Forensic Investigators Talk About the Most Disturbing Cases They Ever Worked On

Sometimes I think about whether I should have tried to become a forensic investigator because I’m so obsessed with crime, the criminal mind, and how the whole puzzle is put together to solve murders.

But, maybe it’s better that I just enjoy this subject from afar, because dealing with these kinds of atrocities on a daily basis would probably do some bad things to my psyche.

Here are some of the most interesting responses from AskReddit users, but be warned… some of these are VERY disturbing.

1. Absolutely awful.

“EMT. Not my call but my coworkers.

Get dispatched for vaginal bleeding. Arrive at the home to find a woman sitting in a pool of blood on her bedroom floor. Transport her to the hospital where the doc examines her. He asks where the baby is. What? He states this woman just had a baby. So they go back to the home with police and search the place. My coworker looks under the bed and sees a bowling ball bag. Opens the bag and finds the strangled dead baby.”

2. Brutal stories.

“I’m an expert in work related incidents, and am hired to investigate accidents and incidents for large cooperations.

Two children fell down an elevator shaft on a building project.

Employee of manufacturer in the Pharmaceutical industry got his arm ripped off by a powder centrifuge.

Retired person was fatally hit by the coupling of a compressed air-hose after the hose broke.”

3. Like a horror movie.

“Had a father of two children, chop up his wife in the house, while the kids were upstairs before sending a text to the mothers parents saying ‘I killed your daughter, call the police’, before going to the garage and hanging himself.”

4. WTF. OMG.

“We had an elderly couple that was a murder suicide, more a mutual suicide, that were found frozen under a foot of nearly perfectly clear ice.

Also a family that all except the mother drowned in a kayaking accident.”

5. A local drifter.

“A model house for a new subdivision was busy with 4 people (3 women and 1 man) running sales. So the model house was the first on the street with signs everywhere saying “Come on in!” etc and people could tour the model home then possibly sign up to build a house in the subdivision.

A local well known drifter had been watching the house for the days. Ended up taking all 4 hostage. Raped several of the women and killed them all with blunt force trauma. He had entered with an old gun but that didnt stop him from making things awful for these people’s deaths.

Ultimately the man was taken down by a swat team after a solid day stand off. The case was kinda high profile so they moved the trial 3 hours away. I had seen lots of terrible things in my time at this DA’s office but this crime was particularly brutal and upsetting. Apparently he had been watching the model house because of one woman in particular he was basically stalking. He had been regarded as a harmless man usually just looking for some change around town but the cruelty and brutality he exhibited that day was haunting.”

6. Incredibly disturbing.

“Had a paranoid schizophrenic male who forced his elderly mother to eat rocks, and I mean a sh*tload of rocks, to the point where she died.

He told Police that he was feeding her rocks to weigh her down so God couldn’t take her yet.”

7. What is wrong with people?

“I was working a case of what was thought to be a b&e, and the homeowner killed them in self defence, the person killed was a 16 year old boy. The case was about to be shut but the lead said to have the body examined for other trauma. Then found semen in the boys rectum, and a few days later a neighbor sent in a video from a ring doorbell, showing the man dragging a body.

The boy had been raped and then killed, then dragged into his house to make it look like he was acting in self defence. His brother then commited suicide around 2 weeks later. And the mom had to be taken to a mental institute as she was suicidal as well.”

8. Prowling the city.

“I had one case where a mentally ill guy killed his ex wife and was driving around school to school in the city looking for his kids to kill then kill himself.

He didn’t know which schools his kids attended and there are many in the city. My girlfriend is a city school teacher. When I learned this was happening I called her and told her to lock everything.

I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

9. Think about it a lot…

“I do fire investigation and one that stuck with me was a likely mentally disturbed girl started “speaking to god” at the dinner table and then that night lit her room on fire with her in it.

I think about that one a lot.”

