12+ People Reveal Why They Turned Down Sex With a Person They Were Interested In

There are many reasons why people turn down doing the deed with someone they actually want to sleep with.

Maybe you knew it would mess up a good friendship? Maybe the person is a friend’s ex?

People on AskReddit admitted what stopped them from having sex with someone they were interested in.

1. Something stinks


He was charming, funny, model-level good looks, smart, and a hard worker. I was counting my lucky stars. I never saw his home until we were on the verge of having sex. I walked in the door and it smelled like sh*t. Literally. He had no pets, and he lived alone. When he opened the door the smell came pouring out and practically hit me in the face. He asked me what was wrong because I started to gag before walking through the door.

Let me be clear: I am not exaggerating here. I’m not prissy or sensitive to smells. I worked part time in the baby room of a daycare and spent a good portion of my days at the time cleaning up baby shit. I worked my summers on a farm cleaning up shit every year.

This guy’s apartment smelled like a sewage processing plant, and when I tried to enter the doorway thinking “maybe he just has a plumbing problem” it was very evident that this guy had probably never cleaned a damn thing in his life because the living room was a disaster zone not fit for humans to occupy.

My vag sealed itself shut and I had to leave. I told him I couldn’t come in anymore and left. When we talked later I told him the mess was a problem and I couldn’t come over till he cleaned up, and he said that he was hoping I would “just take care of that now that we’re getting serious.” “

2. Nope

“She said :”it’s alright if you don’t wash yourself for a long time, because after 3 or 4 days the body start excreting a natural soap.”

Nope, nope, nope, motherf*kin’ nope!”

3. Heartbreaker

“He had a girlfriend, plus I was in love with him, and he was just drunk and probably didn’t even want me. Oh, and I was also a virgin. If I didn’t turn it down, I’m sure for him it would be just a one time thing he’d prefer to forget once he’s sober, but for me it would just break my heart.”

4. Can’t do that to a friend

“She’d just broken up with her boyfriend (my friend at the time).

She made her intentions well known when she invited me over to her house in front of everyone.

I was a virgin at the time and would have loved to but I couldn’t do that to a friend.”

5. Dirty talk

“We were getting hot and heavy on my couch, and as I was taking off her top getting ready to have sex with her she mentioned how she couldn’t wait to introduce me to her kids. I shrugged it off (I knew she was a single Mom). But, every time after that…she’d talk dirty, say something sexy, then she had to mention how I’d get along with her son. Or, she said that I could talk comic books with the boy when I came over. Yup. That killed my lust drive.”

6. Happy ending

“Same girl, 2 times. First time we were 19. I had just buried my father that day and was drinking myself into a coma. She kissed me and after a while go back to my room. I was too drunk to go through with it. For what ever reasons nothing went forward from that day. Skips a year or 2 into the future and we’re both at a bar drinking. We go back to my place and we’re making out. I step away to use the restroom before we start. 2min later I come back and she’s already asleep in my bed topless. I get her woken up enough to put her bra back on, and then tuck her in for the evening. Again, we go dark after that for a few years.

Well, 5 years ago she’s now separated from her abusive ex husband and living in the next state over. She comes to town for a week to watch her parents house while they go on vacation. Our old gang gets back together for an evening and the 2 of us are hitting it off once again. Except now we’re both more mature and stay sober enough to actually go through with it. We now have 2 daughters and I can’t Imagine a day without the 3 of them.”

7. You made the right choice

“The classic take a girl home from a bar without protection. She popped birth control in front of me and said let’s do it anyway. I remembered a wise reddit post once saying the girls that offer with no protection are the last girls you want to use no protection with. So I ubered home and smoked a bowl and made a hot pocket instead.”

8. Cray cray

“She was baby crazy.

Like flat out stating “I want to use you for your sperm and condoms are not an option” style.

I was twenty, and absolutely not looking to be a father, so I declined.

So she went and f*cked a random guy at a New Years Eve party.”

