The conservationist, John Muir, was an avid inventor. He hooked up an alarm clock to his custom bed that would throw him onto the floor to ensure he got up on time.
Einstein was born missing part…
Einstein was born missing part of the brain that influences speech and did not speak until the age of three. However, his parietal lobe, responsible for math and spatial recognition, was abnormally large.
Scott Carpenter was the only…
Scott Carpenter was the only NASA Mercury astronaut who hadn’t finished college. After his spaceflight, the university granted him his degree because “his subsequent training as an astronaut more than made up for the deficiency in the subject of heat transfer.”
Vomit sink
Apparently vomit sinks are fairly common in German bars, where they go by various names: Kotzbecken, Speibecken, Expektorierbecken, or Pabst.
Meet the Mangalitsa: the Hungarian Sheep-Dog-Pig of Your Dreams
Do you love dogs, sheep, and pigs (not necessarily in that order)? Well, get ready for this: the Mangalitsa is a Hungarian breed of pig that looks like a sheep and acts like a dog!
Photo Credit: By Kicsinyul – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
Mangalitsas are all pig, except wooly like sheep. Breeder Wilhelm Kohl also claims these cuties can be pets, telling Modern Farmer, “If you treat them nicely, they’ll become as tame as dogs — they’ll follow you, play with you.”
The pigs are an Austro-Hungarian breed from the 19th century and were prominent until 1950. After the spread of refrigeration and higher demand for imported food, the breed fell out of favor. By 1991, less than 200 remained in Hungary. But heirloom livestock breeding is now a popular hobby, and the numbers of Mangalitsas has swelled to 7,000, with Hungary producing 60,000 piglets a year. The pigs can also be found in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and the United States.
Photo Credit: By Nienetwiler – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
Breeders love them because the pigs love to roam and forage. They have few veterinarian needs and they are…delicious.
Alas, they have a rich, buttery taste and go wholesale for up to $12 per pound. Expect to pay five to seven times that in fancy restaurants like French Laundry in Yountville, CA.
But, you guys, these piggies are also like dogs and so cute.
And even though they look like they are wearing curly sweaters, they are comfortable living anywhere. So if you have a sizable backyard, chain yourself to a desk at the next city council meeting and demand your right to own one. You probably won’t regret it.
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15 Things That Are Socially Acceptable Today But Will be Seen as Backwards and Immoral by Future Generations
Times change. It’s one of the few things you can actually rely on. What may have been totally acceptable a few decades ago might be considered extremely problematic today. Take homophobia, for example. Just a few decades ago, homosexuality was considered a mental illness! Today, we know better, and gay people are seen (by most of us, anyway) as just regular people who love the same sex.
Even though we like to think we’re so advanced and enlightened, the fact is that in 50 years, future generations will look at how we behave now and they’ll think we did some seriously backward things.
Here are what AskReddit users think those things will be.
1. Workaholics
“The insane workaholic culture we have that promotes unhealthy amounts of overtime and getting to work early every day.”
2. A divisive topic
“Allowing children to eat so much sugar.”
3. Noooooooo
“Microwaving fish at the work cafetaria.”
4. I don’t see this ever going away
“Posting pictures of your children on social media.”
5. Gotcha!
“Hyper-politicizing everything. “Gotcha” debates where the aim is just to win the argument rather than actually being right or making sensible points.”
6. No more plastic surgery
“My money is on the current methods of cosmetic surgery. Jamming sacks of fluid in a lady’s chest to create bigger boobs, for instance, seems like something for which there will one day be a better practice.”
7. Enough of that
“Influencers”, or in other words, people expressing an opinion (or worse, being paid to express an opinion) with the intent to influence others.
If I am looking to buy a new product that I am not familiar with, I will look for honest reviews. Unfortunately, honest reviews are virtually impossible to find today – they are either written by the manufacturer themself, or by a paid “customer” (influencer).
The only honest reviews are the negative ones by pissed off customers, but those are also not reilable, since they could be coming from someone who has been paid by a competitor, or just someone who happened to get that one faulty product that slipped through the QA checks.”
8. Wasteful
“Using something as strong and durable as plastic to make packaging destined to be thrown away.”
9. Awful
“Letting businesses pay politicians who are then responsible for setting laws that apply to the businesses.”
10. Do you agree?
“Colleges sucking every fucking dollar out of you that they can. Fucking scam artists.”
11. Bad for your health?
“Social media in general it’s proven that it takes a toll on our mental health but we still use it all the time anyway.”
12. Obsession
“The North American obsession/fetishization with work. European countries already have it figured out that productivity isn’t linear with time worked and 50-80 hour weeks aren’t doing anyone any good.
We’re still stuck with bragging about how little we slept and how many hours we worked this week, when so many of us are probably non or low functioning for many of those hours worked anyway.”
13. Listen to this one
“The idea that it is correct and sustainable for the current generation to borrow from future generations to consume now.
