10 Words for Fanciful, Obscure, Batty, Nonexistent Creatures

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Since the days of yore, tales of imaginary creatures have been spread by storytellers, myth-makers, and drunk guys lost in the woods. But not all are as literary as the Bandersnatch or as hairy as the Yeti—some non-existent creatures, like the ones mentioned below, are nearly nonexistent in language as well.


Though one would hope this term referred to a creature one part horse, one part person, and one part hippopotamus, alas: this is simply a synonym for centaur. There’s also an amusing variation that popped up in the early 1600s, described by clergyman Thomas Jackson as “A monstrous Hippocentaurique combination.”


This is an Australian term for a shaggy creature familiar to cryptozoology enthusiasts around the world. A 1980 use from Brisbane’s Courier-Journal suggests a lengthy history: “The ‘yowie’, a large hairy animal similar to the Himalayan yeti and American Big Foot, has existed in Aboriginal folklore for thousands of years.”


Part griffin, part horse, this is one of many hybrid beasts. People have been talking about hippogriffs since the 1600s, and much to my amusement, the term has been used figuratively, like when anything unique is described as a unicorn. In 1837, poet Thomas Carlyle referred to “that wild Hippogryff of a Democracy.” More recently, they’ve been featured in the Harry Potter novels and movies.


At least as old as the early 1900s, this critter—who inspired the name of the NHL team—was memorably discussed in John McPhee’s 1968 book The Pine Barrens: “This creature has been feared in the woods—on a somewhat diminishing scale—from the seventeen–thirties to the present. It is known as Leeds’ Devil, or the Jersey Devil.” As to the origin, McPhee claimed, “A woman named Leeds … had her thirteenth child, and it growed, and one day it flew away. It’s haunted the earth ever since. It’s took pigs right out of pens. And little lambs … The Leeds Devil is a crooked-faced thing, with wings.”


Since the 1500s, this beast has captured the fevered imaginations of anyone with a dangerously high fever. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines it as “An imaginary creature, freq. represented as having the head and wings of an eagle or griffin, the body and legs of a lion, and the tail of a camel.”


You didn’t think the unicorn was immune to the variations of nature, did you? Among other uses, tricorn has applied to a unicorn times three in the horn department. The OED also records bicorn and millecorns, suggesting an infinity of fanciful horned animals.


We’ve all heard of the Sasquatch, but a different hairy beast was first spotted near Mount St. Helens in 1980. As described by the National Paranormal Society: “The creature has been reported as having yellow eyes and a wolf-like muzzle, bluish fur, sharp pointy teeth, bird-like feet and leather bat-like wings that possibly span up to 50 feet. The creature is reported as about 9 feet tall and has the ability to affect car engines.”


Read the OED’s definition and weep: “An imaginary creature resembling a llama or antelope, but with a head at either end of the body, pointing away from the torso, so that the creature always faces in two directions at once.” Double yikes. Often, this word refers to something a bit less fanciful: wishy-washy-ness, as seen in a 2001 use from London’s Daily Telegraph: “Ever since the election, the Prime Minister and the Chancellor have been engaged in a sort of pushmi-pullyu struggle over the euro.”


Henry H. Tyron’s 1939 book Fearsome Critters detailed a full kookload of imaginary creatures, including the ludicrously named dungavenhooter. Tyron describes the beast as alligator-like but mouthless and paints a freaky picture: “… behind a whiffle bush, the Dungavenhooter awaits the passing logger. On coming within reach of the dreadful tail, the victim is knocked senseless and then pounded steadily until he becomes entirely gaseous, whereat he is greedily inhaled through the wide nostrils.”


One would think the ice worm is quite annoying to the Abominable Snowman and the frost giants of Jotunheim. Fortunately, it’s just as imaginary—or at least it was when first coined in the early 1800s. In the life imitating art department, it turns out there are some actual ice worms out there, particularly in the glaciers of Alaska.

January 16, 2017 – 4:00am

This Week, Dog Lovers Can Take a London Bus Tour With Their Furry Friends

Image credit: 

Londoners are crazy for canines. Last year, a local restaurant launched a three-course pop-up brunch for dogs. One luxury hotel now has a special “Doggy Afternoon Tea,” and boasts a “pet concierge.” Keeping with the trend, Time Out London reports that England’s capital city will soon be home to the world’s first bus tour for pups, for four days only next week.

Pet insurers MORE TH>N DOGGYSSENTI>LS created the 90-minute tour, which runs three times a day from Monday, January 16 to Thursday, January 19. It takes dog owners and their furry friends to London’s best parks and urban dog walking spots, including Hyde Park, Kensington Palace Gardens, and Green Park. Four-legged passengers can hop off the bus for a quick stroll, if their human companions are so inclined.

When they’re not exploring the city’s dog parks, guests will visit canine-inspired cultural attractions, including Victoria Tower Garden (site of the Annual Parliament Dog Show), The Kennel Club of Great Britain (home to the Europe’s largest collection of dog paintings), and Buckingham Palace (the Queen’s corgis; need we say more?). When the tour’s all finished, a convenient map will help dog owners locate canine-friendly restaurants and watering holes.

Most of the doggy bus tours are already sold out, but you can check to see if tickets are still available online, or contact organizers about additional dates.

[Time Out London]

January 16, 2017 – 2:00am

What Happened to the Physical Copy of the “I Have a Dream” Speech?

filed under: History
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On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and gave a speech for the ages, delivering the oratorical masterpiece “I Have a Dream” to nearly 250,000 people.

When he was done, King stepped away from the podium, folded his speech, and found himself standing in front of George Raveling, a former Villanova basketball player who, along with his friend Warren Wilson, had been asked to provide extra security around Dr. King while he was speaking. “We were both tall, gangly guys,” Raveling told Time. “We didn’t know what we were doing but we certainly made for a good appearance.”

Moved by the speech, Raveling saw the folded papers in King’s hands and asked if he could have them. King gave the young volunteer the speech without hesitation, and that was that. “At no time do I remember thinking, ‘Wow, we got this historic document,’” Raveling told Sports Illustrated in 2015. Not realizing what a gem he had on his hand, Raveling went home and stuck the three sheets of paper into a Harry Truman biography for safekeeping. They sat there for nearly two decades while Raveling developed an impressive career coaching NCAA men’s basketball.

In 1984, he had recently taken over as the head coach at the University of Iowa and was chatting with Bob Denney of the Cedar Rapids Gazette when Denney brought up the March on Washington. That’s when Raveling dropped the bomb: “You know, I’ve got a copy of that speech,” he said, and dug it out of the Truman book. After writing an article about Raveling’s connection, the reporter had the speech professionally framed for the coach.

