Kids can say some truly hilarious things without even meaning to. I mean sure, sometimes they’re inopportune and inappropriate and we can’t actually laugh at them in the moment, but that doesn’t make them any less funny.
Lucky for you, these 17 kids aren’t yours. So feel free to go ahead and laugh right away.
#17. “We had a local elementary school decorate paper bags for Earth Day, and I found this one leftover.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
Complete tragedy that this bag wasn’t featured front and center.
#16. “My friend’s son struggling to pick up a book.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
Hey, they can’t all be geniuses.
Photo Credit: Twitter
#14. “I, too, have a daughter going places.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
Such a proud moment.
#13. “My friend got her daughter’s basketball team pictures today.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
Framers. Every. One.
#12. “When your 3-year-old tells the man at McDonald’s that his pants are falling down.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
He calls ’em like he sees ’em.
#11. “My 11-year-old has started drawing fat, middle-aged Batman at the beach and it’s everything you never knew you needed in life.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
I’m going to need this movie adaptation immediately.
#10. “My daughter has been picking her own clothes and watching her big brother get on the bus.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
This picture is perfection.
#9. “I might need to have a talk with my daughter, but I’m not sure what I’d even say.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
Maybe just save yourself.
#8. “Toddler was asked to feed the cat.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
You’re going to need to be more specific.
#7. “This kid was a fart for Halloween.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
First, farts are funny. Second, never squash anyone’s creativity, man.
#6. Welp, we had a good run.
Photo Credit: Twitter
#5. “At five months old my son already has the best school photo ever.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
How will he ever top this?
#4. “How I find out that my son tried to access my tablet.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
The progression is everything.
#3. “My 7-year-old sister loves dinosaurs, but my parents got her a dollhouse for Christmas. This is what I came home to tonight.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
Hey, dinosaurs need homes too.
#2. “My daughter’s Christmas list.”
Photo Credit: Reddit
If you don’t get her a cat after all that, you’ve got no heart.
#1. I’d say call that a parenting win and move on.
Photo Credit: Twitter
I mean…smart kid.
These are almost enough to make me want to have another child. Almost.
The post These 15+ Kids Have No Idea How Hilarious They Are appeared first on UberFacts.