Whatever your dilemma in life, chances are there’s a subreddit for it. For instance, if you’re struggling with whether or not you handled a situation in the right way, there’s the AITA subreddit, where you can ask strangers, “Am I the asshole?” for a given situation. Redditors then (mostly) comment with YTA or NTA, meaning You’re The Asshole or Not The Asshole.
Usually people get a mix of comments, but the following thread, “AITA for cutting my sister out of my life for getting engaged to my worst highschool bully?” gave user /MightBeAnAsshole overwhelming support in the form of over 5,000 comments.
Here’s the set up…
Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA
So yeah, the bully is borderline psychotic.
Maybe one isolated incident of somebody getting hurt, but breaking an arm and a detached retina?
Nahhhh, that guy is no good.
Unfortunately, the guy’s sister fancied the bully.
Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA
And the parents don’t seem to be much help either.
Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA
As mentioned, reddit users were quick to swoop in and assure /MightBeAnAsshole that he was not, in any way, an asshole.
Because really, how could somebody’s family be okay with that past violence?
Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA
One user rightly pointed out again that the bully isn’t even sorry… which is nuts.
Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA
Yeah, remember… the sister IS A TWIN.
Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA
Some saw the sister’s point of view, but that still doesn’t make the guy an asshole
Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA
Some wanted the guy to remind the bully of their past deeds
Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA
As you can probably tell, I completely agree with the sentiments the other reddit users shared. There’s no reason why you have to keep somebody in your life who condones somebody who was physically or emotionally abusive to you. Or, in this case, both!!!
If people do reprehensible shit, they should pay some kind of consequence. And sometimes the best way to get back at them is completely deny them your time or attention.
The post Guy Who Disowned Sister for Marrying His Bully Asks The Internet if He’s the Bad Guy. They Assure Him He’s Not appeared first on UberFacts.