10. That is intense.

“Used to work in the field. Craziest was a chap who tied a steel cable to a tree, then through his car window, secured it around his neck, then floored the car. Cable ran out of slack and, well, ‘pop!’.

Always amazed me how clean it came right off, decapitations are normally pretty messy but this guy’s creativity led to a fairly clean, instant, and memorable death for those who worked his case.

Oh and also toxic megacolon, Google image search that, just not during dinner. Just imagine dying of a 20kg turd stuck in your guts! Was like delivering the world’s worst baby when we pulled it out during the PM!”

11. A case of arson.

“Long story short: Arson case.

Two kids die. Lady who started the fire also lived in the house but got kicked out by the owners for whatever reason. She had a previous felony arson charge. They found her a few days later living with her boyfriend in a tent with multiple gas cans. She was arrested and released with charges completely dropped. That’s when I realized 1.) how fucked our judicial system truly is and 2.) I didn’t want to investigate homicides anymore.”

12. Drunk driving.

“I was on the scene of a crash where a drunk mother went of the highway, into the central median which was basically a ditch. She hit a support column for a bridge and her two daughters, 6 and 8, were ejected. The 6yr old was dead on the scene and the 8yr old died in the helicopter on way to the hospital. Mom lived, of course.

The impact was so hard that I was standing about 300 yards away with the car’s battery at my feet. When dad found out, he attempted to attack mom in the hospital. Unfortunately, police were there to clear her to go to jail and stopped the dad.”

13. Uggghhhh. Nasty stuff.

“Client committed suicide by connecting zip ties around neck and pulling. Frantic scratch marks indicated they regretted the action but could not cut the zip ties due to sharps restriction. Sharps restriction enforced due to recent morbid self mutilation.

Claw marks on neck and lack of oxygen to the brain was the saddest ive ever seen. The inability to say the individual died on their own terms is often the only bright side to any type of suicide i deal with.”

14. A rookie on the job.

“Rookie police Officer here…

It was my first full year on the streets and morning roll call just broke and I got into my patrol car n started to get myself situated for the day when a call comes over the radio for a “person with a weapon” which is a fairly common call in my area of patrol, so you never really know what you’re gonna get.

So I get to the address that radio gave me and get out of my car n start going towards the property where the call came from when another patrol car shows up n meets me at the door, but it’s locked.

So we start knocking very loud and hear a young woman crying and screaming and she eventually opens the door and shouts “upstairs THIRD floor!” And points up the stairs. So we don’t have any information wether it’s a gun/knife/bat or anything so we draw our firearms and start up the stairs.

I was the first inside the third floor and all the lights were out n it was still dark outside so I draw my flash light and start making my way around bends and turns of that floor when I see some lady sitting in the couch, n I say “ma’am, where is he at?” As I cross in front of her with my flashlight and clearing the rest of the room when the cop behind me put his light on the lady n sees she has a 12” knife in the center of her chest…

Turns out the woman was smoking PCP the night before and stabbed herself in the chest, what’s weird about it was that she was sitting up right with her eyes open n her head straight. Then we looked at the floor and it was COVERED in blood. So after stabbing herself square in the chest she walked around a little bit before sitting down on the coach and passing away.

Stay away from drugs…”

Spooky stuff, that’s for sure. As someone who is pretty obsessed with true crime, I could read these responses all day.

What about you? Does this stuff fascinate you or creep you out? Maybe both?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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Enjoy These Quirky Facts About Leap Year

February 29th is one of those things we don’t think much about, partly because it only shows up every 4 years and partly because no one really understands why it exists or how it works (I think).

And while there’s no getting around the first reason, maybe we can clear up some questions surrounding its existence – knowledge is power, after all!

7. At least one person we know of was born – and died – on a leap day.

In the 1800s, James Milne Wilson died on February 29, 1880.

He’d been born 68 regular years earlier, but died on his official 17th birthday.

