These Easy Back-To-School Tips Might Have Teachers Cheering

Teachers, listen up! With everyone back to school, here are a few teacher life hacks to help you get through the year!

10. A wireless doorbell can silence a class and save your voice.

9. This pillowcase hack will keep your room organized.

8. Keep your tissue boxes from walking away.

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What’s the best way to show you the most amazing teacher hack ever? With an animated version of how it works, of course! . . Are you tired of the tissue box going missing? Are you concerned about all the germs on the box? If you are, go snag yourself one of these bad boys! . . I bought my under the counter thingy at Walmart, trimmed the grate to fit where the entire tissue comes out. Shake the box up really good so the tissues loosen up inside and they come out easier. Hang it in a convenient spot and you’re good to go! If you need a tutorial of how I did mine, go check out my highlight story “Tissue Box Hanging Thingy Hack” . . . #teachovertherainbow #texas #iteachintexas #texasteachersofinstagram #teachintheheartoftexas #texasteachertribe #texasteachers #4thgradeteacher #4thgrade #iteach4th #libertyelementary #LISD #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #tftpickme #iteachtoo #teacherlife #teachersofig #teachergram #teachermom #teachersofinsta #teacherlove #allthingsrainbow #classroompinspirations

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7. This glue hack will save teachers money while keeping craft time neat and tidy.

6. Keep your students focused on reading with these easy-to-make reading strips.

5. Salt shakers are a great tool to keep glitter organized (if not totally contained).

4. A closet shoe organizer can hold almost anything.

3. With the help of a few household items, you can create a fun word game.

2. Eliminate lost pencils by having your students place them in personalized toothbrush cases.

1. And lastly, teachers. Set an alarm and remember to leave work at a decent time. You need your rest!


You got this teachers – we’re rooting for you!

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8 Nouns That Only Have a Plural Form

English, as you might have realized by now, can be a difficult language (if you’re trying to learn it, anyway). The rules are fluid, there’s always an exception, and common sense doesn’t really apply the way it does to the “other” romance languages, or even German.

In that vein, I present to you 8 nouns that only come in multiples – meaning you can’t have just one of them, because there is no singular form.

8. Jitters

Some moods or feelings, like jitters, blues, doldrums, are only available in multitudes, sadly. You’re not allowed to have a single willy (of the creeped-out variety) or one heebie-jeebie (even if you’d rather stop there).

7. Scissors

You say “give me the scissors,” not “hand me a scissor,” even though it’s a singular tool. Others are similar (pliers, tongs, tweezers) but not all – you can have one clamp, one bear trap, and one flat iron, even though they, too, are made of joined parts.

Have fun figuring that one out.

6. Shenanigans

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#doit ? #shenanigans ? #rebelcircus #lifesnotalwaysafairytale ❤

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If you’d rather have one shenanigan instead of several, well, you’re out luck. You also cannot have a heroic, or go into a hysteric. Womp-womp.

5. Glasses

Like goggles and binoculars, the word is only plural, even though a “pair of” can be singular. They’re considered a unit made of connected parts, yet only referred to in the plural form.

4. Remains

There’s a small group of words for things that are left behind – remains, leftovers – and you’re not allowed to have a single one of them.

3. Pants

You’d be hard pressed to find a word for clothing that provides separate holes for two legs that’s a singular noun – shorts, jeans, skinnies, leggings, capris, panties, etc, all follow the plural rule even though they’re a single cut of fabric.

Fun fact: We also refer to brands in the same manner, like Levis, even though it’s actually a possessive – Levi’s – not a plural.

2. Suds

This is a strange one, because most words for masses of stuff made of other, smaller stuff will be a singular noun (rice, sugar, salt), but not suds – it’s a plural noun and has plural agreement (the suds are all over the bathroom), perhaps because a single sud is…what? No one is sure.

Or perhaps just because the people who invented English like to screw with us.