Though he displayed the framed speech in his house for a few years, Raveling began to realize the value of the piece and moved it to a bank vault in Los Angeles. Though he has received offers for King’s speech—one collector wanted to purchase the speech for $3 million in 2014—Raveling has turned them all down. He has been in talks with various museums and universities and hopes to put the speech on display in the future, but for now, he cherishes having it in his possession.

“That to me is something I’ll always be able to look back and say I was there,” Raveling said in the original Cedar Rapids Gazette article. “And not only out there in that arena of people, but to be within touching distance of him. That’s like when you’re 80 or 90 years old you can look back and say ‘I was in touching distance of Abraham Lincoln when he made the Gettysburg Address.’”

“I have no idea why I even asked him for the speech,” Raveling, who is currently serving as Nike’s Director of International Basketball, has said. “But I’m sure glad that I did.”

January 16, 2017 – 1:00am

10 Misconceptions about Holidays

Don’t miss an episode—subscribe today! Images and footage provided by Shutterstock. Here’s a transcript courtesy of Nerdfighteria Wiki.

Hi I’m Elliott and this is Mental_Floss Video. Today I’m gonna talk about some misconceptions about various holidays and then I’m gonna go have a piña colada. I don’t know why I’m wearing this.


Believe it or not, Saint Patrick was born in modern day Britain in 390 CE, and he didn’t even identify as a Christian until the age of 16, which was around the time that he was sent to Ireland. So why do we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as an Irish holiday? Well, he is the patron saint of Ireland because he converted many Irish people to Christianity when he was a priest and Irish immigrants in America started celebrating the holiday as early as 1762. In fact, the holiday’s often associated more with America more than Ireland where the holiday was a pretty minor affair until the 1970s, when I’m assuming they invented green beer.


John Adams once wrote to his wife, “I am apt to believe that [July 2, 1776], will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival.” And that was because July second was the day that the Second Continental Congress voted on the declaration, but it was officially approved on the fourth so that’s the day we celebrate, despite some founding fathers who preferred to celebrate on the second. If you want to celebrate when it was signed, you have to wait until August 2, and nobody wants to do that.


Actually, it was probably celebrated some time between September 21 and November 11. We know this because it was inspired by English harvest festivals which were typically celebrated in late September. Abraham Lincoln actually suggested the late November Thanksgiving, it officially became the fourth Thursday of November in 1941.


Nowadays it’s rare to find a scholar who will argue that Jesus was born on December 25, and many don’t even think he was born in the year 1 CE. It wasn’t until around 300 years after Jesus’s birth that people started celebrating Christmas in mid-winter, so it’s hard to believe that the date could be accurate. Plus, some scholars have pointed out that since there are shepherds in the story of Jesus’s birth in the Bible, it would make more sense if he was born in the spring. Even Pope Benedict the 16th wrote that Christmas is probably on the wrong date. December 25 might have been chosen because there was a Pagan celebration called Saturnalia that was celebrated around then. Others argue that it was chosen to be 9 months after Easter because there was a legend that Jesus was killed and conceived at the same time of year.


Actually this phenomenon has been studied extensively and the opposite was found to be true. Suicide rates are highest in the spring and summer according to studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the Annenberg Public Policy Center. Experts aren’t sure why this is, but some believe it has something to do with the fact that people tend to interact more with others during the warmer months causing increased stress. Others claim that sunlight itself makes people more suicidal—but regardless, suicides do not increase during the winter holidays.


This is a widely reported statistic, but the biggest shopping day actually changes from year to year. For several years in the late 2000s, Black Friday was the largest, but in 2013, the Saturday before Christmas retook the crown. It varies widely but currently the momentum seems to be with that Saturday.


Toys similar to the dreidel existed in many ancient cultures long before Hanukkah was a holiday. It’s been connected to the Babylonian empire, India, and parts of Europe, and many people used it to gamble rather than celebrate religion. The story goes that in the ancient Seleucid empire, Jewish people adapted the toy into a method for secretly studying the Torah, and that’s why it’s now associated with Hanukkah.


There’s a popular myth on the internet that Easter is named after Ishtar who was the Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex. People say that the bunny was Ishtar’s symbol since they’re often associated with sex which is why we have an Easter bunny. Well, if you think about it, this makes no sense. The holiday of Easter has been around a lot longer than the English word Easter has, so really doesn’t make any sense at all. Experts claim that the word Easter probably comes from a Germanic goddess named Ostra and yes, the holiday of Easter was inspired by earlier pagan celebrations but there’s no evidence that Ishtar had anything to do with this, so stop bringing her into it.


Cinco de Mayo celebrates the day of the Battle of Puebla which occurred in 1862 when France was occupying part of Mexico. On May 5 of that year the Mexican army defeated the French army in the city of Puebla. Within five years the French no longer occupied Mexico. Mexican Independence Day is on September 16, by the way. It celebrates the start of the Mexican War of Independence against Spain in 1810.


A lot of people in the U.S. think that New Year’s is the most risky time to drive because there are more inebriated drivers on the road, and of course you should always be safe on the road and never drink and drive, but roads are typically more dangerous during summer holidays like the 4th of July and Memorial Day.

Thanks for watching Misconceptions on Mental_Floss video. If you have a topic for an upcoming Misconceptions episode that you would like to see, leave it in the comments. Also, apologies to the season of summer for giving it a bad rap in this video. And I’ll see you next week. I’m gonna go, uh, I’m gonna go change.

January 16, 2017 – 12:00am

On This Day in 1975, Space Mountain Opened

filed under: Disney, video
Image credit: 
Benjamin D. Esham / Wikimedia Commons [CC BY-SA 3.0]

On January 15, 1975, Walt Disney World’s Space Mountain rollercoaster opened to the public. It was the key feature of Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom.

An enormous pageant was held to celebrate the event, featuring “thousands of flying doves, a pageant of nations, a 2000-member band, 50,000 balloons,” and red, white, and blue fireworks. Mercury 7 pilot Scott Carpenter and a handful of other astronauts were on hand.

Here’s the most exciting bit of the opening ceremony:

And if that’s not enough celebration for you, let’s put it in the larger 48-minute context of this groovy TV special:

For more, read 15 Out-Of-This-World Facts About Space Mountain (including how Neil Armonstrong helped re-launch the ride in 2005!). You might also enjoy video of Space Mountain With the Lights On.

