Memes to Blast You Directly into the Past

I’ve always loved the term “yesteryear.” Though I’ve often wondered if it’s supposed to mean literally last year, a recent year, or just some vaguely romantic notion of the past.

Of course, words only mean things based on how we use them, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to me when I looked it up and found the definition literally included all three connotations.

With that in mind, I hope you’ll enjoy being blasted right back into yesteryear, via these nostalgic memes.

13. The sacred arts

“But I was saying ‘honk shoe’ and everything!”

Via: The Chive

12. The rat

Why you gotta tell on me like that?

Via: The Chive

11. The situation room

You gotta get in there and make ’em understand.

Via: The Chive

10. Decisions, decisions

There are ancient rites of divination that must be passed down.

Via: The Chive

9. Latchkey kids

How did more of us not die?
Or did it just not make the news?

Via: The Chive

8. Now that’s sharp

The ultimate quest in uselessness.

Via: The Chive

7. The sick day

Price is right can stay, the rest is garbage.

Via: The Chive

6. Choose your fighter

Are you a decent soul like Yoshi or some Wario sociopath?

Via: The Chive

5. Caught on tape

Keeping tapes properly labeled was a feat no one on earth could achieve.

Via: The Chive

4. And that man was…

Mr. Feeeeeeeeeeny!

Via: The Chive

3. True fear

“Oh cool, so this is how it ends.”

Via: The Chive

2. The hate you give

She had a part to play and she played it well.

Via: The Chive

1. So catchy

On the playground is where I spent most of my days…

Via: The Chive

Man. Yesteryear really was something.

What are you most nostalgic for right now?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes to Blast You Directly into the Past appeared first on UberFacts.