1. Riches

There are a few nouns that refer to possession or ownership – furnishings, belongings, earnings, valuables – and they’re all plural. So score one for consistency, at least.


Interesting, right? I thought so!

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15 Stunning Gardens Around the World You Might Want to Visit

If you’re a garden lover, take note of these spots. Like to take long strolls through acres of plants in absolute silence? My personal favorite place to do this is at the Ringling Museum in Sarasota, Florida. The grounds are so spectacular that I can literally spend hours there just walking around.

Here are 15 gardens around the world that you might want to seek out if you happen to be in the neighborhood.

1. Jardin Majorelle — Marrakech, Morocco

2. Allan Gardens Conservatory — Toronto, Canada

3. The Ruth Bancroft Garden — Walnut Creek, California

4. Longwood Gardens — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5. The Garden of Cosmic Speculation — Dumfries, Scotland

6. Jardim Botânico — Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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"Meu coração, sem direção Voando só por voar Sem saber onde chegar Sonhando em te encontrar E as estrelas Que hoje eu descobri No seu olhar As estrelas vão me guiar Se eu não te amasse tanto assim Talvez perdesse os sonhos Dentro de mim E vivesse na escuridão Se eu não te amasse tanto assim Talvez não visse flores Por onde eu vim Dentro do meu coração" #thanksgod?  #prewedding #gratidao #behappy? #errejota #rj #riodejaneiro #rio #riosunset #visitrio #destinorj #arpoador #instabrasil #lovetotravel #melhoresdestinos #travel #instariodejaneiro #jardimbotanico #ipanemabeach #riolovers #cidademaravilhosa #natureza #brasil?? #southamerica #instalike #instaphoto #voegoloficial #instagram #instalove #instatravel @davisantosfotografia

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7. Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca — Oaxaca, Mexico

8. Le Château de Villandry — Loire Valley, France

9. Hortus Botanicus — Amsterdam, The Netherlands

10. The Butchart Gardens — British Columbia, Canada

11. Lotusland — Santa Barbara, California

12. Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden — Tromsø, Norway

13. The New York Botanical Garden — New York City

14. Kenroku-en — Kanazawa, Japan

15. Les Jardins de Marqueyssac — Dordogne, France

Those places all look pretty spectacular, don’t they?

Do you have a favorite garden that didn’t make the list? Share in the comments!

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15 Teachers Recall the Most Obvious Crush a Student Ever Had

These 15 teachers had no trouble telling when these students were crushing, and though the instances range from sweet to awkward, they all have one thing in common – it definitely wasn’t a secret.

15. Points for creativity but I doubt the police would consider them a get out of jail free.

Working as a substitute teacher, i had a sixth grader hand in a poem that went: “Roses are red, violets are Blue I am single, how about you?”

She also worked her phone number into another poem she handed in.

14. I’m going to go ahead and cringe for everyone reading this.

Not a teacher, but this one girl had such a blatantly huge crush on my film studies teacher when we were 15/16 – she herself was mixed-race and would ask the poor guy if he “preferred white chocolate, dark chocolate or caaaaaramelwinkyface” safe to say that was awkward for everyone present in the room

13. There’s never a wrong time to quote Mary Poppins.

Back when I was teaching preschool. Three-year-olds don’t do subtle. He always wanted to hold my hand when we went on walks, to sit next to me at circle time, and just to look at me with puppy eyes. It was adorable, but at the same time it was a relief when he grew out of it.

Years later, I was teaching an all-boy class at a vocational high school and was lucky enough to get a bright new teacher on a Comenius exchange to co-teach the class with me. She was also quite attractive and the boys…. reacted. Since it was an English language class, I got a kick out of doing my best Mary Poppins impression: “Close your mouth, please, we are not a codfish.”