(Space Mountain photo courtesy of Benjamin D. Esham / Wikimedia Commons [CC BY-SA 3.0 us], via Wikimedia Commons.)

January 15, 2017 – 8:00pm

12 Old Hat Styles Due for a Comeback

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Getty Images

One thing our ancestors knew how to do well was rock a stylish piece of headwear. From squat caps to towering toppers, history has produced a hat for every occasion. Here are 12 old styles that, with a healthy dose of fashion and confidence, could still look just as fabulous today.


Joan Crawford in a cloche. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain

The sleek, head-hugging cloche was the perfect companion to the bobbed hairstyle worn by flappers in the 1920s. The hats were typically left plain to emphasize their bell-shaped silhouette, though they also offered a blank canvas for embellishment. The cloche was most popular during the Jazz Age but it’s occasionally incorporated into retro fashion styles today.


In Ottoman ceremonial costumes, hats played a starring role. The headgear often featured bright colors, feathery ornamentations, and elaborate designs that signified status. The wearer’s class, religion, gender, and clan could all be gleaned from the way the fabric in their headdress was layered.



The top hat was popular in the 19th century but it wasn’t always the most practical choice for outdoor activities. When looking for a way to protect the heads of horseback riders from branches, brothers Thomas and William Bowler came up with their namesake cap. The bowler hat was sturdy, compact, and appropriate for most any occasion. Though the bowler hat largely fizzled out by the 1980s, the item’s original London manufacturers Lock & Co. still sell thousands each year.


Getty Images

Unlike some hats from history, this one was prized for its simplicity. It could be easily identified by its brimless, round shape evoking that of a pillbox. It began gaining steam in the 1930s before reaching peak popularity with First Lady Jackie Kennedy in the 1960s.


Eva Rinaldi via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0

Depending on the look you’re going for, a fascinator can be worn as a subtle accent item or a show-stealing statement piece. The hat is defined as an ornamental headpiece that’s secured to the crown using a headband or comb. Once they fit that criteria, fascinators can take the form of flowers, feathers, fabric, or whatever else the wearer can engineer to stay on their head. And though they’re still popular in the U.K., Americans don’t tend to utilize fascinators outside of Derby Day attire.


In 17th century Europe and America, tri-cornered hats gave men the opportunity to show off their lustrous wigs poking out from beneath the upturned brim. It’s no surprise then that the hat style died out with the powdered wig fad, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fit for a comeback. Even if wearers don’t have wigs to flaunt, they could take a page from our forefathers’ book and upgrade the hat itself with feathers, brocades, and fabrics.



If you’ve seen this hat anywhere, it was most likely on the head of someone portraying Sherlock Holmes. The headpiece has been tied to the character since the books were published in the 19th century (it was the illustrations—not the story—that did it, as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle never mentions the cap in the text). It’s peculiar that an urban detective would be wearing a deerstalker hat in the first place, considering they were designed for hunting game and not tracking clues, but the smartly styled hat’s comeback should be … elementary.


Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain

These striking hats were a clear sign of royalty in the medieval era. Reinforced with wire or padding and draped in fine fabric, the cone-shaped hennin is still synonymous with the stereotypical princess today. English hennins were fairly modest in height, but the French version reached up to to three feet and the hat’s Mongolian predecessor towered five to seven feet high.



This hat goes by many names (the big apple, the eight panel, the Gatsby), but its strongest association is with newsboys at the turn of the 20th century. The floppy, brimmed cap wasn’t just popular with the younger working class. It was worn by men across the social ladder and was a common sight on the golf course.


Marion Davies in a peach basket hat. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain

The origin of this hat name isn’t too hard to figure out: It resembles a bulky, over-turned fruit basket. The peach basket hat first appeared at the start of the 20th century, but it was shunned by many for being an “unpatriotic” display of vanity during the first world war. It was revived in the 1930s and experienced a popularity streak until the 1950s.


This hat is known for having a domed crown inside a pinched rim, creating a shape similar to that of a certain savory pastry. The style was originally worn by women in the 19th century and was later embraced by men’s fashion in the early 1900s (thanks in part to Buster Keaton). It’s not as popular as it was in the 1920s but it recently enjoyed a brief return to the spotlight by way of the Heisenberg character on Breaking Bad.


Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain

Out of context, a cartwheel hat could be mistaken for an hor d’oeuvres platter or a tiny landing pad. The hat was worn slightly askew for an eye-catching look and was often crafted from luxurious materials. But after catching on in the 1930s, the broad hats have since fallen out of fashion.

January 15, 2017 – 6:00pm

Live Ruby Seadragon Caught on Tape for the First Time

Glenn Moore & Sue Morrison/Western Australian Museum via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY 3.0

Ruby seadragons are majestic and fascinating, but, up until 2015, were unknown to the scientific community. Now a new study published in the journal Marine Biodiversity Records [PDF] reveals that a member of this elusive species has been recorded alive in its natural habitat for the first time.

The video was recorded in April 2016 by researchers at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Western Australian Museum. Unlike the two other known seadragon species, the leafy seadragon and the common seadragon, 10-inch long rubies (Phyllopteryx dewysea) most likely hang out at depths that exceed what humans can handle. So instead of sending down scuba divers, the team used a remotely operated vehicle to capture the footage 164 feet deep in the waters off western Australia’s Recherche Archipelago.

Scripps researchers declared the ruby seadragon a new species in 2015 after analyzing a dead specimen. It lacks the leafy camouflage its closest relatives are known for, instead using its red coloring to blend in at depths where the hue is absorbed. The new footage also shows that ruby seadragons sport a curly tail like their seahorse cousins, complicating scientists’ ideas about how the trait evolved.

Before this footage was recorded, only four preserved specimens of the species had been studied. Now that more is known about the creature, scientists are asking Australian lawmakers to grant it the same protection that’s given to other seadragons. Since 1999, for instance, the leafy seadragon has been shielded from international trade and commercial use under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

[h/t Gizmodo]

January 15, 2017 – 4:00pm

Boston’s Great Molasses Flood of 1919

filed under: History
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By BPL – Flickr / Panorama of the Molasses Disaster site, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

On January 15, 1919, Boston suffered one of history’s strangest disasters: a devastating flood of molasses. The “Great Molasses Flood” tore through the city’s North End and deposited so much gooey residue that locals claimed they could still smell the molasses on warm days decades later. Let’s take a look at this odd, tragic story.