6. A simple trick for calculating the next one.

If the last two digits of the year are divisible by 4 (2016, 2020, 2024), then it’s a leap year – except century years. In their case, the number must be divisible by 400 to qualify.

Fun Fact for U.S. people – leap years are almost always election years.

5. February 30th only exists in Sweden and Hobbiton.

In 1712, Sweden added an extra leap day to help catch up their outdated Julian calendar with the new Gregorian calendar.

The Hobbits, as well, celebrate February 30th, since all of their months are 30 days long.

4. Apparently, the only thing weirder than an extra day every four years is a woman proposing marriage to a man.

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Diva… ¿Y Si Lo Pides Tú? ??? Les cuento que en Irlanda hay una tradición donde cada 29 de febrero, las mujeres son las que piden matrimonio a los hombres. ¿Qué les parece? Una tradición que surge en el siglo V; luego de que las mujeres estuvieran “cansadas” de esperar. a que el novio les pidiera matrimonio. Y bueno Diva… si esté año quieres sorprenderlo tú… aquí unos tips para ese gran paso. -Toma las Riendas: Culturalmente está visto que debe ser el hombre quien pida matrimonio. En este caso; te toca atreverte y tomar las riendas de tu vida amorosa para romper esquemas. -Hazlo por Amor: Si estás desesperada por casarte… probablemente este no sea el momento. Ten presente que es una decisión importante en tu vida donde debes pedir matrimonio por amor y no por desesperación o estrés. -Piensa con Claridad: Revisa las razones por las que quieres casarte. Debes estar realmente convencida de que quieres ser tú la que pida matrimonio. Si tienes en tu lista de razones que piensas que tu novio o compañero nunca te pedirá matrimonio… entérate que darás este paso por la razón equivocada. -Sé Consciente: Esta puede que duela… pero podría ser que este hombre te rechace o te pida más tiempo para pensar esta decisión. Esto te puede llevar a replantear si hay que fortalecer algo en la relación y mejorar debilidades entre ambos. -Desarrolla un Plan: Ya que serás tú la que le impresionará… puede que a él le surjan interrogantes. Lo que es muy normal. Ten en mano un plan de los próximos pasos que tomarán para discutirlo en pareja. -Disfrútalo: Si eres de las DIVAS que se atreven a esta misión; disfrútate el momento al máximo. No todos los años cae 29 de febrero. Y no todos los días una mujer le pide matrimonio a un hombre. Ten en cuenta que esto lo puedes hacer en cualquier momento del año. Actualmente, esta tradición sigue estando en Irlanda, Inglaterra, Dinamarca y Finlandia. Aunque no sea una celebrada en la Isla, puede ser un nuevo comienzo para ti. Y si quieres inspirarte esta noche… te invito a ver la movie Leap Year… que toca este tema ❤ #masdeti #byvevecita #blogger #leapyear #radio #am #leapyear #matrimonio #engagement #pinterest #movie #compromiso #valentines

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The British wrote a play joking that the only thing weirder than a leap year was “a day when women should trade their dresses for breeches and act like men.” Feminists chose to be inspired instead of tickled, and as early as the 1700s women were using the day to propose to the men in their lives.

Now, we celebrate as Bachelor’s Day or Sadie Hawkins’ Day, and you may have seen the concept pop up in the movie Leap Year (which is better than you might think!).

3. You can celebrate with an official cocktail.

The Leap Day Cocktail was invented by pioneering bartender Harry Craddock at London’s Savoy Hotel in 1928, and contains 1 dash lemon juice, 2/3 gin, 1/6 Grand Marnier, 1/6 sweet vermouth.

You shake and serve, garnishing with a lemon peel.

2. The Salem witch trials are connected to leap day.


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Leap day has always had a negative connotation for some, and the first warrants for arrest in the trials went out on February 29, 1962.

1. It’s lucky…or unlucky, depending on who you ask.

An old Scottish aphorism says that “leap year was ne’er a good sheep year,” and the superstition that leap days are bad luck has been around for a long time. On the other hand, some people think the opposite, for various reasons.