12. Is it just me, or does this sound like potentially dangerous behavior?

I teach at a local university and I’ve had a few including one who used to sketch me during class, one who tried to put his arm around me, etc. The most obvious and persistent was a student who used to follow me after class every day, show up at my office “just to talk,” and spent all of his time attempting to look down my shirt. He ended up dropping out of college halfway through the semester.

11. If that’s not a perfect history teacher response, I don’t know what is!

I’m not a teacher, but I do have a story of when I was a HS student. It was my senior year and I had a crush on this young history teacher. he would come on model un trips with us as a chaperone so he knew who I was. It was my birthday and he heard from a different teacher across the hall. He said “happy birthday” to me, and my response was “thanks, I’m 18.” I blurted it out very quickly and realized literally the second it left my mouth how inappropriate it was. His response, “well you can vote now!”

10. Now that kid has all of our hearts, let’s be honest.

I had a student who had a rough life. Mom pretty much abandoned him,and grandma was raising him by pawning him off to family on the weekends. I knew he was going to have a rough life if someone didn’t step in and let him know he mattered. He asked me one day how I would know if someone loved me. I jokingly replied that that person would bring me coffee in the morning. A few days later he came into the gym with a huge smile and a cup of gas station coffee. He walked right up and handed it to me along with a bag of creamers and sugars. He said he didn’t know how I liked my coffee so he grabbed one of each. He saved his allowance, and asked his grandma to leave for school early so he could stop by the gas station. The next year he brought me a coffee mug so I could remember him when I drank my morning coffee. That kid will always have my heart.

9. I have no idea how teachers handle social media these days.

In the days of msn, I got a chat invite from someone who had the same last name as me. I assumed it was a relation, but they didn’t say anything and so I left for a bit to eat. I came back and saw a couple more people had been added to the chat and saw they’d been talking about me. I realised they were students because they referred to me as ‘Miss –‘. They were teasing one of the others for his crush on me and he was defending my ‘massive ass’ as ‘hot’.

8. Props to that guy for keeping his private life so totally under wraps for 4 years.

I had a crush on my teacher in high school. After I graduated, I asked him out to lunch with my best friend and me. He agreed. We met up a few days later and he walked in… with his husband. That was a rough day for me.

7. Well, that was a quick turnaround, but props for logic and math abilities.

I had a kid ask me to marry him the other day. Then he proceeded to say I would be way to old for him by the time he was old enough to get married.

6. He had that followup ready to go!

I had a student ask me if I was married….yes. This was followed by, “but are you happily married?” I started teaching way too young.

Edit: Appreciate the silver and gold! I’m glad to have amused y’all with my awkward moment.

5. That’s definitely hard to hide, right guys?

When I was playing Hamlet in the school play, and the girl playing Ophelia got stage fright at the last minute, so the drama teacher had to costume up and sub in for her, on her knees in a low-cut bodice, hanging onto my leg, and screaming, “Oh, help him, you sweet heavens!”.

I got a boner in front of 500 people.

4. You might be easily forgotten, but you might not. First loves are tricky!

I taught Pre-K and one student always wanted to he around me and would pretend to slip up and call me mom. He saw my phone had a screensaver of me and my at the time boyfriend and he got all mad and said I should break up with him lol. Kids are adorable, I doubt he’ll remember me in a few years

3. That’s such a tough situation to handle.

I was a special needs teacher. There was zero subtlety. One student would constantly try to lift up my skirt.

2. Toxic masculinity rears its ugly head again.

I teach at a university and students ask me out. I had a student once ask me out in front of the class while I was teaching, but I think it was more a power move than anything else.

Edit: Bonus story! I teach a sexuality class and a student brought up negging. I asked the class for a definition and one dude goes, “you’re pretty for a sociologist.” The entire class was horrified that he had negged me.

1. Ah, the sweet innocence of little children.

I taught preschool and the owners grandson would tell everyone we were going to get married once he was done with first grade. He even gave me mittens with hearts on them because hearts are for love.
He’s in middle school now and doesn’t remember me. ??‍♀️

Just one more reason teachers are saints because I’m not sure I could be so consistently gracious.

