Having lived in America for well over a decade now, I admit there are a lot of things on this list that don’t seem as weird to me anymore. That said, when I first got here, there were definitely plenty of foods that had me confused AF. At the very least, I will say that Americans are… unrestrictedly creative with the things they do to food.
1. This is actually a great idea that doesn’t belong here. I just wanted you to see it.
2. That is deep fried butter, and I am amused.
3. That is deep fried sugar, and I am horrified.
4. This is bad enough without the chocolate chips.
6. Like this. Wtf is THIS?
7. These are pickles brined in Kool Aid. Just stop it.
That’s right. They’re called Koolickles.
8. Listen, I’ll eat it, but we can’t be calling it ‘cheddar cheese’, people.
9. Why do people pay for snow cones?? It’s just ice! IT’S A CUP OF ICE CAROL
10. A donut bun cheeseburger is one of the more ‘American’ things I’ve seen…
11. Ok but why tho
12. I have questions…
13. Oh, so we’re flavoring condiments with other condiments now? Cool.
14. I am going to give this points for creativity, and you can’t stop me.
15. Have you ever really thought about what jerky is? Cuz I guarantee your teeth and cholesterol have.
16. Explain how this applies to chips, please.
17. We’re deep frying bubble gum now? WHAT FOR
18. “Excuse me, ma’am, is that a brick of fries O_O”
19. Oooo. “Natural butter flavor with other natural flavors contains no butter” is one of my all-time favorites.
We should all be ashamed about that last one. Truly.
The post These 19 Photos Are Proof That Americans Do the Weirdest Things with Food appeared first on UberFacts.