20+ Times Things Got Really, Really Weird With Complete Strangers

Meeting new people is an inevitable part of life, and for some folks it can be cringey AF because they’re just so damn awkward and they make every situation they’re in that way.

Yeah, don’t blame the strangers. Blame your own damn self!

Let’s get real, ya’ll!

1. SLAP! Oh shiiiiiii…

I played this game with some buddies in college where we would slap each other’s necks really hard.

I saw my friend studying at the library, went from behind him and slapped him really hard.

It turned out to be some total stranger and not my friend! I almost went #2 in my pants and so did the other guy.

2. Walmart is always weird…

An old man behind me in a Walmart checkout called out a common nickname of mine. I turned to face him and didn’t immediately recognize him. He was gushing with tears in his eyes about how much he loved me and how he couldn’t wait to go home with me.

I asked him if it was possible he had me confused with a different person. The guy’s tears started falling, and he began choking apologies through sobs. Apparently, I was a dead ringer for his long-dead wife.

Combine that and the dementia setting in and presto, Walmart meltdown.

3. Beardfinger!

I did something awkward at work.

There was a guy who came in with his kids and had a big bushy beard. He came up to the cash register and asked me where to find an item. I was a little overenthusiastic I suppose because I stuck my fingers out straight ahead to point him in the right direction and they went straight into his beard!

I felt like I had assaulted him, but luckily we laughed it off.

4. Too many feelings…

One time, I was in a sporting goods store at the mall. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shirt with a really cool design and fabric.

I started feeling the fabric to see how warm it would be, when all of a sudden I heard, “Dude. What’re you doing.” I looked up and it wasn’t a mannequin. It was a man.

My eyes grew wide and I fled. Left the mall even.

5. Wait… what?!? DAD!!!

Once, when I was about 10, I got in the passenger side of what I thought was my dad’s car.

I was waiting for a few minutes and then the real owner of the car came. At first, I was terrified that he was going to kidnap me and steal the car, so I started scrambling for the door handle. Then he started yelling at me for being in his car. That’s when I realized I was in the wrong car and booked it back to the store, where my dad was waiting and laughing hysterically.

He saw me get in the wrong car and just waited to watch it play out.

6. The vomit comet

When I was about 13, I went on a school trip which included a boat ride.

It was a windy day and the sea was rough, so like most of my friends, I got extremely seasick. The toilets were full of puking school kids so when it was my turn to churn I found a space along the rail and let loose.

I aimed down at the sea but the wind whipped my vomit about 20 feet over to a middle-aged man who was enjoying the sea air. As I watched in horror, he registered that he was being spattered with something, but it was only when my second wave hit that our eyes met and I saw his face change from confusion to horror.

I had no words, just more vomit, so he hurried off, presumably to clean himself. Thankfully, I didn’t see him again; but I’m sure I ruined his day.

7. Yeah, race isn’t a good conversation starter…

I worked security at an aquatic theme park and was watching Jeopardy in the employee entrance. One of the veterinarians came through and watched it with me for a bit. He said he watched it religiously and was hoping to get selected as a contestant. He’d heard that they like to have a diverse group of contestants, and they hadn’t had a black guy for a while, so he liked his chances.

A few days later, there were two black contestants on the show, so when I saw him the next time, I asked:

“Hey, did you catch Jeopardy last week?”

“No, why?” he responded.

“There were two black guys on it,” I explained.

He just stared at me blankly for a few seconds, then walked off. That’s when I realized I was talking to a completely different gentleman.

8. Abort hug! ABORT!

I went to a new doctor years ago because the medicine I was taking to help quit an addiction of mine was making me very sick.

After meeting with her and having a great conversation about how she also struggled with the same addiction for years, our appointment came to an end.

As I was leaving the room and opened the door, I turned around to thank her for the encouraging words. Her arm was raised up in a “gimme a hug, not a handshake” position. I thought, okay sure, and went in for the hug.

As soon as I did, I heard her say, “Oh, okay?” in a puzzled tone and immediately realized she was reaching for the door behind me, not asking for a hug.

I aborted the hug which made me look more awkward and raced out of the doctor’s office as fast as I could.

