Before dogfighting was a thing….

Before dogfighting was a thing, enemy pilots would simply exchange waves or shake their fists at one another. At the beginning of WWI, recon pilots would often resort to throwing bricks, grenades, and even rope in hopes that it would get entangled in the enemy’s propellor.

In WWI, many British naval…

In WWI, many British naval ships were painted with “Dazzle Camo”, a camouflage scheme designed not to make them hard to see, but rather to create a confusing perspective that made judging ship type, speed, and direction difficult.

When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was…

When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered in his car – triggering the start of World War One – the number plate of his and his wife’s car read “AIII 118”. 11/11/18 was the date when the armistice was finally signed.