Salvador Dali once conned Yoko Ono out of $10,000 by sending her a piece of dried grass instead of a hair from his moustache.
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Salvador Dali once conned Yoko Ono out of $10,000 by sending her a piece of dried grass instead of a hair from his moustache.
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“Cheerios effect” is an interesting fluid dynamics phenomenon that happens in cereal bowls. When there are just a few bits of cereal left floating on top of the milk, they tend to cluster together in the middle or around the edges of the bowl, rather than dispersing across the surface.
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There’s a river basin in Venezuela that gets struck by lightening over 200 times per hour for up to 10 hrs straight. It occurs more than 100 times a year and is predictable up to a few months in advanced.
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The first crime perpetrated in space was by astronaut Anne McClain, accused of illegally accessing her wife’s bank account during her stay on the International Space Station.
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In the 1920s, fashion-designer Coco Chanel accidentally got sunburnt while visiting the French Riviera, she returned home with a sun tan. Because of Coco’s status and the longing for her lifestyle by other members of society, tanned skin became seen as fashionable, healthy, and luxurious.
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Just like the visionary poet David Lee Roth said all those years, you might as well JUMP! And in this case, I’m specifically referring to jumping for joy because these memes are so funny.
So what do you say? Do you want to be a stick in the mud and sit on your butt, or do you wanna be like Diamond Dave and the rest of us and celebrate with some laughter!
I think you know what to do!
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: someecards
Okay, now I’m kind of worn out from all that jumping around.
How about you?
Did those memes put a smile on your face?
Tell us how you’re doing in the comments! Give us an update!
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You can immediately verify pretty much any fact these days by looking it up on Google. If you’re savvy enough, you’ll have the truth within a few minutes. But once upon a time, misinformation spread really easily. To this day, there are a ton of “facts” that countless people believe are true, even though they couldn’t be more false.
A Reddit user asked, “What stupid myth do too many people believe?”
The people answered, and let’s just say everyone should read this thread to avoid looking stupid.
“That if you put a frog in tepid water and slowly raise the temperature, the frog won’t try to escape and save itself when the temp gets too high.
Great for illustrating certain points, but completely untrue.”
“That goldfish ARE NOT meant to live in bowls! The average goldfish gets about fourteen inches long in proper conditions, and because they’re such dirty animals (they generate ammonia like you wouldn’t believe) they need heavy proper filtration. Yes, you should have 20 gallons per goldfish. That means two goldfish go into a FILTERED forty gallon tank. No, an air pump is not a filter. No, a plant is not a filter. No, you cannot put other tropical fish with your goldfish, because goldfish require lower temperatures (65 degrees Fahrenheit) while tropical fish require higher temperatures (78 degrees Fahrenheit).
Goldfish can live up to 25 years. Putting them in a bowl means you are stunting their growth, but not the growth of their inner organs. They stay 2 inches while their organs keep growing inside of them, which is why they die in 2 years, instead of living to be 25 years old, and over a foot long.
That turned more into a rant than anything but oh well, PSA brought to you by a humble aquatics associate at a pet store.”
“For any given same-sized sea area there is statistically the same amount of missing ships and planes.
No, it’s not fucking a magically dangerous place.
Grow up.”
“Actual truth is that you shit out a piece of gum within a day or two in case anybody wanted to know.
So yeah… this one is complete bullshit”
“Spot reduction of fat.
People think that doing sit-ups will burn fat around your belly area.
How stupid can you be?”
“They don’t all go off by pulling a fire alarm.
They’re individually heat-activated.”
“All it is is just gas bubbles popping.
Also some guy did a long term experiment (several decades I think) where he constantly cracked all knuckles in one hand and left the other one alone.
After the experiment was over, they took X-rays and tests to find that both hands were practically identical in terms of condition.”
“You can suck venom out of a snake bite…..”
“My cat bit a friend who was catsitting for me, he tried to suck out the venom’ and spent several days in hospital with sepsis.”