9. TBH… this is fucking hilarious!

My dad loves buying clothes for me but he’s bad at guessing my size.

He’ll find a complete stranger that he thinks looks like me and have them try the stuff on. Then he’ll take their picture and send it to me.

It’s super weird and I can’t get him to realize how creepy it is.

My favorite pics he’s sent is a five-year-old wearing a hat (we had the same hair color) and a scared looking older woman wearing a coat (we were the same height).

10. Stealing a fist bump…

I thought some random guy was trying to give me a fist bump while walking down the street.

It turned out, he just was trying to scratch his nose. I just got an awkward high five and fist bump thing.

I avoided all eye contact after that and slowly shuffled back to my grandmother.

11. Hey, a compliment is a compliment!

I got on an elevator with a woman and she had on these really nice boots on, so I complimented them by saying, “Nice boots.”

She cupped her breasts and said, “Well, you’re not shy; thank you, they’re real.” Then I immediately realized I said she thought I said, “Nice boobs.”

Longest elevator ride ever.

To this day, whenever I say boots in any context, I do so with a very hard deliberate “T.”

12. Oh you want some of this…?

I took an Uber once where the driver obviously stopped at McDonald’s on his way to get me and had the bag on the passenger seat.

He kept munching on fries and my desire for them grew so much that I asked him if I could have some. I wish this was a love story and I wish I could tell you we shared his fries and are still great friends to this day, but I cannot.

He gave me a firm no and kept on driving.

13. What a jerk off…

Had to use a public restroom and the guy in the stall next to me forgot to lower the volume (or put his headphones in) and I heard the jingle from a very specific company that makes animated adult entertainment.

The person quickly made sure the video was no longer audible for me but it was too late, I knew what he was going to do. I don’t think he knew that I knew what he was watching, but to have to sit there waiting for my body to clean itself out while knowing that he was watching animated adult videos in the stall next to me made me nervous as all hell.

14. Ya best leave them alone…

I was at a bar bathroom in a stall doing illicit drugs with a friend and he started talking about the two hot chicks at the bar.

All of a sudden, we heard a guy say, “Are you talking about the two girls at the bar?” My friend said, “Yeah, they’re hot.” He responded, ‘Well, one’s my sister and the other’s, my girlfriend.”

We tiptoed out of there as he was finishing his business in his stall.

15. Speechless…

One time, I was driving around town with my friend when I noticed I was being followed by an older car. I made several left turns that eventually made us go in a big circle, to which he followed. At this point, I was getting nervous, so I pulled into a convenience store and turned around. He did the same exact thing.

After this, I decided I’d pull into the closest business and go inside. I pulled into a shop where I knew the owner and walked in with my friend. The stranger followed us in, looked around a bit and said, “My soul is saved… Is yours?”

At that point, my friend, the owner and I were all speechless. The stranger then stared at us, calmly walked back to his car and drove away. I’ve never been so confused in my life.

16. Sores

I worked at a hotel front desk. An old, maybe 75-year-old lady called the front desk and wanted a pillow delivered to her room. When I got there with the pillow, she wanted me to come inside. I’m like “Uh no, here is your pillow,” but she insisted, so I did.

I got inside and she shut the door. She told me to put the pillow on the bed, then went to a drawer in her dresser. At this time I was like, “I need to return to the front desk,” thinking the worst.

She proceeded to pull out a box of bandaids and wanted me to put them on the open sores on her feet.

I noped out of there as fast as I could and left before she came down for morning breakfast.

17. Behind you…

I was standing behind this guy waiting for the elevator in a hotel. We were down in the lobby and it was busy with lots of people coming and going, so he obviously hadn’t noticed me. Once the elevator doors opened, he got in, but he still didn’t see me walk past him on the other side. As SOON as the doors closed, while obviously still under the impression that he was alone, he let out this heinous flatulence that went on for about ten seconds.

Midway through, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted me standing just behind him. The poor guy almost jumped out of his skin. He was staring at me as if he’d just seen a ghost. I was staring at him with what I can only assume was a fairly horrified expression.