I guess, like with everything, life is what you make of it!

Alright… commentary time! I honestly had no idea about most of these, did you?

Are you interested in leap year? Are you a leap year baby? I think it would be pretty nice to only age one year for every four, how about you?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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Clever Ideas That Could Help Save Our Planet

If you say to yourself, “the problems with climate change and the environment have nothing to do with me and they’re way too big for me to do anything”, you’re WRONG. These issues involve all of us and we all have to do our part, no matter how small, to fight these threats.

That’s why I’m glad these 13 people offered up the things they do to help fight for our one and only planet.

We hope they inspire you to make some small changes and to help out in any way you can.

Hats off to the folks behind these genius ideas.

1. Rainwater flush.

This makes me incredibly happy, and more inclined to shop here more often. from pics

2. Put that old paper to use.

My university makes notepads out of the recycled paper and hands them out to the students from mildlyinteresting

3. Keep on reusing it.

Recycled cardboard used as an alternative to bubble wrap. from mildlyinteresting

4. Eliminating plastic containers.

This super market had tiny paper bags instead of plastic containers to reduce waste from mildlyinteresting

5. Cutting down on water waste.

This Japanese toilet refills through a sink in the top so you can rinse your hands and re-use the water. from mildlyinteresting

6. Exercise while you charge your device.

You bike to keep the outlet going, to recharge your devices. from mildlyinteresting

7. Why waste the food?

Every day after closing, this local bakery leaves out a bag of their unsold pastries that people can take from freely instead of throwing them away and make unnecessary waste from mildlyinteresting

8. This is really cool.

The bowling alley in my neighbourhood tore up old lanes and used them to renovate the washrooms. from pics

9. Compost is always good.

My local coffee shop gives free compost made from their used coffee grounds. from mildlyinteresting

10. No more butts on the street.

I bought a pack of cigarettes and they came with a postage paid recycling pouch. from mildlyinteresting

11. Who needs the extra bag?

My shoes came with a “handle” rather than being packed in a one time use bag from mildlyinteresting

12. That’ll get them to throw away their old cigarettes.

13. And finally, organic plastics from avocado seeds.

I love it! All of these are really innovative ideas that could make a difference.

Okay, now it’s your turn. No, seriously… do you have any clever things that you do to pitch in for the environment? It doesn’t have to be a big idea, just something you can do to make the world – or just YOUR world – a better place.

Share them with us in the comments. Every little bit helps!

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Build-A-Bear Now Has Cookie-Scented Bears

There are a whole lot of things that signal the close of a long, cold winter – Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter – but for some, nothing says summer is coming like the sight of little girls in green uniforms, boxes of cookies stacked behind them.

Everyone loves Girl Scout cookie time, right?

I mean, maybe not people who have sworn off sugar for one reason or another, but yeah. Everyone else.

Even Build-A-Bear, it turns out, who is offering a delicious Girl Scout cookie scent for some of the special bears you can make in their stores (or buy online).

The toy giant is releasing two limited-edition bears, complete with matching scents: The Coconut Caramel Cookie Bear, and the Thin Mint Bear.

The Coconut Caramel Cookie Bear “makes a sweet addition to any collection. With swirly coconut caramel fur and a fun doodle print on the ears and paw pads, this brown teddy bear is the perfect companion for learning and growing as a Girl Scout.”

The Thin Mint bear has similar decorations and doodles, but is mint-colored (of course).

Each bear comes with cookie-shaped wristlets and the actual scent of the cookie added to its fur – or even a Girl Scout uniform – but all of those “add-ons” are going to cost you.

Parents are aware of this, I’m sure.

The basic bears sell for $22, and man, if you’ve got a Girl Scout troop, I can’t think of a better bonding experience!

If you’re a lover of either kind of cookie, I also can’t think of a better way to keep the Girl Scout cookie adoration alive in your house all year long.

