The community of Puʻuwai…

The community of Puʻuwai, Hawaii and the entire island it is located on, is off limits to anyone except residents and official visitors. Tourists are not allowed. Tourists aren’t allowed because the entire island is private property. A rich white person bought the whole dang thing 150 years ago.

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Here’s Your Ultimate Guide to Loading a Dishwasher Correctly

Did you know nine out of ten marriages end because SOMEONE feels the need to unload and reload the dishwasher after someone else already loaded it?

I exaggerate only because I’m defensive.

The fact is, fights between couples over loading the dishwasher the correct way are fairly common.

Photo Credit: Pixnio

As someone who is unfairly accused of being a dishwasher loading dud, I’ve found an expert guide on how to do this stupid chore the right way.

It turns out everyone’s wrong. Even you. So read this, get on the same page with your honey, load the dishes, then you can both go see a movie.

First, cups and small bowls should be placed on the top rack upside down. Lean them if water tends to collect on the bottoms.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

Chef and blogger at Home Kitchen Land, Heloise Blaure, says, “All plastic items should go on the top rack, too, because the heat comes from the bottom and can warp plastics.” Large utensils like spatulas and ladles should lie flat on the top rack to get properly cleaned as well.

The bottom rack gets all the plates, large bowls, pots and pans, with the biggest pieces along the sides.

Spoons and forks go in the utensil holder handle end down. Knives go in blade down (but it’s much better to hand-wash kitchen knives).

Photo Credit:

That’s all sort of common sense, but there are also important ways to load dishes that do prevent everything from getting properly cleaned.

Avoid overloading. According to Whirlpool, anything nesting will not get clean.

Do not put large flat items against the door. Baking sheets and platters should be in the rack so that detergent can get out of the door and reach the rest of the washer.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Don’t lay pans face down on the bottom rack if your machine doesn’t have an upper spray arm. Items placed like this and not on their side in the rack blocks water from getting up top.

Before closing the door and starting the dishwasher, give the upper rack spray arm a spin to see if it hits anything. Rearrange your items until the arm spins freely.

Also – and this is key – water comes from the center of the sprayer, so point your dirty dishes toward the center instead of placing them all facing the same way.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Melissa Maker, host of the YouTube channel Clean My Space, says to go ahead and remove bits of food from your dishes before loading, since etoo much food waste can sit in your washer and mold. But don’t go crazy on pre-rinsing. That just wastes water.

Don’t use your dishwasher to clean cast iron pans, non-stick pans, fine china, metal finishes, wood utensils and cutting boards, or your cooking knives. All the water running through the machine will ruin these items. Also, check other items for labels that show they are hand wash only.

To keep your dishwasher running properly, keep it clean by checking for left-over food bits and by running a cycle with vinegar once a month.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Pre-heat the water by running your hot water faucet so your washer doesn’t start with cold. And you can save energy by not using the heated dryer cycle.

This isn’t just a guide for cleaner dishes, folks. This is a guide for happier, healthier marriages.

Also good for roommate and parenting situations.

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Tumblr Users Talk About What It’s Like to Be a Writer

Oh, the writing life.

So, I’m a writer.

I mean, I’m writing right now. Want proof? Look at this assemblage of words. If I wasn’t a real writer, would I know how to use a word like “assemblage” in a sentence?


Well, that’s probably enough writing for today. I did good. I should reward myself with several snacks and a season or two of TV.

While I’m doing that, you should enjoy these Tumblr posts about what being a writer is like.

And then help me because oh God the deadlines are closing in.

15. Always give your characters credit

14. “I don’t like writing, I like HAVING WRITTEN.”

13. It’s already a tight 2,000 pages

12. When being your own boss actually sucks

11. If you’re not sweating, you’re not writing

10. True story: one time I was commissioned to write a play about animal sex… Google was concerned…

9. There are so many ways for writers to look like psychopaths

8. Your name and date count

7. Why didn’t I burn that when I had the chance…

6. Try repeating it until it loses all meaning

5. Can’t I outsource this?

4. Sometimes writing blocks you, sometimes you block writing

3. Ok now that I say this out loud…

2. This is the best idea I’ve had in MINUTES!

1. Remember: nothing’s ever done, it’s just due

What are your tricks for combating writer’s block?

Seriously tell me in the comments, I need to know IMMEDIATELY.

Or don’t. I’m sure I’ll figure it out on my own eventually.

… help…

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Successful People Do These 9 Things to Boost Their Energy in the Afternoon

Are you at your best only up until about lunchtime? You definitely have company. Many people report feeling a major slump in their productivity in the afternoons. Losing your momentum may stem from sitting in front of a computer for half the day, what you ate for lunch or interrupted sleep from the night before…or a combination, plus any number of other factors.

Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of “You Can’t Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work,” says our dip in energy is also a part of our natural circadian rhythm.