18. Toe virgin

The first time I went to get a pedicure, I went with my mother-in-law. She’s a very loud woman who often doesn’t understand what she’s saying.

She kept screaming at the pedicurist, “BE GENTLE WITH HER, SHE’S A TOE VIRGIN. SHE’S A TOE VIRGIN. DON’T POUND HER.”

God help me, I will never go back.

19. Oh hai!

I hooked up with a guy in college and fell asleep in his dorm room.

I woke up in the middle of the night needing to go #1 so badly but I was unable to find any of my clothes right away. I ended up spending so long trying to find them in the dark that by the time I had enough to wear out in the hall, I didn’t think I’d make it.

He was still sleeping, so I grabbed a big reusable water bottle and squatted over it. It was blissful relief until I looked over and saw his roommate staring at me in horror.

20. 7/11 moves…

I tried to make some moves on a girl when I was in high school.

We were in a 7/11 near the back, and because of the late hour, I figured we were alone. When she turned me down and left, I decided to drown my sorrows with a bag of Sour Patch Kids and physically ran into the older, bearded man who had been buying nuts.

He gave me a sympathetic look and opened his mouth as if to say something, and I panicked. I said, “See you tomorrow!” and left the store.

21. Yeah, and….

The first time I hung out with a girl I knew from a bar, I paid for dinner because she had comped me so many cocktails before.

She took that as a sign that I wanted to hook up with her and I got really uncomfortable.

I ended up apologizing for buying dinner.

22. Donut judge me!

I was at the grocery store with my wife and when we were passing the donut section I said, “I’m going to humiliate those donuts.”

I knew it was something that would make her laugh.

When I said it, I turned around and saw that there was a woman in line who was not my wife.

She didn’t laugh.

23. Well, this worked out tho…

When I was in college, I was waiting for a shuttle bus and a girl I had previously been in a class with walked up to the stop with a guy I didn’t know.

I said to her, “Hi, how are you,” and we had a short exchange of pleasantries. Then she turned to the guy next to her and in sign language said: “I don’t remember her name.”

So I sign, “That’s okay, I don’t remember your name either.” I then offered my hand to the guy with her and introduced myself.

Hey, nice boots! 🤣🤣🤣

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16 Tweets on Dating That Are Just So Damn Relatable

What happens when you’re dating and your BFFs just can’t relate?

Well, you turn to Twitter immediately!

Because the tweeple out there are just friends you haven’t met yet, and they wise AF, will never judge you and they throw so many pearls of wisdom around, you’ll have enough for twenty truth necklaces.

Let’s read dem tweets, fam!

1. Yes, we did hug at the end. Who wants more details?

2. Is this one of those prank shows?

3. Oh no. No no no…

4. Yeah, don’t fly too close to the sun…

5. Just 623? Amateur…

6. She has a point…

If you didn’t relate to anything in that pile of wisdom, I don’t know what to tell you.

7. You just hope it’s lil ugly instead of big pretty…

8. Oh stop it! You wouldn’t make babies cry… much.

9. Oh you too? Hmmm, there’s a lot of us these days…

10. Why do our minds always go there?!?

11. And that trash patch in the middle of the ocean is massive!

12. But what if I don’t want a date right now…

13. lol just jk…

14. Damn… who do you hang around?

15. Yeah, but how big is that wall’s d**k?

16. So is that a fire sign or…?

Maybe look on Insta and following some influencers, because I got nothing more for ya.

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5 Extremely Creative Ways to Recycle

People everywhere are taking heed of what climate scientists have to say about the dire state of our planet. We have a long way to go as far as reducing waste, but one day  – and one idea – at a time, right? To that end, below are 5 interesting, out-of-the-box ways people are trying to save the planet.

#1. Turning trash into treasure.

In Eskilstuna, Sweden, they’re taking the phrase “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure” to the max in a shopping center that sells only upcycled, recycled, or sustainable merchandise. Patrons can drop off objects they no longer want and mall customers can shop for everything from furniture to clothes and sporting equipments.

#2. It’s gone to the hogs.

Image Credit: Farragutful

The Mall of America is the largest shopping center in the States and it’s also perhaps the greenest. They’ve got LED garage lighting, water-efficient toilets, air-purifying plants and trees, and they also recycle more than 2400 tons of food waste by donating it to local hog farms.