While most of us probably think of molasses as a tasty ingredient in treats like gingerbread, the sticky stuff has quite a few other uses. With a little know-how one can turn molasses into rum or industrial alcohol fairly easily, and the Purity Distilling Company had built the gigantic tank in Boston’s North End in 1915 to supply its booze-making operations. The steel tank was enormous: 50 feet tall, 90 feet across, and capable of holding 2.5 million gallons of molasses. (Although Prohibition kicked in with Nebraska’s ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment the very next day after the 1919 disaster, the United States Industrial Alcohol Company, Purity Distilling’s parent company, still had a license to distill alcohol for industrial applications.)

By Unknown – Anthony Mitchell Sammarco. Boston’s North End. Arcadia Publishing, 2004, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

The massive tank was nearly full on January 15 thanks to a recent infusion of 2.3 million gallons of Puerto Rican molasses. Just after noon, something went horribly wrong. Witnesses later recalled hearing a noise like gunfire as the tank’s rivets popped and the steel sides ripped open. Suddenly, 26 million pounds of molasses were tearing down Commercial Street in a 15-foot wave.


A giant wave of a sticky foodstuff sounds like something from a cartoon, but the surging molasses was a shockingly destructive force. The wave moved at upwards of 35 miles per hour, and the power was sufficient to rip buildings off of their foundations. The molasses snapped the support girders from an elevated train track and smashed multiple houses. The Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities’ website says the property damage alone totaled around $100 million in today’s dollars.

The human cost of the disaster was even grimmer. The wave of molasses moved so quickly and so forcefully that anyone who was unlucky enough to be in its way didn’t stand much of a chance. They were either knocked over and crushed or drowned in the goo. The flood claimed 21 lives, and another 150 people suffered injuries. Any flood would have been disastrous, but the viscous nature of molasses made rescue attempts even trickier. Medics and police officers arrived on the scene quickly but had to slog through waist-deep goo to reach victims.

Boston Post, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

Even after the victims had been pulled from the muck, cleanup crews quickly learned that getting rid of two million gallons of molasses is no small task. Stephen Puleo writes about one of the chief obstacles to the cleanup in his book Dark Tide: firefighters couldn’t just use their hoses to blast the molasses off of building and streets with fresh water. Eventually they realized that saltwater would cut the hardened molasses and enable them to hose it down the streets into gutters. Thanks to all the foot traffic of rescue workers, cleanup crews, and rubberneckers, the sticky mess quickly moved around the city via peoples’ shoes. In all, the cleanup effort required over 80,000 manhours.


How did this tragedy happen in the first place? The United States Industrial Alcohol Company was quick to blame everyone’s favorite early 20th-century scapegoats: anarchists. The company claimed that since its alcohol was an ingredient in government munitions, anarchists must have sabotaged the tank by detonating a bomb. Another theory explained that the molasses had fermented inside the tank, which led to an explosion.

Investigators soon found the real culprit, though: absurdly shoddy construction work. The company had been in such a hurry to get the tank built back in 1915 that it didn’t cut corners so much as it ignored the corners completely. Modern studies have found that the tank walls were both too thin and made of a steel that was too brittle to withstand the volume of molasses. The man who oversaw the construction wasn’t an engineer or an architect; in fact, he couldn’t even read a blueprint. The tank needed to be an engineering marvel to hold all that weight, but the company never even consulted an engineer on the project. Basically, it threw up a gigantic tank as quickly and cheaply as possible, skimped on inspections and safety tests, and hoped for the best.

By Unknown – Wired article, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

In light of these details, it’s amazing that the tank held together for four years. Nearby residents reported that the tank had leaked since its construction. Rather than fix the problem, the United States Industrial Alcohol Company had painted the tank brown so the leaks would be less noticeable.

The largely working-class North End residents who had lost their homes and loved ones in the disaster predictably turned their rage towards the United States Industrial Alcohol Company. USIA soon found itself named as the defendant in 125 lawsuits, which led to a legal battle that nearly matched the flood’s scale.

The Massachusetts Superior Court named Colonel Hugh Ogden as the auditor who would hear the evidence and report back on the cause of the disaster. It took Ogden nearly six years to hear testimony from 3,000 witnesses. When he finally penned his report, he concluded that there was no evidence to support the company’s theory of anarchist saboteurs. Instead, Ogden found that the “factor of safety” in the tank’s construction and inspection had been woefully low. USIA was liable for the damage and paid around $7,000 to the family of each victim.

The Great Molasses Flood still seems like a tragedy that could have been averted, but the disaster really drew attention to the potential repercussions of shaky construction. The case helped prompt Massachusetts and many other states to pass laws requiring that engineers and architects inspect and approve plans for major construction projects.

This story originally appeared in 2011.

January 15, 2017 – 3:00pm

Learn the Basics of Sheet Music with This 5-Minute Video

filed under: music, video
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For non-musicians, sheet music can look incomprehensible. Dots, wavy things, and doodles somehow equate to the written version of music. So how do we begin understanding this notation, without paying for lessons?

In this five-minute video, composer Tim Hansen breaks down the basics, using the white keys on a piano as a reference point. While this won’t turn anybody into a piano player in five minutes, it packs an incredible amount of information into a brief, digestible format.

If you’ve ever wondered how musicians read sheet music, spend the next five minutes learning the basics.

For a bit more, check out this TED-Ed page, which in turn points to online tutorials like this one with more in-depth explorations of reading music.

January 15, 2017 – 12:00pm

This Week’s Best Amazon Deals You Can Still Get

Image credit: 
amazon / istock

As a recurring feature, we share some amazing Amazon deals we’ve turned up. These items were the ones that were the most popular with our readers this week, and they’re still available.

Mental Floss has affiliate relationships with certain retailers (including Amazon) and may receive a small percentage of any sale. But we only get commission on items you buy and don’t return, so we’re only happy if you’re happy. Good luck deal hunting!


