Fellas: Listen up and get your s***t together.
Married women have undoubtedly known this forever, but science has finally confirmed it – having a husband can sometimes feel like having another kid, rather than an equal partner who will help shoulder the load of managing the home and raising the kids.
A recent survey of 7,000 moms across the U.S. asked them to share the reasons behind their daily stress, and guess what? Moms are stressed. Shocker!

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The majority of mothers rate their stress at an 8.5 out of 10, and a whopping 46% of them feel that their husbands cause them more stress than their kids.
“A 7-year-old is going to be a 7-year-old. But a 35-year-old acting like a 7-year-old is more stressful because they should know better,” says mom Deno Fleno.
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