010517 newsletter

Newsletter Subject: 
Secrets of Paramedics (Plus: Historical Hangover Cures)
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Newsletter Item for (90007): 14 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Paramedics
From the Editors: 
Newsletter Item for (90007): 14 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Paramedics
Newsletter Item for (90477): You Can Be a "Nonresponder" to Some Types of Exercise
Newsletter Item for (90418): 15 Historical Hangover Cures
Newsletter Item for (90499): Baby Dinosaurs Took Months to Hatch, Study Finds
Newsletter Item for (90218): Are These Tiny Robots the Solution to the World's Bee Problem?
Newsletter Item for (90481): Why Can’t You Buy Dippin’ Dots in Grocery Stores?
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Show Off Your Happy Cat Family With These Adorable Car Stickers
Never Gonna Give You Hops: Rick Astley Plans to Launch His Own Beer
No, Scientists Have Not Found a ‘New Organ’
'Star Trek' Fan Builds Klingon Warship Entirely From LEGO Bricks
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Babies are born without kneecaps.

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Thursday, January 5, 2017 – 08:45
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<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Left_knee_xray_(5585922571).jpg" target="_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a> // <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en" target="_blank">CC BY 2.0</a>
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Here’s What a Neanderthal’s Voice Might Have Sounded Like

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Charles Robert Knight via Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain

The sounds of the Stone Age may have been even less dignified than we thought. A vocal expert working with the BBC suggests that Neanderthal vocalizations may have sounded less like low grunts and more like high-pitched shrieks.

Patsy Rodenburg has dedicated her career to understanding and exploring the sounds we make. As vocal coach for Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Nicole Kidman, and Daniel Day-Lewis, Rodenburg is used to coaxing round vowels and resonance out of the human body. But Neanderthal noises required something a little different.

Working from a Neanderthal’s skeletal remains, a team of scientists created physical and virtual models of our prehistoric relative. They used these to extrapolate measurements and estimates of the Neanderthals’ abilities and traits. They also created a model of a Neanderthal throat and showed it, along with the skeleton, to Rodenburg.

She concluded that the shape of the throat, combined with the dimensions of the Neanderthal’s skull and chest, would have produced some very unusual (and “very, very loud”) noises indeed. Check out the video below to see one patient actor re-creating these bizarre sounds.

Rodenburg’s hypothesis has yet to be supported by additional research, but the shrieking-Neanderthal theory is not out of the question. This certainly wouldn’t be the first time we’ve been wrong about Neanderthals. Recent studies have shown they were at least as intelligent as any Homo sapiens they encountered, and that the two species intermixed. They buried their dead and taught their children how to make tools. (All, presumably, while screaming at each other.)

[h/t Atlas Obscura]

January 4, 2017 – 3:30pm