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GreatShield Luxury Microfiber Cleaning Cloths for Eyeglass, Digital Video Camera Lens, Laptop, Plasma, LCD, LED, TV, PC, Computer, Monitor, Smartphone, Tablet, Touch Screen, Watch, Jewelry (10 Pack) for $5.75 (list price $6.95)

[Upgraded] Maxboost Wall Charger 4.8A 24W Dual USB Universal Portable Charger with mSmart Technology, Foldable Plug for iPhone 7 6 6s Plus, SE 5/5S, iPad Pro, Galaxy S7, S6 Edge+,S5,Nexus, HTC & more for $9.99 (list price $29.99)

Belkin 3-Outlet SurgePlus Mini Travel Swivel Charger Surge Protector with Dual USB Ports (2.1 AMP / 10 Watt), BST300 for $17.50 (list price $29.99)

EasyAcc Monster 20000mAh Power Bank (4A Dual-Input Fastest Charge 4.8A Smart Output) External Battery Pack Charger Portable Charger for Android iPhone Samsung HTC – Black and Orange for $29.99 (list price $69.99)

RND Compact Power Station 2.4 Amp Dual USB Ports, 2 AC Outlet Wall Charger with an attached 7 inch Micro USB cable for Samsung Galaxy, Tablets& More as well as USB Ports for iPhones, iPads (black) for $16.99 (list price $29.99)

Travel Inspira Universal All in One Worldwide Travel Power Plug Wall AC Adapter Charger with Dual USB Charging Ports for USA EU UK AUS for $9.99 (list price $29.99)

Anker 60W 10-Port USB Wall Charger, PowerPort 10 for iPhone 7 / 6s / Plus, iPad Pro / Air 2 / mini, Galaxy S7 / S6 / Edge / Plus, Note 5 / 4, LG, Nexus, HTC and More for $39.99 (list price $99.99)

Mengo Aluma CD Phone Car Mount – Aluminum Magnetic CD Car Holder/Cradle with Secure & Solid Grip – Universally Compatible, Fits All Vents for iPhones, Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola for $16.99 (list price $34.99)

Jemma Universal 20000mAh Power Bank – Black for $24.99 (list price $99.00)

Phaiser BHS-530 Bluetooth Headphones Headset Sport Earphones with Mic and Lifetime Sweatproof Guarantee – Wireless Earbuds for Running, Blackout for $35.99 (list price $129.95)

Vtin Bluetooth 4.0 Hands-Free Car Kit Car Stereo Adapter Music Receiver with Ground Loop Noise Isolator, 3.5mm Aux Jack, Siri Activation for $29.99 (list price $47.99)

iPhone 7 6S 6 Screen Protector Glass, amFilm iPhone 7 Tempered Glass Screen Protector for Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 2016, 2015 (2-Pack) for $7.99 (list price $29.99)


SipWell Stainless Steel Drinking Straws, Set of 4, Free Cleaning Brush Included for $6.95 (list price $19.95)

Rubbermaid Commercial FGTHO550 Stainless Steel Oven Monitoring Thermometer for $6.36 (list price $17.30)

Ball Jar Wide Mouth Pint and Half Jars with Lids and Bands, Set of 9 for $6.83 (list price $15.99)

Cold Brew Coffee Maker – 1 Quart Iced Coffee Maker – Glass Pitcher with Removable Filter for $24.99 (list price $59.99)

Meal Prep Portion Control Containers, 12 Pack. Dishwasher, Microwave and Freezer Safe.Great for kids school lunches or Food Storage – Time Saver For Busy Mums for $10.70 (list price $12.68)

Tovolo Collapsible Microwave Cover for $7.99 (list price $9.99)

Everyday Cooking Essentials Instant Read Thermometer with Probe,Wireless Remote for $2.97 (list price $12.99)

Bialetti 7265 Trends Collection 5 Quart Pasta Pot, Charcoal for $29.99 (list price $34.99)

Chef Vinny Professional Silicone Baking Mat (Set of 2) for $12.99 (list price $19.99)

Müeller Vidalia Pro Vegetable Chopper for $19.99 (list price $39.97)

Zestkit Pizza Wheel, Stainless Steel Pizza Slicer Cutter, 4 Inch Blade for $9.99 (list price $29.99)

10-Inch Stone Earth Pan by Ozeri, with 100% PFOA-Free Stone-Derived Non-Stick Coating from Germany for $32.95 (list price $69.95)

GLOUE Silicone Spatula Set – 4-piece 450oF Heat-Resistant Baking Spoon & Spatulas – Ergonomic Easy-to-Clean Seamless One-Piece Design – Nonstick – Dishwasher Safe – Solid Stainless Steel – Multicolor for $9.95 (list price $22.97)

Hershey’s Syrup Can Mug with Lid, 14oz for $11.59 

Oyster Knife By HiCoup – Premium Quality Pakka Wood-handle Oyster Shucking Knife with “Full Tang” Blade and Bonus Sheath for $14.95 (list price $26.95)

Accmor 11-Piece Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons/Cups Set – Premium Stackable Tablespoons Measuring Set for Dry and Liquid Ingredients Prefect for Cooking or Baking for $18.99 (list price $33.58)

Pantry Elements Silicone Cupcake Liners / Baking Cups – 12 Vibrant Muffin Molds in Storage Jar for $7.88 (list price $15.00)

K&S Artisan The BEST Heavy Duty Pastry Cookie Cutters 11 Piece Round Biscuit Cutter Set For Donuts English Muffin Crumpet Rings And Baking 304 Stainless Steel Metal Circle Molds Best Kitchen Gift for $16.99 (list price $29.99)

The Sushi Bazooka | All in 1 Sushi Making Machine for $6.50

As Seen on TV Egg-Tastic Microwave Egg Cooker and Poacher for Fast and Fluffy Eggs, White/Orange for $8.95

Besiva Knife Sharpener, 2 Stage Coarse & Extra-Fine Sharpening System for Knives ,Red & Black for $10.99 (list price $29.99)

VonShef 7- Egg Electric Cooker Stainless Steel with Poacher & Steamer Attachment for $17.94 (list price $34.99)

Brita Replacement Water Filter for Pitchers, 3 Count for $14.88 (list price $19.89)

Marshall Compact Fridge for $349.99 

Gourmia GDK340 Digital Glass Kettle Rapid Boil 1500 Watt LED Lights Change Color As Water Heats Up, 5 Preset Temperature Controls ETL Safety LISTED – 2 Quarts for $34.99 (list price $79.99)

PriorityChef Colander, Stainless Steel 3 Qrt Kitchen Strainer With Large Stable Base for $14.95 (list price $24.95)

Norpro 3-Cup Stainless Steel Rotary Hand Crank Flour Sifter With 2 Wire Agitator for $5.86 (list price $9.78)

Wilton 415-2179 300 Count Rainbow Bright Standard Baking Cups for $5.48 (list price $7.99)

Kinzi Tri-Blade Vegetable and Fruit Spiral Slicer Chopper, Veggie Pasta Spaghetti Maker for $19.99 (list price $25.99)

Wilton Decorate Smart Small Cake Leveler for $5.83 (list price $9.95)

Zojirushi SM-YAE48TD Travel Mug, 16 oz, Dark Cocoa for $32.95 (list price $55.00)