It also recycles about 60% of its total waste – 32,000 tons!

#3. Dirty diapers can still be useful.

Canadian company Knowaste was founded in 1989 and recycles diapers and other absorbent hygiene products by stripping them of their plastic and fiber and turning them into composite construction materials, pet litter, and industrial tubing.

It’s a dirty job, saving the Earth!

#4. Old crayon, new crayon.

Crayons are cheap, which makes them easy enough to toss when they’re down to nubs (or your adorable toddler goes through their “break everything” phase). They aren’t biodegradable, though, so a North California nonprofit called The Crayon Initiative melts them down and turns them back into new crayons.

They then donate them to children’s hospitals.

#5. It’s getting hairy.

If you’ve been throwing out your (or your pets) clumps of hair, you’re doing it wrong – Matter of Trust, a San Francisco based charity, collects hair and fur and uses it to make oil-absorbing mats and other tools used by Hazmat teams to clean up oil spills.

We can only do it together!

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This Guy Plotted for a Whole Year to Spoil “Avengers: Endgame” For a Stranger Who Spoiled “Avengers: Infinity War” For Him

They say revenge is a dish best served cold, and if so, this one was served at absolute zero (for non-nerds, that’s zero on the Kelvin scale, equivalent to –459.67°F).


If you haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame yet, the rest of this post is definitely going to have a bunch of spoilers you don’t want to see yet. Bookmark this post, go watch the movie in theaters, then come back and enjoy this afterward.

Ok, moving on.

Reddit user Jus10Sch lays out the story, but not before labelling his post with the warning we just gave you!!!!

Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch

And then the fun began…

Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch

Yeah, you read that right. He messaged this guy for 7 WHOLE MONTHS.

And then, he got the good news he had been waiting for…

Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch

We don’t ever recommend taking a bunch of pictures in a theatre, but this was revenge!

And yeah, he got Iron Man dying too…

Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch

His “friend” was serious befuddled…

Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch

That is stone fucking cold.

A worthy revenge if I’ve ever seen one.


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15 People Share The Things They Wished They’d Known About Life as an Adult

Whether it’s college or your first apartment on your own, moving out of your parents house always comes with surprises – some good, others bad, and a good number we wish someone would have warned us about ahead of time.

Below are 15 that would have been nice to have had some warning for, right?

#1. No one is going to do it for me.

Happy things don’t just happen. You decide to do them.

All those fun events and great memories you had growing up? The birthday parties, beach trips, days you decided to turn the living room into a castle of sheets and cushions?

My parents deliberately planned those things (or gave their own time on a whim) because they wanted me to be happy.

Even if I’m tired from work, I try to plan fun, silly events and always celebrate holidays, because I realized no one’s going to do it for me anymore.

Edit: This comment really seemed to resonate with people! Thanks for the comments and bling. I’m glad this made you happy, or think, or feel seen.

For all those without parents or guardians that made things special for you, I’m sorry. You deserved to have someone who cared.

For those who ask, How do you make special things happen on your own? Or when life is busy, or when you’re poor?, here are some things I’ve done to make my own life nice:

I pick myself wildflower bouquets… or sometimes from people’s shrubs if they’re near the road shhhh
I often take myself to the beach
I like to drive fast with my windows down and good music blaring
I journal a lot
I take myself out to the movies on week nights! I actually prefer to see movies alone. I’m free to emote as I please, and I don’t have to explain anything to anyone.
I strike up a lot of random conversations with people on transit, restaurant waitstaff, folks working at coffee shops, etc. It feels good to make human connections.
I teach. Teaching is one big high for me.
I’m always on the lookout for neat treasures on the ground. Lone earrings, a nice rock, and red autumn leaf.
Get a warm cup some something and hold it in both hands while you walk around on a cold day. Best ever.
I guess these aren’t necessarily holiday-things, but they’re still special, and make my life joyful.

#2. Being sick.

Being on my own if I got sick. I once got food poisoning when my roommate was away for the weekend. Vomiting every 20-30 minutes for an entire day. I was severely dehydrated and didn’t even have the strength to walk to the drug store for meds and gatorade.

