18+ Times People Were Brutally Shot down by Someone They Liked

Rejection is never fun, but it’s especially brutal when it comes from someone you really admire.

In this article, AskReddit users share their personal stories of being shot down by people they were interested in. We’ve all been there, so I think you’ll be able to relate.

1. That’s not a good response

“She was a new server in a restaurant where I was a cook. We hit it off hard, lots of chemistry, always had a good time chatting during work hours. I floated along on this for two weeks and then one night as we were closing the store I asked if we could get together sometime. She said no in such an immediate and apprehensive way that I was a little bit shocked. I asked why not, she said “I really just don’t like you very much.”

I asked haven’t we been flirting it up for two weeks? She said yes. I asked what’s the deal with all that and I’ll never forget the answer.

“You just seemed like you really needed to meet someone and I felt sorry for you.”

She wasn’t wrong, but FUCK.”

2. Ouch

“A friend thought it would be funny to let slip to the girl I liked that I liked her.

Her response? “EW NO” “

3. Damn…

“Lots of flirting between a gal and I in one of my college courses. Went on for months. Finally work up the courage to ask her out and she replied with “not even if you were the last man on Earth.” Damn.”

4. Laughed at

“Got laughed at to my face. Not an exaggerated laugh, it was a true from the heart actual crack-up.”

5. Okay…

“Asked a girl out and she said she was a lesbian, two weeks later I saw her making out with a dude at a party.”

6. Thrown away

“In high school, a bunch of cheerleaders sat at the same table as part of my friend group. I had classes and mutual friends with a lot of them so it wasn’t out of the ordinary to talk to them. One girl was also in my Physics class and I was like, wow this girl has it going on. She was tall, blonde, stereotypically cheerleader hot, popular and also smart. We would talk inside and outside of class and often were in the same study groups. I took a liking to her, my friends convinced me to make a move.

One day at lunch, I told her I liked her and asked if we could go out. It seemed to be going well, she didn’t say no or give a negative reaction. 16 year old me couldn’t believe I was pulling this off, just like my friends told me I would! I don’t remember if she asked or I offered, but I had my number written on a piece of napkin and gave it to her. She accepted it and then had to leave early for cheer.

As she was walking out of the lunch room she stopped at the ends of the tables, looked back and made sure I was looking. Then, she crumpled up the napkin with my phone number and threw it with conviction into the trash. And turned around and walked out.”

7. Short

“I dated a girl for about two weeks in high school and she actually made a literal pro and cons list of me vs this other guy she worked with, and showed it to me when she broke up with me for him. The only pro on his list was “is hot” and the only con on mine was “is short”. That stuck with me for more than a decade.”

8. I’ve heard enough

“60 year old guy here. Met online, first “meet for coffee” date. After 20 minutes, she said “Well, I’ve heard enough here” and walked out. Ouch.”

9. That’s rough

“Not me, but a few weeks ago my coworker walked into a bar. Sat down and ordered a drink. A girl walked in a stood next to him waiting for the bartender. He looks over at her and said, “Hi”. She looked at him and said, “Sorry, I dont talk to guys with bitch tits.” And walked away.”

10. Oh my!

“She lit my number on fire and threw the ashes back at me.”

11. Not relationship material

“One time I was making out with this girl in her apartment and I said we should go on a date, we’d make a good couple. She laughed and said I’m not relationship material then continued making out with me.”

12. Unfave

” “What’s your name again” was my personal unfave.”

13. Ghosted

“I developed a crush on a friend. We talked all the time, and sent 50+ messages to each other on a daily basis. We’d known each other since kindergarten, and it was now senior year of high school. I tried to scratch the surface of some of his deep feelings and stuff, and he responded by promptly sending me a death curse, and ghosting me. In public, he pretended he had never met me before.”

14. Rough ride

“I was in 7th grade and had a huge crush on this 8th grader named Brittney. We both rode the bus to school, and I was the last person to get picked up in the morning (also last to get dropped off). We both would talk on the bus in the afternoons, and one day I decided to tell her how much I liked her, and asked if she would be my girlfriend. She said she would think about it. The next day I got on the bus to literally every kid on that thing chanting “SHE SAID NO! SHE SAID NO!” over and over again. Rough ride to school lol”

15. SMH

” “I can’t deal with a bf in a wheelchair”

It’s like… :/ Ok.”

16. How dare you…

“In my mid-20s I met a woman I was attracted to, and I made an uncharacteristic effort to get to know her. We’d run into each other about three times a week, and I pretty much got her entire life story in those meetings. From her mom raising her as a single parent to her lack of a relationship and feeling lonely, I heard about it all.

Weeks pass. I decide the way she keeps telling me about how alone she feels, and that she wants a boyfriend, is to hint to me she wants me to ask her out. I do so.

This resulted in about five minutes of her tearing me a new one, going on about how I wasn’t the kind of man she wanted and how dare I think she’d date me.

We never spoke again after that.”

17. Why?

“I think the first girl I asked out in 7th grade.

Me: “Do you want to go to the dance with me?”

Her: “Why me?” “

18. Laughed in my face…

“I was in junior high school and had a crush on one of the basketball players. I was obviously too stupid to know my place yet, so when I walked up to him on a break between class and asked him out (it may have been to a dance or something) he laughed in my face. When we crossed paths again he was with his friends, so he thought it would be hilarious to use his sports towel to choke me until a teacher intervened.

All I could think was “am I that ugly?” “

19. A fresh one

“Literally today, I finally built up the courage to ask out one of my good friends (girl), and i’ve been waiting to do this for legit months. I introduced her to a friend a week ago. I just found out they started dating a few days ago.

I sad.”

20. Brutal

“In middle school I had given a girl a note and earrings on Valentine’s day. I had finally built up the courage to give it to her. She was with her friend. They walked away for a few moments, and her friend skips back to me with the items and screams “REJECTED!” “

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