Between the Cousin Eddie Bear at Christmas and the Baby Yoda bear that’s coming soon, Build-A-Bear is really on a roll this year, don’t you think?

My kids are still too little, so maybe Mommy and Daddy will have to do a date night outing for some cookie-scented bears of our own. Heh.

But hey, what do you think? Want to grab one of these?

Let us know in the comments!

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Check out These Elaborately Detailed Miniature Worlds Made for Snails

This is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in quite a while. Samuel Copeland and Aleia Murawski create amazing miniature worlds for their pet snails and they are insanely impressive.

So how did anybody even think about doing something like this?

Copeland said that he and Murawski started the project when they found the snails while visiting Copeland’s parents in Illinois. He added,

“We made a terrarium for them…and around the same time, we started making miniature scenes together.

At first, we were keeping them as pets and just loved looking at them every day. Then we realized, the sets we were making were roughly snail-sized and we loved the idea of animating these rooms.”

Take a look at these little worlds they’ve created. They are spectacular.

1. In the lab.

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Back to school for my ??

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2. Wheel of Snails.

3. This one is great.

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4. Chilling at home.

5. Skate or die!

6. Abducted by aliens.

7. A love song.

8. Flying high.

9. Life in the RV park.

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Meeting up w your BFF ??

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10. Delivering snail mail.

11. Just like George Costanza.

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They see me rollin ??

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12. Game night!

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Late night game of Dream Phone ??

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I don’t say this very often, but I’m totally blown away by the work of these artists. It’s really incredible stuff!

What about you? What is your reaction?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments, please!

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A Physicist Weighed in on Whether Scrooge McDuck Could Actually Swim in a Vault of Gold Coins

If you think Ducktales was a thing relegated to the 1980s or 1990s, well, you obviously don’t have kids. The McDuck kids and their grumpy, rich uncle are not only still around, but thriving on streaming platforms like Disney+.

The enduring image (and most common pop-culture reference) from any iteration of the series is the rich Scrooge McDuck going for actual swims in his piles of gold.

But could you actually breaststroke through mounds of money?

Physics professor James Kakalios took some time out of teaching classes at the University of Minnesota to write The Physics of Everyday Things and The Physics of Superheroes, and well, he was dying to figure out the answer.

First, he examined how Scrooge dives into his money – hands first, as if folded in prayer, and quickly followed by the top of his head – and determined that the miserly duck would likely end up with some broken bones.

“Gold is a granular material like sand, a macroscopic object. You can’t swim through sand or dive into it easily.”

You’d want to, at the very least, lead with your feet – and some bent legs.

Kakalios says,

“A ball pit is a good example.

The balls are lightly packed and have low friction relative to one another.

The key is to have objects in front of you move out of the way in order to advance.”

So, perhaps Scrooge has a workaround for not injuring himself on the dive?

The character has made smirking references over the years to a “trick” to his dive, leading to at least one fan theory that McDuck coats his coins in some kind of lube to make them move more easily out of the way.

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?Not phony tales or goblin tales, but Duck Tales!? (don’t even try to tell me you didn’t say “Woo woo!”- I def did!) • As a kid how much did you want to take a dive into Uncle Scrooge McDuck’s vault?! Can you even imagine?!? I did a values exercise on my team meeting tonight- and results were surprising to me! We picked 20 from 164 listed values then 10 from the 20, then 5, then 3 final values . Except I could only pick 2 and had 4 vying for that third spot. (I’m usually excellent at following instructions – so this kinda felt like failing?) Anyway- one person wrote “Wealth” as one of theirs and I was like- I want that on my list!! You guys- it didn’t even make it the first round for me during the exercise- and I had to question myself – why is that? I really believe that I have been conditioned to push wealth away as the root of all evil; So I have never admitted to myself, let alone out loud that I do In fact value it. And it’s hard to write it out here because I’m afraid the world is going to have something to say about how selfish, privileged, etc etc I must be. Now, BEFORE you come at me with PITCHFORKS, let me explain. I don’t dream of being Scrooge McDuck. As an adult swimming through piles of money seems like a germ fest ? Let me also say that I do believe we are wealthy and I am so thankful for the life we have. And I value it. I have list of things I’d love to experience with my family and they cost money (Grand Canyon, San Diego Zoo, Eiffel Tower). So yeah, I value paying off debt, being financially responsible and learning to save better AND earning. Wealth. ??‍♀️ I currently stay home with our kids which is awesome (except from 4-6:30pm- jk-not every day). I’m doing something new with these values in mind to reach these goals. (I’ll talk more about my other values and why I think wisdom is essential above all on another day- watch for it!) #wealth #scroogemcduck #values #goalsetter #sahm

