There is the art movement called…

There is the art movement called Accidentalism, in which a portrait is painted first, and only after the work is done a person is looked for that looks like the one in the painting. There are still portraits that have not found a subject yet. 10

The alignment of planets…

The alignment of planets in our solar system that allowed us to launch Voyager spacecraft out of our solar system at the speed it went only happens once every 176 years. “The last time this happened, Thomas Jefferson was president, and he blew it.” — Tom Paine, Former NASA Administrator 10

Mark Zuckerberg was sued by…

Mark Zuckerberg was sued by 3 reporters from the Crimson, after Zuckerberg hacked into their email accounts to monitor the investigation against him. He used their invalid logins on, to zero in on their email passwords. 10

Boustrophedon or “Ox-Turning” is the method

Boustrophedon or “Ox-Turning” is the method of writing, common in the ancient times. Writers used to write left-to-right on one line and right-to-left (mirrored) on the next line, alternating each line until the end of the writing. This method proved to be read easier, than today. 10

A programmer at Apple kept working…

A programmer at Apple kept working for three months after his project was canceled, simply because he thought the work was interesting and wanted to finish. Apple employees helped his cause by sneaking him into the building, and the project (a graphing calculator) was successfully released. 40

A programmer at Apple kept working…

A programmer at Apple kept working for three months after his project was canceled, simply because he thought the work was interesting and wanted to finish. Apple employees helped his cause by sneaking him into the building, and the project (a graphing calculator) was successfully released. 00