Cubs Fans Leave Amazing Tribute of Green Apples at Harry Caray’s Grave

filed under: baseball, Sports
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Getty Images

On October 6, 1991, the Chicago Cubs played the last game of a routinely underwhelming regular season. They went 77-83, placed fourth in their division, and missed out on the playoffs. For Cubs fans, it was just a drop in the bucket, another sun-drenched summer of baseball cut short before the postseason.

After the game, beloved Cubs broadcaster Harry Caray didn’t hang his head in disappointment. The eternal optimist, Caray stayed on the air to give fans a pep talk. “Too bad we couldn’t have had a victory that meant a pennant,” he said, “But that will come; sure as God made green apples. Some day the Chicago Cubs are going to be in the World Series.”

Sure enough, just as God made green apples, the Cubs did one better and actually won the World Series last night, ending 108 years of “waiting ’til next year.”

This was the scene this morning at Harry Caray’s grave at All Saints Catholic Cemetery in the Chicago suburb of Des Plaines, Illinois. As sure as God made green apples, Cubs fans made sure to leave behind the most appropriate tribute possible:

Congrats, Harry. You were right.

November 3, 2016 – 3:00pm
