You’ll Find These True Crime Tweets Hilarious, but Your Friends Will Think You’re Disturbed

True crime fans are a different breed, and I’m one of them.

We laugh in the face of danger… as long as it’s on television, in a book or on a podcast. Then we’re brave AF!

These 15 tweets just scream “true crime lovers unite” so tuck in and enjoy!

1. All good in the hood…

2. Everybody’s got their pastimes…

3. That’s dedication!

4. Sounds like you’ll find out eventually!

5. I have an idea…

6. She smart…

7. Really though…

8. Listen here gurlll…

9. If they only knew…

10. Impressive…

11. Parents!? What’s wrong with you?!???

12. If you’re care to not get murdered… this is self care.

13. Detective material…

14. Yes you do.

15. Step away from the cliff…

So, real talk… if an actual murderer came along… would you be ready?!

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8 Facts About “Blazing Saddles” That Will Make You Say Yee-Haw!

The subversive satire Blazing Saddles takes on racism and prejudice in a way that is still winning over fans four decades later. It’s perhaps Mel Brooks’ most beloved film.

Below are 8 howl-worthy facts that will make you want to stand up and cheer – and give it a re-watch, too.

#8. Slim Pickens slept outside, with his Winchester, to get into character.

To get into Taggart’s mind, Slim Pickens grabbed his gun and slept under the stars. That’s dedication!

#7. It was originally titled Ted X: An Homage To Malcom X.

Other rejected titles were Black Bart and The Purple Sage, and the final title came to Brooks while he was taking a shower.

#6. Gene Wilder wasn’t even close to Brooks’ first choice.

Though Brooks described Wilder’s eventual performance as “magnificent” in the DVD documentary, many actors (including Johnny Carson) turned the part down before Brooks cast…Gig Young.

Then Young was removed from the role when he became violently ill from alcohol abuse on the first day of filming and everyone realized that having an alcoholic play an alcoholic probably wasn’t the best idea.

“We draped Gig Young’s legs over and hung him upside down. And he started to talk and he started shaking. I said, ‘This guy’s giving me a lot. He is giving plenty. He’s giving me the old alky shake. Great.’ And then it got serious, because the shaking never stopped and green stuff started spewing out of his mouth and nose, and he started screaming. And I said, ‘That’s the last time I’ll ever cast anybody who really is that person.’ If you want an alcoholic, don’t cast an alcoholic. …Anyway, poor Gig Young, it was the first shot on Friday, nine in the morning, and an ambulance came and took him away. I had no movie.”

Wilder took over almost immediately and the rest is history.

#5. John Wayne declined a role.

The Duke found the script funny but didn’t think it aligned with his resume and career. He did say, “I’ll be the first one in line to see it!”

#4. Wilder pitched the idea of Young Frankenstein while on set.

Young Frankenstein, the movie that followed up Blazing Saddles for Brooks, was pitched by Gene Wilder on set.

“His idea was very simple. ‘What if the grandson of Dr. Frankenstein wanted nothing to do with the family whatsoever? He was ashamed of those wackos.’ I said, ‘That’s funny.’

#3. It was the first movie that audiences heard someone fart onscreen.

Brooks once saidBlazing Saddles, for me, was a film that truly broke ground. It also broke wind…and maybe that’s why it broke ground.”

He argued that cowboys ate so many beans that there was no way they didn’t have gas, and out came the campfire scene that made movie history.

#2. It almost spawned a television series.

A pilot called Black Bart was filmed in 1975, but was never picked up.

#1. The character of Mongo was played by a former NFL player.

Alex Karras was a Detroit Lions’ defensive tackle who started appearing in films in the 1960s. He continued acting and is probably best known for the role of George Papadapolis on Webster.


Definitely one to pull out for your kids (once they’re old enough, of course).

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A Guy with a Saxophone Serenaded Cows by the Roadside and It Is Adorable

Cows lead a pretty boring existence and they need a little entertainment once in a while, just like humans. That’s why Rick Herrmann nailed it when he stopped on a rural road in Oregon and serenaded a pasture full of cows with his saxophone.

Rick’s daughter, Erin Herrmann, posted the videos her father playing his smooth sax to the cattle. The crowd of cows just couldn’t resist these silky tunes.

The videos went viral because… duh!

Wait for the neighbor to shout “Tequila” at the end of this one!

I love it!

Herrmann said he’s been playing the sax for about seven months, and when he saw a video of people playing music for animals him and his wife took a ride so he could play for some cows nearby.

