If These Snaps Don’t Make You Laugh, Do You Even Deserve Snapchat?

Snapchat is all the rage nowadays, maybe because it’s got an innate ability to bring out the funniest in people. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

1. Kevin?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. Crack kills

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Sooo many things that look like other things

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Wouldn’t you be?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. The birbs

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. The horror

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Comedic gold

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Oh no, not the lasaaaga…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. O__O

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Exactly

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. That kid is goin places

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Hopefully now you understand even a fraction of the power of Snapchat. Because, as I said earlier, if you don’t appreciate the snaps… YOU DON’T DESERVE THE SNAPS.

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10 Times We Definitely Entered a Strange Parallel Universe

Do you believe in coincidences? I think we all do to an extent… and yet, there are some coincidences that are so bizarre that you start looking around and thinking “Wtf, am I in some kind of parallel universe or something?

1. But the worst day of all was when someone had to create SandwichBoy SquareBob…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Because this stupid cat killed the real SpongeBob.

(RIP Stephen Hillenburg)

I can’t believe someone actually praised that cat.

3. That thing that no one else saw coming

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. That time when THIS happened

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. When this person’s keyboard was invaded by The X-Files…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. That time a customer request was actually honored

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. Followed by this ‘eye than meeets the more’ moment

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. And THIS

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. And then there was this blasphemous occurrence

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. And this abomination of the human/animal code

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Rest in peace, Spongebob. Rest in peace.

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10 of the Most Badass Names for Street Gang Names of the 19th Century

You may not know it, but street gangs have been around for a long, long time. They were even the central theme of Martin Scorsese’s Gangs of New York.

While the main gang featured in that film was called The Dead Rabbits (which is an awesome name), they were hardly the only ones running the streets at the time. As a matter of fact, there were plenty of 19th-century gangs with colorful names, many of whom operated in New York’s notorious Five Points neighborhood.

Photo Credit: Public Domain

Here are 10 that roamed the streets many years ago.

1. Crazy Butch Gang

A gang of teen pickpockets.

2. Molasses Gang

These boys used to bet a shopkeeper he wouldn’t fill up a hat with molasses. When the poor fool did, they’d slap the hat on his head and take all his money.

3. Tub of Blood Bunch

Photo Credit: Public Domain

This gang made the Tub of Blood bar their headquarters and they worked the East River waterfront.

4. Yakey Yakes

The leader was called him “Yake” (mistaken for “Jake”) by a German immigrant and the name stuck.

5. Plug Uglies

Photo Credit: Public Domain

The Plug Uglies were active in New York City and Baltimore and played a prominent role in the 1863 Draft Riots in New York.

6. Kerryonians

Made up of Irishmen from County Kerry.

7. Boodle Gang

They were known to hijack wagons and raid food stores.

8. Corcoran’s Roosters

This crew was known to rob cargo ships. Also known as the Charlton Street Gang.

9. Daybreak Boys

Possibly the coolest name ever for a gang. Like many other gangs of this time period, they worked the waterfront in New York.

10. Baxter Street Dudes

Photo Credit: Public Domain

This gang of thieves consisted of teenagers who formerly worked as newsboys or shoe shiners. They also ran a theater where they performed. You could say they were multi-talented.

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There’s a Japanese Island Full of Tiny Flying Squirrels, and It’s Just Not Fair

If you live in a city in the U.S., your opinion of squirrels probably amounts to “rats with bushy tails.” That might sound kinda mean, but honestly, it’s not that far off from the truth. However, squirrels as an animal are actually pretty cute, especially these rare tiny squirrels that live only on one island in Japan.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @jmcaninch68

Animal lovers, meet the Ezo momonga, aka the Japanese dwarf flying squirrel. A few quick facts: They are extremely small, with very big eyes. They can fly-ish (!!!). And they only live on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido because of course they do.

It’s unlikely that you’ll ever see a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel for yourself, unless you happen to live in Hokkaido. Luckily, though, there are a ton of squeal-worthy pictures online.

Photo Credit: Diply

These creatures are small enough to curl up into the palm of your hand, and they “fly” basically by gliding from tree to tree. They munch on tree bark, seeds, and nuts, and they often hang upside down while doing so.

Ezo momonga inhabit the holes in pine and spruce trees. Sometimes they poke their heads out like this, just to make your day better, I guess!!!

