Being a Woman
Just to be clear: I am not a woman. BUT, I have two sisters, a mother, and I have a lot of women friends, so I’m here to say I can appreciate your struggles and your sense of humor.
But, at the end of the day, these tweets are for you, the females out there.
Enjoy these astute observations from the ladies of Twitter.
1. Why is it always this way?
i’m just a hot girl, standing in front of a poorly dressed, objectively unattractive guy, telling him it’s fine if he doesn’t want a relationship, but could he maybe text me more consistently? he says no.
— Dana Donnelly (@danadonly) January 28, 2020
2. Thanks a lot.
Whenever someone’s like “I saw someone who looks like you!” and the picture they show you is like
— Molly Mulshine (@mollymulshine) January 29, 2020
3. A total fantasy.
So much television is about the fantasy that men listen when women talk to them
— sarah miller (@sarahlovescali) January 24, 2020
4. Like an animal.
being into straight men is surreal. one time a few years ago I had a guy over for dinner and he asked to help cook so I told him to halve the cauliflower and when I looked over he was literally trying to rip it apart. with his bare hands. most insane thing I've ever witnessed
— sloane (sipihkopiyesis) (@cottoncandaddy) January 14, 2020
5. Bull in a china shop.
be honest lads why r u all actually like this
— court (@courtneyputtock) January 23, 2020
6. He totally gets it.
my sister in law got a package of 96 diapers at her baby shower and my brother said “oh awesome that’s 96 days worth of diapers”
— Emma Berquist (@eeberquist) January 18, 2020
7. The worst place to be in.
Mom can you come pick me up I’m catching feelings for a boy and he left me on read since midnight so I’m laying in bed imagining him with another girl until it ruins my day
— 1984’s George Whorewell (@EwdatsGROSS) January 19, 2020
8. Maybe you should listen?
guys: women are a mystery.
women: Here is what we-
women: well for start-
guys: Guess we'll never know!— Sophia Benoit (@1followernodad) December 4, 2015
9. Squinting hard.
*squints at Polaroid to see what the shirt looks like*
— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) January 23, 2020
10. Kind of pointless.
On Friday, at ten to midnight, I received these messages from a man who ghosted me SEVEN months ago. “It was great to meet,” what, in JUNE 2019?
— Olivia Foster (@Livsdarling) January 27, 2020
11. Imagine that.
Imagine falling in love with someone and finding out on day one of your first holiday that they pay to have their bag wrapped in plastic
— Bella Mackie (@bellamackie) January 26, 2020
12. What a drag.
my boyfriend is ABSOLUTELY REFUSING to do this sex position where he sits at the piano and plays a song about me and i lie on the bed and shed a single perfect tear
— cam spence (@CamGurrrl) January 26, 2020
All the ladies out there, what do you think?
Are these tweets pretty accurate? Let us know in the comments!
The post Hilarious Tweets About Being a Woman appeared first on UberFacts.