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Silly, of course, but possible?

Kakalios isn’t so sure.

“You would need a massive amount of lube to slide your body past the coins with minimal effort.

The ball pit is easier because the weight of the elements is low. Gold is a very dense material.”

Well thanks for shattering our dreams!

Basically, it’s possible but not at all practical or comfortable, since one 5-foot-tall pile of gold would put 2492 pounds of pressure on a little duck body.

If you found all of this very interesting but really just made you want to watch more DuckTales, well, you’re in luck -DisneyXD is relaunching the series.

Let us know if you’re gonna watch! Drop a comment!

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KFC Teamed up With Crocs to Make Some Very Interesting Shoes. No, Seriously.

This sure is an odd partnership, huh? I was at a friend’s house the other day and I saw that he had camouflage Crocs, and I thought that was weird. Little did I know what was to come…

Coming in the Spring of 2020 is…wait for it…Kentucky Fried Chicken crocs! For your feet! That you’re supposed to wear outside of the house! I thought I’d seen it all…but now this…

Yes, it’s all true. Kentucky Fried Chicken and Crocs teamed up to bring you a bold new footwear statement that will, at the very least, be a good conversation starter for you with friends, enemies, family members, and co-workers.

The top of the shoes look like those famous pieces of chicken from the iconic franchise, while the soles resemble the striped red and white KFC bucket. This design took some BALLS.

The official word on the product reads: “Covered in a fried chicken print and a striped base, these will make your dreams of wearing a bucket of chicken finally come true. Finally. Your two favorite brands, immortalized on a rivet to prove a collaboration happened.”


And, get this:

“Each pair of co-branded footwear comes with two Jibbitz charms made to resemble and smell like fried chicken.”

Omfg… we’ve gone through the looking glass. We’re in Wonderland. Because I MUST be dreaming.

Of course KFC created an equally surreal video to go with this insane idea and you can watch it RIGHT NOW!

KFC x Crocs. Not for human consumption.

Introducing the official Kentucky Fried Chicken licensed proprietary footwear made in collaboration with Crocs. Do not eat. Coming Spring 2020. (

Posted by KFC on Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The KFC Crocs will be available for, ummmm, consumption(?) in Spring 2020.

So what do you think? Are you going to get your hands on a pair of these bad boys or will you take a hard pass?

Let us know in the comments!

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London Will Get the World’s First ‘Batman’ Theme Restaurant

I’m kind of surprised this didn’t happen in the U.S. first, but it looks like the Brits beat us to the punch on this one.

I’m talking about a Batman-themed restaurant that is set to open in London, England, this spring. The restaurant will be called Park Row and will occupy 18,000 square feet of space in the basement of an Art Deco building in the center of the city.

And it sounds like a visit to Park Row will be more of a show as opposed to a trip to your local restaurant. The setting will look like the Batcave and guests will be welcome to enjoy three bars and five different dining environments. The prices start at an average of $58 (U.S.) per person.

As you might expect, the bars and different dining areas are all designed to reflect the world of Batman. Pennyworth’s is named after Batman’s butler and serves traditional British fare in an atmosphere that resembles a library. You can drink in a speakeasy called Old Gotham City, or enjoy sushi in an area dedicated to the character Harley Quinn.

