Feeling like you need a break from your everyday life? Let memes transport you away!
Memes are created by people all over the world, so if you think about it, scrolling through memes is really like being a sophisticated globe-trotter, taking in the cultures and perspectives of all the world’s peoples.
Or maybe it’s just fun. Whichever perspective helps you more. Let’s explore some memes together and feel like we’re doing something today!
11. Could you BE any more you?
Via: someecards
10. Yeah, I’m lettin’ loose
Via: someecards
9. Appetizer anxiety
Via: someecards
8. Bruh that’s a choke-hold
Via: someecards
7. Dogs abhor a vacuum
Via: someecards
6. “Ok but why?”
Via: someecards
5. Spontaneous generation fails again
Via: someecards
4. Bet they all still canceled D&D tho
Nobody talks about Jesus' miracle of having 12 close friends in his 30s
— LEGO Joseph Smith (@Mormonger) March 18, 2018
3. We’re all kids at heart
I hate driving behind school buses because I just know all of the cool kids in the back are looking at me and making fun of me.
— Brent Pozza (@brentpozza) November 2, 2017
2. Give me one good Riesling not to
Time it takes to wash your hands:
20 seconds
Time it takes me to finish a glass of wine:
15 seconds— Women Who Love Wine (@wwlwine) March 12, 2020
1. We all have a legacy
why is my biggest achievement being the second picture on google when you search mental breakdown pic.twitter.com/QeCcmThfVv
— erin gilfoy (@eringilfoy) March 11, 2019
Wasn’t that exciting? Those memes could have come from anywhere! Like very stupid messages in internet bottles, floating along the waves of bandwidth. It’s beautiful, really.
Which one was your favorite?
Vote in the comments.
The post 11 Memes to Help You Escape Reality appeared first on UberFacts.