“I thought they might be curious. I guess I didn’t expect them to crowd the fence so much.”

Erin Herrmann said that the cows appreciated her father’s playing much more than the family dog.

“Our dog, Piper, hates the noise so much, she even chewed up all his reeds once. My dad was running by the field on June 25 and thought that maybe the cows would appreciate his music more than Piper would. He was definitely right! We always talk to and go see the cows near the house because they are his favorite animal and they make his so happy … He’s just such a good hearted guy and likes to be goofy and enjoy the simple things in life! He loves that he’s making people so happy!”

The story went viral in such a big way that even legendary sax player Kenny G weighed in on the story.

Nice work, Mr. Herrmann, and keep at it!

There are a lot of animals out there who wouldn’t mind a break from their daily routines.

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What Does It Really Mean When Your Cat Purrs?

Is there anything better than a cat purring on your lap? No way!

But do you know what that sound really means?

Photo Credit: Max Pixel

Most house cat behaviors are habits that have been with these animals since before they become domesticated thousands of years ago, which makes what they are telling us when they purr even more intriguing.

Experts speculate purring comes from the voicebox where vibrations originate as cats breathe.

Fun fact: lions and tigers don’t purr. This may have to do with how they roar, but no one knows for sure why, and the lions and tigers certainly aren’t explaining themselves. However, other big cats like cheetahs and snow leopards do purr. But they don’t really roar.


Photo Credit: Von.grzanka CC BY-SA 3.0

Something most people agree upon is that among all the cat behaviors (like hissing, growling and scent rubbing) purring seems to signify happiness. It’s probably a behavior passed down from the mother who used the purr to show safety and security.

The kittens, in turn, purr as they get to feed from the mother. Then, when they’re older and they have human owners to feed them, cats may purr to say, “feed me.” Or, they may purr to show other cats safety and security, as in, “I’m not going to cause you any trouble.”

Purring has also been observed in cats as they give birth and in other distressing situations. This leads some behaviorists to say purring may release hormones that minimize pain or bring about calm.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

Strangely, this may work on humans as well. Research shows owning cats, and dogs, as pets offers many benefits, such as…

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decreased cholesterol levels
  • Decreased triglyceride levels
  • Decreased feelings of loneliness
  • Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities
  • Increased opportunities for socialization

So that’s awesome!

Even though we may never know for sure, purring is understood almost universally to be a sign of happiness and calm. For that reason, simply hearing a cat purr puts people in that frame of mind. Humans may even respond to cat purrs like baby coos as the sounds are said to be similar in pitch.

So, we don’t know for sure why or how cats purr. But we know we like it and we know it makes us calmer hearing it.

And that’s probably enough.

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These 30 Kids Are Really Bad at Hide-And-Seek

Not everybody can be a natural at hide-and-seek. For some, it takes practice.

In homage to all of those people, here are 30 kids who are still learning the ropes of the game:

#30. This one’s pretty impressive, but also a poor spot.

Photo Credit: Jackie Blackshear

#29. A blindingly bad idea.

Photo Credit: imgur

#28. So much wrong going on.

Photo Credit: greecedlightnin

#27. Sometimes, you gotta bag it up.

Photo Credit: Stephlynn3

#26. Points for attempted camo.

Photo Credit: octbar

I had a hard time deciding how to rank? Cutest? Worst? Funniest.

I’m still not sure how I decided to rank them, but I know they’re all f’n awesome.

These People All Texted the Wrong Numbers and Got the Best Answers Ever

Have you ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? Especially when you were drunk?

Yeah you have…

These people who texted the wrong person weren’t necessarily drunk, but after getting these responses, they probably wish they were!


1. No he does not look like a Jessica.

Photo Credit: Ranker

2. A very standard response

Photo Credit: Ranker

3. Murica!

Photo Credit: Ranker

4. This joke is prehistoric…

Photo Credit: Ranker

5. We haven’t all been there. Sorry not sorry.

Photo Credit: Ranker

6. They don’t know how cats work?

Photo Credit: Ranker

7. That escalated quickly!

Photo Credit: Ranker

8. Who doesn’t want to party?!

Photo Credit: Ranker

9. Saxy!

Photo Credit: Ranker

10. Make ’em laugh!

Photo Credit: Ranker

11. Grill, you got me hot and bothered!

Photo Credit: Ranker

12. It’s not JUST a car…

Photo Credit: Ranker

13. Bruh.

Photo Credit: Ranker

14. Best. Response. Ever.

Photo Credit: Ranker

15. So… they reported this, right?!

Photo Credit: Ranker

Well, that’s was fun! You know what else is fun? Sharing funny posts with friends.

