Having lived in America for well over a decade now, I admit there are a lot of things on this list that don’t seem as weird to me anymore. That said, when I first got here, there were definitely plenty of foods that had me confused AF. At the very least, I will say that Americans are… unrestrictedly creative with the things they do to food.
1. This is actually a great idea that doesn’t belong here. I just wanted you to see it.
Photo Credit: Imgur
2. That is deep fried butter, and I am amused.
Photo Credit: Instagram
3. That is deep fried sugar, and I am horrified.
Photo Credit: Twitter
4. This is bad enough without the chocolate chips.
Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter
6. Like this. Wtf is THIS?
Photo Credit: Imgur
7. These are pickles brined in Kool Aid. Just stop it.
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
That’s right. They’re called Koolickles.
Photo Credit: Instagram
8. Listen, I’ll eat it, but we can’t be calling it ‘cheddar cheese’, people.
Photo Credit:
9. Why do people pay for snow cones?? It’s just ice! IT’S A CUP OF ICE CAROL
Photo Credit: Instagram
10. A donut bun cheeseburger is one of the more ‘American’ things I’ve seen…
Photo Credit: Twitter
11. Ok but why tho
Photo Credit: Twitter
12. I have questions…
Photo Credit: Twitter
13. Oh, so we’re flavoring condiments with other condiments now? Cool.
Photo Credit: Twitter
14. I am going to give this points for creativity, and you can’t stop me.
Photo Credit: Twitter
15. Have you ever really thought about what jerky is? Cuz I guarantee your teeth and cholesterol have.
Photo Credit: Flickr, andreelau
16. Explain how this applies to chips, please.
Photo Credit: Twitter
17. We’re deep frying bubble gum now? WHAT FOR
Photo Credit: Twitter
18. “Excuse me, ma’am, is that a brick of fries O_O”
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
19. Oooo. “Natural butter flavor with other natural flavors contains no butter” is one of my all-time favorites.
Photo Credit: Twitter
We should all be ashamed about that last one. Truly.
The post These 19 Photos Are Proof That Americans Do the Weirdest Things with Food appeared first on UberFacts.