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Did they know about it? Tell us what happened in the comments!

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This Is Why Some Power Lines Have Brightly-Colored Balls on Them

If you’ve paid attention, you’ve probably seen those reddish-orange balls that hang like Christmas lights on power lines here and there, but have you ever stopped to wonder why they adorn some and not others? Is there a reason, or do the electrical companies in some towns just feel more festive than in others?

The verdict is out on whether electricians look at the balls and feel a holiday spirit, but there is a reason for the balls: they’re to keep aircrafts safe.

The helpful little orbs are called visibility marker balls (or just marker balls), and they help make power lines more obvious to low-flying planes and helicopters. The reason you don’t see them everywhere is because they’re typically used near mountain passes, deep valleys, major freeway crossings, and airports – all locations where airplanes are more common and run a greater risk of getting tangled in cables they couldn’t see in time.

Marker balls are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), including specifications as far as size and shake. Their diameter must be at least 36 inches on wires that cross canyons, lakes, and rivers but can be as small as 20 inches across on power lines below 50 feet above ground and within 1500 feet of the end of an airport runway.

They’re also required to be spaced evenly – 200-foot intervals on regular wires and 30-50 feet intervals near the ends of runways.

Lines that sport fewer than four balls will be “aviation orange,” but otherwise, the markers should alternate between orange, white, and yellow.

Marker balls came about in the 1970s, when then-Arkansas governor Winthrop Rockefeller noticed how close he came to power lines while landing his aircraft, and they have also come to assist boats in the same manner.

They’re installed by the power companies (sometimes by helicopter), and they allow pilots and boat captains everywhere tpo sleep a little easier.

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10 People Who Prove There Is No Act of Kindness Too Small

Acts of kindness can come in many shapes and forms: holding open a door, to saying good morning to a stranger, or leaving a huge tip for a waiter having a bad day. These folks have gone above and beyond in their quest to spread kindness, and let’s all just give them a hand.

It’s so nice to hear about people being nice, right?

10. This guy who changed a tire for a stranded woman.

9. This gal who left a $200 tip to support a waiter in time of need.

8. A stranger who paid for this lady’s breakfast to get her on her way.

7. Someone offered this man a new set of tennis shoes.

6. The substitute teacher who left a complimentary note to a principal.

5. This guy who used Venmo to send free coffee to a friend.

4. This cute note from a mom who made her daughter smile.

3. This guy who swapped airline seats with a first time flyer

2. The animal lover who helped pay for this dog’s surgery.

1. The apartment tenant who left little notes of inspiration and kindness all around the building.

Hope these made your day because they sure improved mine!

And if you ever met someone who did something kind for you that you’d like to share, put it in the comments!

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15 of the Weirdest Things People Found in the Woods

We’ve been conditioned to be afraid of the woods–or, more accurately, afraid of what’s waiting for us inside the woods. This fear is the basis of many fairy tales and fables, from Little Red Riding Hood to Hansel and Gretel. It’s a legitimate fear, because when you go into the woods, you never know what you might find.

But not everything you find in the woods is scary! Lots of people have ventured into the forest and discovered something that was just plain weird. Sometimes they found personal items that were mysteriously abandoned. Other times they found weird and wonderful oddities made by nature itself. Some people even found that appeared to be left behind deliberately, for wanderers to stumble on. Whatever the case may be, one thing is clear: the woods is just as interesting as it is scary. (via Bored Panda)



1. “This tree I found while hiking looks like a monster watching over you.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. “Found this abandoned house in the woods in Russia.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. “Found this sword in Epping, England.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

This is probably a decorative sword belonging to the fraternal order of the Knights of the Sherwood Forest, which started in the US in 1879 and existed until the 1920s.