9. A shame…

“Bad breath, I think she had a dead tooth or something. A shame.”

10. Never heard that one before

“I met this guy in college and we’d flirted a lot for about 6 months and had electric chemistry, but we were never able to time a hook up. One night, we wound up at the same party and were talking a ton, but my friends got too drunk or something, so I wound up having to leave early. Guy texted me and asked if I wanted to hang out after he left the party, and I said yes. I was all excited, especially since I’d had a 1 year dry spell, but then, as I was waiting for him to show up, I wound up watching a documentary about 9/11. It was the 10 year anniversary, so it was basically nonstop coverage that weekend. I was definitely drunk, which definitely meant I started crying, so I wound up telling him not to bother coming over. So yes, I turned down sex with someone because I was too sad about 9/11.

We DID finally end up sealing the deal about a month later, and had a FWB situation for the months that followed. Then, we actually wound up trying to date about 2 years after that, which was a giant dumpster fire. I never told him why I flaked when we were supposed to hook up that first time.”

11. Taken

“Had a friend/coworker come on to me at her apartment. One day she texts me asking to come over to hang out, which I’d done before and mainly consisted of playing some Mario kart 64 or watching TV. When I get there she answers the door in just her panties and a shirt which totally caught me off guard.

While we were watching tv she says her and her boyfriend were in a rough patch of not having sex and she wasn’t too happy with that. She then asks if I can help end that problem for her and starts to rub herself through her panties while staring right at me. I start to freak because as much as I’d wanted to, I had a girlfriend. I tell her I can’t and it wouldn’t be right to both of our S/O’s, even though deep down I wanted to. We proceeded to watch tv for about 10 awkward minutes before I told her I had to leave. Drove home with the bluest of balls that night.”

12. Needed a friend

“She had a lot of issues and has medication for them. She asked me if she could come over one day because she was having a breakdown. She came over, sat down and just burst into tears. I calmed her down, held her close and did my usual stupid cheering up thing I do which made her feel better. Through all the cuddling and holding one thing led to another and before we knew it all our clothes were off.

I suddenly realized that she was on a new medication that she was just prescribed and was high as a kite. I have a rule that I don’t do stuff with someone new for the first time if they’re under the influence of anything so I said we should stop and called it a night. Just chilled. Became good friends and have been for over a year now. She’s a good friend and she may have a lot of issues but she powers through them one day at a time and I respect her immensely for it.”

13. Don’t listen to that

“He spent over an hour trying to convince me he didn’t need to use a condom. He complained about it so much that I didn’t trust him not to take it off when I was in a position not to notice.

So I told him the night was cancelled, dropped him off at his hotel (old friend driving through town), and haven’t talked to him since.”

14. Drunk

“I’d only recently met this girl, started dating and I was so super into her. We went to a fancy dress party (Halloween) and were both drinking loads and she came back to mine and started to get down to business, but she was way drunker than me. I thought we were getting on so incredibly well up to that night, I didn’t want our first time together to be a drunken blur.

So I stopped her in her tracks and she eventually, reluctantly agreed – room then went spinny for her, and she threw up shortly after… I managed to clean up the bed & bedsheets (well… took them off the bed immediately) and get her to bed. The following morning, she had zero recollection of any of it – she could remember being sick in my bathroom and I wasn’t gonna bring up the bedsheets and her not taking no for an answer.

That was almost seven years ago now. She’s currently 4 months pregnant with our first child. About a year ago (when the #metoo and consent/drunk consent was all the rage) the topic came up and I broke it to her that on that first night, she’d not taken no for an answer and had been sick on my bed sheets. She was mortified and embarrassed but it’s all fine, obviously.

The funniest part? She apologized for when she woke up the following morning in my bed and though she said nothing, she’d been silently judging me because my bedsheets were in the wash and I had no covers on my mattress or quilt and she was questioning what kind of a weirdo would have no bedsheets… Always makes me laugh thinking back on that night. Still love her to bits and delighted our first time together wasn’t a drunken blur.”