Photo Credit: Diply

Unlike many other rare animals, Japanese dwarf flying squirrels are not endangered in the slightest. They are doing very well – thriving, even. Seeing as there are apparently plenty to go around… Maybe we can just trade some of our terrible American squirrels for these freaking adorable ones?


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Mysterious Skeleton of Powerful Viking Warrior Confirmed to be Female

Back in 1878, archaeologists came across a Viking burial chamber in an important trade center known as Birka. Judging by the way the body had bee placed into the grave, they assessed that it must have belonged to a prominent Viking warrior.

The body was found buried with their weapons, fancy clothes, and two horses. The assumption at the time was that the remains must have been those of a man,but a DNA study concluded that the remains were biologically female.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Critics of the findings argued that the weapons could have belonged to her husband or that there could have been two skeletons in the grave and the analysis was done on the wrong one. They argued that thinking that women were Viking warriors is wishful thinking and that we don’t have enough historical evidence to support the claim.

Researchers, though, are defending their findings in the journal Antiquity, saying the remains buried in the chamber are “unassailably female.” They confirm that there was only one skeleton in the grave, so they couldn’t have mixed up the remains, and asserted that all documentation was correct.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

“Grave Bj.581 had only one human occupant,” confirms Professor Neil Price to IFLScience. “An extra thigh-bone in the Bj.581 museum storage box – much hyped by our online critics – is clearly labeled as coming from another grave and had just been misplaced in the wrong box (the possibility of which is why bones are labeled to begin with!).”

He also continues to make an even finer point:

“To those who do take issue, we suggest that it is not supportable to react only now, when the individual has been shown to be female, without explaining why neither the warrior interpretations nor any supposed source-critical factors were a problem when the person in Bj.581 was believed to be male.”

Ideas about gender, of course, are not set in stone and vary between cultures, so it’s fair to say the skeleton could belong to a person who was both a female and a warrior, and also to accept the fact that being a woman might not have meant the same thing in that culture as it does in ours today.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Professor Price agrees.

“The body’s XX chromosomes revealed in the genomic study provide an unambiguously female sex determination, but the gender of the Bj.581 individual is a different matter. There is, of course, a broad spectrum of possibilities, many of them involving contested contemporary terminologies that can also be problematic to apply to people of the past.”

The archaeologists on the study expect that, in the future, we’ll probably find more and more Viking Age female warriors, whether they’re new finds or reassessments of remains already catalogued.

The future – and the past – is female, it would seem.

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15+ Insane Tabloid Stories That Need to More Explanation

Tabloids are absolutely insane – they were the original clickbait, so you know there’s always some truly ridiculous headlines to be found.

But as jaded as we’ve become to crazy headlines, there are definitely some that demand explanation. Immediately.

1. She’s always baked though

Photo Credit: Tumblr

2. Peppa Pig has destroyed plenty of people – what makes you so special

Photo Credit: Tumblr

3. Tell us, Jeff.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

4. WOW. Don’t ever piss off Linda. Jesus.

Photo Credit: Dolly

5. Important question

Photo Credit: Imgur

6. Wait…

Photo Credit: Tumblr

7. UGH trees are such high maintenance cuz they always have wood

Photo Credit: Tumblr

8. Tracy!

Photo Credit: Tumblr

9. ‘IT WAS POO’ … O__O

Photo Credit: Tumblr

10. Ok then.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Hmmm… I wonder

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. I am too at this point

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. That’s probably best for everyone

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

15. This comes as a surprise, or…?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

16. Good chat.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

17. How would you even know that

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

18. ‘Mr. Checked Shirt’? AYFKM

Photo Credit: Dolly


Photo Credit: Dolly

You know what? I changed my mind. I don’t want an explanation. For any of it.

Just forget I said anything.

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Mom Shares the Petty Revenge Her 9-Year-Old Got on a ‘Fake Friend’, and It’s GOLD

I’ve always believed that it’s so important to have good parents who help you understand the difference between right and wrong, and who have your back when things get rough.

That’s what happened when this Redditor was called into her daughter’s school after an incident. While she was ready to defend her baby tooth and nail, it turns out the young lady had already handled her problem in a rather admirable way.

Here’s the full story:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Oh snap! That is priceless!