This is a relatively new trend. Perhaps 100 years in the most developed countries. Only beginning in many developing countries. This is why we don’t see the horrible consequences… yet.
Traditional models of economic development were all about savings and deferred consumption. Future generations had more than past generations and it was assumed that this is how they take care of their parents – by having slightly more than they would on their own. There was a general consensus that life is hard and that giving our children a better one is our duty. I eat half as much so that you and your children can eat it all. People were happy that they had it better than their parents and attempted to control their greed for the sake of their children.
Present models of economic development are all about present short term consumption which is financed with money creation. But money creation means that the wealth still has to come from somewhere and it does – from the future. More money creation now stimulates the economy for greater investment in the future which will increase production so that the extra debt can be paid. Unfortunately because there is no way to know how much you can borrow from the future it leads to essentially what is greed because expectations for the future have no restraint in something that we see around us – it is all in the future. Then as a result the future generations have less available to them than past generations and are being increasingly more burdened by economic cost of that which was consumed.
The result is that I want my house and my car and my vacations and my pension at 60 and you can get a student loan and get a job and not live in my house because I didn’t do it when I was your age. Except you did it because you borrowed from the future – that is my future.
Almost nothing of the way we now pay for things in the long term is ethical. The most obvious example is the environment – we are consuming now by leaving environmental debt for our children – but the same is true of welfare as pensions and medical care. We have fewer and fewer children and we both live longer and have greater demands and expectations. This means that our children have to both work harder to have the same standard of living that we had and in the end they are loaded with debt to pay for our welfare.
In the past a child would get inheritance from the parents. Sometimes nothing. But now every child gets a ton of debt and inflation before you get to whatever your parents left you. The national debt, the private debts, consumer debts they all keep growing… Who is going to pay it? Every time the government bails someone out to stave off a complete collapse of the debt-based economy the bill falls on the shoulders of the new generation. How much longer?
We still keep deferring the deadline with more and more money creation and various financial inventions but sooner or later enough people in the world will get on the same “consume now, pay later” scheme that it will crack because there will be nowhere to borrow from or nobody left to exploit and the sheer pressure of everyone wanting to have it will be like a collapsing star.
And there will be no escaping the black hole. Nobody will remember what it meant to just work for a better future for your children. Everyone will be angry that they can’t have it as good as their parents. And remember… the “natural” way of human society is not to have it as good as your parents but better. It is so natural to us as if it has been wired into us by evolution – which makes sense because those whose parents ensured their children’s well-being would be more likely to survive.
And when you can’t have it better. When there is no hope for a better future. Why live? Why let others live…? Why should they have when I can’t? And this is how wars begin.”
14. Here, here!
“I really hope this extremely polarizing political climate is seen as backwards and immoral in the future.”
15. Hmmmm
“I think one day some future generation will think “Can you believe they used to just let people drive these multi ton metal boxes at high speeds? They just accepted car accidents and traffic as a fact of life.”
I think this even now when I’m doing 80-85 mph on the highway and I look over and the driver next to me is doing the same speed while looking at their phone.”
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This Viral Math Trick Has Everyone Wondering “How Did I Never Learn This??!”
For those of you who constantly struggle with math, take heart: this simple trick has been making the rounds on the internet, and it makes it insanely easy to calculate percentages.
Most of us use calculators now to do things like percentages, and if I asked you to do 4% of 75 in your head, you’d probably just keep scrolling until I told you the answer. According to Ben here, though, there’s a super easy way to simplify percentages.
Not my way of going like, okay I can do 10% and 1% so maybe just do halfway between that minus a bit and voila 4%-ish!
No. “Maths whizz” Ben Stephens can help you get the actual answer, so hold onto your seats.
The answer is 3 – which is a lot easier when you’re trying to get 75% of 4 rather than 4% of 75.
Image Credit: Twitter
“18% of 50 feels hard to calculate,” Ben wrote. “But 50% of 18 is a doddle, right?”
Because both answers are 9.
While there were a few mathematicians out there living up to their reputations…
Image Credit: Twitter
Image Credit: Twitter
Most people were thrilled and amazed and all of the proper responses to such a trick.
This sounds like something everyone should ideally have known in high school but I’m today years old when I realized I can’t think in even basic math
— Sandhya Ramesh (@sandygrains) March 5, 2019
— The Power Principle (back in production) (@NewMutant) March 5, 2019
My calculator just blew up
— Nigel Daniel (@Nobbydaniel8) March 11, 2019
Whoa…I teach Maths at primary level and had never realised this.
50% blown away/50% going DOH!— Magical Maths Notts (@MathsNotts) March 6, 2019
It is a rational equation, but not having thought about it in the first place…well let’s say I don’t feel as the most clever person in the room right now.
(@DjaidaouiKamal) March 8, 2019
Did you know how to do this? I sure didn’t, and now I feel like a maths whizz too!
Or a math whizz, as we say here in the States.
Either way.
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If Jesus Wasn’t Around, Who Else Would You Want to Take the Wheel?
