Ken Allen, an orangutan became famous for escaping from his enclosure at the San Diego Zoo 3 times in the 1980’s. He would peacefully stroll around the zoo looking at other animals and never acted aggressively. Other animals even followed his lead and began escaping, too. 00
Some roads in Australia are so long and boring they…
Some roads in Australia are so long and boring they have trivia signs to keep drivers alert. 00
The History of Nintendo Consoles
Since 1983, Nintendo has sold more than 4.4 billion video games and over 703 million hardware units. The company was founded on 23rd September 1889 in Kyoto, Japan by Fusajiro Yamauchi. They started out manufacturing playing cards and later printed them with Disney characters. This came a long time before they began developing video games. Here is a list of every video game console Nintendo has released, good and bad. Color-TV Game (1977-1979) Most people would say the first Nintendo console was the NES. It was, in fact, the Color TV-game 6 – the 6 referring to the different games
The post The History of Nintendo Consoles appeared first on Factual Facts.
One of the few female physicists on the Manhattan…
One of the few female physicists on the Manhattan Project moved to Communist China afterwards. She spent the rest of her life as a farmer in a small village outside Beijing. 10
If you have served in the military, regardless…
If you have served in the military, regardless of the branch of service, regardless of where you were deployed, and regardless of whether you served during a time of peace or a time of war, you are at a 60% greater risk of dying from ALS (motor neuron disease) and nobody knows why. 10
William James Clark, a two-time felon, was able…
William James Clark, a two-time felon, was able to take command of the I-40 Bridge Disaster scene for two days by impersonating a US Army Captain. After a briefcase belonging to an actual Army captain was recovered from the river, William took possession of it and contacted the officer’s widow on multiple occasions. On May […]
The word “Afghanistanism”, which means the practice of concentrating…
The word “Afghanistanism”, which means the practice of concentrating on problems in distant parts of the world while ignoring controversial local issues, is almost 70 years old. 00
The average attention span for humans seems…
The average attention span for humans seems to have dropped from 12 seconds in the year 2000, to 8 seconds in 2016. 00
Charles Darwin was the first person…
Charles Darwin was the first person to put wheels on an office chair, creating the modern office chair. 00
What are the Health Benefits of Eggs?
Eggs are among my favourite foods. Be it a cheesy omelette, hard-boiled eggs with a side of toast, or the ultimate hors d’oeuvre, deviled eggs, I cannot get enough. Loaded with protein, they serve as an excellent midday pick-me-up on my lunch breaks. Fortunately, my love for eggs isn’t impeded by negative health side effects as eggs tend to be among the healthiest of foods. Some people even go as far as to label them “superfoods”. But, what are the health benefits of eggs, exactly? First, let’s discuss the nutritional value of eggs. Eggs rank high when it comes to
The post What are the Health Benefits of Eggs? appeared first on Factual Facts.