#3. All that stuff.

The amount of small things that needs to be done on everyday basis: cooking, house cleaning, dish washing, laundry, etc… And this does not include homework (if you are a student), hobbies, personal life… I’m just so tired of all that stuff.

#4. The magic toilet fairy.


Edit: Having read all the replies, it appears that I am the Toilet Roll Fairy! I am glad to have reminded you all to buy more!

#5. I still can’t get over it.

You need to actually THINK about what you want to eat each and every day. I still can’t get over it.

#6. I can’t chill.

How alike my mom and I are. I used to tell her to chill with the household chores.

She couldn’t chill.

I can’t chill.

Must. Clean…

#7. Condiments and spices.

Not having condiments or spices on hand. I took for granted having salt and pepper and whatever spice I needed in the cupboard. Buying all that at once can add up quickly.

#8. Drinkable water.

Water cost money. I grew up on a farm with well water. It completely blew me away people had to pay for tap water. Years later I feel bad for people in cities that dont provide drinkable water.

Our home town had an oil pipe burst and contaminated their drinking water. Many people came to our farm for drinkable water.

#9. Reality check.

The cost of food and how fast it goes bad.

#10. My idea of independence.

How wrong my idea of “independence” was.

Sure, you can do whatever you want whenever you want. But almost every activity generates waste in some capacity that YOU need to deal with.

Also, if you have a full-time job, having to forego hanging out with friends that don’t. Sorry guys, I can’t hang out until 2 am on Tuesday to play video games anymore. Gotta be up at 6!

#11. Sad, but true.

The fact that $100 is no longer a lot of money.

#12. How reassuring it was.

Come back to a dark, liveless home in the evenings.

Since my mom worked 6am 2pm until a few years ago, and we lived with my grandparents, there were always someone home when I’d come back from school. Even if we didn’t chat, there were someone there, moving around, doing their own things. It sometimes was annoying because I sometimes was tired and needed peace and quite. But I underunstimate how much reassuring it was.

#13. The depressing post.

The amount of depressing things that come in the post: bills etc.

#14. Food.

Food is SO EXPENSIVE. I moved out a few months ago and that’s been the thing I was least equipped to deal with.

#15. Very small and secluded.

Loneliness by far. I loved living by myself, but lying in bed without my cat on my bed, or without hearing my mom laughing downstairs made the room feel very small and secluded.

Take heed, everyone about ready to strike out on their own!

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Apparently, “Texas” Means “Crazy” In Norway

The stars at night may be big and bright deep in the heart of Texas, but the Lone Star state is apparently famous for something very different across the pond – people in Norway are now using the word ‘Texas’ as an adjective to describe an atmosphere that’s unpredictable, chaotic, exhilarating, or even scary.

Image Credit: Pixabay

To be clear, they don’t use it to describe a person (yet), but rather a place or situation or a thing.

I mean, I’ve lived in Texas, so I have to say, I think it could also work for people.

Example: Det var helt texas (It (a party?) was completely texas).

Image Credit: Pixabay

According to Texas Monthly, Norwegians have used the slang word for several decades; it’s basically a throwback to Texas’ rough-and-tumble history and all of the associations that go along with the Wild West. There are news articles that use the term to describe everything from truck drivers tackling dangerous routes to a raucous soccer match or a swordfish snagged in a fjord.

I’m really not even sure what my response to this should be, though I would love to know exactly how the expression came to be and evolved in popular use.

Image Credit: Pixabay

And why I’m only hearing about it now.

At least I’ve passed it on to y’all, and that’s what matters. Now, keep it going!

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The REAL Meaning of “S.O.S.” Might Just Surprise You

You may think you know what the letters in the universal distress call stand for, but chances are you’re wrong. Many guess that it means “save our souls,” while others believe it’s “save our ship,” but neither is the truth.

And that’s because the letters don’t stand for anything at all.

The Morse code string of three dots, three dashers, and three dots can be read as SOS, so the moniker has stuck – even though the real Morse code version is continuous, without a break or space. It could have been OSO that came to symbolize “Help me!” but it’s not as nice, I guess.