“This isn’t actually that stupid really but it’s my favorite weird myth: That rabbits love carrots.
They don’t, you give a hungry rabbit a carrot it’ll probably eat it, but they likely wouldn’t be high on it’s preference list. So why are carrots stereotyped as a rabbit’s favorite food? Weirdly, because of Bugs Bunny.
Bugs is always munching on a carrot, but why if rabbits don’t really eat carrots normally? Because he was created in 1938 and that particular quirk was a parody of Clark Gable’s character from the 1934 movie It Happened One Night, who had a famous scene being a wiseacre while munching on a carrot. The movie is mostly forgotten today but was a huge hit at the time. Contemporary audiences (who would have also been seeing the cartoons in a movie theater as pre-show shorts) would have recognized the reference as easily as early 2000s audiences would recognize a bullet dodging scene as Matrix parody.
The carrot munching bit became Bugs’ signature and over time the origin was mostly forgotten. Everyone associated rabbits with carrots so strongly because of that that it eventually became “common knowledge” that rabbits love carrots despite it not being true at all.
The myth is prevalent enough that pet shops will commonly warn people getting pet rabbits to make sure they feed them a proper diet, because carrots are not sufficient and the poor bunny can actually starve to death.”
“Too many people believe that porcupines can shoot their quills when they actually have to jab you with their quills.”
“That if you’re an organ donor then doctors won’t try hard to save you and might ‘let you die’.
I’m a doctor, when I’m treating a patient whether the patient is an organ donor or not never crosses my mind, I will genuinely have no idea. And even if I did, why would I want to sacrifice MY patient for some random other patient across the country? Surely that would just make me look like a shit doctor!”
“Good grief I can’t listen to people who say this is true. The worst thing is, my teacher in elementary school thinks that humans only use 10-15% of their brain, and the reason Albert Einstein, for example, was super smart is that he used about 30% of his brain. The biggest amount of bullshit I’ve ever heard, and the person saying it is a science teacher…”
“In my experience, it seems that most people think a fracture is when it’s not broken the whole way and broken means it’s broken clean in half (or multiple pieces).
In this case, I understand their intent, they simply don’t know the right words. Still annoying though, they do mean the same thing.”
So what did you think about those myths? Have your mind blown by any of that info?
Tell us a myth you couldn’t believe wasn’t true in the comments. Sharing is caring!
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Disney World is a place where dreams are supposed to come true.
And while we all tend to focus on the riveting rides and captivating castles, we tend to forget about the driver behind it all: the employees.
Well, cast members, actually.
Working at Disney can be a fantastic career, but it takes much more than a great smile and love of cartoons to be successful. In fact, the company implements some interesting rules that its employees must live by while working.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
Terminology matters big time in the world of Disney. In fact, their employees are technically referred to as “cast members.”
That title extends to everyone who works in the park, including characters, ride operators and gift shop salespeople. The concept of Disney is that the park is actually a stage, and we are all engaged in one fantastical show.
Seriously convinced that all of my problems would go away if I met the Disney princess height requirement
— lil nugget (@Kaylee_Parish) December 28, 2016
Disney has strict height requirements for both its rides and its characters. Specific character roles require a prospective “cast member” to check the all-important height box.
For example, a Disney princess must measure in between 5’4″ to 5’8″. Of course, if you don’t meet the requirement, you could always play a different character.
Photo Credit: Pexels
In order to capture every essence of a character, Disney makes sure its cast members look the part. And I mean down to the whisker.
Women are allowed to have subtle highlights in their hair, but otherwise it must be styled in a classic and natural look. On the other hand, men are forbidden from having long hair and may only have facial hair no longer than a quarter of an inch thick.
Photo Credit: Pexels
While our favorite Disney princesses and heroes have recognizable voices, you won’t hear a peep from some of the other characters in costume. And that’s done purposefully.
Characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and the Beast cannot speak while in costume. That can be a challenge for employees, who often are tasked with acting the part for hours without being able to utter a sound.
Photo Credit: Pexels
Playing the part also means maintaining anonymity. Disney employees are not allowed to reveal what character(s) they portray on social media.
And as for backstage sneak peaks? Those are also a no-go in Disney.
Disney employees have to hold up to strict standards, but that plays a large role in why the company—especially its magical theme parks—is such an iconic brand.
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Police in Mumbai, Indian are testing red lights that won’t turn green if drivers are laying on their horns. It’s a perfect solution for a busy city where noise pollution is one of its biggest problems, right?
Photo Credit: Needpix
Last year, Indian authorities conducted a trial with sensors attached to traffic light poles that detected street decibel levels. If noise levels registered more than 85 decibels, the traffic lights were set to delay turning green.
Mumbai’s lights, like other Indian cities, displays a timer on each light so drivers can see when it will change.
Photo Credit: Wikimedia
Police spokesman, Pranay Ashok, told CNN, the trial started with a run at several major intersections for 15 minutes a day. Police hope to roll the system out to the “entire traffic management system.”
A (hilarious) video posted to Twitter showed the effects of rampant noise pollution. In it, police describe the city as “the honking capital of the world.” Explaining what they call “The Punishing Signal,” they advise that if motorists want to keep moving, they should stop laying on the horn.
Horn not okay, please!
Find out how the @MumbaiPolice hit the mute button on #Mumbai’s reckless honkers. #HonkResponsibly— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) January 31, 2020
According to the TomTom Index, Mumbai has a serious problem with traffic congestion, ranking the fourth worst in the world last year.
The amount of congestion in the city translates to a loss of eight days and 17 hours per year for every driver and passenger.
It will be interesting to see if these monitored traffic lights make a difference. There are so many more pleasurable activities to do with that time than sit in traffic and listen to angry horns.
Don’t you agree?
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Internet fads come and go – some are destined for lasting greatness, others are doomed to become obscure punchlines.
Luckily, the internet is forever, so even the more niche trends get permanently archived, like in this #BroomstickChallenge compilation.
Okay so NASA said today was the only day a broom can stand up on its own because of the gravitational pull…I didn’t believe it at first but OMG!
— mk (@mikaiylaaaaa) February 10, 2020
This all started, apparently, with a viral twitter video claiming that “NASA said” your broom could stand up on its own today only (because…gravity? I guess?).
For the record, that’s not how anything works. Getting a broom to stand up on its own is just a balancing trick, and no special circumstances are required.
But it was one of those ideas that creates an itch in the human brain. A feeling of “That’s dumb…I wanna try it.” And thus… a meme was born.
Enjoy how people made fun of other people on the internet.
The real masterminds behind the #broomstickchallenge
— Gabriella Thomas
(@GabbyGabbs24) February 11, 2020
You all are posting broom pics like 1901 never happened… #broomstickchallenge
— Fred Rewey (@GodFadr) February 11, 2020
Can’t decide which one to take
— Jay Tea (@Josh_TheBoss2) February 11, 2020
Broomsticks in a kitchen right now:
— DOT SMOKE (@DDotOmen) February 11, 2020
When you see your broom standing in a place you didn’t leave it
#BroomChallenge #NASA
— Bri Fantana
(@BlatantlyBri) February 11, 2020
Everyone’s posting pictures of their brooms standing up… I think mine is drunk. #broomchallenge
— Lexie May Hudson (@LexieMayHudson) February 11, 2020
Source: someecards
Source: someecards
Source: someecards
Source: someecards
Source: someecards
Source: someecards
Source: someecards
Source: someecards
Source: someecards
Where does the #BroomstickChallenge rank in the great memes of history?
Tell us your scholarly opinion in the comments.
The post 15 Memes About the Broomstick Challenge appeared first on UberFacts.