Whatever causes your lack of motivation after you get back from lunch, you still need to be productive. So, what can you do to wake yourself up and get back your drive?

1. Plan your meetings in the afternoon.

Don’t waste your precious morning energy by getting sucked into a meeting.

Meetings in the afternoon allow you to interact with people and that can help you get some pep back.

Photo Credit: Pxfuel

2. Get out of the office.

Take a break when you feel yourself nodding off.

Going outside in the sunlight and fresh air helps relieve eye strain, get your blood flowing and will reset your internal clock.

Photo Credit: Piqsels

3. Grab a coffee.

A mid-afternoon cup of coffee will increase your alertness, as does the physical act of walking to get the coffee and saying hello to people along the way.

Getting a green tea or a water for yourself work too.

Photo Credit: Libreshot

4. Take a power nap.

Not easily accomplished in your cubicle, but if you happen to find the opportunity to close your eyes for a 15-minute nap, you’ll likely wake feeling more creative.

Worth a mention to the boss at any rate.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

5. Exercise.

Like napping, this may be a viable option for people who work from home.

However, if you can squeeze in an afternoon workout, you’ll be rewarded with a boost of motivation.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

6. Drink water.

Kerr says dehydration leads to energy slumps.

He suggests keeping a tall, glass of water in reach.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

7. Record your gratitude.

Countless benefits come from acknowledging all the things in life for which to be grateful.

Kerr suggests starting an afternoon ritual of journaling three of them.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

8. Change up your routine.

Move your workspace from your desk to the conference room, or to your kitchen.

Change your usual meeting location. It all works to rev your brain.

Photo Credit: Pikrepo

9. Be a social butterfly for a few minutes.

Add a goal to connect with someone in your office for a few minutes in the afternoon.

It will be a chance for a break from your workspace and it’ll strengthen the relationships you have with your coworkers.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

The great thing about using these strategies to get out of a midday energy slump is most of them serve more than one purpose. Not only will they wake you up, they’ll keep you healthier, help you bond with co-workers and make you more productive. Your boss will probably notice your increased energy and output too.

Lots of wins there!

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A YouTuber Builds an Impressive “River Table” With Thousands of Colored Pencils

Nick Zammeti calls himself an “artist, woodturner, maker,” though I’d probably go with “crafting wizard.”

He handmakes everything from beaded-bowls to Baby Yodas to Borg cubes and shows off the creations on his youtube and instagram.

One of his recent projects went viral for its novel concept and satisfying build process.

Behold the Colored Pencil River Table!

“What’s a colored pencil river table?” you may ask.

It’s pure whimsical goodness, is what it is.

Nick encased thousands of colored pencils in a clear epoxy, and shaped it into a sort of suspended liquid design perfectly slotted into the table and spilling out onto the floor.

It’s the sort of thing most of us would never even think of, much less have the skills to pull off.

It’s dirty work, but by golly, it’s gotta be done.

Check out the full build video from his channel:

What’s the thing you’ve made that you’re proudest of? I’m sure there’s something, right? Right???

Let us know in the comments!

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Hilarious Tweets About Work You Can Read Instead of Actually Working


You go to school to get a job. You apply to get a job. You interview to get a job. You hope and pray and do a summoning dance to get that damn job. Then you get it, and you actually have to work.

They say “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Do something you’re just kinda fine with and you’ll make funny tweets about it.”

Let’s look at some too-true tweets from the modern workforce. What else are we gonna do, work?

15. It’s called a day off, dammit!

14. Setting the right tone is important…

13. Aspirations change fast

12. Like I said…

11. I’d rather emails didn’t find me at all

10. I hope I’m contagious

9. Like a reverse Rebecca Black

8. It’s their fault I was up till 4 playing Zelda, right?!?

7. This cuddle could have been an email

6. These things take subtlety

5. Lord of the Fries

4. How dare you

3. This is how days get longer

2. Waking up is hard to do

1. As someone literally working from home right now, this!

What’s your favorite job you’ve ever had? What’s your least favorite?

Commiserate with us in the comments.

The post Hilarious Tweets About Work You Can Read Instead of Actually Working appeared first on UberFacts.

People Are Divided about Whether a Woman Should’ve Called Police After She Saw a Toddler Alone in a Car

The subreddit Am I The A**hole is a good place to go if you want to weigh in on various moral dilemmas or, alternatively, to feel better about yourself for not having to post on it.

This post, about a woman who saw a baby (toddler) sleeping in a car at a grocery store as the mom walked away, caused so much infighting and controversy that the moderators had to take it down. The tweet – and responses on Twitter – remain, though, and honestly, no one can agree.

The original poster (OP) saw a woman walking away from a car with a sleeping toddler in it, chased down the mother just in case she’d forgotten on accident, and was stunned to hear her say she was only going to be a minute.