15. Narcissistic?

“He called me his own name during foreplay.”

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Facts About Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is a cancerous growth that affects the lining of the chest or abdomen. The most common form of Mesothelioma is Pleural Mesothelioma, where the cancer growths form on the pleura, the sac position on the chest that protects the lungs. Other forms of Mesothelioma interfere with the peritoneum (belly button lining) and the pericardium (which lines around the sympathy). Causes of Mesothelioma There is extensive and indisputable medical evidence that Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. There is no other known cause. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber material that has been widely used throughout the 20th

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15 Goodwill Workers Shared the Weirdest Things People Have Donated

One person’s trash is another’s treasure. You know some occasional treasures turn up at Goodwill…but you gotta believe there’s also a lot of wacky stuff. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to work at a Goodwill place just to see all the strange things people get rid of. Weird clothes, knickknacks, books, etc.

AskReddit users share the weirdest things they’ve seen turn up at Goodwill stores.

1. Mice!

“Goodwill was my first job. My first day of working there, I opened a box and saw some yarn. It looked suspicious, so I poked it and a bunch of pinkies (baby mice) crawled out.

That was a pretty good indicator of what the next year of my employment was going to be like. The only thing I really learned was that people take “donation” to mean “free trash dump.” “

2. Bad timing

“During the Austin, TX serial bombings earlier this year, someone donated an artillery simulation device that ended up going off while being sorted and led to minor injuries to an employee and mass hysteria that the bomber had started to target donation drop offs.

Bad weird donation. Worse timing.”

3. No thanks

“A Blazer Vest with a LIVE BAT comfortably nestled inside it, cute little guy.

Never got pictures, was before the age of smartphones I’m afraid. Got the thickest pair of gloves to carefully grab him and release him outside.”

4. Quite a story

“This was 7 years ago now. Had a lady in her late thirties donate everything in her house. A whole moving truck full. I didn’t notice anything odd until it was almost empty. She was acting nostalgic, yet semi flippant about giving it all away. At the end she asked if she could pray for me and the co-worker that helped unload the truck. After she drove away I had a sinking feeling about this lady.

I told my boss that nothing about this lady seemed right. We ended up racing through some of the boxes to look for info, found a bunch of journals and things from therapists over the years. Turns out she’d been living with mental illness for most of her life, and was giving us all her stuff so she could go home and end her life.

I asked my boss to call the police, and an officer apparently contacted her sister. They prevented her from committing suicide that day. I’m unsure if she’s still alive today, but I hope she wasn’t mad at me for trying to help. :/”

5. Kind of gross

“Old porn DVD’s donated with a crock pot full of moldy bean water.”

6. Score!

“I used to work at Value Village and one day somebody brought in an entire truck load of machines used in a convenience store. Those hot dog rollers, slurpee machine, warming cases and surprisingly that ended up selling them.”

7. Hopefully it goes to a nice home

“A glass jar labeled “fart june. 1975” “

8. The Mystery Knitter

“The mystery knitter. So every so often, at various times of various days, a bag would appear. A nondescript white bag, full, with white tissue paper on top. In the bag would be beautiful knitted baby wear – cardigans, hats, bootees, all different sizes and colors.

All hand knitted, with the same talcum powder scent. We’d try to stake the front of shop out to find out who but we never did. I still go in for a chat and a rummage and the Mystery Knitter is still at it. We like to think of some wee old lady lurking around until the coast is clear then finagling the bag into the shop and leaving the scene unnoticed.”

9. That’s cool

“One time a guy came to the donation center and asked me, “do you guys take magazines?” I told him, “generally no, unless they’re old enough to potentially be collectable.” He said “why don’t you take a look at them and let me know what you think?”

So I open up the first box, and right on top is a Time Magazine with a picture of the Moon landing, dated July of 1969. So of course I tell the guy “yeah ok, we can take these.” He had two boxes of them, and most of them were pretty big stories, though I can’t remember any others he had off the top of my head.”