DRIVE Natural Car Air Freshener (Green) – Best Auto Purifier is Certified Moso Bamboo Activated Charcoal 200g – Unscented Deodorizer, Drying Bag Removes Allergens & Moisture for $10.96 

Den Haven Standing Coat Rack Hat Hanger Holder Hooks for Jacket Umbrella Tree Stand with Base Metal for $17.50 (list price $24.95)

Vicks Warm Mist Humidifier with Auto Shut-Off for $29.86 (list price $35.99)

Premium Mildew Resistant Shower Curtain – Anti-bacterial 10-Gauge Heavy-Duty Curtain – Waterproof and Water-Repellent – 72×72 Inch – Clear for $11.99 (list price $34.99)

AVANTEK Essential Oil Diffuser Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Humidifier Cool Mist Ionizer, 7-Color Lights for $19.99 (list price $49.99)

Squeegee for Shower, Window and Car Glass – 2 Extra Silicone Replacement Blades – Foam Handle – Color White for $11.95 (list price $19.95)

Deluxe Home Hypoallergenic Queen Bamboo Pillow for $11.99 (list price $79.99)

Utopia Towels Soft Cotton Machine Washable Extra Large (35-Inch-by-70-Inch) Bath Towel, White for $16.99 (list price $31.99)

Ideal Linens Bed Sheet Set – 1800 Double Brushed Microfiber Bedding – 4 Piece (Queen, White) for $14.99 (list price $59.99)

ALASKA BEAR – Natural Silk Pillowcase, Hypoallergenic, 19 momme, 600 thread count 100 percent Mulberry Silk, Queen Size with hidden zipper(Ivory white) for $19.99 (list price $40.00)

TubShroom the Revolutionary Tub Drain Protector Hair Catcher, Strainer, Snare, Green for $12.99 (list price $19.95)

Angry Mama Microwave Cleaner – Green Base for $9.99 

Autumn Set of 6 Premium Grade Fragrance Oils – Brown Sugar, Apple, Harvest Spice, Vanilla, Forest Pine, Snickerdoodle – 10ml for $16.95 (list price $39.95)

Elf Stor Premium Green Christmas Tree Bag Holiday Extra Large for up to 9′ Tree Storage for $21.88 (list price $39.99)

DampRid Hanging Moisture Absorber, Fresh Scent, 14 oz bags, 3 ea for $7.97 (list price $12.50)

Pumice Cleaning Stone with Handle – High Density, Sturdy, Fine Grit for $8.99 (list price $9.99)

VonHaus 2x Black Floating Shelves with Strengthened Tempered Glass for DVD Players/Cable Boxes/Games Consoles/TV Accessories for $19.92 (list price $59.99)

Estilo Removable and Washable Microfiber Ceiling and Fan Duster for $10.99 (list price $28.99)

Granite Gold Shower Cleaner for $7.97 

OXO Good Grips Soap Dispensing Dish Brush for $8.99 (list price $9.99)

Whitmor Portable Closet Storage Organizer, Includes 2 Fabric Shelves / Bins, Gray for $23.82 (list price $39.99)

Household Essentials 55905-1 Fresh Cedar Sachet, 5-Pack for $4.96 (list price $5.99)

O-Cedar Power Corner Large Angle Broom for $16.99 (list price $19.99)


TONYMOLY Tony moly Egg Pore Nose Pack 7 Sheets for $4.11 (list price $7.00)

Baebody Eye Cream for Dark Circles, Puffiness, Wrinkles and Bags – The Most Effective Anti Aging Eye Gel for Under and Around Eyes – 1.7 fl oz for $23.95 (list price $55.00)

Gillette Fusion Manual Men’s Razor Blade Refills, 12 Count for $34.98 (list price $47.99)

Wahl Lithium Micro Groomsman Trimmer #5640-1001 for $7.99 (list price $16.99)

Mack’s Ear Care Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs, 50 Pair for $8.99 (list price $10.79)

Aquaphor Advanced Therapy Healing Ointment Skin Protectant 14 Ounce Jar for $10.19 (list price $16.89)

Nature Made Super B Complex Full Strength Softgel, 60 Count (Packaging may vary) for $8.45 (list price $10.99)

Super 6 Serum- w Vitamin C 22% + Hyaluronic Acid + 2.5% Retinol + CoQ10 for 6X Anti-Aging Benefits w Best Natural Astaxanthin & Niacinamide to Fight Wrinkles, Fine Lines, Acne & Spots… for $18.99 (list price $39.99)

French Lavender 100% Pure, Best Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil – 10ml for $6.99 (list price $13.49)

Bed Head Deep Waver for $17.99 (list price $27.99)

Nature’s Bounty Fish Oil 1200 mg Omega-3, 200 Rapid Release Softgels for $10.72 (list price $17.29)

Htgtai Jelly Flower Lipstick Translucent Moisturizer lipsticks Lips Care Surplus Bright Lip Balm-Barbie Doll Powder Pink for $5.99 (list price $15.26)

Philips Sonicare Essence Sonic Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush, White, FFP for $19.95 (list price $49.99)

IBEET Blackhead Remover Kit,Comedone Extractor Tool, Anti-microbial Double-side 4 Pieces, Treatment for Blemish, Whitehead Popping, Zit Removing for Risk Free Nose (Golden) for $6.78 (list price $16.99)

Philips Sonicare E-Series replacement toothbrush heads, HX7023/30, 3-pack for $21.95 after on-screen coupon (list price $36.99)

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, For all skin types, 16-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 2) for $20.78 (list price $27.98)

Dove Men+Care Body Wash, Aqua Impact 18 oz for $3.72 (list price $6.49)

Art Naturals Top 8 Essential Oils – 100% Pure Of The Highest Quality Essential Oils – Peppermint, Tee Tree, Rosemary, Orange, Lemongrass, Lavender, Eucalyptus, & Frankincense – Therapeutic Grade for $16.95 (list price $69.95)

Philips Norelco Multigroom Series 3100, 5 attachments, QG3330 for $16.95 (list price $19.99)

EmaxDesign Makeup Brushes 8 Pieces Oval Makeup Brush Set Professional Foundation Concealer Blending Blush Liquid Powder Cream Cosmetics Brushes, Toothbrush Curve Makeup Tools For Face and Eyes for $14.99 (list price $59.99)

Dove Men+Care Antiperspirant Deodorant Stick, Extra Fresh 2.7 oz, Twin Pack for $6.39 (list price $12.56)

