In 2006, skydiver Michael Holmes jumped…

In 2006, skydiver Michael Holmes jumped out of a plane at 15,000 ft. Wearing a helmet camera, his first chute failed, then his reserve, then he waived good-bye before landing in a blackberry bush and surviving. It was one highest falls on record. 00

Joseph Beuys: “I Like America and America Likes Me”

In 1974, German artist Joseph Beuys arrived in America for the first time. Upon landing at the airport, he was transported by ambulance directly to the Rene Block Gallery in New York City. He emerged from the ambulance wrapped in a grey felt blanket and was then placed in a room with a wild coyote […]

Two women tried to smuggle their dead relative…

Two women tried to smuggle their dead relative’s body onto a flight by putting him in a wheelchair and putting sunglasses on him. It was only when airport staff tried to check him in and he wouldn’t respond that suspicions were raised. 10