There is also a dining area called the Iceberg Lounge that is named after, you guessed it, that iconic villain The Penguin.

Park Row is a collaboration between Warner Bros., DC, and Wonderland Restaurants.

This sounds like it’s going to be quite a treat, especially for the hordes of Batman fans out there.

Let’s hope this place is successful and they open one in the U.S. of A sooner than later!

What do you think? Will you be booking a trip to go? Let us know in the comments!

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A Guy Won $1 in a Lottery and Demanded a Photo With a Giant Check

I don’t know why this story brings me so much joy, but it really does. Maybe because it reminds me of something one of my friends would do if they won a lousy one dollar in a lottery. Or maybe it reminds me of something that I might even do.

When Iowa resident Tyler Heep discovered that he won exactly one dollar in the lottery, he decided he needed to capture this moment of glory and let it live on forever.

Heep went to the lottery headquarters in Des Moines and asked to be given the treatment of a high roller who just won millions of dollars.

Posted by Jamal Carson Wright on Thursday, January 24, 2019

Luckily, and surprisingly, the officials at the office agreed and Heep was given a huge $1 check and was photographed with the big prize. Larry Loss, the acting CEO of the Iowa state lottery, even signed the check for him.

Heep said about the experience, “They decided to treat me just like a million dollar winner. The guy came down the stairs and they took me into the back room where the camera was with the Iowa Lottery logo.” In the memo portion of the check, it reads “Stinking Rich.”

Heep even got the check framed!

Posted by Tyler Heep on Thursday, May 2, 2019

And what did Heep spend that one-dollar prize on, you’re probably asking yourself? He used it to put half a tank of gas into his car.

Here’s a news broadcast about the ridiculous, yet hilarious, story.

Tyler Heep, you are a gem, good sir. And a high roller, too! Let’s party sometime!

But hey, those are my thoughts. Of course I want to know yours! What say you about this specific request of a quite unique gentleman?

Let us know in the comments!

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Wow…Washington Department of Transportation Tweeted About a “Possible Sasquatch Sighting”

People believe all sorts of things, and honestly, as long as they’re not hurting anyone else with their belief, I’m cool with all of it.

When it comes to Bigfoot, even most scientists would have to shrug and say it’s possible. We live on a big planet, so the idea that there are still undiscovered species is a pretty common one.

Is it likely. No, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

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#sasquatch #bigfoot

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That said, it can be a little arresting when someone in an “official” capacity says something about Sasquatch that seems to assume its reality.

Of course, when your state has been a hotbed of Bigfoot sightings since forever, maybe you’re justified in making just a few assumptions!

Ryan Overton, a communications consultant for the WSDOT, tweeted out the following…

K5 News reports that webcam footage run by the Department of Transportation captured a Sasquatch-esque figure, prompting the government to post signs warning of the possible sightings.

The WSDOT Twitter account shared still shots from the streaming footage along with the caption,

“Have you noticed something strange on our Sherman Pass/SR 20 webcam before?

If you look closely by the tree on the left there looks to me something … might be Sasquatch …

We will leave that up to you!”

The stills do seem to show a dark figure hovering by the trees near the highway, and another of him striding across the wildlife crossing on I-90.

Is it Sasquatch? Has he been in Washington state all along? Is is a very tall someone just bundled up against the cold?

Well… it’s actually just a plywood cutout.

Seattle Times has more…

Normally, Overton checks the highway webcam images for anything that seems newsworthy, like maybe 40 inches of snow at the pass.

But he couldn’t resist the image of the Sasquatch cutout, which has long been a part of the terrain.

Usually, the cardboard cutout is not easily captured by the highway camera because of poor lighting, he says.

Btw, did you know it has been illegal to kill Bigfood in Washington State since 1969? If busted, you could spend up to five years in prison.

Which, idk. Might be worth it?

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