10. A whole smorgasbord

“I was a lead at a goodwill until about summer last year but man, the stuff we would see. Enjoy!

“Oh my god my time to shine.

“Peter Meter” -a really tall- “shot glass,” to measure wang size with
Fully loaded guns
Meth, at least three times
And my personal favorite, our poor dead guy Gregory. He’s a box of ashes that we have to keep in the cash room, because we have to wait for Loss Control (or whoever) to pick him up. He’s been with us for over a year now, because no one from Corporate ever takes him, and myself and quite a few coworkers are very fond of him. Any time we get a new cashier, we make sure to introduce them to Greg, and any time something weird happens, well, it was probably Gregory’s ghost.”

11. I hope nobody took them

“Bath salts

..the drug.”

12. What a deal!

“My friend had a summer job at a Goodwill in Sacramento. Someone ended up literally donating a greasy McDonald’s french fry wrapper. He was told to put it in the toys section. It was sold for 49 cents.”

13. Wear your gloves

“One of the weirder things I have found was a hard cover cardboard children’s book with a hole directly in the middle. Each page of the book had a unique background (e.g. a hot dog bun) and presumably the reader was supposed to stick their d*ck through the hole to see it in front of a specific background. Goes without saying that I made sure I had gloves on before I threw that one out.”

14. Two for one!

“When I worked there we got a
pink d*ldo with a taser on the other end.”

15. Poor guy

“It was my second week working in processing housewares. I opened a black trash bag to find a half stuffed raccoon…. it was like someone began the taxidermy process but didn’t finish. Poor lil trash panda.”

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You Might Feel Bad Laughing at These 12+ Funny Photos

You might be a terrible person for laughing at these photos…but don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Let’s be terrible together!


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These 20 Hilarious Tweets Are Just for Cat Lovers

We love our feline friends, even if they tend to treat us like they could care less about our who we are and how we are doing.

If you have a kitty, you know the drill. Here are 20 cat tweets that are sure to make you nod in agreement.


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18+ Times People Were Brutally Shot down by Someone They Liked

Rejection is never fun, but it’s especially brutal when it comes from someone you really admire.

In this article, AskReddit users share their personal stories of being shot down by people they were interested in. We’ve all been there, so I think you’ll be able to relate.

1. That’s not a good response

“She was a new server in a restaurant where I was a cook. We hit it off hard, lots of chemistry, always had a good time chatting during work hours. I floated along on this for two weeks and then one night as we were closing the store I asked if we could get together sometime. She said no in such an immediate and apprehensive way that I was a little bit shocked. I asked why not, she said “I really just don’t like you very much.”

I asked haven’t we been flirting it up for two weeks? She said yes. I asked what’s the deal with all that and I’ll never forget the answer.

“You just seemed like you really needed to meet someone and I felt sorry for you.”

She wasn’t wrong, but FUCK.”

2. Ouch

“A friend thought it would be funny to let slip to the girl I liked that I liked her.

Her response? “EW NO” “

3. Damn…

“Lots of flirting between a gal and I in one of my college courses. Went on for months. Finally work up the courage to ask her out and she replied with “not even if you were the last man on Earth.” Damn.”

4. Laughed at

“Got laughed at to my face. Not an exaggerated laugh, it was a true from the heart actual crack-up.”

5. Okay…

“Asked a girl out and she said she was a lesbian, two weeks later I saw her making out with a dude at a party.”

6. Thrown away

“In high school, a bunch of cheerleaders sat at the same table as part of my friend group. I had classes and mutual friends with a lot of them so it wasn’t out of the ordinary to talk to them. One girl was also in my Physics class and I was like, wow this girl has it going on. She was tall, blonde, stereotypically cheerleader hot, popular and also smart. We would talk inside and outside of class and often were in the same study groups. I took a liking to her, my friends convinced me to make a move.

