5 DIY Mason Jar Recipes That Will Keep Your Summer Bug-Free

My husband loves to be outdoors – fishing, hiking, mushroom hunting, you name it. Our young son seems to be following in his footsteps, which means I’ve been spending quite a bit of time sitting on my front porch and watching him play (and also saying “we don’t eat rocks/chalk/mulch/etc”).

Being someone who enjoys a warm ray of sunshine and a slight summer breeze myself, I don’t mind. But it sure is more pleasant when I don’t have to spend the entire time either covered in stinky bug spray or constantly swatting pests.

Which is why these 5 DIY, bug-repelling mason jars have saved my summer – and they could do the same for yours, too!

#5. All Bugs Beware

Photo Credit: Pixabay

This concoction can get a little intense, so make sure to lean away from it while you mix it up!

Start with just a Mason jar lid and 1oz of a carrier oil (like coconut or olive), then add 1 drop of the following essential oils: citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, cypress, and myrtle. Add water to fill up the Mason jar lid and leave it near where you congregate outside.

#4. DIY Citronella

Photo Credit: Brightside

Fill your mason jar with water, half of a sliced lemon, and half of a sliced lime. Then, add 5 drops of the following essential oils: lemon, eucalyptus, and citronella. Don’t mix them. Then add 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary and a floating candle to the top. Light it and voila! No more mosquitoes!

#3. Woodsy and Effective

Photo Credit: Instagram

Take a whole Mason jar and drip in 10 drops each of cedarwood, lavender, lemon, and catnip essential oils, then add 1 sliced lemon and 1 sliced lime and several sprigs of rosemary. Add your water and candle and watch the bugs – all types – avoid you like the plague for a change!

#2. Lavender Instead

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you don’t love citrus, try adding 15 drops of lavender essential oil, 3-4 tbsp of vanilla extract, and 3-4 tbsp of lemon juice, then filling your jar with water. Add a floating candle for ambiance if you want!

#1. Got Flies?

Photo Credit: Instagram

Not anymore! Just fill a Mason jar with water, throw in a penny and put it where the jar catches some sunlight. The glinting actually drives away flies by mimicking a threat, so they won’t come near.


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These 5 Morning Habits Can Jumpstart Your Weight Loss

A good morning sets the mood for the rest of the day, and that includes setting the tone for the way we eat. According to science, our morning rituals can even influence whether our lunch is big or small, and whether or not the body will use calories or store them “just in case.”

Bottom line? Our habits can cause weight gain – or promote weight loss.

#5. Drink a glass of water before breakfast.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Our bodies are 55%-60% water, so drinking a glass right after you wake up has some crazy benefits, like jump-starting your metabolism for the day. It also flushes out toxins and, according to this experiment, helps reduce body fat.

#4. Eat a big breakfast.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The time we eat is more important than what we eat, say scientists from Tel Aviv University, who proved that people who eat a big breakfast and a light dinner have a much easier time losing and/or maintaning their weight.

Why? Your metabolism speed varies according to the time of day – higher at the outset and slowing as you go. So, ideally, you’d have a high-calorie breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a light dinner.

#3. Don’t read the news in the morning.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Long-term stress turns stem cells into fat cells, says research out of Stanford University. Stress causes the body to produce adaptation hormones, which in turn promotes the practice of “storing calories” in case we need them later. The body only stops when the stressful situation ends, so if you’re constantly stressing yourself first thing in the morning but trying to lose weight, you might be fighting a losing battle.

#2. Walk in the sun.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Yes, even when it’s cold outside! Researchers at the University of Alberta conducted an experiment that proved lipids decrease in size when exposed to sunlight – basically, sunlight literally burns white fat tissue.

#1. Adopt a pet.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Not only will you be saving a life, but research shows that people with pets tend to be happier and better able to control their weight. They’re also known to have a positive impact on your emotional health, which means you might reach for a cuddle instead of a cookie (or ten) to improve your mood!

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These Digitally Restored Images of 5 Famous Historical Ruins Look Incredible

As amazing as it is to wander through the amazing ruins of the ancient world, it can be hard to visualize what they might have looked like in all of their painted, jewel-encrusted fineries. Luckily, one of the cool things we can do these days with digital devices is to re-imagine and digitally restore these old buildings, allowing people to get a glimpse of what they might have looked like brand-new.

These images are awe-inspiring, truly, and I, for one, wish once again that time travel were possible.