OP argued that she shouldn’t leave the baby, even for a minute, but the mother dismissed her concerns as someone who couldn’t understand because she wasn’t yet a parent, and went inside anyway.

Image Credit: Twitter

Then, OP hemmed and hawed for a few seconds before calling 911. The police arrived just as the mother returned from the store – she was gone less than 10 minutes – and went into hysterics at the thought she might lose her baby.

Image Credit: Twitter

So, was she wrong to call the cops? Should she have ignored the situation? Watched the kid herself until the woman returned?

Twitter is split, honestly.

Some people thinking you never, ever leave a kid that young alone in the car.

And that makes sense, right?

Definitely NOT the asshole.

Others thought maybe the mother was right, and the OP just didn’t get it.

But are they stretching a bit?

I mean, should you ever just leave your kid unattended in public?

Most thought that her concern wasn’t misplaced…

…but calling the police and potentially upending an entire family was out of line.

She could have simply watched for 5-10 minutes and made sure the mother returned. No harm no foul.

I’m split, honestly – as a mother yes, I’ve been tempted to run in and grab ordered and paid for takeoff from a shelf and leave the kids belted and locked in the car, but I understand why someone would be concerned.

That said, the weather wasn’t hot, it wasn’t cold, and the mother said she’d be right back.

What do you think? Would you have waited? Told the mother you were going to call the cops? Done what OP did?

Tell us your reasons in the comments!

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Mark Hamill Had Some Words for a Youngster Who Was Told That ‘Star Wars’ Isn’t for Girls

Stories – however they’re told – are for whoever connects with them on the other end. Men, women, children, non-binary people, literally anyone…if you like a book or a movie or a television show, then if someone suggests its not “for you,” they’re dead wrong.

My blood is actually boiling at the knowledge that a kid had the stones to tell a little girl that she couldn’t be part of a fandom that doesn’t belong to him.

Luckily, I’m not alone, and the great Luke Skywalker himself is on my side.

First, the post…

Kristal Foster’s 5-year-old daughter loves Star Wars, was wearing her favorite movie-themed shoes to school when a boy in her class informed her that she shouldn’t wear them because the franchise “isn’t for girls.”

She tagged Mark Hamill in the post on the topic, and he responded epically.

First, quoting Princess Leia…

And then he reminded everyone that the films would have ended midway through the first one had Leia not been around to rescue both Han and Luke from certain death.

Other people jumped in on the #StarWarsIsForEveryone – rightfully so.

Oh, I’m sorry… is the galaxy only filled with BOYS?

And Leia! Remember Leia!

Star Wars ladies unite!

And who was the main character in the last three films? Ahem…

The next time you hear someone try to tell someone else that some piece of art or media “isn’t for them,” you have my permission to summon Princess Leia (or Carrie Fisher) and give them a serious piece of your mind.

And maybe a middle finger. Carrie wouldn’t have it any other way.

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A Guy Posted the Most “Dad” Solution Ever to Washing Baby Bottles

Men and women approach parenting differently. As a mom who can admittedly be a kind of a control freak, being okay with how my husband cares for the kids when I’m away – even though it doesn’t look at all like it does when I care for the kids – has been one of the hardest, but most necessary, lessons of parenting.

It helps when dads come up with “dad” ways of doing things that make you laugh – partly because you can’t believe they actually work, and partly because you never would have thought of it yourself.

And yeah, if there’s a hack for the endless and tedious task of washing baby bottles, let me hear it.

My husband and I have wanted to start a blog about our life journey with the triplets for a while. Since this video, many people have asked for us to create a designated Facebook page to be able to keep up with the triplet tribe. Below are our links to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and our blog. This is just a start to many more adventures to come.Triple Made Simple come home from grocery shopping to this…

Posted by Christy Gammel Peterson on Thursday, January 2, 2020

The man who came up with the idea found himself with baby bottles to wash for not just one newborn, but three. And with triplets on hand, absolutely anything that saves time is worth a shot.

His wife posted a video of his genius dad hack for washing all of those bottles and people just loved it.

Their triplets were a month old when the video was posted, and if you too find yourself with more bottles than time, you might want to attach your scrub brush to the end of a power drill and let it do the work.

Image Credit: Facebook

Aerol Peterson’s wife Christy arrived home from grocery shopping to find him washing away with one hand and thought it was brilliant.

His response:

“Smarter not harder, bro.”

The sink was full of clean bottles, so clearly, he wasn’t wrong.

Image Credit: Facebook

Her impromptu video has been watched over 11 million times and shared 215 thousand times, so I can only imagine that there are hundreds of dads all over the country jumping at the chance to use their power tools in the kitchen.

I mean. Tell me I’m wrong.

In the comments.

The post A Guy Posted the Most “Dad” Solution Ever to Washing Baby Bottles appeared first on UberFacts.