6, Amber, 10 ml Glass Roll-on Bottles with Stainless Steel Roller Balls – .5 ml Dropper included for $6.99 (list price $19.99)

Prophet and Tools Beard Oil and Beard Comb Kit! FREE Beard Care Ebook Included – Unscented Leave-in Conditioner, Softener, and Beard Growth – 0% Alcohol, Vegan and Nuts-Free – All Organic Vitamin E for $13.99 (list price $18.99)

Dove Men+Care Body and Face Wash, Extra Fresh 13.5 oz for $3.84 (list price $9.99)

Art Naturals Body Wash w/ Tea Tree, Peppermint & Eucalyptus Oil – Natural Eczema Bath Soap – 12oz for $24.95 (list price $24.95)

CeraVe Moisturizing Facial Lotion PM, 3 Ounce for $6.11 (list price $13.99)


Soucolor 120 Coloring Gel Pens Set, 60 Colored Pens Plus 60 Ink Refills, Perfect for Adult Coloring Books, Scrapbooking, Drawing, Doodle, Craft and Kids Projects for $16.99 (list price $49.99)

BIC Wite-Out Brand EZ Correct Correction Tape, 10-Count for $11.29 (list price $14.29)

Sharpie Black Brush Tip Permanent Markers set of 12 for $10.63 (list price $27.24)

BIC Velocity Ballpoint Bold Point,1.6 mm Retractable Pen (Pack of 12)BICVLGB11BK for $4.79 (list price $7.39)

Mod Podge Dishwasher Safe Waterbase Sealer, Glue and Finish (16-Ounce), CS25139 Gloss for $14.59 (list price $15.59)

Officemate Super 2-Way Sorter, Recycled, Black (26252) for $14.72 (list price $18.79)

BIC Pencil Xtra Sparkle (colorful barrels), Medium Point (0.7 mm), 24-Count for $5.09 (list price $6.84)

Artlicious – 50 Premium Distinct Colored Pencils for Adult Coloring Books – Bonus Sharpener – Color Names on Pencils for $9.99 (list price $19.99)

Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers, Primary, 10-Pack for $12.79 (list price $26.99)

Sharpie Accent Retractable Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Fluorescent Yellow, 5-Count for $5.40 (list price $7.59)

EXPO Neon Dry Erase Markers, Bullet Tip, Assorted Colors, 5-Count for $5.88 (list price $6.99)

Etekcity Electric Pencil Sharpener, Automatic Feed and Dispense, UL/FCC Approved for $22.99 (list price $45.99)

Sharpie Flip Chart Markers, Bullet Tip, Assorted Colors, 8-Count for $6.99 (list price $7.69)

Uni-Ball KuruToga 0.7mm Mechanical Pencil Starter Set for $5.44 (list price $7.36)

Oxford At-Hand Note Card Case, 3″ x 5″ Size, Black, Includes 25 Ruled Index Cards (63519) for $5.29 (list price $6.59)

Paper Mate Flair Porous-Point Felt Tip Pen, Medium Tip, Limited Edition Tropical Vacation Colors, 6-Count for $6.77 (list price $8.42)

Sharpie Black Brush Tip Permanent Markers set of 12 for $10.63 (list price $27.24)

Sharpie 27006 Accent Pocket Style Highlighter, Fluorescent Orange, 12-Pack for $6.44 (list price $7.58)

Paper Mate Pink Pearl Premium Erasers, Medium, 24-Count for $6.86 (list price $8.08)

Sharpie Accent Gel Highlighters, Colored, 4 Highlighters (1780477) for $6.96 (list price $8.49)

Sharpie Permanent Markers, Broad, Chisel Tip, 12-Pack, Blue (38203) for $8.29 (list price $11.01)

Pendaflex Essentials File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Manila, 100 per Box (752 1/3) for $8.73 (list price $10.98)

Coollife Tactical Pen First Line Defensive Tool for $3.95

Snail&Hawk 13-Pockets Poly Expanding File-Folder with Portable-Handle,A4 Size,Heavy Duty (Black) for $14.00 (list price $19.99)

Creatively Calm Studios Adult Coloring Book Set with 120 Unique Patterns, 3-Pack for $19.97 (list price $39.97)

Cedar Markers Liquid Chalk Markers – 12 Pack With Free 40 Chalkboard Labels – Amazing Neon Color Pens Including Gold And Silver Ink. Reversible Bullet And Chisel Tip And A Brand New Revolutionary Cap. for $17.99 (list price $35.99)

Famavala RFID Blocking Passport Holder Case Cover Wallet, MapBrown for $7.99 (list price $39.99)

CCbetter Mini Hot Melt Glue Gun with 25pcs Glue Sticks High Temperature Melting Glue Gun Kit Flexible Trigger for DIY Small Craft Projects&Sealing and Quick Repairs(20-watt, Blue) for $9.99 (list price $19.99)


AAA 85 Piece Commuter First Aid Kit for $14.55 (list price $19.99)

Etekcity Ultra Bright Portable LED Camping Lantern with 3 AA Batteries (Black, Collapsible) for $8.34 (list price $29.99)

Aweoods Inverted Umbrella Windproof Reverse Folding Double Layer Travel Cars Umbrella (Starry Sky) for $23.99 (list price $49.99)

BYB 800 Lumens Rechargeable T6 LED Flashlight, Adjustable Focus Tactical Flashlight with AC Charger and 26650 Battery, Bonus Solar Power Keychain Flashlight Included for $14.99 (list price $39.99)

GREENIES Weight Management Dental Regular Dog Treats – Treat TUB-PAK Package 27 oz. 27 Treats for $22.74 (list price $25.99)

SABRE 3-IN-1 Pepper Spray – Advanced Police Strength – Compact Size with Clip, Contains 35 Bursts (5x Other Brands) & 10-Foot (3M) Range for $6.28 (list price $11.99)

Enkeeo Bike Floor Pump 160 PSI Track Pump with Gauge Fits Presta & Schrader (No Valve Changing Needed) for Bike Tires Sports Balls Airbed and Water Toy ( Needle/Plastic Valve Adapter Included, Orange) for $25.99 (list price $59.99)

GDEALER Garden Hose Nozzle 9 Pattern Hand Spray Nozzle Heavy Duty Hand Free Clip High Pressure Water Hose Nozzle for Watering Plants, Car Wash and Showering Pets with 2 Extra Rubber Gaskets for $7.99 (list price $29.99)

Calf Compression Sleeves (Pair) L/XL Black for $9.95 (list price $29.99)

IRIS 24” Exercise 4-Panel Pet Playpen with Door, Brown for $31.99 (list price $62.43)