One day at lunch, I told her I liked her and asked if we could go out. It seemed to be going well, she didn’t say no or give a negative reaction. 16 year old me couldn’t believe I was pulling this off, just like my friends told me I would! I don’t remember if she asked or I offered, but I had my number written on a piece of napkin and gave it to her. She accepted it and then had to leave early for cheer.

As she was walking out of the lunch room she stopped at the ends of the tables, looked back and made sure I was looking. Then, she crumpled up the napkin with my phone number and threw it with conviction into the trash. And turned around and walked out.”

7. Short

“I dated a girl for about two weeks in high school and she actually made a literal pro and cons list of me vs this other guy she worked with, and showed it to me when she broke up with me for him. The only pro on his list was “is hot” and the only con on mine was “is short”. That stuck with me for more than a decade.”

8. I’ve heard enough

“60 year old guy here. Met online, first “meet for coffee” date. After 20 minutes, she said “Well, I’ve heard enough here” and walked out. Ouch.”

9. That’s rough

“Not me, but a few weeks ago my coworker walked into a bar. Sat down and ordered a drink. A girl walked in a stood next to him waiting for the bartender. He looks over at her and said, “Hi”. She looked at him and said, “Sorry, I dont talk to guys with bitch tits.” And walked away.”

10. Oh my!

“She lit my number on fire and threw the ashes back at me.”

11. Not relationship material

“One time I was making out with this girl in her apartment and I said we should go on a date, we’d make a good couple. She laughed and said I’m not relationship material then continued making out with me.”

12. Unfave

” “What’s your name again” was my personal unfave.”

13. Ghosted

“I developed a crush on a friend. We talked all the time, and sent 50+ messages to each other on a daily basis. We’d known each other since kindergarten, and it was now senior year of high school. I tried to scratch the surface of some of his deep feelings and stuff, and he responded by promptly sending me a death curse, and ghosting me. In public, he pretended he had never met me before.”

14. Rough ride

“I was in 7th grade and had a huge crush on this 8th grader named Brittney. We both rode the bus to school, and I was the last person to get picked up in the morning (also last to get dropped off). We both would talk on the bus in the afternoons, and one day I decided to tell her how much I liked her, and asked if she would be my girlfriend. She said she would think about it. The next day I got on the bus to literally every kid on that thing chanting “SHE SAID NO! SHE SAID NO!” over and over again. Rough ride to school lol”

15. SMH

” “I can’t deal with a bf in a wheelchair”

It’s like… :/ Ok.”

16. How dare you…

“In my mid-20s I met a woman I was attracted to, and I made an uncharacteristic effort to get to know her. We’d run into each other about three times a week, and I pretty much got her entire life story in those meetings. From her mom raising her as a single parent to her lack of a relationship and feeling lonely, I heard about it all.

Weeks pass. I decide the way she keeps telling me about how alone she feels, and that she wants a boyfriend, is to hint to me she wants me to ask her out. I do so.

This resulted in about five minutes of her tearing me a new one, going on about how I wasn’t the kind of man she wanted and how dare I think she’d date me.

We never spoke again after that.”

17. Why?

“I think the first girl I asked out in 7th grade.

Me: “Do you want to go to the dance with me?”

Her: “Why me?” “

18. Laughed in my face…

“I was in junior high school and had a crush on one of the basketball players. I was obviously too stupid to know my place yet, so when I walked up to him on a break between class and asked him out (it may have been to a dance or something) he laughed in my face. When we crossed paths again he was with his friends, so he thought it would be hilarious to use his sports towel to choke me until a teacher intervened.

All I could think was “am I that ugly?” “

19. A fresh one

“Literally today, I finally built up the courage to ask out one of my good friends (girl), and i’ve been waiting to do this for legit months. I introduced her to a friend a week ago. I just found out they started dating a few days ago.

I sad.”

20. Brutal

“In middle school I had given a girl a note and earrings on Valentine’s day. I had finally built up the courage to give it to her. She was with her friend. They walked away for a few moments, and her friend skips back to me with the items and screams “REJECTED!” “

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7 Music Legends Who All Died Too Soon at the Age of 27

Several prominent musicians, many considered to be legends, have died untimely deaths at the age of 27. This strange phenomenon is now referred to as “The 27 Club.”