#5. Lower Terrace, Masada (Masada, Israel)

Josephus Flavius, a governor of Galilee and Roman historian, told of the fortress of Masada that was built by Herod the Great between 37 and 31 B.C.E. The ruins stand atop an isolated rock cliff overlooking the Dead Sea, which is beautiful on its own, and featured three terraces.

The image only imagines what the lower terrace, reserved for entertainment and relaxation, would have looked like in its heyday, covered by frescoes and gilded columns.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#4. Domus Aurea Octagonal Court (Rome, Italy)

Emperor Nero’s “Golden House” was constructed between 65 and 68 C.E. and played host to his lavish parties and banquets. Roman historian Suetonius describes the building as a “circular banquet hall which revolved incessantly, day and night, like the heavens” and also goes into detail regarding gem-encrusted walls, ivory and mother-of-pearl decorations, and ceilings that showered guests with flowers and perfumes.

The following image was created from his account.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#3. Angkor Wat (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

This complex housed a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu and took around 30 years to construct. At the end of the 12th century it was converted to a Buddhist temple and is one of the world’s largest religious buildings. The massive building is home to elevated towers, porches, and different levels of courtyards linked by a series of stairways.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

#2. The Parthenon (Athens, Greece)

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

The Parthenon was built in the mid-5th century and housed a golden statue of Athena. It was over 12 meters high and contained about 1,140 kilos of gold and ivory.

#1. Roman Baths (Bath, England)

The bathhouse was constructed around 70C.E., as the baths were an important part of life in Ancient Rome. Citizens congregated there to mingle, gossip, and relax in the geothermally heated water. The roof is long gone, but it was originally an impressively high and barrel-vaulted.

Photo Credit: My Voucher Codes

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Check out These Amazing Images of What Your Favorite Cartoon Characters Might Look like in Their Old Age

Russian artist Lesya Guseva has given us all a great gift – the ability to visualize what some of our favorite Marvel, Disney, and DC characters will look like as they enter their golden years. And even if you think that’s something you’ve never wanted, I promise…you just didn’t know it until now.

#10. Ariel

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#9. Thor

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#8. Batman

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#7. The Flash

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#6. Snow White and Captain America

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#5. Supergirl and Wonder Woman

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#4. Iron Man

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#3. Catwoman

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#2. Mickey and Minnie

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

#1. Deadpool

Photo Credit: Lesya Guseva

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These Hilarious Comics Show That Dads Change After Kids, Too

Weng Chen, a mother and the illustrator behind The Messycow comics, decided it was high time people saw how parenthood changes men as well as women.

“I don’t have big chunks of time to work, it’s always a couple hours in between chores and taking care of the kids,” she told Bored Panda. “But it’s fun and meaningful to document my children’s growth, as well as mine.”


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

Poop Stuff.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Image Credit: The Messycow

Shopping trips.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

Eating in the car.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

And there you have it!

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15 Hilarious Photos of Cats High on Catnip

These pictures, taken by photographer Andrew Martilla, are so much fun, and they’ll kind of sort of make you want to say “I’ll have what that kitty is having.”

Maybe that’s just me, but maybe not… Take a look!


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila

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15 Hilarious Photos of Cats High on Catnip

These pictures, taken by photographer Andrew Martilla, are so much fun, and they’ll kind of sort of make you want to say “I’ll have what that kitty is having.”

Maybe that’s just me, but maybe not… Take a look!


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila


Photo Credit: Andrew Marttila

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15 Totally Epic Items Stored at the Smithsonian

After seeing Night at the Museum and watching Bones for several years, I have to say that it didn’t surprise me to learn that there are some pretty cool things stored in the Smithsonian Museum. That said, I didn’t realize how epic some of them actually were until now.

#15. Unknown political prisoner.

Photo Credit: American Art

I can’t stop staring.

#14. This filing cabinet…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Where Phyllis Diller kept her jokes.

#13. This waste collection system…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Used onboard NASA’s space shuttles.

#12. A wooden clock.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Yes, the sheet is carved from wood, too.

#11. The skeleton of anthropologist Grover Krantz.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And his dog, Clyde.

#10. Giant, glowing mushrooms.

Photo Credit: Instagram

They expand and contract when you step on their pads.

#9. A missile system…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Guided by pigeons.

#8. The original C-3PO and R2-D2 droids.

Photo Credit: Facebook

From 1983’s Return of the Jedi.

#7. The Woolworth’s lunch counter where a sit-in protest happened.