4. “I was driving through the backwoods of Pennsylvania when I found a mountain of ceramic dishes and tea cups.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Are we in the Hundred Acre Wood?

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. “Moved to Wisconsin. Found this in the woods.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

This is part of a Stevens Point art installation called “Out of the Woods: A Grand Entrance.”

7. “My girlfriend and I were walking in the woods when we found a rainbow swamp.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Read more about rainbow swamps here.

8. “Found a purple mushroom in Pennsylvania!”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Probably a Cortinarius violaceus, aka a violet webcap or a violet cort. It’s edible but tastes bitter and is primarily favored for its beauty.

9. “Took this while standing in a huge pond that sinks every dry season.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. “Found a dead robot in the woods.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

11. “Found these stairs to nowhere in the New Hampshire woods.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

These stairs are part of Madame Sherri’s Castle Ruins.

12. “A buddy of mine found this ‘dinosaur’ the other day.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

13. When you find out the hard way that your car is not an off-road vehicle.

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. “What my parents found on their hike.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Not all toilets are domesticated. Some are wild.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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15 Photos of Cats That Shouldn’t Have Messed with Bees

These poor kitties really should’ve known better than to mess with bees.

You’ll see what I mean as you scroll through these photos.

A whole lot of swelling going on!

1. Not pleased

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

2. Mom?

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

3. Sad

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

4. Bigfoot

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

5. All swelled up

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

6. Uh oh

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

7. Gigantor

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

8. Awwwww

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

9. Oh no!

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

10. Trying to be cool with it

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

11. OMG

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

12. Wait, what?

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

13. Freaky Deaky

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

14. I need help

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

15. See that tear in her eye?

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless

Those pics are kind of sad, aren’t they?

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A Photographer Takes Pics of People After 1, 2, and 3 Glasses of Wine

How would you look after 3 glasses of wine?

Marcos Alberti is a photographer whose project called “3 Glasses” has a very specific purpose. He photographs people after they’ve had 0, 1, 2, and 3 glasses of wine and the results are pretty telling.

Kick back with a glass of vino and check out these photos.

1. Tipsy

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti


Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

3. Three deep

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

4. Goofin’ off

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

5. She might have a secret

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

6. Embarrassed

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

7. Put your hair up

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

8. Looks happy

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

9. LOLing

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

10. Maybe not much of a difference?

Photo Credit: Marcos Alberti

Do you wonder what you might look like after 3 glasses of wine? I know I do…

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20 of the Worst Knockoff Products Ever

If you want to get rich quick, try to come up with an idea for a product that nobody’s ever thought of before.

But that’s pretty hard to do. So, if you’re OK with being significantly less rich, you can simply wait for somebody else to come up with a great idea and then shamelessly rip them off. All you gotta do is make an inferior version of their product, tweak it juuuuuust enough to avoid a copyright lawsuit, and then start cashing your checks. It’s the American way.

Today we’re celebrating some of the most brazen knockoffs of our favorite products, characters, and brands. The folks who make them might not have much originality, but you gotta admire their gumption.

1. Less than meets the eye.

Photo Source: Reddit

2. I would gladly pay $1.99 at the dollar store for a Mace Windu/Barack Obama mashup.

Photo Source: Reddit

3. If you ask me, Seinfeld is so good that it will take you to comedy nirvana. But I doubt that’s what they mean.

Photo Source: Reddit

4. Waldo’s really lost this time.

Photo Source: Reddit

5. Shhh. Don’t tell Dr. Dre.

Photo Source: Reddit

6. It includes a blue shirt?! And it only costs $30?!?!?!

Photo Source: Reddit

7. Not even cloooooooose!

Photo Source: Reddit

8. I guess “Thou Shalt Not Steal” doesn’t apply to movies.

Photo Source: Reddit

9. When I was a kid, Rafatello was my favorite Puberty Frog.

Photo Source: Reddit

10. Down with monarchy!

Photo Source: Reddit