Read through this list to learn about the different celebrities who have ended up on this tragic list.

1. Robert Johnson (1911-1938)

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

One of the most iconic blues musicians in history, the man who supposedly sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for his musical abilities died at age 27 in 1938, supposedly after he was poisoned by a lover’s jealous boyfriend or husband.

2. Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The icon of the early 1990s grunge movement found fame to be unbearable. Cobain struggled with drug addiction and tragically ended his own life in April 1994 in his Seattle home.

3. Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Often cited as one of the greatest guitar players of all time, Hendrix passed away at the age of 27 in London, England in his sleep. Hendrix’s cause of death was choking on his own vomit.

4. Janis Joplin (1943-1970)

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Joplin was the singer of Big Brother and the Holding Company before she embarked on a solo career. Joplin had a serious drug and alcohol habit, and she died of a heroin overdose in a hotel in Hollywood only three weeks after the death of Jimi Hendrix.

5. Jim Morrison (1943-1971)

Photo Credit: Public Domain

The man known as “The Lizard King” became a legend as the lead singer of The Doors in the late 1960s. Morrison’s drinking habit spun out of control and he became known for his unpredictable behavior. Morrison died of a heroin overdose in Paris, France in 1971.

6. Brian Jones (1942-1969)

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

The Rolling Stones member was forced out of the legendary band in June 1969. The following month, on July 3, 1969, Jones was found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool at his house in England. Drugs and alcohol were to blame for his death.

7. Amy Winehouse (1983-2011)

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Amy Winehouse was known for her unique voice and her blend of influences. Like many of her successful predecessors, the singer had drug and alcohol problems. After years of struggles, Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning in her London apartment at the age of 27.

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The 20 Funniest Tweets from Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds sure is entertaining on the big screen, but he’s equally humorous when it comes to social media.

Here are 20 of Mr. Reynolds’ funniest tweets. Hey, he seems like he’s just a regular guy, which is refreshing.


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Singles Reveal Their Favorite Question to Break the Ice on a First Date

First dates can be an awkward experience for both people involved, but perhaps the hardest part is figuring out how to break the ice right from the start.

If you have no clue how to do this, let these 15 experienced daters help you out with the questions they’ve found to be the most helpful ways to grease the wheels of the evening.  Who knows, maybe you’ll discover the perfect first date opener in the process.


#15. Make or break

“Do they use tabs or spaces?

It can make or break.”

#14. Because I never pass up a “Seinfeld” reference

“What’s the deal with Ovaltine?”

#13. What makes them tick

“Family. Occupation. Likes/ dislikes. Movies/ tv/ entertainment. Travel. Dreams. History of clothing/ accessories they have. Hobbies (this is a great one to get them on a talking train and to quickly get to know what makes them tick).”

#12. You hear about Pluto?

“You hear about Pluto? That’s messed up, right?”

#11. Childhood facts

“Anything about their childhood and where they grew up. You can learn a lot about them based on that, and lots of people like talking about it.”

#10. Very important

“So, are you single?”

#9. Some good ideas

“Their favorite meal as a kid, the ones their mom or dad would make them when they were either down or celebrating. This usually branches to some good honest stories.

If it’s near Halloween, favorite or least favorite costume they ever had is an easy one.

Also I have no godly idea why, but one I found on Reddit is 3) if you could ride any animal whatsoever safely, what would it be? For some that ones gotten me a lot of mileage.”

#8. Trick question

“Coke or pepsi, trick question water. She falls madly in love with you, you tell her to meet you in germany, you go to argentina, 18 years later she finds you, turns out she has a son, its yours, you offer to meet in paris. Jokes on her, you went to japan.”

#7. For your date

“Date questions:

What are some of the small pleasures in life?

Are you close with your family?

What would you do with the spare bedroom in your dream home?