So do it!

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These Dating Tweets Are so Relatable We Can Hardly Deal with It

Need some relatable dating tweets? Of course you do, what a silly question!


1. Oh, you too? Hmmm, there’s a lot of us these days…

2. Why do our minds always go there?!?

3. And that trash patch in the middle of the ocean is massive!

4. But what if I don’t want a date right now…

5. lol just jk…

6. Yes, we did hug at the end. Who wants more details?

7. Is this one of those prank shows?

8. Oh no. No no no…

9. You just hope it’s lil ugly instead of big pretty…

10. Oh stop it! You wouldn’t make babies cry… much.

11. Damn… who do you hang around?

12. Yeah, but how big is that wall’s d**k?

13. So is that a fire sign or…?

14. Yeah, don’t fly too close to the sun…

15. Just 623? Amateur…

16. She has a point…

If you didn’t relate to anything in that pile of wisdom, I don’t know what to tell you.

Maybe look on Insta and following some influencers, because I got nothing more for ya.

The post These Dating Tweets Are so Relatable We Can Hardly Deal with It appeared first on UberFacts.

Embarrassed People Reveal Very Awkward Moments They Had with Strangers

This was the incredible question someone posed on Reddit: What’s the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in with a stranger?

12,000+ comments later… we have these gems!

1. That amused sparkle…

This happened to me in Japan. I was in a clothing store and my wife was shopping.

Being the dutiful husband that I am, I remained silent and stayed out of the way, barely moving a muscle.

A little girl, maybe 4 years old, approached from one side and slipped her hand into mine.

I looked down. She must’ve thought “Wow, this mannequin’s hand is warm.” Then it clicked.

She looked up at me with such a look of terror.

In a flash, she was gone, and I hope she will forever remember with terror the amused sparkle in my eyes.

2. Pure fear!

One time, I was in a parking lot waiting to get into my friend’s dad’s car.

I saw a car that looked identical to the one I needed to get into, so I got into it.

It turned out, it was not the car I was supposed to be in.

The stranger’s expression of pure fear still pops into my head from time to time.

3. The gas station

When I was a teenager, my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night, I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run I took earlier that day.

While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks, I announced to who I thought was my friend, “Man, my pecs really hurt.” Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail, I simply stared at him and said, “You’re not my friend” and walked away.

I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.

4. Tickle, tickle, tickle…

My wife and I went out for a drink one night.

We walked into the bar and I immediately saw someone I knew. I walked up behind him and tickled his sides. It turned out, I didn’t know this person.

He just gave me a weird look and walked away. We got his spot at the bar though.

5. Hey franges!!

I had just pulled into a parking spot at the mall. I saw my friend and his girlfriend pull in a few spaces past mine.

Thinking it would be funny, I snuck up to their car and started slapping their window like a crazy person.

It turned out, it was not them in that car.

I still cringe years later remembering the look of pure terror on that poor girl’s face.

6. You’re not my dad!

We were lining up for Disney’s Tower of Terror.

12-year-old me spent the entire lineup desperately trying to catch the attention of a cute guy who was there with his dad. I ended up sitting in the same car as him on the ride.

As the ride started, I grabbed my mom’s hand for support.

Near the end, I realized that my mom was on the other side of me and I’d been holding hands with the cute guy’s dad the entire time.

7. Deleted!

I was at a bar with my brother’s old phone.

A random girl asked me if she could use my phone to call her own because she had lost it. She began dialing her number and bam, right there on the screen is her name saved on my phone.

My brother’s contacts must have transferred when I took his phone. Her eyes got real big and she looked up at me with what could only be described as confused fear!

I tried to ask her if she knew my brother, to which she said she did, but she was obviously still weirded out.

She deleted her number from the phone and fled so fast.

8. Dat ass!

I was at a bar with some friends watching a basketball game, and this guy kept asking me to check out his girlfriend every time she went away.

For example, when she got up to go outside for some air, he stayed in and was like: “Be honest, is that not the best butt you’ve ever seen?”

He did this several times. I felt so uncomfortable, and there’s no nice way of putting it — she wasn’t attractive whatsoever to me.

I’m glad that guy is happy with her, though.

9. Awkward, but necessary…

My boyfriend and I were with another friend and we were walking home from a movie.