LE LED Camping Lantern USB Rechargeable, 280lm LED Tent Light, 3 Lighting Mode, 3000mAh Power Bank, Outdoor Portable Work Light with Magnet, Water Resistant, Daylight/Neutral White, Emergency Lantern for $16.99 (list price $43.99)

Asamoom Reflective Stripe 60 MPH Windproof Umbrella, Double Canopy Auto Open Close Waterproof 300T Fabric Compact Travel Automatic Folding Umbrellas for $16.55 (list price $69.98)

MTM 50 Caliber Ammo Storage Can for $7.49 (list price $9.99)

Enkeeo LED Camping Lantern Light Rechargeable Battery 300 Lumens 5 Modes Ultra Bright Flashlight with USB Input/Output, 2 Resistant Hooks for Hiking Camping Emergencies Outages (Water-Resistant) for $24.99 (list price $37.99)

Incline Fit 36-Inch High Density Extra Firm Foam Roller, Black for $19.99 (list price $22.99)

Lightspeed Outdoors Quick Cabana Beach Tent Sun Shelter, Blue for $59.51 (list price $69.52)

Camelbak Products Podium Ice Water Bottle, 21-Ounce, Electric Blue for $17.46 (list price $25.00)

Intex Dura-Beam Standard Series Essential Rest Airbed with Built-In Electric Pump, Queen for $49.71 (list price $53.72)

Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Litter, Multi-Cat, 28 Lbs for $12.29 (list price $25.99)

Nathan Sport Wash Detergent, 42-Ounce for $11.93 (list price $18.95)

Maximiza Pull-up Bar – Doorway Pullup / Chinup Bar with 3 Sets of Screw-in Door-Mounts for $35.68 (list price $50.00)

OnGuard Pitbull STD U-Lock, Black, 4.53 x 9.06-Inch for $33.18 (list price $54.95)

Mountaintop 5-Degree 500 Fill Power Duck Down Mummy Sleeping Bag, Black for $71.98 (list price $89.99)


Canon EOS Rebel T6 Digital SLR Camera Kit with EF-S 18-55mm and EF 75-300mm Zoom Lenses (Black) for $599.00 (list price $749.99)

Panasonic KX-TGF352N Corded / Cordless 2 Handset Landline Telephone for $62.95 (list price $89.95)

Sony 100CDQ80SP CD-R Data Recordable Media, 100 Pack Spindle for $21.37 (list price $24.99)

1byone Amplified HDTV Antenna – 50 Mile Range with Detachable Amplifier USB Power Supply and 10ft Coax Cable for $29.99 (list price $39.99)

PNY Attache USB 2.0 Flash Drive, 64GB/ BLACK (P-FD64GATT03-GE) for $13.99 (list price $14.99)

Edimax EW-7811Un 150Mbps 11n Wi-Fi USB Adapter, Nano Size Lets You Plug it and Forget it, Ideal for Raspberry Pi / Pi2, Supports Windows, Mac OS, Linux (Black/Gold) for $7.99 (list price $14.99)

Tendak Smart Charger SuperSpeed USB Hub with 7 USB 3.0 Data Ports + 1 Smart Charging Port (5V/2.1A) with 5V 3A Power Adapter Blue LED Switcher for $23.99 (list price $36.80)

Logitech Wireless Touch Keyboard K400 Plus, Touchpad Keyboard for Internet-Connected TVs for $29.91 (list price $39.99)

NETGEAR DOCSIS 3.0 340Mbps Cable Modem for XFINITY, Time Warner Cable, Cox, Charter, Cablevision(CM400-1AZNAS) for $39.99 (list price $69.99)

HP Pavilion 22cwa 21.5-inch IPS LED Backlit Monitor for $99.99 (list price $119.99)

Cable Matters 6-Outlet Wall Mount Surge Protector with 2.4A Dual USB Charging (Updated Version with Dimmed LED Light) for $13.99 (list price $25.99)


LED Light Bar Nilight 20 Inch 126w LED Work Light Spot Flood Combo Led Bar Off Road Lights Driving Lights Led Fog Light Jeep Lights Boat Lighting ,2 Years Warranty for $28.79 (list price $32.04)

Mothers Ultra Soft Microfiber Quick Detail Towel for $4.95 (list price $5.50)

Suaoki K12 8000mAh 300A Peak Jump Starter Power Bank Battery Booster with Built-in Flashlight Perfect for Automotive Truck Motorcycle Boat for $34.99 (list price $69.99)

Stanley 51-112 7 Ounce Fiberglass Hammer for $5.89 (list price $11.12)

Viking Cotton Terry Wax Applicator Pads – 6 Pack for $4.14 (list price $5.42)

J5 Tactical V1-Pro Flashlight – The Original 300 Lumen Ultra Bright, LED 3 Mode Flashlight – Black for $14.95 (list price $29.95)

SE MZ101B Helping Hand with Magnifying Glass for $7.96 (list price $13.99)

CH Hanson 03040 Magnetic Stud Finder for $8.16 (list price $12.99)

DEWALT DW2166 45-Piece Screwdriving Set with Tough Case for $9.55 (list price $41.80)

Leyaron 2 Pack Car Safety Hammer, Emergency Safety Escape Tool with Seatbelt Cutter and Window Breaker, Auto Emergency Kit Tool, Life Saving Survival Kit for $9.99 (list price $19.99)

Stanley STHT20139L Rubber Grip Hacksaw for $7.75 (list price $14.99)

Bench Dog 10-035 Bench Cookie Work Grippers, 4-Pack for $9.99 (list price $15.63)

Hausbell 7W Ultra Bright Mini LED Flashlight Tactical Flashlight (2 Pack) for $6.99 (list price $10.99)

HaMi 200 LEDs Waterproof Starry String Lights with Flexible Silver Wire, 66-Feet (20 Meters) – White for $17.99 (list price $29.99)

Suaoki 28 LED Solar Lights Super Bright Outdoor Motion Sensor Lighting with Dim/Bright Lighting Mode Auto On/Off Weatherproof for Garden Backyard Patio Fencing Pathway Deck (Black) for $19.99 (list price $38.99)

RamPro Total Furniture Repair System – 12Pc Scratch Restore & Repair Touch-Up Kit – Felt Tip Markers, Wax Stick Crayons for $7.99 (list price $10.99)

AVANTEK DT41 Wireless Doorbell Kit with 36 Chimes, 1000ft Working Range for $9.99 (list price $29.99)

January 15, 2017 – 11:00am