Bananas Have Natural Chemicals That Can Make You Happier

Contrary to popular opinion bananas are not just monkey fodder. They are actually very good for you helping with digestion, boosting our brains, alleviating morning sickness, offering protection against diabetes, kidney cancer, osteoporosis and macular degeneration. You can even use them around the home with a number of useful hacks. If you’re feeling stressed, eating a banana can help to make you feel happier due to the high levels of tryptophan which, when converted to serotonin, produces stress-busting relaxation. Being high in potassium, a banana also helps to reduce your blood pressure which helps prevent heart-attacks and stroke. In addition,

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Thomas Jefferson used a razor…

Thomas Jefferson used a razor to cut passages from the New Testament and literally pasted them together into what is now known as the Jefferson Bible, currently on display at the Smithsonian. He felt the focus should be on Jesus’ life and moral teachings, not inexplicable miracles. 51

Thomas Jefferson used a razor…

Thomas Jefferson used a razor to cut passages from the New Testament and literally pasted them together into what is now known as the Jefferson Bible, currently on display at the Smithsonian. He felt the focus should be on Jesus’ life and moral teachings, not inexplicable miracles. 00

Pre-dissolution Soviet comedians…

Pre-dissolution Soviet comedians had to have all their jokes approved by the Department of Humor. Jokes about politics, religion, and sex were banned, which left mostly jokes about animals. 50

Pre-dissolution Soviet comedians…

Pre-dissolution Soviet comedians had to have all their jokes approved by the Department of Humor. Jokes about politics, religion, and sex were banned, which left mostly jokes about animals. 00

Cuddling before bed helps the brain to relax

Research has shown that having a cuddle before dropping off to sleep really can help you get a good night’s rest, but why is this so effective and what if you don’t have a cuddle partner? This seems to be very much about Oxytocin – also known as the “happy hormone”. Cuddling makes us feel happy and more relaxed as our brains release oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, all of which help to stave off depression and increase our feelings of well-being, along with enhancing our connectedness to the person we are cuddling and improving our relationship with that person. But

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British Police would like you to be on the lookout for this man

As posted on the (verified) Twitter account of Warwickshire Police on April 3, this gentleman is on the run. We can confirm that this is real … it’s serious as a woman was victim of a horrible crime. Hopefully the attention will mean we identify the offender/bring him to justice quicker If you see him, […]

British Police would like you to be on the lookout for this man

As posted on the (verified) Twitter account of Warwickshire Police on April 3, this gentleman is on the run. We can confirm that this is real … it’s serious as a woman was victim of a horrible crime. Hopefully the attention will mean we identify the offender/bring him to justice quicker If you see him, […]