Photo Credit: Facebook

It was to challenge racial inequality in the South.

#6. The very first Macintosh computer.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Before they were Apple.

#5. The preamble to the Constitution…

Photo Credit: Imgur

Spelled out in license plates.

#4. The Remington Self-Check Kit

Photo Credit: Twitter

A home pregnancy test created in the 1970s.

#3. A box of glass eyes.

Photo Credit: Facebook

From before WWII.

#2. A dead parrot collection.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Why? Who knows.

#1. The world’s first frozen margarita machine.

Photo Credit: Facebook

This is important stuff!

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How You Can Be One of the 8% of People Who Always Reaches Their Goals

According to recent studies, a full 92% of people don’t reach the goals they set for themselves. The secret to the success of the 8%? It lies in their ability to set clear, correct goals at the outset.

For a few example,s you can apply to your own life, read on!

First off, use the acronym SMART when setting your goals. It helps you remember that they should be:

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Specific: Instead of saying “start working out” say “do one exercise video” or “jog one mile.”

Measurable: Quantify your goals. If you want to lose weight, specify how much and in what length of time.

Achievable: There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, but you’re more likely to meet a goal that has a number or time-frame attached to it – “earn $20k more than last year” is better than “earn more money.”

Relevant: Make your goals so that they fit into your life so you’ll be more likely to attempt/accomplish them. Instead of making it a goal to simply meet other people who enjoy the things you do, say that you’re going to join a book club or hiking club or take a cooking class – whatever applies.

and Timebound: This should be obvious, but we’re way more likely to meet goals that have firm time limits attached. You want to learn German by your 28th birthday and your reward is a trip to Germany. Etc.

For a different tact, you can try these 12 proven steps by Canadian life coach Brian Tracy. Many of the underlying principles are the same, but steps work better for some people when it comes to conceptualizing and execution.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

  1. Get a burning desire to reach your goal.
  2. Convince yourself it can be done.
  3. Write it down.
  4. Write down the pros or benefits of accomplishing your goal.
  5. Make a timeline – where are you starting and where the finish line is.
  6. Set a deadline to accomplish your goal.
  7. List out possible obstacles so you can head them off as best as possible.
  8. Research – do you need any training/information that will help you on your way?
  9. Find people to help/mentor you.
  10. Make a to-do list that is as detailed as possible.
  11. Spend some time visualizing how you will feel/what it will look like to reach your goal.
  12. Make a decision – right from the start – not to give up until you get there.

There are other methods out there if you’re still not sure these will be easy to implement, but we’ve gotten you started! The bottom is line you have to have a clear, strong vision of what you want to accomplish, believe that you can get it done, and then set a solid path with a marked finish line to help you get there.

Good luck!

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5 Carbs That Can Actually Help You Lose Weight

There are a ton of fad diets out there, and a bunch of them claim to show you the path to weight loss (and sometimes nirvana, apparently) by completely giving up carbs. Which is silly to me, since carbs are actually the path to nirvana, in this girl’s opinions, but it also turn out that science has something else to say about carbs altogether.

Which is that they’re not evil, they’re part of a healthy, balanced diet, and we can’t actually survive without them.

So, if you’re wanting to lose weight and stay healthy, here are 5 carbs that can help you do it.

#5. Mushrooms

Photo Credit: Pixabay

They pack a lot of nourishment into very few calories, which makes them an ideal diet food. Use them to stock up on amino acids, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and vitamins B, C, and D.

#4. Chickpeas

Photo Credit: Pixabay

They contain protein and great amino acids that help promote a proper metabolism. Not only that, but you guys – hummus!

Nutritionists recommend replacing products high in saturated fats with chickpeas if you’re looking to drop pounds.

#3. Wild Rice

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Wild rice is an aquatic grass, not a grain, and contains huge amounts of fiber, protein, and tryptophan. Don’t eat too much of it or you’ll be snoozing on the couch by 8pm!

#2. Corn

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The protein and vitamins it contains promote healthy skin, hair, and nail in addition to contributing to fat burning and a boost of fiber.

Protip: Mixing corn and beans, both of which contain resistant starch, a carb that dodges digestion, can make it even easier to lose weight.

#1. Pasta

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Yes, you can have pasta! Rejoice! Make sure it’s whole grain, because it contains complex carbs that give us energy and clean us of toxins in the process. Bonus points if you cook it al denteĀ to preserve more of the good stuff.

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