We came across a guy sitting in a small patch of grass rocking back and forth. My boyfriend wanted to keep walking, but I felt the need to ask if he was okay. He immediately broke down and said he wanted to end it all. It turned into a really awkward situation because the other two didn’t know what to do.

We ended up sitting with him for a while as he broke down, and we called emergency services because he was apparently very far from home.

He eventually calmed down enough and we drove him to the hospital. He was very thankful once he was there and safe.

I still think about him every time I walk past that patch of grass, I really hope he is okay.

10. Cheese explosion!

During my first week at college as a freshman, I wandered into the cafeteria, still unsure of how things worked.

I spotted a pizza station and waited in line. I grabbed a slice of pizza with the pizza slice grabber, but the scalding hot pizza slid off and landed face down on the cute girl’s foot behind me.

Sauce and hot cheese explode everywhere up her leg. And since it was the end of summer, she was wearing sandals.

In a panic, I muttered “I’m so sorry,” and ran out of the cafeteria without eating for the rest of the day.

11. “Nevermind me!”

I worked at Old Navy and some lady was looking at men’s shirts.

She stopped me and held up a shirt to me, asking if I thought it would fit her son. I looked around and no one else was there.

We stood in silence for maybe 30 seconds before she started laughing and said, “Oh! Haha, you don’t know my son; he lives in Michigan. Nevermind me! Haha.”

And then she went and bought it.

12. “I could be!”

On a trip to Orlando, my husband, son, and I spent some time in the swimming pool at our hotel.

There was a large family enjoying a family reunion at the hotel that week as well. They were a super nice family! We were all kind of hanging out together and our kids were playing.

Well, imagine my surprise when I watched my husband swim into the shallow end and wrap his arms around a woman standing there.

He burst out of the water and said, “Oh, you’re not my wife!” to the 50-something lady.

She said, “I could be!”

He has since had Lasik!

13. What. A. Dick.

A woman at a gas station didn’t know how to put air in her tires, so I helped her.

She called her husband on speaker phone to let him know she found some nice man to help her. Then, I heard him call her an idiot and say that I was only helping her because I wanted to get together with her.

She stammered and tried to explain that nothing was going on between us.

After she got off the phone, she looked at me as if her husband just caught her cheating. No thank you; nothing.

And for some reason, I felt guilty for even helping her out.

14. British things…

Not long ago, I made a short visit to the local supermarket on my usual dog walk.

My dog was tied up outside, and as I was crouched down to unclip him a woman came out of the shop and fell over me.

For a few brief seconds, I was sandwiched between my dog and an old woman.

We’re British though, so everyone looked embarrassed and we both said sorry.

15. Nose rip!

The most awkward moment of my life thus far was with a stranger. I was in a Quebec airport going through customs with my family. Because of some recent changes to their system, they didn’t have everyone in a line, but instead in a large pen where they would release around 50 people at a time.

When my family got to the front, they released us and everyone was running forward in a mass, trying to get to the kiosks. Next to me was a tall Swedish man trying to get his family a kiosk; he was running forward and waving his arm behind him in a “come on” motion, clearly frantic. Well, somehow his middle and pointer fingers went perfectly into my two nose holes.

As he then ripped his arm upwards to motion his family forward, my nose was also ripped forward, and I immediately began bleeding everywhere.

He looked at me in horror, and the customs agents looked at me in bewilderment. The language barriers made the situation all the more awkward!

Those were the cringiest, craziest stories!

What’s yours?

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10 People Share the Ridiculous Reasons Employers Didn’t Give Them a Job

Some companies have strict guidelines, and it’s unfortunately within their rights to turn away prospective hires who fail to meet these standards.

That means people with tattoos, piercings, or bright-colored hair are passed over for jobs that they could have been great at. And sometimes, it’s just about plain vanity and beauty. Why is this all perfectly legal? Makes no sense to me.

Here are 10 people who should have been given at least a chance.

1. Move on to a place that will accept you…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Weird…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Because they’re horrible people!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Haha, I bet she was! Prude…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. You didn’t get hired for a WELDING job?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. You can always get them removed… for a price!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Really? Well, that’s odd. You sure it was just the piercing?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Haha, do kids love piercings?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Ugh… fuck them.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Oh well…

Photo Credit: Whisper

What do you think? Is discriminating against people with tattoos and piercings unfair? Or should employers be able to take things like that into account?

Sound off in the comments!

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