15 People Share the Most Awkward Things That Happened to Them in Public

Getting humiliated in public is THE WORST.

Get ready to cringe, because guys, if any of these happened to me I would just disappear due to sheer humiliation.

#15. Behold.

But isn’t it all about the journey? from Wellthatsucks

#14. Someone didn’t learn their lesson from Seinfeld.

#13. Not true but still funny.

#12. You weren’t supposed to touch that.

(Loses security deposit)

#11. I mean he could have been nicer about it.

#10. Awkward conversation ensues.

No need to explain from WhitePeopleTwitter

#9. Talent.

#8. Pretty sure he knew.

#7. You asked for it, really.

#6. There aren’t enough explanations in the world.

Go crazy from Wellthatsucks

#5. When there’s nothing to say.

#4. Now you’ve got to do laundry, too. Boo.

#3. Seems reasonable.

Whoops. from WhitePeopleTwitter


#2. I’m kind of thinking he deserves whatever if he yells at his mom like that.


#1. We’ve got a biter.


There aren’t enough cringes in the world.

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