The letters themselves have now morphed into their own version of the distress call – they even get spelled out on the ground in order to be seen from a greater distance.

Image Credit: Pixabay

In the early 20th century, radiotelegraph machines made their way only ships, where seamen used them to send messages and signal distress in the event a voyage took a dangerous turn. In those days, three short, three long, three short pattern wasn’t anything in particular, just a meaningless sequence.

Until 1906, different organizations and countries had their own, separate distress signals. In that year, the International Wireless Telegraph Convention convened in Berlin and officially called for the establishment of an international distress call; the Morse “SOS” went into effect on July 1, 1908.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The first recorded use took place in August of 1909: the wireless operators on the SS Arapahoe sent the signal when the ship was disabled off the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

Fun Fact: some companies and operators were reluctant to give up on the traditional ways, and when the RMS Titanic struck that fateful iceberg, operators first sent out an old distress call before trying SOS.

Not saying it would have mattered, but it is interesting.

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The Mountain From “Game Of Thrones” Has a Wife, and Their Size Difference is Adorable

Meet Thor Björnsson!


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He’s the 6′ 9″ 425 lbs behemoth who plays The Mountain on ‘Game of Thrones’.

He lives by some simple rules…

1. I haven’t skipped a meal in 10 years.
2. I never miss a workout.
3. I never miss my 6-8 hours of sleep every night.
4. I never stay up late.
5. I never drink alcohol.

AND he’s got a wife!

According to her Insta, she’s 5’2″ and weighs 116 pounds.

You know what’s coming next… because the title told you…

She could literally fit inside of him…

So how does he fit… nevermind…


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Pretty fly! I’m a lucky guy 😎

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They work out at the same gym. His gym mostly.

Unless they’re on the road…

And he can probably do this for an hour at a time…


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Dope shot!! Check out how relaxed Kelsey is!! This is what I call, complete trust 100%!! @kelc33 . @platinumheritage

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And with two hands… two hours at a time…

There’s a lot of these…

So many….

His head is as big as the camel’s and her head is as big as the camel’s nose…

Okay, I think that’s probably enough.

No, one more…

Turnabout is fair play!

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Guy Who Disowned Sister for Marrying His Bully Asks The Internet if He’s the Bad Guy. They Assure Him He’s Not

Whatever your dilemma in life, chances are there’s a subreddit for it. For instance, if you’re struggling with whether or not you handled a situation in the right way, there’s the AITA subreddit, where you can ask strangers, “Am I the asshole?” for a given situation. Redditors then (mostly) comment with YTA or NTA, meaning You’re The Asshole or Not The Asshole.

Usually people get a mix of comments, but the following thread, “AITA for cutting my sister out of my life for getting engaged to my worst highschool bully?” gave user /MightBeAnAsshole overwhelming support in the form of over 5,000 comments.

Here’s the set up…

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

So yeah, the bully is borderline psychotic.

Maybe one isolated incident of somebody getting hurt, but breaking an arm and a detached retina?

Nahhhh, that guy is no good.

Unfortunately, the guy’s sister fancied the bully.

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

And the parents don’t seem to be much help either.

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

As mentioned, reddit users were quick to swoop in and assure /MightBeAnAsshole that he was not, in any way, an asshole.

Because really, how could somebody’s family be okay with that past violence?

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

One user rightly pointed out again that the bully isn’t even sorry… which is nuts.

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

Yeah, remember… the sister IS A TWIN.

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

Some saw the sister’s point of view, but that still doesn’t make the guy an asshole

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

Some wanted the guy to remind the bully of their past deeds

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

As you can probably tell, I completely agree with the sentiments the other reddit users shared. There’s no reason why you have to keep somebody in your life who condones somebody who was physically or emotionally abusive to you. Or, in this case, both!!!

If people do reprehensible shit, they should pay some kind of consequence. And sometimes the best way to get back at them is completely deny them your time or attention.

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The Secret Service agent…

The Secret Service agent who saved President Reagan’s life joined the Secret Service after seeing a movie starring Ronald Reagan as a Secret Service Agent.