Tell me about a really embarrassing moment in your life.

Fav place to travel?

What do you like to do for fun?

What is your high point/low point for today?

Do you have any nicknames?

Have any guilty pleasures?

Have any pet peeves?

When is your birthday?

Are you a morning person?”

#6. Acronyms are fun

“FORD. Family, occupation, recreation, dreams.

RAPE. Religion, something I forget [*abortion], Politics, Ex’es.

The dos and don’ts.”

#5. Check ’em off

“What is on your bucket list.”

#4. Your favorite animal

“What is your favorite animal, and why is it bigfoot?”

#3. I hope she likes bad jokes

“Do you like Titanic? No wait, That’s a bad icebreaker.”

#2. Answer must be yes

“Do you like bread?”

#1. Paranoia will get you far in life

“Are you wearing a wire?”

There you go — take them or leave them!

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10 Origins Stories of Your Favorite Ghosts, Monsters, and Creepy Things

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year and that’s mostly because October is hands down the best month. The weather gets nice and cool, the leaves change colors, and there are all sorts of spooky activities to enjoy!

In the spirit of the season, here are the interesting origins behind 10 monsters, ghosts, and spooky things.

1. Jack-o’-lanterns

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What’s Halloween without jack-o’-lanterns? The answer: no fun at all. The ubiquitous decoration is named after an Irish myth wherein a character called Stingy Jack is doomed to walk the Earth, unable to get into Heaven or Hell, because he tricked the Devil.

Jack used a lantern made out of a carved-up turnip to light his endless wandering way. Irish immigrants changed the candle holder to a pumpkin after they made their way to their new country, America.

2. Poltergeist

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This German word means “noisy spirit.” The first claim of a poltergeist may date all the way back to 94 A.D. to Jewish historian Flavius Josephus when he reported on an exorcism. The “unclean spirit” turned over a bowl of water after being exorcised from the unfortunate individual.

3. Friday the 13th

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

There’s actually a word that describes a fear of the number 13: triskaidekaphobia. Some believe that the superstition around Friday the 13th stems from the Last Supper because 12 disciples joined Jesus and he was crucified on a Friday. Others argue that the fear of the date comes from the early 20th-century when author Thomas Lawson wrote a book called Friday the Thirteenth.

4. Vampires

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Vampires saturate our pop culture landscape, from books to movies to TV to comic books. These creatures became part of the popular lexicon through books such as The Vampyre John Polidori by in 1819 and Bram Stoker’s Dracula in 1897.

5. The Kraken

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The Kraken is a mythical sea creature in Nordic folklore that was rumored to be able to swallow entire ships. Some believe that the creature has its origins with sailors’ encounters with giant squid.

6. Boo!

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Bet you’ve never thought about the origins of this word, have you? The word is found in a book from 1738 called Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence Display’d by author Gilbert Crokatt and described as “a word that’s used in the north of Scotland to frighten crying children.” Boo!

7. Crystal balls

Photo Credit: Unsplash,Mathilda Khoo

Crystal balls may have been described as early as the 1st century by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History. The Roman author describes magic performed with all kinds of tools, including water and balls. Pliny also discussed “scrying”, a procedure that Druids used to gain insight by staring into water, crystals, and mirrors.

8. Banshee

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Another Irish creation (they are clever, aren’t they?) also known as a “fairy woman”, banshees foretell the death of a family by wailing and screaming…like a banshee. Get it?

9. Bloody Mary

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How many times did you turn off the lights and chant “Bloody Mary” into a mirror with your friends on a dark, scary night? This ritual may be named after Queen Mary I, who put many Protestants to death and thus earned the nickname “Bloody Mary.” Try it again this Halloween and see if she shows up!

10. Trick or treating

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Trick or treating began in the Middle Ages in Europe when children and poor adults would dress up in costumes (then called “guising”) and beg for food in exchange for songs and prayers.

Guising morphed into trick or treating in North America, and the first recorded instance of the term is from Alberta, Canada in 1927.

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