Naturally, other Redditors delighted in the way the little girl handled the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Others also pointed out that the principal’s handling of the situation left a lot to be desired.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Have you ever had a situation like this? How did you handle it?

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These 15+ Pictures Prove There’s a F*$#ing Karen Around Every Corner

Life is hard, people, so why do some people feel the need to make it harder? Seriously, there’s just a “type” of person who will always try to create trouble, ready to call the manager for the smallest complaint.

The absolute last thing anyone needs is an uppity middle-aged lady with a Kate Gosselin haircut calling the manager every time someone farts in the wrong direction. These people are known as Karens. Don’t be like Karen.

1. Please return to the alto section, Karens.

Photo Credit: TheChive

2. That’s so Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

3. Karens in their natural habitat…

Photo Credit: TheChive


Photo Credit: TheChive

5. Patience, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

6. You’ll have to wait, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

7. Why do you think, Karen?

Photo Credit: TheChive

8. Can you not, Karen?

Photo Credit: TheChive


Photo Credit: TheChive

10. Stop being so dumb, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

11. How’s that espresso with Red Bull treating you, Karen?

Photo Credit: TheChive

12. I AM the manager, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

13. Jaden called while you were at Pottery Barn, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

14. This is not a f$#*ing game, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

15. Stay tf in your lane, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

16. And now it’s your turn to die, Karen.

Photo Credit: TheChive

17. Come on, Karen! (see what I did there, Karen?)

Photo Credit: TheChive

18. What did you do today, Karen?

Photo Credit: TheChive

This is Karen.

Don’t be like Karen.

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Brilliant Twitter Thread Shows Why Men Should Think Twice Before Letting ‘The One’ Get Away

There are so many reasons not to fully commit to someone. When I say “commit,” I don’t just mean updating your relationship status on Facebook – I’m talking about really wanting to make a life with someone. It’s a tricky thing: maybe you’re too young for a relationship, or you rushed into it, or you have very different goals, or maybe you just want to keep having sex with other people.

Things eventually get sour and you guys split up (or they get tired of you bulls*** and dump you), but you stay friends. Maybe they even agree that there’s a chance you can get back together if you put in the work on improving yourself. She’ll come back, right?


Your perfect woman will not be there for you because she was already “grieving your loss,” while you were acting like a jerk. Once she’s done…she’s done. She will move on. Scientific Twitter Research has shown this to be true.

Twitter user Rev Rell give us some background information on her friend who let “the one” get away.

Photo Credit: Twitter

But did he do any sort of soul-searching to figure out what he really wanted? Spoiler: no.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The fact that his former girlfriend had actually moved on surprised him. Why? Dunno.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Oh, dear. A misunderstanding. She probably couldn’t make herself clear because she was too busy hurling his shit out the window.

Photo Credit: Twitter

So, just want to put this out there now: Stalking is not romantic.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Not suprisingly, other Twitter-ites agreed.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Such a good friend and so much good stuff here. ARE YOU TAKING NOTES??

Photo Credit: Twitter

Basically he needs her to make him a better man for someone else.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Take people for granted much?

Photo Credit: Twitter

The cloistered nun convent must have been closed.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Is six months in the breakup handbook?

Photo Credit: Twitter

It’s perfectly acceptable to cry at weddings.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I bet hearing this guy whine about losing the girl has been a real pleasure for all his friends.

Photo Credit: Twitter

These are things people need to know.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Real love advice on Twitter. Appreciate the people that love you and never take them for granted. And, if you did lose, then lose gracefully and let her find happiness.

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14 of the Funniest Things That Shouldn’t Have Happened, but Did

Sometimes life gets weird, y’all. Things happen that make you go “No f***ing way, is that for real?” The best is when something like that happens and someone actually manages to capture it on film for the rest of us!

1. (✿◠‿◠)

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Well, honesty is the best policy… gotta set an example for that newborn

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. ME

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Stop milking it, Craig.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. OH.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Don’t feel bad – people who live there can’t spell it either

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Business plan: find good product, copy product name, remove one syllable, sell ‘new’ product

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Ahead of the game

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. #karma

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Never see em comin

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. My bet’s on the teacher’s aide

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Gurl same

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. I’ll never recover from this one

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

You wanna know the best thing about this glorious photo list? I already know what to be grateful for next Thanksgiving. It has literally simplified my life already.

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