In 1997 in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania…

In 1997 in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, a pot-bellied pig named Lulu saved her owner, having a heart attack. Lulu heard the owner’s cries of pain then forced her way out of the yard and played dead on the road. Lulu successfully stopped a car and guided help to the owner, she survived.

In 1821, Thomas Jennings became…

In 1821, Thomas Jennings became the first African-American to hold a patent. He invented ‘dry scouring’, a method for removing dirt and grease from clothing that would lead to today’s dry cleaning.

The ratio of people using…

The ratio of people using email for fun versus those using it for work has flipped since the 1990s. Many people nowadays dread email “because it is a conduit for unwanted advertising, a wide range of spam, and flat out attempts to scam or ‘phish’ us”.

Alan Turing once bought…

Alan Turing once bought 150lbs of silver, but didn’t trust banks so he buried it in the woods instead. After the price of silver had almost doubled, he went to dig it up, but could no longer find it.

Guy Photoshops a Toy Godzilla Into His Travel Photos

Kieran Murray is a photographer on a mission…a mission to make us laugh!

Murray has traveled all over the world, and after going through his photos, he decided they could use a little extra fun. So he did what any brilliant mind would do: he Photoshopped a toy Godzilla into his pics!

And it looks like these two pals had the time of their lives.

Let’s take a look.

1. Breathing fire.

2. Go check out a smoke shop.

3. In China.

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15 mins into Chinese Temple and chill ?? ?? #bodyisatemple

A post shared by Kieran Murray ? (@ryangodzilling) on

4. Playing in the pumpkin patch.

5. Fun in the sun.

6. Playing games by the Thames.

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Just a couple of dames playing games by the Thames. Nbd

A post shared by Kieran Murray ? (@ryangodzilling) on

7. New York City.

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Blizzard Lizard ? . . . . . #ps_sparkle

A post shared by Kieran Murray ? (@ryangodzilling) on

8. Two cones, please.

9. Everything is bigger in Texas.

10. Enjoy the view.

11. Don’t look behind you…

Well, I found those pictures to be highly enjoyable!

How about you?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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Funny Tweets About Going to High School

High school was a lot of fun, right? Teenage hormones were raging, juvenile delinquency was all the rage…oh, and we were learning some stuff, too.

Let’s relive those glory days with some hilarious tweets about the good times of high school…

1. Run for it!

2. Think about that one…

3. Never again.

4. Wayyyyyyyy too early.

5. The good old days.

6. It’s called research.

7. A big energy boost.

8. Just like Uncle Rico.

9. Snooze Fest.

10. Put in a lot of work.

11. I know you did!

12. The smart ones.

13. Not very realistic.

14. Takes a certain kind, I guess.

Those brought me back! Way back!

How about you? How did your high school years treat you?

Share with us in the comments!

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Very Funny Tweets That Are Also Very Dark

I’ve heard before that folks who have a dark sense of humor are more intelligent than other folks. There may be some truth to that, but if it were 100% true, I would be a total genius because I HAVE A SICK MIND.

Maybe a little too sick…but it is what it is.

If you’re like me, you’ll enjoy these tweets a whole lot.

1. Showed her.

2. It’s kind of true…

3. Pay no attention to him.

4. Don’t worry about me.

5. Forget about that.

6. Sad animals everywhere.

7. End it all now.

8. Yeah sure, buddy.

9. Wow. That is dark.

10. Now that’s a zinger!

11. Same here!

12. That’s depressing…

13. I mean, it’s her last chance.

Dark, yet funny! Right up my alley!

What about you? Do you have a sick sense of humor where anything goes?

Tell us about it in the comments, please!

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Hilarious Tweets About Being a Woman

Just to be clear: I am not a woman. BUT, I have two sisters, a mother, and I have a lot of women friends, so I’m here to say I can appreciate your struggles and your sense of humor.

But, at the end of the day, these tweets are for you, the females out there.

Enjoy these astute observations from the ladies of Twitter.

1. Why is it always this way?

2. Thanks a lot.

3. A total fantasy.

4. Like an animal.

5. Bull in a china shop.

6. He totally gets it.

7. The worst place to be in.

8. Maybe you should listen?

9. Squinting hard.

10. Kind of pointless.

11. Imagine that.

12. What a drag.


All the ladies out there, what do you think?

Are these tweets pretty accurate? Let us know in the comments!

The post Hilarious Tweets About Being a Woman appeared first on UberFacts.