It might sound funny, but that’s the exact question someone posed on Reddit, and the 15 people below come up with some truly interesting answers!
#1. In that order.
“Jewish God, Allah, and then Tom Cruise, in that order.”
#2. There’s always one.
“Jesus doesn’t know how to drive, the car was invented after he died. I would not want him driving my car.”
#3. Never be afraid.
“The Vengeful ghost of Dale Earnhardt.
Edit: thanks for the gold and silver strangers, never be afraid to bring the vengeful ghost of someone you have a childhood photo with into reddit.”
#4. As long as it’s not Hammond.
As long as it’s not Hammond, I’ll probably be ok
E: 15 hours in and I’ve been guilded and at over 6k upvotes. Reddit, you’ve made my day. :D”
#5. Trust him to save your life.
“If there’s anyone that I can entrust to save my life, it’s Terry Crews.”
#6. A story about a dude.
There’s a story about a dude in ancient Greece falling in a river and being swept by the current and between gasps of air he’s begging the goddess Athena to help him.
Athena appears right next to him and tells him that she’ll help, but he also has to start swimming as well.
It’s the myth behind the saying ‘Συν Αθηνά και χείρα κίνει’ (along with Athena’s help you should also move your arms), meaning you should also try to help yourself, not just rely on higher powers.”
#7. All those arms.
“Vishnu. All those arms, he’s probably a good driver.
Apologies to any Hindu Redditors who take offense to that quip.”
#8. For about a year now.
“Joe Pesci. I’ve been praying to Joe for about a year now.”
#9. A person of culture.
(Thanks for the Silver! You’re clearly a person of culture.)”
#10. Only happy accidents.
“Bob Ross. Because there is only happy accidents Edit: This comment have made half of my total karma. Thank you, strangers.”
#11. Infinite wisdom.
“Keanu Reeves. keanu’s supernatural power exceeds that of all others mentioned in this thread, I know at least one person who frequently dreams of his infinite wisdom.”
#12. He seems qualified.
“Jason Statham. he seems qualified.”
#13. Either or.
“Mario (I’ll take “Andretti” or “The Plumber”)
Pass on Balati.”
#14. He really likes steering wheels.
“Kimi Räikkönen, he really likes steering wheels.
Wow, thanks for the silver :)”
#15. You knew someone was going there.
“Ricky Bobby.”
Mine? I’d have to go with Mr. Rogers. I feel like he’s a guy you could trust to steer your life nice and steady until you were ready to jump back in.
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Linguistic Maps Highlight How Americans Say Things Differently Across the Country
In case you weren’t aware: America is a HUGE place. Having driven all over the ap when I was younger, I can tell you that it’s truly surprising how vast our nation is.
With that large landmass comes various regional dialects. People in Boston speak differently than people in Mississippi. The folks in North Dakota sound a heck of a lot different than the citizens of Texas. And so on and so on.
These nifty maps show some of the differences in how Americans say things.
1. This one gets people worked up
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
2. Where to put the rubbish?
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
3. Which do you prefer?
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
4. Garage sale is dominant
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
5. Hey y’all!
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
6. What do you call your footwear?
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
7. And finally, how many syllables are there in “caramel”?
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
8. Eastbound and Down, loaded up and truckin’
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
9. I love “bubbler”
Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest
Pop, soda, or Coke? That’ll really get a heated debate started…
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If Driving and Shooting Real Tanks is Your Idea of a Great Vacation, We Got You
If you’ve always been itching to drive, shoot, and handle real war tanks, a south Texas ranch might just be the ideal destination for your next vacation.
Around 100 miles west of San Antonio, a post on an 18,000 acre ranch allows holiday-makers to handle tanks through courses or over old vehicles. Other activities at DriveTanks, include shooting mortars and firing machine guns.
Photo Credit: Instagram
Former active duty Green Beret and Houston police officer Todd Digidio conceived the idea of providing tanks and guns for the unique experience of operating them as they were originally designed.
His collection includes American, Russian and German tanks, anti-tank guns, mortars and machine guns from every period and country.
Photo Credit: Instagram
After a little training, participants are set to satisfy all their adrenaline-junkie desires – perhaps a drive and shoot on the 1944 Sherman tank, the same model featured in the Brad Pitt film Fury. The one at DriveTanks is the only fully operational Sherman E8 left in the world.
Photo Credit: Instagram
Fun this powerful comes with a price tag. Set-up and shoot one of the big guns, like a U.S. 105 mm Howitzer from WWII, for a few hundred dollars. Fire some rounds on the machine gun of your choice for about the same. Or go whole hog with a tank and track package that will set you back about $3000. All-inclusive lodging is available on site too.
Guests have said having access to all this incredible firepower is better than any roller coaster. So, if you’re burned out on crowded amusement parks and boring beaches, get in touch with these guys about a day crushing cars on a Chieftan MK6 tank. All ages welcome.
Photo Credit: Instagram
Because the best RNR is smoke in the air and dirt in your hair.
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